2024-12-04 16:18:46 +08:00

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* Spine Runtimes License Agreement
* Last updated January 1, 2020. Replaces all prior versions.
* Copyright (c) 2013-2020, Esoteric Software LLC
* Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating
* derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and
* conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:
* http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license
* Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software
* or otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,
* "Products"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own
* Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must
* include this license and copyright notice.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Spine {
/// <summary>
/// A simple container for a list of timelines and a name.</summary>
public class Animation {
internal String name;
internal ExposedList<Timeline> timelines;
internal HashSet<int> timelineIds;
internal float duration;
public Animation (string name, ExposedList<Timeline> timelines, float duration) {
if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("name", "name cannot be null.");
if (timelines == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("timelines", "timelines cannot be null.");
// Note: avoiding reallocations by adding all hash set entries at
// once (EnsureCapacity() is only available in newer .Net versions).
int[] propertyIDs = new int[timelines.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < timelines.Count; ++i) {
propertyIDs[i] = timelines.Items[i].PropertyId;
this.timelineIds = new HashSet<int>(propertyIDs);
this.name = name;
this.timelines = timelines;
this.duration = duration;
public ExposedList<Timeline> Timelines { get { return timelines; } set { timelines = value; } }
/// <summary>The duration of the animation in seconds, which is the highest time of all keys in the timeline.</summary>
public float Duration { get { return duration; } set { duration = value; } }
/// <summary>The animation's name, which is unique across all animations in the skeleton.</summary>
public string Name { get { return name; } }
/// <summary>Whether the timeline with the property id is contained in this animation.</summary>
public bool HasTimeline (int id) {
return timelineIds.Contains(id);
/// <summary>Applies all the animation's timelines to the specified skeleton.</summary>
/// <seealso cref="Timeline.Apply(Skeleton, float, float, ExposedList, float, MixBlend, MixDirection)"/>
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, bool loop, ExposedList<Event> events, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
if (skeleton == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("skeleton", "skeleton cannot be null.");
if (loop && duration != 0) {
time %= duration;
if (lastTime > 0) lastTime %= duration;
ExposedList<Timeline> timelines = this.timelines;
for (int i = 0, n = timelines.Count; i < n; i++)
timelines.Items[i].Apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction);
override public string ToString () {
return name;
/// <param name="target">After the first and before the last entry.</param>
/// <returns>Index of first value greater than the target.</returns>
internal static int BinarySearch (float[] values, float target, int step) {
int low = 0;
int high = values.Length / step - 2;
if (high == 0) return step;
int current = (int)((uint)high >> 1);
while (true) {
if (values[(current + 1) * step] <= target)
low = current + 1;
high = current;
if (low == high) return (low + 1) * step;
current = (int)((uint)(low + high) >> 1);
/// <param name="target">After the first and before the last entry.</param>
internal static int BinarySearch (float[] values, float target) {
int low = 0;
int high = values.Length - 2;
if (high == 0) return 1;
int current = (int)((uint)high >> 1);
while (true) {
if (values[current + 1] <= target)
low = current + 1;
high = current;
if (low == high) return (low + 1);
current = (int)((uint)(low + high) >> 1);
internal static int LinearSearch (float[] values, float target, int step) {
for (int i = 0, last = values.Length - step; i <= last; i += step)
if (values[i] > target) return i;
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// The interface for all timelines.</summary>
public interface Timeline {
/// <summary>Applies this timeline to the skeleton.</summary>
/// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton the timeline is being applied to. This provides access to the bones, slots, and other
/// skeleton components the timeline may change.</param>
/// <param name="lastTime"> The time this timeline was last applied. Timelines such as <see cref="EventTimeline"/> trigger only at specific
/// times rather than every frame. In that case, the timeline triggers everything between <code>lastTime</code>
/// (exclusive) and <code>time</code> (inclusive).</param>
/// <param name="time"> The time within the animation. Most timelines find the key before and the key after this time so they can
/// interpolate between the keys.</param>
/// <param name="events"> If any events are fired, they are added to this list. Can be null to ignore firing events or if the
/// timeline does not fire events.</param>
/// <param name="alpha"> 0 applies the current or setup value (depending on <code>blend</code>). 1 applies the timeline value.
/// Between 0 and 1 applies a value between the current or setup value and the timeline value. By adjusting
/// <code>alpha</code> over time, an animation can be mixed in or out. <code>alpha</code> can also be useful to
/// apply animations on top of each other (layered).</param>
/// <param name="blend"> Controls how mixing is applied when <code>alpha</code> < 1.</param>
/// <param name="direction"> Indicates whether the timeline is mixing in or out. Used by timelines which perform instant transitions,
/// such as <see cref="DrawOrderTimeline"/> or <see cref="AttachmentTimeline"/>, and other such as {@link ScaleTimeline}.</param>
void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> events, float alpha, MixBlend blend, MixDirection direction);
/// <summary>Uniquely encodes both the type of this timeline and the skeleton property that it affects.</summary>
int PropertyId { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Controls how a timeline is mixed with the setup or current pose.</summary>
/// <seealso cref="Timeline.Apply(Skeleton, float, float, ExposedList, float, MixBlend, MixDirection)"/>
public enum MixBlend {
/// <summary> Transitions from the setup value to the timeline value (the current value is not used). Before the first key, the setup
/// value is set.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// Transitions from the current value to the timeline value. Before the first key, transitions from the current value to
/// the setup value. Timelines which perform instant transitions, such as <see cref="DrawOrderTimeline"/> or
/// <see cref="AttachmentTimeline"/>, use the setup value before the first key.</para>
/// <para>
/// <code>First</code> is intended for the first animations applied, not for animations layered on top of those.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// Transitions from the current value to the timeline value. No change is made before the first key (the current value is
/// kept until the first key).</para>
/// <para>
/// <code>Replace</code> is intended for animations layered on top of others, not for the first animations applied.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// Transitions from the current value to the current value plus the timeline value. No change is made before the first key
/// (the current value is kept until the first key).</para>
/// <para>
/// <code>Add</code> is intended for animations layered on top of others, not for the first animations applied.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether a timeline's <code>alpha</code> is mixing out over time toward 0 (the setup or current pose value) or
/// mixing in toward 1 (the timeline's value).</summary>
/// <seealso cref="Timeline.Apply(Skeleton, float, float, ExposedList, float, MixBlend, MixDirection)"/>
public enum MixDirection {
internal enum TimelineType {
Rotate = 0, Translate, Scale, Shear, //
Attachment, Color, Deform, //
Event, DrawOrder, //
IkConstraint, TransformConstraint, //
PathConstraintPosition, PathConstraintSpacing, PathConstraintMix, //
/// <summary>An interface for timelines which change the property of a bone.</summary>
public interface IBoneTimeline {
/// <summary>The index of the bone in <see cref="Skeleton.Bones"/> that will be changed.</summary>
int BoneIndex { get; }
/// <summary>An interface for timelines which change the property of a slot.</summary>
public interface ISlotTimeline {
/// <summary>The index of the slot in <see cref="Skeleton.Slots"/> that will be changed.</summary>
int SlotIndex { get; }
/// <summary>The base class for timelines that use interpolation between key frame values.</summary>
abstract public class CurveTimeline : Timeline {
protected const float LINEAR = 0, STEPPED = 1, BEZIER = 2;
protected const int BEZIER_SIZE = 10 * 2 - 1;
internal float[] curves; // type, x, y, ...
/// <summary>The number of key frames for this timeline.</summary>
public int FrameCount { get { return curves.Length / BEZIER_SIZE + 1; } }
public CurveTimeline (int frameCount) {
if (frameCount <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frameCount must be > 0: ");
curves = new float[(frameCount - 1) * BEZIER_SIZE];
abstract public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend, MixDirection direction);
abstract public int PropertyId { get; }
/// <summary>Sets the specified key frame to linear interpolation.</summary>
public void SetLinear (int frameIndex) {
curves[frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE] = LINEAR;
/// <summary>Sets the specified key frame to stepped interpolation.</summary>
public void SetStepped (int frameIndex) {
curves[frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE] = STEPPED;
/// <summary>Returns the interpolation type for the specified key frame.</summary>
/// <returns>Linear is 0, stepped is 1, Bezier is 2.</returns>
public float GetCurveType (int frameIndex) {
int index = frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE;
if (index == curves.Length) return LINEAR;
float type = curves[index];
if (type == LINEAR) return LINEAR;
if (type == STEPPED) return STEPPED;
return BEZIER;
/// <summary>Sets the specified key frame to Bezier interpolation. <code>cx1</code> and <code>cx2</code> are from 0 to 1,
/// representing the percent of time between the two key frames. <code>cy1</code> and <code>cy2</code> are the percent of the
/// difference between the key frame's values.</summary>
public void SetCurve (int frameIndex, float cx1, float cy1, float cx2, float cy2) {
float tmpx = (-cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03f, tmpy = (-cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.03f;
float dddfx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 + 1) * 0.006f, dddfy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 + 1) * 0.006f;
float ddfx = tmpx * 2 + dddfx, ddfy = tmpy * 2 + dddfy;
float dfx = cx1 * 0.3f + tmpx + dddfx * 0.16666667f, dfy = cy1 * 0.3f + tmpy + dddfy * 0.16666667f;
int i = frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE;
float[] curves = this.curves;
curves[i++] = BEZIER;
float x = dfx, y = dfy;
for (int n = i + BEZIER_SIZE - 1; i < n; i += 2) {
curves[i] = x;
curves[i + 1] = y;
dfx += ddfx;
dfy += ddfy;
ddfx += dddfx;
ddfy += dddfy;
x += dfx;
y += dfy;
/// <summary>Returns the interpolated percentage for the specified key frame and linear percentage.</summary>
public float GetCurvePercent (int frameIndex, float percent) {
percent = MathUtils.Clamp (percent, 0, 1);
float[] curves = this.curves;
int i = frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE;
float type = curves[i];
if (type == LINEAR) return percent;
if (type == STEPPED) return 0;
float x = 0;
for (int start = i, n = i + BEZIER_SIZE - 1; i < n; i += 2) {
x = curves[i];
if (x >= percent) {
if (i == start) return curves[i + 1] * percent / x; // First point is 0,0.
float prevX = curves[i - 2], prevY = curves[i - 1];
return prevY + (curves[i + 1] - prevY) * (percent - prevX) / (x - prevX);
float y = curves[i - 1];
return y + (1 - y) * (percent - x) / (1 - x); // Last point is 1,1.
