Compare commits
No commits in common. "ef5d5a75ea4a2a3491dcecd85b9ce94c66a48e36" and "05dff9a793082eaf7bf475ac010fca7f7ef995a1" have entirely different histories.
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--- !u!1 &205715504
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--- !u!1001 &1893834194
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value: 0
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--- !u!224 &1893834195 stripped
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--- !u!1 &1893942892
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@ -200790,108 +200678,6 @@ CanvasRenderer:
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--- !u!1001 &2127014107
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--- !u!224 &2127014108 stripped
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@ -22,33 +22,22 @@ public class Islandpanel : MonoBehaviour
float remainingTime = 0f;
public CertificatePanel Certificate;
public Sprite[] dao;
public Button zhengshu;
private async void OnEnable()
async void Start()
AuctionResponse response = await Scene_main_jiekou.instance.Auctioninformations();
//IslandResponse jinpairesponse = await Scene_main_jiekou.instance.Island(count);
gold.text =;
introtext.text = response.Data.intro_text;
InvesttotalText.text = response.Data.invest_total.ToString();
remainingTime = response.Data.countdown;
if (response.Data.island_id == 0)
zhengshu.onClick.AddListener(async () =>
Certificate.response = await Scene_main_jiekou.instance.AuctionCertificate();
islandname.text = response.Data.island_name;
Dao.sprite = dao[response.Data.island_id];
Certificate.response = await Scene_main_jiekou.instance.AuctionCertificate();
async void Start()
UpButton.onClick.AddListener(() =>
count += 1;
@ -66,7 +55,7 @@ public class Islandpanel : MonoBehaviour
if (remainingTime == 0)
Certificate.response = await Scene_main_jiekou.instance.AuctionCertificate();
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ public class WebJoinroom : MonoBehaviour
private float interval = 1f; // 每秒调用一次
public Button Fishing;
FishJoinroomData fishJoinroomData;
public GameObject[] yu;
private async void Start()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user