using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using PuzzleDefine; public class Board : MonoBehaviour { // public [Header("Nodes")] public List nodes = new List(); [Header("Board variables")] public int BoardIndex; public GAME_STATE state; public bool lockSwap; public int moveLeft; public int dropTime; public int score; public int star; public int target1Left; public int target2Left; public int target3Left; public int target4Left; public int row; public int column; public RowAlignmentType rowAlignmentType; public ColumnAlignmentType columnAlignmentType; [Header("Booster")] public BOOSTER_TYPE booster; public List boosterItems = new List(); public Item ovenTouchItem; [Header("Check")] public int destroyingItems; public int droppingItems; public int flyingItems; public int matching; [Header("")] public bool movingGingerbread; public bool generatingGingerbread; public bool skipGenerateGingerbread; public bool showingInspiringPopup; public int skipGingerbreadCount; [Header("Item Lists")] public List changingList; public List sameColorList; [Header("Swap")] public Item touchedItem; public Item swappedItem; // UI [Header("UI")] public GameObject target1; public GameObject target2; public GameObject target3; public GameObject target4; public UITarget UITarget; public UITop UITop; // Popup [Header("Popup")] public PopupOpener targetPopup; public PopupOpener completedPopup; public PopupOpener winPopup; public PopupOpener losePopup; public PopupOpener noMatchesPopup; public PopupOpener plus5MovesPopup; public PopupOpener amazingPopup; public PopupOpener excellentPopup; public PopupOpener greatPopup; // hint [Header("Hint")] public int checkHintCall; public int showHintCall; public List hintItems = new List(); [Header("HeroSkill")] public bool heroSkillDisplay; public Vector2Int heroSkillPos; public Vector2Int heroSkillSize; // private Vector3 firstNodePosition; void Awake() { // debug if (LevelLoader.instance.level == 0) { LevelLoader.instance.LoadLevel(true); } } public void Init() { state = GAME_STATE.PREPARING_LEVEL; moveLeft = LevelLoader.instance.moves; target1Left = LevelLoader.instance.target1Amount; target2Left = LevelLoader.instance.target2Amount; target3Left = LevelLoader.instance.target3Amount; target4Left = LevelLoader.instance.target4Amount; GenerateBoard(); BeginBooster(); // reset color of the random cookie to make sure there is no match in the original board //GenerateNoMatches(); // open target popup // TargetPopup(); } // float Timer; // float ClickGap = 0.5f; void Update() { //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) //{ // Application.Quit(); //} // if(Timer(); var item = hit.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (skillDisplayer != null && skillDisplayer.currBoard.BoardIndex == BoardIndex) { skillDisplayer.TryCastSkill(); } else if (item != null && item.board.BoardIndex == BoardIndex) { PuzzleGameMode.main.PlayerChoosePosition(PuzzleGameMode.main.GetItemPosition(item)); //DestroyBoosterItems(item); } } } if (state == GAME_STATE.WAITING_USER_SWAP && lockSwap == false && moveLeft > 0) { if (Configure.instance.touchIsSwallowed == true && GameObject.Find("Help") != null && GameObject.Find("Help").activeSelf == true) { return; } // no booster if (booster == BOOSTER_TYPE.NONE) { // // mouse down //if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) //{ // // hit the collier // Collider2D hit = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)); // if (hit != null) // { // Item item = hit.gameObject.GetComponent(); // if (item != null) // { // if (item.Movable()) // { // item.drag = true; // item.mousePostion = item.GetMousePosition(); // item.deltaPosition =; // movingGingerbread = false; // generatingGingerbread = false; // skipGenerateGingerbread = false; // } // } // } } // mouse up //else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) // { // Collider2D hit = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)); // if (hit != null) // { // var item = hit.gameObject.GetComponent(); // if (item != null) // { // item.drag = false; // item.swapDirection =; // } // } // } //} // use booster else { //if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) //{ // Collider2D hit = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)); // if (hit != null) // { // var item = hit.gameObject.GetComponent(); // if (item != null) // { // PuzzleGameMode.main.PlayerChoosePosition(PuzzleGameMode.main.GetItemPosition(item)); // //DestroyBoosterItems(item); // } // } //} } } // if state is WAITING_USER_SWAP // fix freezing board if (state == GAME_STATE.DESTROYING_ITEMS) { if (lockSwap == false && destroyingItems == 0 && droppingItems == 0 && flyingItems == 0 && matching == 0) { state = GAME_STATE.WAITING_USER_SWAP; } } } #region Board void GenerateBoard() { row = LevelLoader.instance.row; column = LevelLoader.instance.column; if (LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData != null) { row = (int)LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.BoardSizeList[BoardIndex].x; column = (int)LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.BoardSizeList[BoardIndex].y; } for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var order = NodeOrder(i, j); GameObject node = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.NodePrefab())) as GameObject; node.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform, false); = "Node " + order; node.GetComponent().board = this; node.GetComponent().i = i; node.GetComponent().j = j; nodes.Add(node.GetComponent()); } // end for j } // end for i GenerateTileLayer(); GenerateTileBorder(); GenerateWaffleLayer(); GenerateItemLayer(); //GenerateCageLayer(); GenerateCollectibleBoxByColumn(); GenerateCollectibleBoxByNode(); } void GenerateTileLayer() { for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var order = NodeOrder(i, j); // var tileLayerData = LevelLoader.instance.tileLayerData; //var tileLayerData = LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.TileTypeList[BoardIndex].tileTypeData; GameObject tile = null; TILE_TYPE tileType; //switch (tileLayerData[order]) //{ // case TILE_TYPE.NONE: // tile = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.NoneTilePrefab())) as GameObject; // break; // case TILE_TYPE.PASS_THROUGH: // tile = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.NoneTilePrefab())) as GameObject; // break; // case TILE_TYPE.LIGHT_TILE: // tile = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.LightTilePrefab())) as GameObject; // break; // case TILE_TYPE.DARD_TILE: // tile = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.DarkTilePrefab())) as GameObject; // break; //} if (order % 2 == 0) { tile = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.LightTilePrefab())) as GameObject; tileType = TILE_TYPE.LIGHT_TILE; } else { tile = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.DarkTilePrefab())) as GameObject; tileType = TILE_TYPE.DARD_TILE; } if (tile) { tile.transform.SetParent(nodes[order].gameObject.transform); = "Tile"; tile.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition(i, j); tile.GetComponent().type = tileType; tile.GetComponent().node = nodes[order]; tile.transform.localScale = PuzzleGameMode.main.GetGemSize(); //if (tile.GetComponent()) tile.GetComponent().enabled = false; nodes[order].tile = tile.GetComponent(); } } // end for j } // end for i } void GenerateTileBorder() { // for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) // { // for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) // { // var order = NodeOrder(i, j); // nodes[order].tile.SetBorder(); // } // } } // waffle void GenerateWaffleLayer() { if (LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.WaffleTypeList == null || LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.WaffleTypeList.Count <= BoardIndex) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var order = NodeOrder(i, j); // var waffleLayerData = LevelLoader.instance.waffleLayerData; var waffleLayerData = LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.WaffleTypeList[BoardIndex].waffleTypeData; GameObject waffle = null; switch (waffleLayerData[order]) { case WAFFLE_TYPE.WAFFLE_1: waffle = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.Waffle1())) as GameObject; break; case WAFFLE_TYPE.WAFFLE_2: waffle = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.Waffle2())) as GameObject; break; case WAFFLE_TYPE.WAFFLE_3: waffle = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.Waffle3())) as GameObject; break; } if (waffle) { waffle.transform.SetParent(nodes[order].gameObject.transform); = "Waffle"; waffle.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition(i, j); waffle.GetComponent().type = waffleLayerData[order]; waffle.GetComponent().node = nodes[order]; nodes[order].waffle = waffle.GetComponent(); } } } } void GenerateItemLayer() { for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var order = NodeOrder(i, j); // var itemLayerData = LevelLoader.instance.itemLayerData; //var itemLayerData = LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.ItemTypeList[BoardIndex].itemTypeData; if (nodes[order].CanStoreItem()) { //nodes[order].GenerateItem(itemLayerData[order]); nodes[order].GenerateItem(ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAMDOM); // add mask var mask = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.Mask())) as GameObject; mask.transform.SetParent(nodes[order].transform); mask.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition(i, j); mask.transform.localScale = PuzzleGameMode.main.GetGemSize(); = "Mask"; } } } DealNoMatchCase( * -1); } Vector2 originlaPos = * -1; void DealNoMatchCase(Vector2 createPos) { bool canMatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var order = NodeOrder(i, j); Gem gem; HashSet connectedGems = new HashSet(); if (nodes[order].item != null) { PuzzleGameMode.main.CalcConnectionMatch(PuzzleGameMode.main.GetItemPosition(nodes[order].item), connectedGems, out gem); if (connectedGems.Count > 1) { canMatch = true; break; } } } if (canMatch) break; } if (!canMatch) { List canChangeList = GetCanChangeList(); if (canChangeList.Count <= 0) { return; } int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, canChangeList.Count); int randomRow = canChangeList[randomIndex].x; int randomColumn = canChangeList[randomIndex].y; if (createPos != * -1) { randomRow = (int)createPos.x; randomColumn = (int)createPos.y; } var order = NodeOrder(randomRow, randomColumn); int sameIndex = GetSameIndex(randomRow, randomColumn); if (nodes[order].CanStoreItem()) { if (nodes[order].item != null) { nodes[order].item.DestroyItem(); } if (nodes[sameIndex].item != null) { nodes[order].GenerateItem(nodes[sameIndex].item.type); } // nodes[order].item.DestroyItem(); // nodes[order].GenerateItem(nodes[sameIndex].item.type); } } } public List GetCanChangeList() { List changeList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var CurrNode = GetNode(i, j); if (CurrNode.CanStoreItem() && GetRoundCanStore(i, j)) { Vector2Int currVec = new Vector2Int(i, j); changeList.Add(currVec); } } } return changeList; } public int GetSameIndex(int i, int j) { var CurrNode = GetNode(i + 1, j); if (CurrNode != null && CurrNode.CanStoreItem()) { return NodeOrder(i + 1, j); } CurrNode = GetNode(i, j + 1); if (CurrNode != null && CurrNode.CanStoreItem()) { return NodeOrder(i, j + 1); } CurrNode = GetNode(i - 1, j); if (CurrNode != null && CurrNode.CanStoreItem()) { return NodeOrder(i - 1, j); } CurrNode = GetNode(i, j - 1); if (CurrNode != null && CurrNode.CanStoreItem()) { return NodeOrder(i, j - 1); } return -1; } public bool GetRoundCanStore(int i, int j) { var CurrNode = GetNode(i + 1, j); if (CurrNode != null && CurrNode.CanStoreItem()) { return true; } CurrNode = GetNode(i, j + 1); if (CurrNode != null && CurrNode.CanStoreItem()) { return true; } CurrNode = GetNode(i - 1, j); if (CurrNode != null && CurrNode.CanStoreItem()) { return true; } CurrNode = GetNode(i, j - 1); if (CurrNode != null && CurrNode.CanStoreItem()) { return true; } return false; } void GenerateCageLayer() { if (LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.CageTypeList == null || LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.CageTypeList.Count <= BoardIndex) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var order = NodeOrder(i, j); // var cageLayerData = LevelLoader.instance.cageLayerData; var cageLayerData = LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.CageTypeList[BoardIndex].cageTypeData; GameObject cage = null; switch (cageLayerData[order]) { case CAGE_TYPE.CAGE_1: cage = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.Cage1())) as GameObject; break; } if (cage) { cage.transform.SetParent(nodes[order].gameObject.transform); = "Cage"; cage.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition(i, j); cage.GetComponent().type = cageLayerData[order]; cage.GetComponent().node = nodes[order]; nodes[order].cage = cage.GetComponent(); } } } } void GenerateCollectibleBoxByColumn() { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target2Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target3Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target4Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE) { return; } // foreach (var column in LevelLoader.instance.collectibleCollectColumnMarkers) foreach (var column in LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.CollectibleCollectColumnMarkers) { var node = GetNode(row - 1, column); if (node != null && node.CanStoreItem() == true) { var box = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.CollectibleBox())) as GameObject; if (box) { box.transform.SetParent(node.gameObject.transform); = "Box"; box.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition(node.i, node.j) + new Vector3(0, -1 * NodeSize() + 0.2f, 0); } } } } void GenerateCollectibleBoxByNode() { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target2Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target3Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target4Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var order = NodeOrder(i, j); // if (LevelLoader.instance.collectibleCollectNodeMarkers.Contains(order)) if (LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.CollectibleCollectNodeMarkers.Contains(order)) { var node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null) { var box = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.CollectibleBox())) as GameObject; if (box) { box.transform.SetParent(node.gameObject.transform); = "Box"; box.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition(node.i, node.j) + new Vector3(0, -1 * NodeSize() + 0.2f, 0); } } } } } } #endregion #region Begin void BeginBooster() { if (Configure.instance.beginFiveMoves == true) { //Configure.instance.beginFiveMoves = false; GameData.instance.SaveBeginFiveMoves(GameData.instance.GetBeginFiveMoves() - 1); moveLeft += Configure.instance.plusMoves; } if (Configure.instance.beginRainbow == true) { Configure.instance.beginRainbow = false; GameData.instance.SaveBeginRainbow(GameData.instance.GetBeginRainbow() - 1); var items = GetListItems(); var cookies = new List(); foreach (var item in items) { if (item != null && item.IsCookie() && item.Movable()) { cookies.Add(item); } } var cookie = cookies[Random.Range(0, cookies.Count - 1)]; cookie.ChangeToRainbow(); } if (Configure.instance.beginBombBreaker == true) { Configure.instance.beginBombBreaker = false; GameData.instance.SaveBeginBombBreaker(GameData.instance.GetBeginBombBreaker() - 1); var items = GetListItems(); var cookies = new List(); foreach (var item in items) { if (item != null && item.IsCookie() && item.Movable()) { cookies.Add(item); } } var cookie = cookies[Random.Range(0, cookies.Count - 1)]; cookie.ChangeToBombBreaker(); } } #endregion #region Utility Vector3 CalculateFirstNodePosition() { // var width = NodeSize(); // var height = NodeSize(); // var offset = new Vector3(0, -1, 0); // return (new Vector3(-((column - 1) * width / 2), (row - 1) * height / 2, 0) + offset); var width = NodeSize(); var height = NodeSize(); if (columnAlignmentType == ColumnAlignmentType.Upper) { if (rowAlignmentType == RowAlignmentType.Left) { return new Vector3(width / 2, -height / 2, 0); } else if (rowAlignmentType == RowAlignmentType.Center) { return (new Vector3(-((column - 1) * width / 2), -height / 2, 0)); } else { return new Vector3(-(column - 1) * width - width / 2, -height / 2, 0); } } else if (columnAlignmentType == ColumnAlignmentType.Middle) { if (rowAlignmentType == RowAlignmentType.Left) { return new Vector3(width / 2, (row - 1) * height / 2, 0); } else if (rowAlignmentType == RowAlignmentType.Center) { return new Vector3(-((column - 1) * width / 2), (row - 1) * height / 2, 0); } else { return new Vector3(-(column - 1) * width - width / 2, (row - 1) * height / 2, 0); } } else { if (rowAlignmentType == RowAlignmentType.Left) { return new Vector3(width / 2, (row - 1) * height + height / 2, 0); } else if (rowAlignmentType == RowAlignmentType.Center) { return new Vector3(-((column - 1) * width / 2), (row - 1) * height + height / 2, 0); } else { return new Vector3(-(column - 1) * width - width / 2, (row - 1) * height + height / 2, 0); } } } public float NodeSize() { // return 0.672f; return 0.96f * PuzzleGameMode.main.PuzzleUXConfig.GemSize; } public Vector3 NodeLocalPosition(int i, int j) { var width = NodeSize(); var height = NodeSize(); if (firstNodePosition == { firstNodePosition = CalculateFirstNodePosition(); } var x = firstNodePosition.x + j * width; var y = firstNodePosition.y - i * height; return new Vector3(x, y, 0); } public int NodeOrder(int i, int j) { return (i * column + j); } public Node GetNode(int currRow, int currColumn) { if (currRow < 0 || currRow >= row || currColumn < 0 || currColumn >= column) { return null; } return nodes[currRow * column + currColumn]; } Vector3 ColumnFirstItemPosition(int i, int j) { Node node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null) { var item = node.item; if (item != null) { return item.gameObject.transform.position; } else { return ColumnFirstItemPosition(i + 1, j); } } else { return; } } // return a list of items public List GetListItems() { var items = new List(); foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node != null) { items.Add(node.item); } } return items; } #endregion #region Match // re-generate the board to make sure there is no "pre-matches" void GenerateNoMatches() { //Debug.Log("Start generating matches"); var combines = GetMatches(); do { foreach (var combine in combines) { int i = 0; foreach (var item in combine) { if (item != null) { // only re-generate color for random item if (item.OriginCookieType() == ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAMDOM) { item.GenerateColor(item.color + i); i++; } } } } combines = GetMatches(); } while (combines.Count > 0); //Debug.Log("End generating matches"); } // return the list of matches on the board public List> GetMatches(FIND_DIRECTION direction = FIND_DIRECTION.NONE, int matches = 3) { var combines = new List>(); for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { if (GetNode(i, j) != null) { List combine = GetNode(i, j).FindMatches(direction, matches); // combine can be null if (combine != null) { if (combine.Count >= matches) { combines.Add(combine); } } } } } return combines; } public void FindMatches() { //print("find matches"); //StartCoroutine(DestroyMatches()); StartCoroutine(NewDestoryMatches()); } IEnumerator NewDestoryMatches() { //var combines = GetMatches(); //foreach (var combine in combines) //{ // foreach (var item in combine) // { // item.Destroy(); // } //} while (destroyingItems > 0) { //Debug.Log("Destroying items"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Drop(); PuzzleGameMode.main.OnGemFallingFinished(); } // destroy the matches on the board IEnumerator DestroyMatches() { matching++; while (true) { var combines = GetMatches(); //Debug.Log("Number of combines: " + combines.Count); foreach (var combine in combines) { //Debug.Log("Combine count: " + combine.Count); if (combine.Count == 3 && combines.Count > 3) { // item in match-3 can be a bomb-breaker/x-breaker SetBombBreakerOrXBreakerCombine(GetMatches(FIND_DIRECTION.ROW)); } else if (combine.Count == 4) { SetColRowBreakerCombine(combine); } else if (combine.Count >= 5) { SetRainbowCombine(combine); } foreach (var item in combine) { item.Destroy(); } } // end foreach combines // wait until item destroy animation finish while (destroyingItems > 0) { //Debug.Log("Destroying items"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } // IMPORTANT: as describe in document Destroy is always delayed (but executed within the same frame). // So There is case destroyingItems = 0 BUT the item still exist that causes the GenerateNewItems function goes wrong yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); // new items Drop(); while (droppingItems > 0) { //Debug.Log("Dropping items"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); // check if collect collectible if (GetMatches().Count <= 0 && CollectCollectible() == false) { break; } // increase dropTime dropTime++; } // end while // wait until all flying items fly to top bar while (flyingItems > 0) { //Debug.Log("Flying items"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); if (matching > 1) { matching--; yield break; } PuzzleGameMode.main.OnGemFallingFinished(); // check if level complete //if (state == GAME_STATE.WAITING_USER_SWAP) //{ // if (moveLeft > 0) // { // if (IsLevelCompleted()) // { // StartCoroutine(PreWinAutoPlay()); // } // else // { // if (MoveGingerbread() == true) // { // yield return new WaitForSeconds(Configure.instance.swapTime); // yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); // FindMatches(); // } // if (GenerateGingerbread() == true) // { // yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); // FindMatches(); // } // if ( == false) // { // StartCoroutine(CheckHint()); // } // else // { // Help.instance.Show(); // } // } // } // else if (moveLeft == 0) // { // if (IsLevelCompleted()) // { // SaveLevelInfo(); // // show win popup // state = GAME_STATE.OPENING_POPUP; // winPopup.OpenPopup(); // AudioManager.instance.PopupWinAudio(); // } // else // { // // show lose popup // state = GAME_STATE.OPENING_POPUP; // losePopup.OpenPopup(); // AudioManager.instance.PopupLoseAudio(); // } // } //} matching--; // if dropTime >= 3 we should show some text like: grate, amazing, etc. if (dropTime >= Configure.instance.encouragingPopup && state == GAME_STATE.WAITING_USER_SWAP && showingInspiringPopup == false) { ShowInspiringPopup(); } // when finish function we can swap again //yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); lockSwap = false; } #endregion #region Drop void Drop() { if (LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData == null || LevelLoader.instance.currLevelData.FillMode == PuzzleGameMode.FillStrategies.Fall) { SetDropTargets(); GenerateNewItems(true,; Move(); DropItems(); } else { GenerateNewItems(false,; } PuzzleGameMode.main.OnAftermapFilled(); } // set drop target to the remain items void SetDropTargets() { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { //need to enumerate rows from bottom to top for (int i = row - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Node node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null) { Item item = node.item; if (item != null) { // start calculating new target for the node if (item.Movable()) { Node target = node.BottomNeighbor(); if (target != null && target.CanGoThrough()) { if (target.item == null) { // check rows below at this time GetNode(i + 1, j) = target for (int k = i + 2; k < row; k++) { if (GetNode(k, j) != null) { if (GetNode(k, j).item == null) { if (GetNode(k, j).CanStoreItem() == true) { target = GetNode(k, j); } } // if a node can not go through we do not need to check bellow if (GetNode(k, j).CanGoThrough() == false) { break; } else { if (GetNode(k, j).item != null) { if (GetNode(k, j).item.Movable() == false) { break; } } } } } } // after have the target we swap items on nodes if (target.item == null && target.CanStoreItem() == true) { target.item = item; target.item.gameObject.transform.SetParent(target.gameObject.transform); target.item.node = target; node.item = null; } } // end if target != null } // end item dropable } // end item != null } // end node != null } // end for i } // end for j } // after destroy and drop items then we generate new items void GenerateNewItems(bool IsDrop, Vector3 pos) { var marshmallowGenerated = false; Vector2 FinishPos = * -1; for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var space = -1; var itemPos =; for (int i = row - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (GetNode(i, j) != null) { if (GetNode(i, j).item == null && GetNode(i, j).CanGenerateNewItem() == true) { // if target is collectible the new item can be a collectible var collectible = false; // collectible is only generated on the highest row if (i == 0) { // check if need to generate new collectible if (CheckGenerateCollectible() != null && CheckGenerateCollectible().Count > 0 && (LevelLoader.instance.collectibleGenerateMarkers.Contains(j) || LevelLoader.instance.collectibleGenerateMarkers.Count == 0)) { collectible = true; } } // check if need to generate a new marshmallow var marshmallow = false; if (CheckGenerateMarshmallow() == true) { marshmallow = true; } if (pos != { itemPos = pos + Vector3.up * NodeSize(); } else { // calculate position of the new item if (i > space) { space = i; } // can pass through node var pass = 0; for (int k = 0; k < row; k++) { var node = GetNode(k, j); if (node != null && node.tile != null && node.tile.type == TILE_TYPE.PASS_THROUGH) { pass++; } else { break; } } itemPos = NodeLocalPosition(i, j) + Vector3.up * (space - pass + 1) * NodeSize(); } //print("COOKIE: Generate new item"); // if target is collectible then generate a new collectible item if (collectible == true && Random.Range(0, 2) == 1) { GetNode(i, j).GenerateItem(CheckGenerateCollectible()[Random.Range(0, CheckGenerateCollectible().Count)]); } // generate a marshmallow else if (marshmallow == true && Random.Range(0, 2) == 1 && marshmallowGenerated == false) { marshmallowGenerated = true; GetNode(i, j).GenerateItem(ITEM_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW); } // generate a new random cookie else { FinishPos.x = i; FinishPos.y = j; GetNode(i, j).GenerateItem(ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAMDOM); } // set position var newItem = GetNode(i, j).item; if (newItem != null) { if (IsDrop == true) { newItem.gameObject.transform.localPosition = itemPos; } else { newItem.gameObject.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition(i, j); } } } } } } DealNoMatchCase(FinishPos); } // move item to neighbor empty node void Move() { for (int i = row - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //need to enumerate rows from bottom to top for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { Node node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null) { if (node.item == null && node.CanStoreItem()) { Node source = node.GetSourceNode(); if (source != null) { // Debug.Log("source node: " +; // new item position var pos = ColumnFirstItemPosition(0, source.j); print(pos); // calculate move path List path = node.GetMovePath(); if (source.transform.position != NodeLocalPosition(source.i, source.j) + transform.position) { // if source item is just generated path.Add(NodeLocalPosition(source.i, source.j) + transform.position); } node.item = source.item; node.item.gameObject.transform.SetParent(node.gameObject.transform); node.item.node = node; source.item = null; if (path.Count > 1) { path.Reverse(); node.item.dropPath = path; } SetDropTargets(); GenerateNewItems(true, pos); } // end if source node != null } } // end if node != null } // for j } // for i } // drop item to new position void DropItems() { //print("COOKIE: Drop items"); for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { for (int i = row - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (GetNode(i, j) != null) { if (GetNode(i, j).item != null) { GetNode(i, j).item.Drop(); } } } } } #endregion #region Item // this function check all the items and set them to be bomb-breaker/x-breaker public void SetBombBreakerOrXBreakerCombine(List> lists) { foreach (List list in lists) { foreach (Item item in list) { if (item != null && item.node != null) { //print(; if (item.node.FindMatches(FIND_DIRECTION.COLUMN).Count > 2) { if ( == ITEM_TYPE.NONE) { var match = item.node.FindMatches(FIND_DIRECTION.COLUMN); Node top = item.node.TopNeighbor(); Node bottom = item.node.BottomNeighbor(); if (top != null && bottom != null) { // - - o - // o o - o // - - o - if (top.item != null && bottom.item != null) { if (match.Contains(top.item) && match.Contains(bottom.item)) { //print("T shape"); = item.GetXBreaker(item.type); return; } } var topTop = top.TopNeighbor(); var bottomBottom = bottom.BottomNeighbor(); // - - o // - - o // o o - o if (topTop != null) { if (top.item != null && topTop.item != null) { if (match.Contains(top.item) && match.Contains(topTop.item)) { var left = item.node.LeftNeighbor(); var right = item.node.RightNeighbor(); if (left != null && right != null) { if (left.item != null && right.item != null) { if (list.Contains(left.item) && list.Contains(right.item)) { //print("T shape (top)"); = item.GetXBreaker(item.type); return; } } } } } } // o o - o // - - o // - - o if (bottomBottom != null) { if (bottom.item != null && bottomBottom.item != null) { if (match.Contains(bottom.item) && match.Contains(bottomBottom.item)) { var left = item.node.LeftNeighbor(); var right = item.node.RightNeighbor(); if (left != null && right != null) { if (left.item != null && right.item != null) { if (list.Contains(left.item) && list.Contains(right.item)) { //print("T shape (bottom)"); = item.GetXBreaker(item.type); return; } } } } } } } // end check T shape // L shape = bomb breaker = item.GetBombBreaker(item.type); } // = none } // count > 2 } } } } public void SetColRowBreakerCombine(List combine) { bool isSwap = false; foreach (Item item in combine) { if ( != ITEM_TYPE.NONE) { isSwap = true; break; } } // next type is normal (drop then match) get first item in the combine if (!isSwap) { Item first = null; foreach (Item item in combine) { if (first == null) { first = item; } else { if (item.node.OrderOnBoard() < first.node.OrderOnBoard()) { first = item; } } } foreach (Item item in combine) { if (first.node.RightNeighbor()) { if (item.node.OrderOnBoard() == first.node.RightNeighbor().OrderOnBoard()) { = first.GetColumnBreaker(first.type); break; } } if (first.node.BottomNeighbor()) { if (item.node.OrderOnBoard() == first.node.BottomNeighbor().OrderOnBoard()) { = first.GetRowBreaker(first.type); break; } } } } // not swap } public void SetRainbowCombine(List combine) { bool isSwap = false; foreach (Item item in combine) { if ( != ITEM_TYPE.NONE) { isSwap = true; break; } } if (!isSwap) { Item first = null; foreach (Item item in combine) { if (first == null) { first = item; } else { if (item.node.OrderOnBoard() < first.node.OrderOnBoard()) { first = item; } } } foreach (Item item in combine) { if (first.node.RightNeighbor()) { if (item.node.OrderOnBoard() == first.node.RightNeighbor().OrderOnBoard()) { combine[2].next = ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW; break; } } if (first.node.BottomNeighbor()) { if (item.node.OrderOnBoard() == first.node.BottomNeighbor().OrderOnBoard()) { = ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW; break; } } } } } // return 9 items around public List ItemAround(Node node) { List items = new List(); for (int i = node.i - 1; i <= node.i + 1; i++) { for (int j = node.j - 1; j <= node.j + 1; j++) { if (GetNode(i, j) != null) { items.Add(GetNode(i, j).item); } } } return items; } public List XCrossItems(Node node) { var items = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { if (i < node.i) { var crossLeft = GetNode(i, node.j - (node.i - i)); var crossRight = GetNode(i, node.j + (node.i - i)); if (crossLeft != null) { if (crossLeft.item != null) { items.Add(crossLeft.item); } } if (crossRight != null) { if (crossRight.item != null) { items.Add(crossRight.item); } } } else if (i == node.i) { if (node.item != null) { items.Add(node.item); } } else if (i > node.i) { var crossLeft = GetNode(i, node.j - (i - node.i)); var crossRight = GetNode(i, node.j + (i - node.i)); if (crossLeft != null) { if (crossLeft.item != null) { items.Add(crossLeft.item); } } if (crossRight != null) { if (crossRight.item != null) { items.Add(crossRight.item); } } } } return items; } // return list of items in a column public List ColumnItems(int column) { var items = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { if (GetNode(i, column) != null) { items.Add(GetNode(i, column).item); } } return items; } // return list of items in a row public List RowItems(int row) { var items = new List(); for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { if (GetNode(row, j) != null) { items.Add(GetNode(row, j).item); } } return items; } #endregion #region Destroy // destroy the whole board when swap 2 rainbow public void DoubleRainbowDestroy() { StartCoroutine(DestroyWholeBoard()); } IEnumerator DestroyWholeBoard() { for (int i = 0; i < column; i++) { List items = ColumnItems(i); foreach (var item in items) { if (item != null && item.Destroyable() == true) { //item.type = item.GetCookie(item.type); GameObject explosion = CFX_SpawnSystem.GetNextObject(Resources.Load(Configure.RainbowExplosion()) as GameObject); if (explosion != null) explosion.transform.position = item.transform.position; item.Destroy(); } } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); } FindMatches(); } // destroy all items of changing list public void DestroyChangingList() { StartCoroutine(StartDestroyChangingList()); } IEnumerator StartDestroyChangingList() { //print("Start destroy items in the list"); var originalState = state; state = GAME_STATE.DESTROYING_ITEMS; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < changingList.Count; i++) { var item = changingList[i]; if (item != null) { item.Destroy(); } while (destroyingItems > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Drop(); while (droppingItems > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } changingList.Clear(); state = originalState; FindMatches(); } public void DestroySameColorList() { StartCoroutine(StartDestroySameColorList()); } IEnumerator StartDestroySameColorList() { //print("Start destroy items in the same color list"); var originalState = state; state = GAME_STATE.DESTROYING_ITEMS; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); for (int i = 0; i < sameColorList.Count; i++) { var item = sameColorList[i]; if (item != null && item.destroying == false) { GameObject explosion = CFX_SpawnSystem.GetNextObject(Resources.Load(Configure.RainbowExplosion()) as GameObject); if (explosion != null) explosion.transform.position = item.transform.position; item.Destroy(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } } sameColorList.Clear(); state = originalState; FindMatches(); } public void DestroyNeighborItems(Item item) { DestroyMarshmallow(item); DestroyChocolate(item); DestroyRockCandy(item); } public void DestroyMarshmallow(Item item) { if (item.IsMarshmallow() == true || item.IsCollectible() == true || item.IsGingerbread() == true || item.IsChocolate() == true || item.IsRockCandy() == true) { return; } if (state == GAME_STATE.PRE_WIN_AUTO_PLAYING) { return; } var marshmallows = new List(); if (item.node.TopNeighbor() != null && item.node.TopNeighbor().item != null && item.node.TopNeighbor().item.IsMarshmallow() == true) { marshmallows.Add(item.node.TopNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.RightNeighbor() != null && item.node.RightNeighbor().item != null && item.node.RightNeighbor().item.IsMarshmallow() == true) { marshmallows.Add(item.node.RightNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.BottomNeighbor() != null && item.node.BottomNeighbor().item != null && item.node.BottomNeighbor().item.IsMarshmallow() == true) { marshmallows.Add(item.node.BottomNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.LeftNeighbor() != null && item.node.LeftNeighbor().item != null && item.node.LeftNeighbor().item.IsMarshmallow() == true) { marshmallows.Add(item.node.LeftNeighbor().item); } foreach (var marshmallow in marshmallows) { marshmallow.Destroy(); } } public void DestroyChocolate(Item item) { if (item.IsMarshmallow() == true || item.IsCollectible() == true || item.IsGingerbread() == true || item.IsChocolate() == true || item.IsRockCandy() == true) { return; } if (state == GAME_STATE.PRE_WIN_AUTO_PLAYING) { return; } var chocolates = new List(); if (item.node.TopNeighbor() != null && item.node.TopNeighbor().item != null && item.node.TopNeighbor().item.IsChocolate() == true) { chocolates.Add(item.node.TopNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.RightNeighbor() != null && item.node.RightNeighbor().item != null && item.node.RightNeighbor().item.IsChocolate() == true) { chocolates.Add(item.node.RightNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.BottomNeighbor() != null && item.node.BottomNeighbor().item != null && item.node.BottomNeighbor().item.IsChocolate() == true) { chocolates.Add(item.node.BottomNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.LeftNeighbor() != null && item.node.LeftNeighbor().item != null && item.node.LeftNeighbor().item.IsChocolate() == true) { chocolates.Add(item.node.LeftNeighbor().item); } foreach (var chocolate in chocolates) { chocolate.Destroy(); } } public void DestroyRockCandy(Item item) { if (item.IsMarshmallow() == true || item.IsCollectible() == true || item.IsGingerbread() == true || item.IsChocolate() == true || item.IsRockCandy() == true) { return; } if (state == GAME_STATE.PRE_WIN_AUTO_PLAYING) { return; } var rocks = new List(); if (item.node.TopNeighbor() != null && item.node.TopNeighbor().item != null && item.node.TopNeighbor().item.IsRockCandy() == true && item.node.TopNeighbor().item.color == item.color) { rocks.Add(item.node.TopNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.RightNeighbor() != null && item.node.RightNeighbor().item != null && item.node.RightNeighbor().item.IsRockCandy() == true && item.node.RightNeighbor().item.color == item.color) { rocks.Add(item.node.RightNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.BottomNeighbor() != null && item.node.BottomNeighbor().item != null && item.node.BottomNeighbor().item.IsRockCandy() == true && item.node.BottomNeighbor().item.color == item.color) { rocks.Add(item.node.BottomNeighbor().item); } if (item.node.LeftNeighbor() != null && item.node.LeftNeighbor().item != null && item.node.LeftNeighbor().item.IsRockCandy() == true && item.node.LeftNeighbor().item.color == item.color) { rocks.Add(item.node.LeftNeighbor().item); } foreach (var rock in rocks) { rock.Destroy(); } } #endregion #region Collect // if item is the target to collect public void CollectItem(Item item) { GameObject flyingItem = null; var order = 0; // cookie if (item.IsCookie()) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.COOKIE && LevelLoader.instance.target1Color == item.color && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.COOKIE && LevelLoader.instance.target2Color == item.color && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.COOKIE && LevelLoader.instance.target3Color == item.color && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.COOKIE && LevelLoader.instance.target4Color == item.color && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Cookie"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = null; switch (item.color) { case 1: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Cookie1()) as GameObject; break; case 2: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Cookie2()) as GameObject; break; case 3: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Cookie3()) as GameObject; break; case 4: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Cookie4()) as GameObject; break; case 5: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Cookie5()) as GameObject; break; case 6: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Cookie6()) as GameObject; break; } if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // gingerbread else if (item.IsGingerbread()) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Gingerbread"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.GingerbreadGeneric()) as GameObject; if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // marshmallow else if (item.IsMarshmallow()) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Marshmallow"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Marshmallow()) as GameObject; if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // chocolate else if (item.IsChocolate()) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.CHOCOLATE && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.CHOCOLATE && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.CHOCOLATE && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.CHOCOLATE && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Chocolate"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Chocolate1()) as GameObject; if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // column_row_breaker else if (item.IsColumnBreaker(item.type) == true || item.IsRowBreaker(item.type) == true) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.COLUMN_ROW_BREAKER && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.COLUMN_ROW_BREAKER && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.COLUMN_ROW_BREAKER && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.COLUMN_ROW_BREAKER && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Column Row Breaker"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.ColumnRowBreaker()) as GameObject; if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // generic bomb breaker else if (item.IsBombBreaker(item.type) == true) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.BOMB_BREAKER && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.BOMB_BREAKER && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.BOMB_BREAKER && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.BOMB_BREAKER && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Bomb Breaker"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.GenericBombBreaker()) as GameObject; if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // generic x_breaker else if (item.IsXBreaker(item.type) == true) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.X_BREAKER && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.X_BREAKER && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.X_BREAKER && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.X_BREAKER && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying X Breaker"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.GenericXBreaker()) as GameObject; if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // rainbow else if (item.type == ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.RAINBOW && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.RAINBOW && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.RAINBOW && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.RAINBOW && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Rainbow"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.CookieRainbow()) as GameObject; if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // rock candy else if (item.IsRockCandy() == true) { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.ROCK_CANDY && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.ROCK_CANDY && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.ROCK_CANDY && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.ROCK_CANDY && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Rock Candy"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.RockCandyGeneric()) as GameObject; if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } } public void CollectWaffle(Waffle waffle) { GameObject flyingItem = null; var order = 0; if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.WAFFLE && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.WAFFLE && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.WAFFLE && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.WAFFLE && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = waffle.transform.position; = "Flying Waffle"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); flyingItem.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.75f, 0.75f, 0); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Waffle1()) as GameObject; ; spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } public void CollectCage(Cage cage) { GameObject flyingItem = null; var order = 0; if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.CAGE && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.CAGE && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.CAGE && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.CAGE && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = cage.transform.position; = "Flying Cage"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); flyingItem.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.75f, 0.75f, 0); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Cage1()) as GameObject; ; spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); } } // if the collectible bool CollectCollectible() { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target2Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target3Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target4Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE) { return false; } var items = GetListItems(); foreach (var item in items) { bool collectable = false; // check each item in last row and in column which can collect and item is collectible if (item != null && (item.node.i == row - 1) && LevelLoader.instance.collectibleCollectColumnMarkers.Contains(item.node.j) && item.IsCollectible() == true) { collectable = true; } // collectible marker by node if (item != null && LevelLoader.instance.collectibleCollectNodeMarkers.Contains(NodeOrder(item.node.i, item.node.j)) && item.IsCollectible() == true) { collectable = true; } if (collectable == true) { GameObject flyingItem = null; var order = 0; if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target1Color == item.color && target1Left > 0) { target1Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target2Color == item.color && target2Left > 0) { target2Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 2; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target3Color == item.color && target3Left > 0) { target3Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 3; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target4Color == item.color && target4Left > 0) { target4Left--; flyingItem = new GameObject(); order = 4; } if (flyingItem != null) { flyingItem.transform.position = item.transform.position; = "Flying Collectible"; flyingItem.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("On Top UI"); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = flyingItem.AddComponent(); GameObject prefab = null; switch (item.color) { case 1: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible1()) as GameObject; break; case 2: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible2()) as GameObject; break; case 3: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible3()) as GameObject; break; case 4: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible4()) as GameObject; break; case 5: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible5()) as GameObject; break; case 6: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible6()) as GameObject; break; case 7: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible7()) as GameObject; break; case 8: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible7()) as GameObject; break; case 9: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible9()) as GameObject; break; case 10: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible10()) as GameObject; break; case 11: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible11()) as GameObject; break; case 12: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible12()) as GameObject; break; case 13: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible13()) as GameObject; break; case 14: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible14()) as GameObject; break; case 15: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible15()) as GameObject; break; case 16: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible16()) as GameObject; break; case 17: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible17()) as GameObject; break; case 18: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible18()) as GameObject; break; case 19: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible19()) as GameObject; break; case 20: prefab = Resources.Load(Configure.Collectible20()) as GameObject; break; } if (prefab != null) { spriteRenderer.sprite = prefab.GetComponent().sprite; } StartCoroutine(CollectItemAnim(flyingItem, order)); item.Destroy(true); return true; } } } return false; } // item fly to target IEnumerator CollectItemAnim(GameObject item, int order) { yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); GameObject target = null; switch (order) { case 1: target = target1; break; case 2: target = target2; break; case 3: target = target3; break; case 4: target = target4; break; } flyingItems++; // AnimationCurve curveX = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, item.transform.localPosition.x), new Keyframe(0.4f, target.transform.position.x)); // AnimationCurve curveY = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, item.transform.localPosition.y), new Keyframe(0.4f, target.transform.position.y)); // curveX.AddKey(0.2f, item.transform.localPosition.x + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2f, 2f)); // curveY.AddKey(0.2f, item.transform.localPosition.y + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 0f)); // float startTime = Time.time; // float speed = 2.0f + flyingItems * 0.25f; // float distCovered = 0; // while (distCovered < 0.4f) // { // distCovered = (Time.time - startTime) / speed; // item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(curveX.Evaluate(distCovered), curveY.Evaluate(distCovered), 0); // yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); // } AudioManager.instance.CollectTargetAudio(); switch (order) { case 1: UITarget.UpdateTargetAmount(1); break; case 2: UITarget.UpdateTargetAmount(2); break; case 3: UITarget.UpdateTargetAmount(3); break; case 4: UITarget.UpdateTargetAmount(4); break; } Destroy(item); flyingItems--; } #endregion #region Popup void TargetPopup() { StartCoroutine(StartTargetPopup()); } IEnumerator StartTargetPopup() { state = GAME_STATE.OPENING_POPUP; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); AudioManager.instance.PopupTargetAudio(); targetPopup.OpenPopup(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); var popup = GameObject.Find("TargetPopup(Clone)"); if (popup) { popup.GetComponent().Close(); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); state = GAME_STATE.WAITING_USER_SWAP; if ( == false) { StartCoroutine(CheckHint()); } else { Help.instance.Show(); } // Plus 5 moves popup if (Configure.instance.beginFiveMoves == true) { StartCoroutine(Plus5MovesPopup()); } } IEnumerator Plus5MovesPopup() { Configure.instance.beginFiveMoves = false; plus5MovesPopup.OpenPopup(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); var popup = GameObject.Find("Plus5MovesPopup(Clone)"); if (popup) { popup.GetComponent().Close(); } } void ShowInspiringPopup() { //print("Excellent!, Amazing!, Great!, Nice!"); int encouraging = Random.Range(0, 3); switch (encouraging) { case 0: StartCoroutine(InspiringPopup(amazingPopup, encouraging)); // sound AudioManager.instance.amazingAudio(); break; case 1: StartCoroutine(InspiringPopup(excellentPopup, encouraging)); // sound AudioManager.instance.exellentAudio(); break; case 2: StartCoroutine(InspiringPopup(greatPopup, encouraging)); // sound AudioManager.instance.greatAudio(); break; } } IEnumerator InspiringPopup(PopupOpener popupOpener, int encouraging) { // prevent multiple call if (showingInspiringPopup == false) showingInspiringPopup = true; else yield return null; popupOpener.OpenPopup(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); GameObject popup = null; switch (encouraging) { case 0: popup = GameObject.Find("AmazingPopup(Clone)"); break; case 1: popup = GameObject.Find("ExcellentPopup(Clone)"); break; case 2: popup = GameObject.Find("GreatPopup(Clone)"); break; } if (popup) { popup.GetComponent().Close(); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); showingInspiringPopup = false; } #endregion #region Complete bool IsLevelCompleted() { if (target1Left == 0 && target2Left == 0 && target3Left == 0 && target4Left == 0) { return true; } return false; } // auto play the left moves when target is reached IEnumerator PreWinAutoPlay() { HideHint(); // reset drop time dropTime = 1; state = GAME_STATE.OPENING_POPUP; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); // completed popup completedPopup.OpenPopup(); AudioManager.instance.PopupCompletedAudio(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); if (GameObject.Find("CompletedPopup(Clone)")) { GameObject.Find("CompletedPopup(Clone)").GetComponent().Close(); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); state = GAME_STATE.PRE_WIN_AUTO_PLAYING; var items = GetRandomItems(moveLeft); foreach (var item in items) { item.SetRandomNextType(); item.nextSound = false; moveLeft--; UITop.DecreaseMoves(true); var prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Configure.StarGold())) as GameObject; prefab.transform.position = UITop.GetComponent().movesText.gameObject.transform.position; var startPosition = prefab.transform.position; var endPosition = item.gameObject.transform.position; var bending = new Vector3(1, 1, 0); var timeToTravel = 0.2f; var timeStamp = Time.time; while (Time.time < timeStamp + timeToTravel) { var currentPos = Vector3.Lerp(startPosition, endPosition, (Time.time - timeStamp) / timeToTravel); currentPos.x += bending.x * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - timeStamp) / timeToTravel) * Mathf.PI); currentPos.y += bending.y * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - timeStamp) / timeToTravel) * Mathf.PI); currentPos.z += bending.z * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - timeStamp) / timeToTravel) * Mathf.PI); prefab.transform.position = currentPos; yield return null; } Destroy(prefab); item.Destroy(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); while (GetAllSpecialItems().Count > 0) { while (GetAllSpecialItems().Count > 0) { var specials = GetAllSpecialItems(); var item = specials[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, specials.Count)]; if (item.type == ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW) { item.DestroyItemsSameColor(LevelLoader.instance.RandomColor()); } item.Destroy(); while (destroyingItems > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Drop(); while (droppingItems > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } yield return StartCoroutine(DestroyMatches()); } while (destroyingItems > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); while (droppingItems > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); state = GAME_STATE.OPENING_POPUP; SaveLevelInfo(); AudioManager.instance.PopupWinAudio(); winPopup.OpenPopup(); } List GetRandomItems(int number) { var avaiableItems = new List(); var returnItems = new List(); foreach (var item in GetListItems()) { if (item != null) { if (item.node != null) { if (item.IsCookie()) { avaiableItems.Add(item); } } } } while (returnItems.Count < number && avaiableItems.Count > 0) { var item = avaiableItems[Random.Range(0, avaiableItems.Count)]; returnItems.Add(item); avaiableItems.Remove(item); } return returnItems; } List GetAllSpecialItems() { var specials = new List(); foreach (var item in GetListItems()) { if (item != null) { if (item.type == ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW || item.IsColumnBreaker(item.type) || item.IsRowBreaker(item.type) || item.IsBombBreaker(item.type) || item.IsXBreaker(item.type)) { specials.Add(item); } } } return specials; } public void SaveLevelInfo() { score = LevelLoader.instance.score2Star; // level star if (score < LevelLoader.instance.score1Star) { star = 0; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.score1Star <= score && score < LevelLoader.instance.score2Star) { star = 1; } else if (LevelLoader.instance.score2Star <= score && score < LevelLoader.instance.score3Star) { star = 2; } else if (score >= LevelLoader.instance.score2Star) { star = 3; } // score and star GameData.instance.SaveLevelStatistics(LevelLoader.instance.level, score, star); // open next level int openedLevel = GameData.instance.GetOpendedLevel(); if (LevelLoader.instance.level == openedLevel) { if (openedLevel < Configure.instance.maxLevel) { GameData.instance.SaveOpendedLevel(openedLevel + 1); } } // add bonus coin int coin = GameData.instance.GetPlayerCoin(); if (star == 1) { GameData.instance.SavePlayerCoin(coin + Configure.instance.bonus1Star); } else if (star == 2) { GameData.instance.SavePlayerCoin(coin + Configure.instance.bonus2Star); } else if (star == 3) { GameData.instance.SavePlayerCoin(coin + Configure.instance.bonus3Star); } } #endregion #region Hint public void Hint() { StartCoroutine(CheckHint()); } public IEnumerator CheckHint() { //Debug.Log("CheckHint()"); // prevent multiple call this function only last call is triggered checkHintCall++; if (checkHintCall > 1) { checkHintCall--; //Debug.Log("Cancel checking hint because of multiple hint call"); yield break; } if (Configure.instance.showHint == false) { yield break; } if (moveLeft <= 0) { yield break; } // put delay here user also need to wait when the is no matches //yield return new WaitForSeconds(Configure.instance.hintDelay); // need to call hide hint here in case items destroy after no matches generate HideHint(); while (state != GAME_STATE.WAITING_USER_SWAP) { //Debug.Log("Wait for checking hint because of game state"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } while (lockSwap == true) { //Debug.Log("Wait for checking hint because of lock swap"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } //Debug.Log("Start checking hint"); // check for rainbow item / breaker / color if (GetHintByRainbowItem() == true || GetHintByBreaker() == true || GetHintByColor() == true) { StartCoroutine(ShowHint()); checkHintCall--; yield break; } // if reach this code that mean there is no matches else { // prevent multiple call if (!GameObject.Find("NoMatchesdPopup(Clone)")) { state = GAME_STATE.NO_MATCHES_REGENERATING; lockSwap = true; AudioManager.instance.PopupNoMatchesAudio(); // show and close popup noMatchesPopup.OpenPopup(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); if (GameObject.Find("NoMatchesdPopup(Clone)")) { GameObject.Find("NoMatchesdPopup(Clone)").GetComponent().Close(); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); var position = Camera.main.aspect * Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2; // hide board iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", -position, "easeType", iTween.EaseType.easeOutBack, "time", 0.5 )); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); NoMoveRegenerate(); while (GetHintByColor() == false) { NoMoveRegenerate(); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } // show board iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", 0, "easeType", iTween.EaseType.easeOutBack, "time", 0.5 )); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); state = GAME_STATE.WAITING_USER_SWAP; FindMatches(); } checkHintCall--; } } public IEnumerator ShowHint() { //Debug.Log("ShowHint()"); showHintCall++; // prevent multiple call if (showHintCall > 1) { //Debug.Log("Cancel showing hint because of multiple call"); showHintCall--; yield break; } if (Configure.instance.showHint == false) { yield break; } yield return new WaitForSeconds(Configure.instance.hintDelay); while (state != GAME_STATE.WAITING_USER_SWAP) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } while (lockSwap == true) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } //Debug.Log("Start showing hint"); // make sure only items in hint list run animation foreach (var item in GetListItems()) { if (item != null) { if (!hintItems.Contains(item)) { iTween.StopByName(item.gameObject, "HintAnimation"); item.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); } } } foreach (var item in hintItems) { if (item != null) { //Debug.Log("Show hint: " +; iTween.ShakeRotation(item.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "name", "HintAnimation", "amount", new Vector3(0f, 0f, 50f), "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutBack, //"looptype", iTween.LoopType.pingPong, "oncomplete", "OnCompleteShowHint", "oncompletetarget", gameObject, "oncompleteparams", new Hashtable() { { "item", item } }, //"delay", 2f, "time", 1f )); } } // only wait if hint items run animation // if there is no item that mean the hint list is clean in clear hint function if (hintItems.Count > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f); } showHintCall--; StartCoroutine(CheckHint()); } // when shake a item it is not in good place we need to reset it public void OnCompleteShowHint(Hashtable args) { var item = (Item)args["item"]; //Debug.Log("On Complete Shake Item: " +; iTween.RotateTo(item.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "rotation",, "time", 0.2f )); } public void HideHint() { //Debug.Log("Hide Hint"); foreach (var item in hintItems) { if (item != null) { //print("Hide item in node: " +; iTween.StopByName(item.gameObject, "HintAnimation"); iTween.RotateTo(item.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "rotation",, "time", 0.2f )); } } // clear hint list to make sure show hint function do not runs animation hintItems.Clear(); } List Shuffle(List list) { System.Random rng = new System.Random(); int n = list.Count; while (n > 1) { n--; int k = rng.Next(n + 1); int value = list[k]; list[k] = list[n]; list[n] = value; } return list; } void CheckHintNode(Node node, int color, bool needMove = false) { if (node != null) { if (node.item != null && node.item.color == color) { if (needMove) { if (node.item.Movable() && node.item.Matchable()) { hintItems.Add(node.item); } } else { if (node.item.Matchable()) { hintItems.Add(node.item); } } } } } void NoMoveRegenerate() { //print("No moves generate"); foreach (var item in GetListItems()) { if (item != null) { if (item.Movable() && item.IsCookie()) { item.color = LevelLoader.instance.RandomColor(); item.ChangeSpriteAndType(item.color); } } } } bool GetHintByColor() { foreach (int color in Shuffle(LevelLoader.instance.usingColors)) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { Node node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null) { if (node.item == null || !(node.item.Movable())) { continue; } // current node is x // o-o-x // o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 1, j), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 1), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 2), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o // o-o x CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 1, j), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 1), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 2), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // x o o // o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 1, j), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 1), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 2), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o // x o o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 1, j), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 1), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 2), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o // o // x o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 1), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 1, j), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 2, j), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // x o // o // o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 1), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 1, j), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 2, j), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o // o // o x CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 1), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 1, j), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 2, j), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o x // o // o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 1), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 1, j), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 2, j), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o-x-o-o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 1), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 1), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 2), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o-o-x-o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j + 1), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 1), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i, j - 2), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o // x // o // o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 1, j), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 1, j), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 2, j), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o // o // x // o CheckHintNode(GetNode(i + 1, j), color, true); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 