/// <summary>Changes a bone's local <see cref="Bone.Rotation"/>.</summary>
public class RotateTimeline : CurveTimeline, IBoneTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 2;
internal const int PREV_TIME = -2, PREV_ROTATION = -1;
internal const int ROTATION = 1;
internal int boneIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, degrees, ...
public RotateTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount << 1];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Rotate << 24) + boneIndex; }
/// <summary>The index of the bone in <see cref="Skeleton.Bones"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int BoneIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.boneIndex = value;
get {
return boneIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds and rotation in degrees for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds and the rotation in degrees for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float degrees) {
frameIndex <<= 1;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + ROTATION] = degrees;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Bone bone = skeleton.bones.Items[boneIndex];
if (!bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.rotation = bone.data.rotation;
case MixBlend.First:
float r = bone.data.rotation - bone.rotation;
bone.rotation += (r - (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360) * alpha;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
float r = frames[frames.Length + PREV_ROTATION];
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.rotation = bone.data.rotation + r * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
r += bone.data.rotation - bone.rotation;
r -= (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360;
goto case MixBlend.Add; // Fall through.
case MixBlend.Add:
bone.rotation += r * alpha;
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
float prevRotation = frames[frame + PREV_ROTATION];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent((frame >> 1) - 1, 1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
// scope for 'r' to prevent compile error.
float r = frames[frame + ROTATION] - prevRotation;
r = prevRotation + (r - (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360) * percent;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.rotation = bone.data.rotation + (r - (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360) * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
r += bone.data.rotation - bone.rotation;
goto case MixBlend.Add; // Fall through.
case MixBlend.Add:
bone.rotation += (r - (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360) * alpha;
/// <summary>Changes a bone's local <see cref"Bone.X"/> and <see cref"Bone.Y"/>.</summary>
public class TranslateTimeline : CurveTimeline, IBoneTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 3;
protected const int PREV_TIME = -3, PREV_X = -2, PREV_Y = -1;
protected const int X = 1, Y = 2;
internal int boneIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, x, y, ...
public TranslateTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Translate << 24) + boneIndex; }
/// <summary>The index of the bone in <see cref="Skeleton.Bones"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int BoneIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.boneIndex = value;
get {
return boneIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds, x, and y values for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds, x, and y values for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float x, float y) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + X] = x;
frames[frameIndex + Y] = y;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Bone bone = skeleton.bones.Items[boneIndex];
if (!bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.x = bone.data.x;
bone.y = bone.data.y;
case MixBlend.First:
bone.x += (bone.data.x - bone.x) * alpha;
bone.y += (bone.data.y - bone.y) * alpha;
float x, y;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
x = frames[frames.Length + PREV_X];
y = frames[frames.Length + PREV_Y];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
x = frames[frame + PREV_X];
y = frames[frame + PREV_Y];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
x += (frames[frame + X] - x) * percent;
y += (frames[frame + Y] - y) * percent;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.x = bone.data.x + x * alpha;
bone.y = bone.data.y + y * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
bone.x += (bone.data.x + x - bone.x) * alpha;
bone.y += (bone.data.y + y - bone.y) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
bone.x += x * alpha;
bone.y += y * alpha;
/// <summary>Changes a bone's local <see cref="Bone.ScaleX"> and <see cref="Bone.ScaleY">.</summary>
public class ScaleTimeline : TranslateTimeline, IBoneTimeline {
public ScaleTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Scale << 24) + boneIndex; }
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Bone bone = skeleton.bones.Items[boneIndex];
if (!bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.scaleX = bone.data.scaleX;
bone.scaleY = bone.data.scaleY;
case MixBlend.First:
bone.scaleX += (bone.data.scaleX - bone.scaleX) * alpha;
bone.scaleY += (bone.data.scaleY - bone.scaleY) * alpha;
float x, y;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
x = frames[frames.Length + PREV_X] * bone.data.scaleX;
y = frames[frames.Length + PREV_Y] * bone.data.scaleY;
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
x = frames[frame + PREV_X];
y = frames[frame + PREV_Y];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
x = (x + (frames[frame + X] - x) * percent) * bone.data.scaleX;
y = (y + (frames[frame + Y] - y) * percent) * bone.data.scaleY;
if (alpha == 1) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Add) {
bone.scaleX += x - bone.data.scaleX;
bone.scaleY += y - bone.data.scaleY;
} else {
bone.scaleX = x;
bone.scaleY = y;
} else {
// Mixing out uses sign of setup or current pose, else use sign of key.
