2024-12-04 16:18:46 +08:00

193 lines
5.6 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class UITop : MonoBehaviour
public Text levelText;
public Text scoreText;
public Text movesText;
public Image progess;
public Image cake;
public Image progressStar1;
public Image progressStar2;
public Image progressStar3;
float progress = 0f;
float progress1 = 0.33f;
float progress2 = 0.66f;
float progress3 = 1.00f;
int star1;
int star2;
int star3;
bool greeting1;
bool greeting2;
bool greeting3;
float duration = 0.5f;
int start;
int moves;
void Start ()
levelText.text = "Level " + LevelLoader.instance.level.ToString();
scoreText.text = "0";
moves = LevelLoader.instance.moves;
if (Configure.instance.beginFiveMoves == true)
moves += Configure.instance.plusMoves;
movesText.text = moves.ToString();
star1 = LevelLoader.instance.score1Star;
star2 = LevelLoader.instance.score2Star;
star3 = LevelLoader.instance.score3Star;
progess.fillAmount = 0;
var name = "cake_" + LevelLoader.instance.cake + "_1";
cake.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(Configure.Cake(name));
public void UpdateScoreAmount(int score)
//StartCoroutine("StartUpdateScore", score);
IEnumerator StartUpdateScore(int target)
for (float timer = 0; timer < duration; timer += Time.deltaTime)
scoreText.text = ((int)Mathf.Lerp((float)start, (float)target, (timer / duration))).ToString();
yield return null;
start = target;
scoreText.text = target.ToString();
public void DecreaseMoves(bool effect = false)
if (effect == true)
var explosion = CFX_SpawnSystem.GetNextObject(Resources.Load(Configure.RingExplosion()) as GameObject);
explosion.transform.position = movesText.gameObject.transform.position;
if (moves > 0)
movesText.text = moves.ToString();
// when user runs out of moves and click keep playing
public void Set5Moves()
var explosion = CFX_SpawnSystem.GetNextObject(Resources.Load(Configure.RingExplosion()) as GameObject);
explosion.transform.position = movesText.gameObject.transform.position;
moves = 5;
movesText.text = moves.ToString();
public void UpdateProgressBar(int score)
if (score < star1)
progress = ((float)score / (float)star1) * progress1;
else if (star1 <= score && score < star2)
progress = progress1 + (((float)score - (float)star1) / ((float)star2 - (float)star1)) * (progress2 - progress1);
if (greeting1 == false)
greeting1 = true;
//print("cake state 2");
var name = "cake_" + LevelLoader.instance.cake + "_2";
cake.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(Configure.Cake(name));
iTween.PunchScale(cake.gameObject, new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0), 2.0f);
// change progress star to gold
//progressStar1.sprite = Resources.Load<GameObject>(Configure.ProgressGoldStar()).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite; ;
else if (star2 <= score && score < star3)
progress = progress2 + (((float)score - (float)star2) / ((float)star3 - (float)star2)) * (progress3 - progress2);
if (greeting2 == false)
greeting2 = true;
//print("cake state 3");
var name = "cake_" + LevelLoader.instance.cake + "_3";
cake.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(Configure.Cake(name));
iTween.PunchScale(cake.gameObject, new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0), 2.0f);
// change progress star to gold
//progressStar2.sprite = Resources.Load<GameObject>(Configure.ProgressGoldStar()).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite; ;
else if (score >= star3)
progress = progress3;
if (greeting3 == false)
greeting3 = true;
//print("cake state 4");
var name = "cake_" + LevelLoader.instance.cake + "_4";
cake.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(Configure.Cake(name));
iTween.PunchScale(cake.gameObject, new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0), 2.0f);
// change progress star to gold
//progressStar3.sprite = Resources.Load<GameObject>(Configure.ProgressGoldStar()).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite;
//Debug.Log("Updating progress bar");
//StartCoroutine("StartUpdateProgress", progress);
IEnumerator StartUpdateProgress(float progress)
float start = progess.fillAmount;
for (float timer = 0; timer < duration; timer += Time.deltaTime)
progess.fillAmount = Mathf.Lerp(start, progress, (timer / duration));
yield return null;
IEnumerator Star2Gold(Image progressStar)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(duration);
progressStar.sprite = Resources.Load<GameObject>(Configure.ProgressGoldStar()).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite;