using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; // Spawn System: // Preload GameObject to reuse them later, avoiding to Instantiate them. // Very useful for mobile platforms. public class CFX_SpawnSystem : MonoBehaviour { /// /// Get the next available preloaded Object. /// /// /// The next available preloaded Object. /// /// /// The source Object from which to get a preloaded copy. /// /// /// Activates the object before returning it. /// static public GameObject GetNextObject(GameObject sourceObj, bool activateObject = true) { int uniqueId = sourceObj.GetInstanceID(); if(!instance.poolCursors.ContainsKey(uniqueId)) { Debug.LogError("[CFX_SpawnSystem.GetNextPoolObject()] Object hasn't been preloaded: " + + " (ID:" + uniqueId + ")"); return null; } int cursor = instance.poolCursors[uniqueId]; instance.poolCursors[uniqueId]++; if(instance.poolCursors[uniqueId] >= instance.instantiatedObjects[uniqueId].Count) { instance.poolCursors[uniqueId] = 0; } GameObject returnObj = instance.instantiatedObjects[uniqueId][cursor]; if(activateObject) #if UNITY_3_5 returnObj.SetActiveRecursively(true); #else returnObj.SetActive(true); #endif return returnObj; } /// /// Preloads an object a number of times in the pool. /// /// /// The source Object. /// /// /// The number of times it will be instantiated in the pool (i.e. the max number of same object that would appear simultaneously in your Scene). /// static public void PreloadObject(GameObject sourceObj, int poolSize = 1) { instance.addObjectToPool(sourceObj, poolSize); } /// /// Unloads all the preloaded objects from a source Object. /// /// /// Source object. /// static public void UnloadObjects(GameObject sourceObj) { instance.removeObjectsFromPool(sourceObj); } /// /// Gets a value indicating whether all objects defined in the Editor are loaded or not. /// /// /// true if all objects are loaded; otherwise, false. /// static public bool AllObjectsLoaded { get { return instance.allObjectsLoaded; } } // INTERNAL SYSTEM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static private CFX_SpawnSystem instance; public GameObject[] objectsToPreload = new GameObject[0]; public int[] objectsToPreloadTimes = new int[0]; public bool hideObjectsInHierarchy; private bool allObjectsLoaded; private Dictionary> instantiatedObjects = new Dictionary>(); private Dictionary poolCursors = new Dictionary(); private void addObjectToPool(GameObject sourceObject, int number) { int uniqueId = sourceObject.GetInstanceID(); //Add new entry if it doesn't exist if(!instantiatedObjects.ContainsKey(uniqueId)) { instantiatedObjects.Add(uniqueId, new List()); poolCursors.Add(uniqueId, 0); } //Add the new objects GameObject newObj; for(int i = 0; i < number; i++) { newObj = (GameObject)Instantiate(sourceObject); #if UNITY_3_5 newObj.SetActiveRecursively(false); #else newObj.SetActive(false); #endif //Set flag to not destruct object CFX_AutoDestructShuriken[] autoDestruct = newObj.GetComponentsInChildren(true); foreach(CFX_AutoDestructShuriken ad in autoDestruct) { ad.OnlyDeactivate = true; } //Set flag to not destruct light CFX_LightIntensityFade[] lightIntensity = newObj.GetComponentsInChildren(true); foreach(CFX_LightIntensityFade li in lightIntensity) { li.autodestruct = false; } instantiatedObjects[uniqueId].Add(newObj); if(hideObjectsInHierarchy) newObj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; } } private void removeObjectsFromPool(GameObject sourceObject) { int uniqueId = sourceObject.GetInstanceID(); if(!instantiatedObjects.ContainsKey(uniqueId)) { Debug.LogWarning("[CFX_SpawnSystem.removeObjectsFromPool()] There aren't any preloaded object for: " + + " (ID:" + uniqueId + ")"); return; } //Destroy all objects for(int i = instantiatedObjects[uniqueId].Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GameObject obj = instantiatedObjects[uniqueId][i]; instantiatedObjects[uniqueId].RemoveAt(i); GameObject.Destroy(obj); } //Remove pool entry instantiatedObjects.Remove(uniqueId); poolCursors.Remove(uniqueId); } void Awake() { if(instance != null) Debug.LogWarning("CFX_SpawnSystem: There should only be one instance of CFX_SpawnSystem per Scene!"); instance = this; } void Start() { allObjectsLoaded = false; for(int i = 0; i < objectsToPreload.Length; i++) { PreloadObject(objectsToPreload[i], objectsToPreloadTimes[i]); } allObjectsLoaded = true; } }