float bx, by;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bx = bone.data.scaleX;
by = bone.data.scaleY;
bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.Abs(x) * Math.Sign(bx) - bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (Math.Abs(y) * Math.Sign(by) - by) * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
bx = bone.scaleX;
by = bone.scaleY;
bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.Abs(x) * Math.Sign(bx) - bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (Math.Abs(y) * Math.Sign(by) - by) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
bx = bone.scaleX;
by = bone.scaleY;
bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.Abs(x) * Math.Sign(bx) - bone.data.scaleX) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (Math.Abs(y) * Math.Sign(by) - bone.data.scaleY) * alpha;
} else {
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bx = Math.Abs(bone.data.scaleX) * Math.Sign(x);
by = Math.Abs(bone.data.scaleY) * Math.Sign(y);
bone.scaleX = bx + (x - bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (y - by) * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
bx = Math.Abs(bone.scaleX) * Math.Sign(x);
by = Math.Abs(bone.scaleY) * Math.Sign(y);
bone.scaleX = bx + (x - bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (y - by) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
bx = Math.Sign(x);
by = Math.Sign(y);
bone.scaleX = Math.Abs(bone.scaleX) * bx + (x - Math.Abs(bone.data.scaleX) * bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = Math.Abs(bone.scaleY) * by + (y - Math.Abs(bone.data.scaleY) * by) * alpha;
/// <summary>Changes a bone's local <see cref="Bone.ShearX"/> and <see cref="Bone.ShearY"/>.</summary>
public class ShearTimeline : TranslateTimeline, IBoneTimeline {
public ShearTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Shear << 24) + boneIndex; }
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Bone bone = skeleton.bones.Items[boneIndex];
if (!bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.shearX = bone.data.shearX;
bone.shearY = bone.data.shearY;
case MixBlend.First:
bone.shearX += (bone.data.shearX - bone.shearX) * alpha;
bone.shearY += (bone.data.shearY - bone.shearY) * alpha;
float x, y;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
x = frames[frames.Length + PREV_X];
y = frames[frames.Length + PREV_Y];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
x = frames[frame + PREV_X];
y = frames[frame + PREV_Y];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
x = x + (frames[frame + X] - x) * percent;
y = y + (frames[frame + Y] - y) * percent;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.shearX = bone.data.shearX + x * alpha;
bone.shearY = bone.data.shearY + y * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
bone.shearX += (bone.data.shearX + x - bone.shearX) * alpha;
bone.shearY += (bone.data.shearY + y - bone.shearY) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
bone.shearX += x * alpha;
bone.shearY += y * alpha;
/// <summary>Changes a slot's <see cref="Slot.Color"/>.</summary>
public class ColorTimeline : CurveTimeline, ISlotTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 5;
protected const int PREV_TIME = -5, PREV_R = -4, PREV_G = -3, PREV_B = -2, PREV_A = -1;
protected const int R = 1, G = 2, B = 3, A = 4;
internal int slotIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, r, g, b, a, ...
public ColorTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Color << 24) + slotIndex; }
/// <summary>The index of the slot in <see cref="Skeleton.Slots"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int SlotIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.slotIndex = value;
get {
return slotIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha values for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float r, float g, float b, float a) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + R] = r;
frames[frameIndex + G] = g;
frames[frameIndex + B] = b;
frames[frameIndex + A] = a;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Slot slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex];
if (!slot.bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
var slotData = slot.data;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
slot.r = slotData.r;
slot.g = slotData.g;
slot.b = slotData.b;
slot.a = slotData.a;
case MixBlend.First:
slot.r += (slotData.r - slot.r) * alpha;
slot.g += (slotData.g - slot.g) * alpha;
slot.b += (slotData.b - slot.b) * alpha;
slot.a += (slotData.a - slot.a) * alpha;
float r, g, b, a;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
int i = frames.Length;
r = frames[i + PREV_R];
g = frames[i + PREV_G];
b = frames[i + PREV_B];
a = frames[i + PREV_A];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
r = frames[frame + PREV_R];
g = frames[frame + PREV_G];
b = frames[frame + PREV_B];
a = frames[frame + PREV_A];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
r += (frames[frame + R] - r) * percent;
g += (frames[frame + G] - g) * percent;
b += (frames[frame + B] - b) * percent;
a += (frames[frame + A] - a) * percent;
if (alpha == 1) {
slot.r = r;
slot.g = g;
slot.b = b;
slot.a = a;
} else {
float br, bg, bb, ba;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
br = slot.data.r;
bg = slot.data.g;
bb = slot.data.b;
ba = slot.data.a;
} else {
br = slot.r;
bg = slot.g;
bb = slot.b;
ba = slot.a;
slot.r = br + ((r - br) * alpha);
slot.g = bg + ((g - bg) * alpha);
slot.b = bb + ((b - bb) * alpha);
slot.a = ba + ((a - ba) * alpha);
/// <summary>Changes a slot's <see cref="Slot.Color"/> and <see cref="Slot.DarkColor"/> for two color tinting.</summary>
public class TwoColorTimeline : CurveTimeline, ISlotTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 8;
protected const int PREV_TIME = -8, PREV_R = -7, PREV_G = -6, PREV_B = -5, PREV_A = -4;
protected const int PREV_R2 = -3, PREV_G2 = -2, PREV_B2 = -1;
protected const int R = 1, G = 2, B = 3, A = 4, R2 = 5, G2 = 6, B2 = 7;
internal int slotIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, ...
