2024-12-04 16:18:46 +08:00

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//Check for using mesh normals
//Check for fixing backfacing tangents
// Vertex structs
struct VertexInput
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : COLOR;
#if defined(MESH_NORMALS)
float3 normal : NORMAL;
#endif // _FIXED_NORMALS
#if defined(_NORMALMAP)
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
#endif // _NORMALMAP
// Normal functions
#if !defined(USE_LWRP) && !defined(USE_URP)
uniform float4 _FixedNormal = float4(0, 0, 1, 1);
inline float3 getFixedNormal()
return _FixedNormal.xyz;
inline float calculateBackfacingSign(float3 worldPos)
//If we're using fixed normals and mesh is facing away from camera, flip tangentSign
//Unity uses a left handed coordinate system so camera always looks down the negative z axis
float3 cameraForward = float3(0,0,-1);
float3 meshWorldForward = mul((float3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld, cameraForward);
float3 toCamera = _WorldSpaceCameraPos - worldPos;
return sign(dot(toCamera, meshWorldForward));
inline half3 calculateSpriteWorldNormal(VertexInput vertex, float backFaceSign)
#if defined(MESH_NORMALS)
return calculateWorldNormal(vertex.normal);
#else // !MESH_NORMALS
float3 normal = getFixedNormal();
//View space fixed normal
//Rotate fixed normal by inverse view matrix to convert the fixed normal into world space
float3x3 invView = transpose((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_V);
return normalize(mul(invView, normal));
//World space fixed normal
return normal;
//Model space fixed normal.
//If back face rendering is enabled and the sprite is facing away from the camera (ie we're rendering the backface) then need to flip the normal
normal *= backFaceSign;
return calculateWorldNormal(normal);
#endif // !MESH_NORMALS
inline half3 calculateSpriteViewNormal(VertexInput vertex, float backFaceSign)
#if defined(MESH_NORMALS)
return normalize(mul((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV, vertex.normal));
#else // !MESH_NORMALS
float3 normal = getFixedNormal();
//View space fixed normal
return normal;
//World space fixed normal
return normalize(mul((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_V, normal));
//Model space fixed normal
//If back face rendering is enabled and the sprite is facing away from the camera (ie we're rendering the backface) then need to flip the normal
normal *= backFaceSign;
return normalize(mul((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV, normal));
#endif // !MESH_NORMALS
// Normal map functions
#if defined(_NORMALMAP)
inline half3 calculateSpriteWorldBinormal(VertexInput vertex, half3 normalWorld, half3 tangentWorld, float backFaceSign)
float tangentSign = vertex.tangent.w;
tangentSign *= backFaceSign;
return calculateWorldBinormal(normalWorld, tangentWorld, tangentSign);
#endif // _NORMALMAP
#if defined(_DIFFUSE_RAMP)
// Diffuse ramp functions
uniform sampler2D _DiffuseRamp;
inline fixed3 calculateDiffuseRamp(float ramp)
return tex2D(_DiffuseRamp, float2(ramp, ramp)).rgb;
inline fixed3 calculateRampedDiffuse(fixed3 lightColor, float attenuation, float angleDot)
float d = angleDot;
half3 ramp = calculateDiffuseRamp(d);
return lightColor * ramp * attenuation;
#elif defined(_FULLRANGE_SOFT_RAMP)
float d = angleDot;
half3 ramp = calculateDiffuseRamp(d * attenuation);
return lightColor * ramp;
#elif defined(_OLD_SOFT_RAMP)
// for unmodified behaviour with existing projects when
// the HARD_DIFFUSE_RAMP define was disabled in this file.
// uses only the right half of the ramp texture, as
// negative angleDot is clamped to [0,1] before.
float d = angleDot * 0.5 + 0.5;
half3 ramp = calculateDiffuseRamp(d);
return lightColor * ramp * (attenuation * 2);
#else // _OLD_HARD_RAMP
// old default, for unmodified behaviour with existing projects,
// uses only the right half of the ramp texture, as
// negative angleDot is clamped to [0,1] before.
float d = angleDot * 0.5 + 0.5;
half3 ramp = calculateDiffuseRamp(d * attenuation * 2);
return lightColor * ramp;
#endif // _DIFFUSE_RAMP
// Rim Lighting functions
#if !defined(USE_LWRP) && !defined(USE_URP)
uniform float _RimPower;
uniform fixed4 _RimColor;
inline fixed3 applyRimLighting(fixed3 posWorld, fixed3 normalWorld, fixed4 pixel) : SV_Target
fixed3 viewDir = normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - posWorld);
float invDot = 1.0 - saturate(dot(normalWorld, viewDir));
float rimPower = pow(invDot, _RimPower);
float rim = saturate(rimPower * _RimColor.a);
#if defined(_DIFFUSE_RAMP)
rim = calculateDiffuseRamp(rim).r;
return lerp(pixel.rgb, _RimColor.xyz * pixel.a, rim);
#endif //_RIM_LIGHTING
// Emission functions
#ifdef _EMISSION
uniform sampler2D _EmissionMap;
#if !defined(USE_LWRP) && !defined(USE_URP)
uniform fixed4 _EmissionColor;
uniform float _EmissionPower;
#define APPLY_EMISSION(diffuse, uv) diffuse += tex2D(_EmissionMap, uv).rgb * _EmissionColor.rgb * _EmissionPower;
#define APPLY_EMISSION_SPECULAR(pixel, uv) pixel.rgb += (tex2D(_EmissionMap, uv).rgb * _EmissionColor.rgb * _EmissionPower) * pixel.a;
#else //!_EMISSION
#define APPLY_EMISSION(diffuse, uv)
#define APPLY_EMISSION_SPECULAR(pixel, uv)
#endif //!_EMISSION