2024-12-04 16:18:46 +08:00

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m_text: "What is frontend testing?\r\nFirst of all, what do we mean by frontend
testing?\r\n\r\nFrontend in general covers developing the graphical user interface
(GUI) of a website, through the use of different technologies (like HTML, CSS,
or JavaScript) so that users can view and interact with that website or web app.
Essentially, the frontend is the parts of a digital web product that a user can
see and interact with.\r\n\r\nFrontend testing, therefore, refers to the checks
performed to test the usability and functionality of your application\u2019s
GUI. Usually, this includes the validation of menus, forms, buttons, and other
application elements visible to end users.\r\n\r\nWhy is frontend testing important?\r\nWhen
you\u2019re developing an application, the most important thing is to ensure
the developed application works correctly and is safe for production deployment.\r\n\r\nThis
can be achieved by thinking about the most seamless ways a user can take through
your app, optimizing the navigational experience.\r\n\r\nWhile you do of course
want to ensure a safe production deployment (i.e. that that app simply works),
you also want to make sure that the application stays stable throughout the whole
cycle of user interaction. That means that you also need to secure edge cases
in vulnerable or critical parts of the application, which can include areas like
infinite loading times or error states the user won\u2019t be able to exit from.\r\n\r\nThe
tests you perform to check these things can be either manual or automated, depending
on the specific requirements. What you\u2019re essentially doing here is testing
the client (browser) part of the application.\r\n\r\nFor example, if you have
a \u2018submit\u2019 button, you want to make sure that when this is clicked
it actually triggers the relevant action, and links to the data processing happening
on the server (though the data processing is of course a backend testing responsibility).\r\n\r\nFrontend
tests provide your app with strong protection against regression. There might
be cases where you write code that helps you deploy huge or complex features
but might in return crash some other part of the application that you weren\u2019t
aware of.\r\n\r\nIt\u2019s not uncommon for teams or even individual developers
to forget some code written a while ago in the process, and then to add new code
to the existing one that can cause troubles elsewhere in the frontend.\r\n\r\nThis
will be even more visible in projects with multiple developers. With the increasing
complexity of modern applications, it\u2019s rare that you\u2019ll be able to
deliver a big project alone. No one can simply know everything about every piece
of code written by other programmers. And this is why frontend testing is so
important - to double check that code is not inconsistent and the frontend functionality
is intact.\r\n\r\nYou need to build up trust in your code and the final application.
Otherwise users may never download your app or delete it after a short time.
Whenever a bug appears, found either by your team or users, it should, of course,
be fixed - but also covered by an additional test suite so you know it won\u2019t
reappear again unexpectedly.\r\n\r\nThe more you can trust your code, the easier
and less stressful deployments will be. Additionally, business leaders will undoubtedly
be happier knowing that their application is developing at a stable pace, enabling
the company to plan and prepare roadmaps easier.\r\n\r\nAnother good reason to
keep well-maintained tests is that they serve as live documentation. Writing
tests requires a proper description of what a specific test (and the component
of your application it relates to) does.\r\n\r\nIn order to run a proper test,
you need to add mocks, using the API of components, which can then serve as guidelines
for other developers or your teams in the future on how things can be used later."
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