public TwoColorTimeline (int frameCount) :
base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.TwoColor << 24) + slotIndex; }
/// <summary> The index of the slot in <see cref="Skeleton.Slots"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int SlotIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.slotIndex = value;
get {
return slotIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha values for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds, light, and dark colors for the specified key frame..</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float r, float g, float b, float a, float r2, float g2, float b2) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + R] = r;
frames[frameIndex + G] = g;
frames[frameIndex + B] = b;
frames[frameIndex + A] = a;
frames[frameIndex + R2] = r2;
frames[frameIndex + G2] = g2;
frames[frameIndex + B2] = b2;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Slot slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex];
if (!slot.bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
var slotData = slot.data;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
// slot.color.set(slot.data.color);
// slot.darkColor.set(slot.data.darkColor);
slot.r = slotData.r;
slot.g = slotData.g;
slot.b = slotData.b;
slot.a = slotData.a;
slot.r2 = slotData.r2;
slot.g2 = slotData.g2;
slot.b2 = slotData.b2;
case MixBlend.First:
slot.r += (slot.r - slotData.r) * alpha;
slot.g += (slot.g - slotData.g) * alpha;
slot.b += (slot.b - slotData.b) * alpha;
slot.a += (slot.a - slotData.a) * alpha;
slot.r2 += (slot.r2 - slotData.r2) * alpha;
slot.g2 += (slot.g2 - slotData.g2) * alpha;
slot.b2 += (slot.b2 - slotData.b2) * alpha;
float r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
int i = frames.Length;
r = frames[i + PREV_R];
g = frames[i + PREV_G];
b = frames[i + PREV_B];
a = frames[i + PREV_A];
r2 = frames[i + PREV_R2];
g2 = frames[i + PREV_G2];
b2 = frames[i + PREV_B2];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
r = frames[frame + PREV_R];
g = frames[frame + PREV_G];
b = frames[frame + PREV_B];
a = frames[frame + PREV_A];
r2 = frames[frame + PREV_R2];
g2 = frames[frame + PREV_G2];
b2 = frames[frame + PREV_B2];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
r += (frames[frame + R] - r) * percent;
g += (frames[frame + G] - g) * percent;
b += (frames[frame + B] - b) * percent;
a += (frames[frame + A] - a) * percent;
r2 += (frames[frame + R2] - r2) * percent;
g2 += (frames[frame + G2] - g2) * percent;
b2 += (frames[frame + B2] - b2) * percent;
if (alpha == 1) {
slot.r = r;
slot.g = g;
slot.b = b;
slot.a = a;
slot.r2 = r2;
slot.g2 = g2;
slot.b2 = b2;
} else {
float br, bg, bb, ba, br2, bg2, bb2;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
br = slot.data.r;
bg = slot.data.g;
bb = slot.data.b;
ba = slot.data.a;
br2 = slot.data.r2;
bg2 = slot.data.g2;
bb2 = slot.data.b2;
} else {
br = slot.r;
bg = slot.g;
bb = slot.b;
ba = slot.a;
br2 = slot.r2;
bg2 = slot.g2;
bb2 = slot.b2;
slot.r = br + ((r - br) * alpha);
slot.g = bg + ((g - bg) * alpha);
slot.b = bb + ((b - bb) * alpha);
slot.a = ba + ((a - ba) * alpha);
slot.r2 = br2 + ((r2 - br2) * alpha);
slot.g2 = bg2 + ((g2 - bg2) * alpha);
slot.b2 = bb2 + ((b2 - bb2) * alpha);
/// <summary>Changes a slot's <see cref="Slot.Attachment"/>.</summary>
public class AttachmentTimeline : Timeline, ISlotTimeline {
internal int slotIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, ...
internal string[] attachmentNames;
public AttachmentTimeline (int frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount];
attachmentNames = new String[frameCount];
public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Attachment << 24) + slotIndex; }
/// <summary>The number of key frames for this timeline.</summary>
public int FrameCount { get { return frames.Length; } }
/// <summary>The index of the slot in <see cref="Skeleton.Slots"> that will be changed.</summary>
public int SlotIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.slotIndex = value;
get {
return slotIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// <summary>The attachment name for each key frame. May contain null values to clear the attachment.</summary>
public string[] AttachmentNames { get { return attachmentNames; } set { attachmentNames = value; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds and the attachment name for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, String attachmentName) {
frames[frameIndex] = time;
attachmentNames[frameIndex] = attachmentName;
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Slot slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex];
if (!slot.bone.active) return;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) SetAttachment(skeleton, slot, slot.data.attachmentName);
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup || blend == MixBlend.First) SetAttachment(skeleton, slot, slot.data.attachmentName);
int frameIndex;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - 1]) // Time is after last frame.
frameIndex = frames.Length - 1;
frameIndex = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time) - 1;
SetAttachment(skeleton, slot, attachmentNames[frameIndex]);
private void SetAttachment (Skeleton skeleton, Slot slot, string attachmentName) {
slot.Attachment = attachmentName == null ? null : skeleton.GetAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName);
/// <summary>Changes a slot's <see cref="Slot.Deform"/> to deform a <see cref="VertexAttachment"/>.</summary>
public class DeformTimeline : CurveTimeline, ISlotTimeline {
internal int slotIndex;
internal VertexAttachment attachment;
internal float[] frames; // time, ...
internal float[][] frameVertices;
public DeformTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount];
frameVertices = new float[frameCount][];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Deform << 27) + attachment.id + slotIndex; }
/// <summary>The index of the slot in <see cref="Skeleton.Slots"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int SlotIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.slotIndex = value;
get {
return slotIndex;
/// <summary>The attachment that will be deformed.</summary>
public VertexAttachment Attachment { get { return attachment; } set { attachment = value; } }
/// <summary>The time in seconds for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// <summary>The vertices for each key frame.</summary>
public float[][] Vertices { get { return frameVertices; } set { frameVertices = value; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds and the vertices for the specified key frame.</summary>
/// <param name="vertices">Vertex positions for an unweighted VertexAttachment, or deform offsets if it has weights.</param>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float[] vertices) {
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frameVertices[frameIndex] = vertices;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Slot slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex];
if (!slot.bone.active) return;
VertexAttachment vertexAttachment = slot.attachment as VertexAttachment;
if (vertexAttachment == null || vertexAttachment.DeformAttachment != attachment) return;
var deformArray = slot.Deform;
if (deformArray.Count == 0) blend = MixBlend.Setup;
float[][] frameVertices = this.frameVertices;
int vertexCount = frameVertices[0].Length;
float[] frames = this.frames;
float[] deform;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
case MixBlend.First:
if (alpha == 1) {
// deformArray.SetSize(vertexCount) // Ensure size and preemptively set count.