1, j), color); CheckHintNode(GetNode(i - 2, j), color); if (hintItems.Count == 3) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } // o // o x o // o int h = 0; int v = 0; Node neighbor = null; neighbor = node.LeftNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Matchable() && neighbor.item.color == color) { hintItems.Add(neighbor.item); h++; } } neighbor = node.RightNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Matchable() && neighbor.item.color == color) { hintItems.Add(neighbor.item); h++; } } neighbor = node.TopNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Matchable() && neighbor.item.color == color) { hintItems.Add(neighbor.item); v++; } } neighbor = node.BottomNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Matchable() && neighbor.item.color == color) { hintItems.Add(neighbor.item); v++; } } if (hintItems.Count == 3) { if (v > h && hintItems[0].node.item != null && hintItems[0].node.item.Movable()) { return true; } else if (v < h && hintItems[2].node.item != null && hintItems[2].node.item.Movable()) { return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } } else if (hintItems.Count == 4) { if (hintItems[0].node.item.Movable()) { hintItems.RemoveAt(1); return true; } else if (hintItems[1].node.item.Movable()) { hintItems.RemoveAt(0); return true; } else if (hintItems[2].node.item.Movable()) { hintItems.RemoveAt(3); return true; } else if (hintItems[3].node.item.Movable()) { hintItems.RemoveAt(2); return true; } else { hintItems.Clear(); } } else { hintItems.Clear(); } } } // end for row } } // end foreach color return false; } bool GetHintByRainbowItem() { for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { Node node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null) { if (node.item == null || !(node.item.Movable())) { continue; } if (node.item.type == ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW) { Node neighbor = null; neighbor = node.LeftNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Movable()) { hintItems.Add(node.item); return true; } } neighbor = node.RightNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Movable()) { hintItems.Add(node.item); return true; } } neighbor = node.TopNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Movable()) { hintItems.Add(node.item); return true; } } neighbor = node.BottomNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Movable()) { hintItems.Add(node.item); return true; } } } // end if item is rainbow } } } return false; } bool GetHintByBreaker() { for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { Node node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null) { if (node.item == null || !(node.item.Movable())) { continue; } if (node.item.IsBreaker(node.item.type)) { Node neighbor = null; neighbor = node.LeftNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Movable() && neighbor.item.IsBreaker(neighbor.item.type)) { hintItems.Add(neighbor.item); hintItems.Add(node.item); return true; } } neighbor = node.RightNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Movable() && neighbor.item.IsBreaker(neighbor.item.type)) { hintItems.Add(neighbor.item); hintItems.Add(node.item); return true; } } neighbor = node.TopNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Movable() && neighbor.item.IsBreaker(neighbor.item.type)) { hintItems.Add(neighbor.item); hintItems.Add(node.item); return true; } } neighbor = node.BottomNeighbor(); if (neighbor != null) { if (neighbor.item != null && neighbor.item.Movable() && neighbor.item.IsBreaker(neighbor.item.type)) { hintItems.Add(neighbor.item); hintItems.Add(node.item); return true; } } } // end if } } } return false; } #endregion #region Gingerbread bool GenerateGingerbread() { if (IsGingerbreadTarget() == false) { return false; } if (skipGenerateGingerbread == true) { return false; } // calculate the total gingerbread need to generate var needGenerate = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD) { needGenerate += target1Left; } break; case 2: if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD) { needGenerate += target2Left; } break; case 3: if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD) { needGenerate += target3Left; } break; case 4: if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD) { needGenerate += target4Left; } break; } } if (needGenerate <= 0) { return false; } // check gingerbread on board var amount = GingerbreadOnBoard().Count; if (amount >= LevelLoader.instance.maxGingerbread) { return false; } // prevent multiple call if (generatingGingerbread == true) { return false; } // skip generate randomly if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0 && skipGingerbreadCount < 2) { skipGingerbreadCount++; return false; } skipGingerbreadCount = 0; generatingGingerbread = true; // get node to generate gingerbread var currRow = row - 1; var column = LevelLoader.instance.gingerbreadMarkers[Random.Range(0, LevelLoader.instance.gingerbreadMarkers.Count)]; var node = GetNode(currRow, column); //print(; if (node != null && node.item != null) { node.item.ChangeToGingerbread(LevelLoader.instance.RandomGingerbread()); return true; } return false; } bool IsGingerbreadTarget() { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD || LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD || LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD || LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.GINGERBREAD) { return true; } return false; } List GingerbreadOnBoard() { var list = new List(); var items = GetListItems(); foreach (var item in items) { if (item != null && item.IsGingerbread()) { list.Add(item); } } return list; } bool MoveGingerbread() { if (IsGingerbreadTarget() == false) { return false; } // prevent multiple call if (movingGingerbread == true) { return false; } movingGingerbread = true; var isMoved = false; //print("Move gingerbread"); foreach (var gingerbread in GingerbreadOnBoard()) { if (gingerbread != null) { var upper = GetUpperItem(gingerbread.node); if (upper != null && upper.node != null && upper.IsGingerbread() == false && gingerbread.node.cage == null) { var gingerbreadPosition = NodeLocalPosition(upper.node.i, upper.node.j); var upperItemPosition = NodeLocalPosition(gingerbread.node.i, gingerbread.node.j); gingerbread.neighborNode = upper.node; gingerbread.swapItem = upper; touchedItem = gingerbread; swappedItem = upper; gingerbread.SwapItem(); gingerbread.gameObject.GetComponent().sortingOrder = 1; // animation iTween.MoveTo(gingerbread.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "position", gingerbreadPosition, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.linear, "time", Configure.instance.swapTime )); iTween.MoveTo(upper.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "position", upperItemPosition, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.linear, "time", Configure.instance.swapTime )); } else if (upper == null || upper.node == null) { AudioManager.instance.GingerbreadExplodeAudio(); gingerbread.color = LevelLoader.instance.RandomColor(); gingerbread.ChangeSpriteAndType(gingerbread.color); // after changing a gingerbread to a cookie. skip generate one turn on generate call right after this function skipGenerateGingerbread = true; } isMoved = true; } } return isMoved; } public Item GetUpperItem(Node node) { var top = node.TopNeighbor(); if (top == null) { return null; } else { if (top.tile.type == TILE_TYPE.NONE || top.tile.type == TILE_TYPE.PASS_THROUGH) { return GetUpperItem(top); } else if (top.item != null && top.item.Movable()) { return top.item; } else { return node.item; } } } #endregion #region Booster void DestroyBoosterItems(Item boosterItem) { if (boosterItem == null) { return; } if (boosterItem.Destroyable() && booster != BOOSTER_TYPE.OVEN_BREAKER) { if (booster == BOOSTER_TYPE.RAINBOW_BREAKER && boosterItem.IsCookie() == false) { return; } lockSwap = true; switch (booster) { case BOOSTER_TYPE.SINGLE_BREAKER: DestroySingleBooster(boosterItem); break; case BOOSTER_TYPE.ROW_BREAKER: StartCoroutine(DestroyRowBooster(boosterItem)); break; case BOOSTER_TYPE.COLUMN_BREAKER: StartCoroutine(DestroyColumnBooster(boosterItem)); break; case BOOSTER_TYPE.RAINBOW_BREAKER: StartCoroutine(DestroyRainbowBooster(boosterItem)); break; } Booster.instance.BoosterComplete(); // hide help object if (LevelLoader.instance.level == 7 && Help.instance.step == 2) { Help.instance.Hide(); } if (LevelLoader.instance.level == 12 && Help.instance.step == 2) { Help.instance.Hide(); } if (LevelLoader.instance.level == 15 && Help.instance.step == 2) { Help.instance.Hide(); } if (LevelLoader.instance.level == 18 && Help.instance.step == 2) { Help.instance.Hide(); } } if (boosterItem.Movable() && booster == BOOSTER_TYPE.OVEN_BREAKER) { StartCoroutine(DestroyOvenBooster(boosterItem)); } } void DestroySingleBooster(Item boosterItem) { HideHint(); AudioManager.instance.SingleBoosterAudio(); if (boosterItem.type == ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW) { boosterItem.DestroyItemsSameColor(LevelLoader.instance.RandomColor()); } boosterItem.Destroy(); FindMatches(); } IEnumerator DestroyRowBooster(Item boosterItem) { HideHint(); AudioManager.instance.RowBoosterAudio(); // animation // destroy a row var items = new List(); items = RowItems(boosterItem.node.i); foreach (var item in items) { // this item maybe destroyed in other call if (item != null) { if (item.type == ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW) { item.DestroyItemsSameColor(LevelLoader.instance.RandomColor()); } item.Destroy(); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } FindMatches(); } IEnumerator DestroyColumnBooster(Item boosterItem) { HideHint(); AudioManager.instance.ColumnBoosterAudio(); // animation // destroy a row var items = new List(); items = ColumnItems(boosterItem.node.j); foreach (var item in items) { // this item maybe destroyed in other call if (item != null) { if (item.type == ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAINBOW) { item.DestroyItemsSameColor(LevelLoader.instance.RandomColor()); } item.Destroy(); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } FindMatches(); } IEnumerator DestroyRainbowBooster(Item boosterItem) { HideHint(); AudioManager.instance.RainbowBoosterAudio(); boosterItem.DestroyItemsSameColor(boosterItem.color); yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); } IEnumerator DestroyOvenBooster(Item boosterItem) { HideHint(); if (ovenTouchItem == null) { ovenTouchItem = boosterItem; // add active ovenTouchItem.node.AddOvenBoosterActive(); AudioManager.instance.ButtonClickAudio(); } else { // the same item if (ovenTouchItem.node.OrderOnBoard() == boosterItem.node.OrderOnBoard()) { // remove active ovenTouchItem.node.RemoveOvenBoosterActive(); ovenTouchItem = null; AudioManager.instance.ButtonClickAudio(); } // swap else { lockSwap = true; // hide help object if (LevelLoader.instance.level == 25 && Help.instance.step == 2) { Help.instance.Hide(); } boosterItem.node.AddOvenBoosterActive(); AudioManager.instance.OvenBoosterAudio(); AudioManager.instance.ButtonClickAudio(); // animation iTween.MoveTo(ovenTouchItem.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "position", boosterItem.gameObject.transform.position, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.linear, "time", Configure.instance.swapTime )); iTween.MoveTo(boosterItem.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "position", ovenTouchItem.gameObject.transform.position, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.linear, "time", Configure.instance.swapTime )); yield return new WaitForSeconds(Configure.instance.swapTime); ovenTouchItem.node.RemoveOvenBoosterActive(); boosterItem.node.RemoveOvenBoosterActive(); var ovenTouchNode = ovenTouchItem.node; var boosterItemNode = boosterItem.node; // swap item ovenTouchNode.item = boosterItem; boosterItemNode.item = ovenTouchItem; // swap node ovenTouchItem.node = boosterItemNode; boosterItem.node = ovenTouchNode; // swap on hierarchy ovenTouchItem.gameObject.transform.SetParent(boosterItemNode.gameObject.transform); boosterItem.gameObject.transform.SetParent(ovenTouchNode.gameObject.transform); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); ovenTouchItem = null; Booster.instance.BoosterComplete(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); FindMatches(); } } yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); } #endregion #region Collectible List CheckGenerateCollectible() { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target2Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target3Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && LevelLoader.instance.target4Type != TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE) { return null; } var collectibles = new List(); if (CollectibleOnBoard() >= LevelLoader.instance.collectibleMaxOnBoard) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { TARGET_TYPE targetType = TARGET_TYPE.NONE; int targetColor = 0; int collectibleOnBoard = 0; int targetLeft = 0; switch (i) { case 1: targetType = LevelLoader.instance.target1Type; targetColor = LevelLoader.instance.target1Color; collectibleOnBoard = CollectibleOnBoard(LevelLoader.instance.target1Color); targetLeft = target1Left; break; case 2: targetType = LevelLoader.instance.target2Type; targetColor = LevelLoader.instance.target2Color; collectibleOnBoard = CollectibleOnBoard(LevelLoader.instance.target2Color); targetLeft = target2Left; break; case 3: targetType = LevelLoader.instance.target3Type; targetColor = LevelLoader.instance.target3Color; collectibleOnBoard = CollectibleOnBoard(LevelLoader.instance.target3Color); targetLeft = target3Left; break; case 4: targetType = LevelLoader.instance.target4Type; targetColor = LevelLoader.instance.target4Color; collectibleOnBoard = CollectibleOnBoard(LevelLoader.instance.target4Color); targetLeft = target4Left; break; } if (targetType == TARGET_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE && collectibleOnBoard < targetLeft) { for (int k = 0; k < targetLeft - collectibleOnBoard; k++) { collectibles.Add(ColorToCollectible(targetColor)); } } } return collectibles; } ITEM_TYPE ColorToCollectible(int color) { switch (color) { case 1: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_1; case 2: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_2; case 3: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_3; case 4: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_4; case 5: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_5; case 6: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_6; case 7: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_7; case 8: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_8; case 9: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_9; case 10: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_10; case 11: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_11; case 12: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_12; case 13: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_13; case 14: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_14; case 15: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_15; case 16: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_16; case 17: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_17; case 18: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_18; case 19: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_19; case 20: return ITEM_TYPE.COLLECTIBLE_20; default: return ITEM_TYPE.NONE; } } int CollectibleOnBoard(int color = 0) { int amount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null && node.item != null && node.item.IsCollectible() == true) { if (color == 0) { amount++; } else { if (node.item.color == color) { amount++; } } } } } return amount; } #endregion #region Marshmallow bool CheckGenerateMarshmallow() { if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type != TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW && LevelLoader.instance.target2Type != TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW && LevelLoader.instance.target3Type != TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW && LevelLoader.instance.target4Type != TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW) { return false; } var needGenerate = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: if (LevelLoader.instance.target1Type == TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW) { needGenerate += target1Left; } break; case 2: if (LevelLoader.instance.target2Type == TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW) { needGenerate += target2Left; } break; case 3: if (LevelLoader.instance.target3Type == TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW) { needGenerate += target3Left; } break; case 4: if (LevelLoader.instance.target4Type == TARGET_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW) { needGenerate += target4Left; } break; } } if (needGenerate + LevelLoader.instance.marshmallowMoreThanTarget <= MarshmallowOnBoard()) { return false; } return true; } int MarshmallowOnBoard() { int amount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { var node = GetNode(i, j); if (node != null && node.item != null && node.item.IsMarshmallow() == true) { amount++; } } } return amount; } #endregion #region HeroSkill public GameObject HeroSkillPrefab; public List SkillDisplayerList = new List(); public bool GetHeroSkillCanDisplay(PuzzleHero hero) { return false; } public List GetMinEffectPosList(PuzzleHero hero) { List currPosList = new List(); SkillConfig? config = PuzzleGameMode.main.GetSkillConfig(hero.AttackSkillID); if (config == null) { return currPosList; } int maxRow = row - config.Value.SkillSize.x; int maxColumn = column - config.Value.SkillSize.y; Vector2 currPos; int finalCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < maxRow + 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < maxColumn + 1; k++) { currPos.x = j; currPos.y = k; int currCount = GetCardTypeCount(currPos, config.Value.SkillSize); if (finalCount < currCount) { currPosList.Clear(); CountAndPosData newPos = new CountAndPosData(); newPos.PosData = new Vector2(j, k); newPos.Count = currCount; newPos.BoardIndex = BoardIndex; currPosList.Add(newPos); finalCount = currCount; } else if (finalCount == currCount) { CountAndPosData newPos = new CountAndPosData(); newPos.PosData = new Vector2(j, k); newPos.Count = currCount; newPos.BoardIndex = BoardIndex; currPosList.Add(newPos); } } } return currPosList; } int GetCardTypeCount(Vector2 startPos, Vector2Int size) { List TypeList = new List(); for (int j = 0; j < size.x; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < size.y; k++) { var order = NodeOrder(j + (int)startPos.x, k + (int)startPos.y); if (nodes[order].item != null) { if (!TypeList.Contains(nodes[order].item.type)) { TypeList.Add(nodes[order].item.type); } } } } return TypeList.Count; } public void CreateHeroSkillCard(PuzzleHero hero, Vector2 posData) { SkillConfig? config = PuzzleGameMode.main.GetSkillConfig(hero.AttackSkillID); if (config == null) { return; } GameObject heroSkillDisplayer = Instantiate(HeroSkillPrefab, transform); heroSkillDisplayer.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition((int)posData.x, (int)posData.y) + new Vector3(NodeSize() * 0.5f * (config.Value.SkillSize.y - 1), -NodeSize() * 0.5f * (config.Value.SkillSize.x - 1), 0); PuzzleSkillDisplayer currSkillDisplayer = heroSkillDisplayer.transform.GetComponent(); currSkillDisplayer.SetHero(hero, this, (int)posData.x, (int)posData.y); SkillDisplayerList.Add(currSkillDisplayer); DestroyItem((int)posData.x, (int)posData.y, config.Value.SkillSize); } public void CreateHeroSkillCard(PuzzleHero hero) { SkillConfig? config = PuzzleGameMode.main.GetSkillConfig(hero.AttackSkillID); if (config == null) { return; } heroSkillDisplay = true; int maxRow = row - config.Value.SkillSize.x; int maxColumn = column - config.Value.SkillSize.y; int currRow = Random.Range(0, maxRow + 1); int currColumn = Random.Range(0, maxColumn + 1); GameObject heroSkillDisplayer = Instantiate(HeroSkillPrefab, transform); heroSkillDisplayer.transform.localPosition = NodeLocalPosition(currRow, currColumn) + new Vector3(NodeSize() * 0.5f * (config.Value.SkillSize.y - 1), -NodeSize() * 0.5f * (config.Value.SkillSize.x - 1), 0); PuzzleSkillDisplayer currSkillDisplayer = heroSkillDisplayer.transform.GetComponent(); currSkillDisplayer.SetHero(hero, this, currRow, currColumn); SkillDisplayerList.Add(currSkillDisplayer); DestroyItem(currRow, currColumn, config.Value.SkillSize); } void DestroyItem(int startRow, int startColumn, Vector2Int skillSize) { for (int j = 0; j < skillSize.x; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < skillSize.y; k++) { Node currNode = GetNode(startRow + j, startColumn + k); currNode.SkillMasked(); } } StartCoroutine(DelayDealNoMatchCase(startRow, startColumn, skillSize)); } IEnumerator DelayDealNoMatchCase(int startRow, int startColumn, Vector2Int skillSize) { while (destroyingItems > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } DealNoMatchCase(originlaPos); } public void ResetSkill(PuzzleHero hero) { SkillConfig? config = PuzzleGameMode.main.GetSkillConfig(hero.AttackSkillID); if (config == null) { return; } heroSkillDisplay = false; PuzzleSkillDisplayer currSkillDisplay = null; for (int j = 0; j < SkillDisplayerList.Count; j++) { if (hero == SkillDisplayerList[j].Hero) { currSkillDisplay = SkillDisplayerList[j]; } } var skillSize = config.Value.SkillSize; for (int j = 0; j < skillSize.x; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < skillSize.y; k++) { Node currNode = GetNode(currSkillDisplay.startRow + j, currSkillDisplay.startColumn + k); currNode.SkillReset(); currNode.GenerateItem(ITEM_TYPE.COOKIE_RAMDOM); } } DealNoMatchCase(originlaPos); Destroy(currSkillDisplay.gameObject); } #endregion } public enum RowAlignmentType { Left, Center, Right, } public enum ColumnAlignmentType { Upper, Middle, Lower, } public class CountAndPosData { public Vector2 PosData; public int Count; public int BoardIndex; }