if (deformArray.Capacity < vertexCount) deformArray.Capacity = vertexCount;
deformArray.Count = vertexCount;
deform = deformArray.Items;
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += (setupVertices[i] - deform[i]) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets.
alpha = 1 - alpha;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] *= alpha;
// deformArray.SetSize(vertexCount) // Ensure size and preemptively set count.
if (deformArray.Capacity < vertexCount) deformArray.Capacity = vertexCount;
deformArray.Count = vertexCount;
deform = deformArray.Items;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - 1]) { // Time is after last frame.
float[] lastVertices = frameVertices[frames.Length - 1];
if (alpha == 1) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Add) {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, no alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += lastVertices[i] - setupVertices[i];
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, no alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += lastVertices[i];
} else {
// Vertex positions or deform offsets, no alpha.
Array.Copy(lastVertices, 0, deform, 0, vertexCount);
} else {
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup: {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, with alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float setup = setupVertices[i];
deform[i] = setup + (lastVertices[i] - setup) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] = lastVertices[i] * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
// Vertex positions or deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += (lastVertices[i] - deform[i]) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, no alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += (lastVertices[i] - setupVertices[i]) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += lastVertices[i] * alpha;
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time);
float[] prevVertices = frameVertices[frame - 1];
float[] nextVertices = frameVertices[frame];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame - 1, 1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame - 1] - frameTime));
if (alpha == 1) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Add) {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, no alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent - setupVertices[i];
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, no alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent;
} else {
// Vertex positions or deform offsets, no alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] = prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent;
} else {
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup: {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, with alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i], setup = setupVertices[i];
deform[i] = setup + (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent - setup) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] = (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent) * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace: {
// Vertex positions or deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent - deform[i]) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add: {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, with alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent - setupVertices[i]) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent) * alpha;
/// <summary>Fires an <see cref="Event"/> when specific animation times are reached.</summary>
public class EventTimeline : Timeline {
internal float[] frames; // time, ...
private Event[] events;
public EventTimeline (int frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount];
events = new Event[frameCount];
public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Event << 24); }
/// <summary>The number of key frames for this timeline.</summary>
public int FrameCount { get { return frames.Length; } }
/// <summary>The time in seconds for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// <summary>The event for each key frame.</summary>
public Event[] Events { get { return events; } set { events = value; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds and the event for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, Event e) {
frames[frameIndex] = e.Time;
events[frameIndex] = e;
/// <summary>Fires events for frames &gt; <code>lastTime</code> and &lt;= <code>time</code>.</summary>
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
if (firedEvents == null) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
int frameCount = frames.Length;
if (lastTime > time) { // Fire events after last time for looped animations.
Apply(skeleton, lastTime, int.MaxValue, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction);
lastTime = -1f;
} else if (lastTime >= frames[frameCount - 1]) // Last time is after last frame.
if (time < frames[0]) return; // Time is before first frame.
int frame;
if (lastTime < frames[0])
frame = 0;
else {
frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, lastTime);
float frameTime = frames[frame];
while (frame > 0) { // Fire multiple events with the same frame.
if (frames[frame - 1] != frameTime) break;
for (; frame < frameCount && time >= frames[frame]; frame++)
/// <summary>Changes a skeleton's <see cref="Skeleton.DrawOrder"/>.</summary>
public class DrawOrderTimeline : Timeline {
internal float[] frames; // time, ...
private int[][] drawOrders;
public DrawOrderTimeline (int frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount];
drawOrders = new int[frameCount][];
public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.DrawOrder << 24); }
/// <summary>The number of key frames for this timeline.</summary>
public int FrameCount { get { return frames.Length; } }
/// <summary>The time in seconds for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } } // time, ...
/// <summary>The draw order for each key frame.</summary>
/// <seealso cref="Timeline.setFrame(int, float, int[])"/>.
public int[][] DrawOrders { get { return drawOrders; } set { drawOrders = value; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds and the draw order for the specified key frame.</summary>
/// <param name="drawOrder">For each slot in <see cref="Skeleton.Slots"/> the index of the new draw order. May be null to use setup pose
/// draw order..</param>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, int[] drawOrder) {
frames[frameIndex] = time;
drawOrders[frameIndex] = drawOrder;
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
ExposedList<Slot> drawOrder = skeleton.drawOrder;
ExposedList<Slot> slots = skeleton.slots;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) Array.Copy(slots.Items, 0, drawOrder.Items, 0, slots.Count);
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup || blend == MixBlend.First) Array.Copy(slots.Items, 0, drawOrder.Items, 0, slots.Count);
int frame;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - 1]) // Time is after last frame.
frame = frames.Length - 1;
frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time) - 1;
int[] drawOrderToSetupIndex = drawOrders[frame];
if (drawOrderToSetupIndex == null) {
Array.Copy(slots.Items, 0, drawOrder.Items, 0, slots.Count);
} else {
var drawOrderItems = drawOrder.Items;
var slotsItems = slots.Items;
for (int i = 0, n = drawOrderToSetupIndex.Length; i < n; i++)
drawOrderItems[i] = slotsItems[drawOrderToSetupIndex[i]];
/// <summary>Changes an IK constraint's <see cref="IkConstraint.Mix"/>, <see cref="IkConstraint.Softness"/>,
/// <see cref="IkConstraint.BendDirection"/>, <see cref="IkConstraint.Stretch"/>, and <see cref="IkConstraint.Compress"/>.</summary>
public class IkConstraintTimeline : CurveTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 6;
private const int PREV_TIME = -6, PREV_MIX = -5, PREV_SOFTNESS = -4, PREV_BEND_DIRECTION = -3, PREV_COMPRESS = -2,
private const int MIX = 1, SOFTNESS = 2, BEND_DIRECTION = 3, COMPRESS = 4, STRETCH = 5;
internal int ikConstraintIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, mix, softness, bendDirection, compress, stretch, ...
public IkConstraintTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.IkConstraint << 24) + ikConstraintIndex; }
/// <summary>The index of the IK constraint slot in <see cref="Skeleton.IkConstraints"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int IkConstraintIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.ikConstraintIndex = value;
get {
return ikConstraintIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds, mix, softness, bend direction, compress, and stretch for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds, mix, softness, bend direction, compress, and stretch for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float mix, float softness, int bendDirection, bool compress,
bool stretch) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + MIX] = mix;
frames[frameIndex + SOFTNESS] = softness;
frames[frameIndex + BEND_DIRECTION] = bendDirection;
frames[frameIndex + COMPRESS] = compress ? 1 : 0;
frames[frameIndex + STRETCH] = stretch ? 1 : 0;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
IkConstraint constraint = skeleton.ikConstraints.Items[ikConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.mix = constraint.data.mix;
constraint.softness = constraint.data.softness;
constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection;
constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress;
constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.mix += (constraint.data.mix - constraint.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness += (constraint.data.softness - constraint.softness) * alpha;
constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection;
constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress;
constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
constraint.mix = constraint.data.mix + (frames[frames.Length + PREV_MIX] - constraint.data.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness = constraint.data.softness
+ (frames[frames.Length + PREV_SOFTNESS] - constraint.data.softness) * alpha;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection;
constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress;
constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch;
} else {
constraint.bendDirection = (int)frames[frames.Length + PREV_BEND_DIRECTION];
constraint.compress = frames[frames.Length + PREV_COMPRESS] != 0;
constraint.stretch = frames[frames.Length + PREV_STRETCH] != 0;
} else {
constraint.mix += (frames[frames.Length + PREV_MIX] - constraint.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness += (frames[frames.Length + PREV_SOFTNESS] - constraint.softness) * alpha;
if (direction == MixDirection.In) {
constraint.bendDirection = (int)frames[frames.Length + PREV_BEND_DIRECTION];
constraint.compress = frames[frames.Length + PREV_COMPRESS] != 0;
constraint.stretch = frames[frames.Length + PREV_STRETCH] != 0;
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
float mix = frames[frame + PREV_MIX];
float softness = frames[frame + PREV_SOFTNESS];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
constraint.mix = constraint.data.mix + (mix + (frames[frame + MIX] - mix) * percent - constraint.data.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness = constraint.data.softness
+ (softness + (frames[frame + SOFTNESS] - softness) * percent - constraint.data.softness) * alpha;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection;
constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress;
constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch;
} else {
constraint.bendDirection = (int)frames[frame + PREV_BEND_DIRECTION];
constraint.compress = frames[frame + PREV_COMPRESS] != 0;
constraint.stretch = frames[frame + PREV_STRETCH] != 0;
} else {
constraint.mix += (mix + (frames[frame + MIX] - mix) * percent - constraint.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness += (softness + (frames[frame + SOFTNESS] - softness) * percent - constraint.softness) * alpha;
if (direction == MixDirection.In) {
constraint.bendDirection = (int)frames[frame + PREV_BEND_DIRECTION];
constraint.compress = frames[frame + PREV_COMPRESS] != 0;
constraint.stretch = frames[frame + PREV_STRETCH] != 0;
/// <summary>Changes a transform constraint's mixes.</summary>
public class TransformConstraintTimeline : CurveTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 5;
private const int PREV_TIME = -5, PREV_ROTATE = -4, PREV_TRANSLATE = -3, PREV_SCALE = -2, PREV_SHEAR = -1;
private const int ROTATE = 1, TRANSLATE = 2, SCALE = 3, SHEAR = 4;
internal int transformConstraintIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, shear mix, ...
public TransformConstraintTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.TransformConstraint << 24) + transformConstraintIndex; }
/// <summary>The index of the transform constraint slot in <see cref="Skeleton.TransformConstraints"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int TransformConstraintIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.transformConstraintIndex = value;
get {
return transformConstraintIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, and shear mix for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } } // time, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, shear mix, ...
/// <summary>The time in seconds, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, and shear mix for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float rotateMix, float translateMix, float scaleMix, float shearMix) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + ROTATE] = rotateMix;
frames[frameIndex + TRANSLATE] = translateMix;
frames[frameIndex + SCALE] = scaleMix;
frames[frameIndex + SHEAR] = shearMix;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
TransformConstraint constraint = skeleton.transformConstraints.Items[transformConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
TransformConstraintData data = constraint.data;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.rotateMix = data.rotateMix;
constraint.translateMix = data.translateMix;
constraint.scaleMix = data.scaleMix;
constraint.shearMix = data.shearMix;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.rotateMix += (data.rotateMix - constraint.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix += (data.translateMix - constraint.translateMix) * alpha;
constraint.scaleMix += (data.scaleMix - constraint.scaleMix) * alpha;
constraint.shearMix += (data.shearMix - constraint.shearMix) * alpha;
float rotate, translate, scale, shear;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
int i = frames.Length;
rotate = frames[i + PREV_ROTATE];
translate = frames[i + PREV_TRANSLATE];
scale = frames[i + PREV_SCALE];
shear = frames[i + PREV_SHEAR];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
rotate = frames[frame + PREV_ROTATE];
translate = frames[frame + PREV_TRANSLATE];
scale = frames[frame + PREV_SCALE];
shear = frames[frame + PREV_SHEAR];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
rotate += (frames[frame + ROTATE] - rotate) * percent;
translate += (frames[frame + TRANSLATE] - translate) * percent;
scale += (frames[frame + SCALE] - scale) * percent;
shear += (frames[frame + SHEAR] - shear) * percent;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
TransformConstraintData data = constraint.data;
constraint.rotateMix = data.rotateMix + (rotate - data.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix = data.translateMix + (translate - data.translateMix) * alpha;
constraint.scaleMix = data.scaleMix + (scale - data.scaleMix) * alpha;
constraint.shearMix = data.shearMix + (shear - data.shearMix) * alpha;
} else {
constraint.rotateMix += (rotate - constraint.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix += (translate - constraint.translateMix) * alpha;
constraint.scaleMix += (scale - constraint.scaleMix) * alpha;
constraint.shearMix += (shear - constraint.shearMix) * alpha;
/// <summary>Changes a path constraint's <see cref="PathConstraint.Position"/>.</summary>
public class PathConstraintPositionTimeline : CurveTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 2;
protected const int PREV_TIME = -2, PREV_VALUE = -1;
protected const int VALUE = 1;
internal int pathConstraintIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, position, ...
public PathConstraintPositionTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.PathConstraintPosition << 24) + pathConstraintIndex; }
/// <summary>The index of the path constraint slot in <see cref="Skeleton.PathConstraints"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int PathConstraintIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.pathConstraintIndex = value;
get {
return pathConstraintIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds and path constraint position for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } } // time, position, ...
/// <summary>Sets the time in seconds and path constraint position for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float position) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + VALUE] = position;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
PathConstraint constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[pathConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.position = constraint.data.position;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.position += (constraint.data.position - constraint.position) * alpha;
float position;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) // Time is after last frame.
position = frames[frames.Length + PREV_VALUE];
else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
position = frames[frame + PREV_VALUE];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
position += (frames[frame + VALUE] - position) * percent;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup)
constraint.position = constraint.data.position + (position - constraint.data.position) * alpha;
constraint.position += (position - constraint.position) * alpha;
/// <summary>Changes a path constraint's <see cref="PathConstraint.Spacing"/>.</summary>
public class PathConstraintSpacingTimeline : PathConstraintPositionTimeline {
public PathConstraintSpacingTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.PathConstraintSpacing << 24) + pathConstraintIndex; }
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> events, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
PathConstraint constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[pathConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.spacing = constraint.data.spacing;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.spacing += (constraint.data.spacing - constraint.spacing) * alpha;
float spacing;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) // Time is after last frame.
spacing = frames[frames.Length + PREV_VALUE];
else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
spacing = frames[frame + PREV_VALUE];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
spacing += (frames[frame + VALUE] - spacing) * percent;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup)
constraint.spacing = constraint.data.spacing + (spacing - constraint.data.spacing) * alpha;
constraint.spacing += (spacing - constraint.spacing) * alpha;
/// <summary>Changes a path constraint's mixes.</summary>
public class PathConstraintMixTimeline : CurveTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 3;
private const int PREV_TIME = -3, PREV_ROTATE = -2, PREV_TRANSLATE = -1;
private const int ROTATE = 1, TRANSLATE = 2;
internal int pathConstraintIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, rotate mix, translate mix, ...
public PathConstraintMixTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.PathConstraintMix << 24) + pathConstraintIndex; }
/// <summary>The index of the path constraint slot in <see cref="Skeleton.PathConstraints"/> that will be changed.</summary>
public int PathConstraintIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.pathConstraintIndex = value;
get {
return pathConstraintIndex;
/// <summary>The time in seconds, rotate mix, and translate mix for each key frame.</summary>
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } } // time, rotate mix, translate mix, ...
/// <summary>The time in seconds, rotate mix, and translate mix for the specified key frame.</summary>
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float rotateMix, float translateMix) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + ROTATE] = rotateMix;
frames[frameIndex + TRANSLATE] = translateMix;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList<Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
PathConstraint constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[pathConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.rotateMix = constraint.data.rotateMix;
constraint.translateMix = constraint.data.translateMix;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.rotateMix += (constraint.data.rotateMix - constraint.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix += (constraint.data.translateMix - constraint.translateMix) * alpha;
float rotate, translate;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
rotate = frames[frames.Length + PREV_ROTATE];
translate = frames[frames.Length + PREV_TRANSLATE];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
rotate = frames[frame + PREV_ROTATE];
translate = frames[frame + PREV_TRANSLATE];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
rotate += (frames[frame + ROTATE] - rotate) * percent;
translate += (frames[frame + TRANSLATE] - translate) * percent;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
constraint.rotateMix = constraint.data.rotateMix + (rotate - constraint.data.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix = constraint.data.translateMix + (translate - constraint.data.translateMix) * alpha;
} else {
constraint.rotateMix += (rotate - constraint.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix += (translate - constraint.translateMix) * alpha;