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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using DG.Tweening;
public class Attack : MonoBehaviour
[Header("子弹预制体")] public GameObject bulletPrefab;
[Header("子弹数据")] public BulletData bulletData;
[Header("角色对象")] public Role role;
//[Header("攻击范围")] public float attackScope;
[Header("攻击类型")] public DamageType damageTyp = DamageType.noAttributeDamage;
[Header("攻击CD时间")] public float attackCooldown = 1f; // 攻击冷却时间
private float lastAttackTime = 0f; // 上次攻击的时间
public List<GameObject> bulltes = new List<GameObject>();
[Header("角色动画控制器")] public Animator animator;
//[Header("火焰动画控制器")] public Animator fireAni;
[Header("火焰动画控制器")] public List<Animator> fireAnis;
[Header("子弹起始点")] public Transform BulletStartPos;
[Header("攻击速度")] public float AttackSpeed = 1f;
public Vector2 direction;
[Header("子弹速度加成")] public float roleBulletSpeedAdd = 0f;
//[Header("子弹长度")] public float scaleFactor;
[Header("子弹数量")] public int BulletNumber = 1;
[Header("攻击碰撞体")] public CircleCollider2D attackCollider;
[Header("矩形攻击碰撞体")] public BoxCollider2D attackColliderBox;
[Header("攻击范围图片")] public SpriteRenderer attackRangeSprite;
[Header("攻击持续时间")] public float AttackStayTime;//
[Header("攻击目标")] public GameObject Target;
[Header("攻击范围显示脚本")] public CharacterClick characterClick;
[Header("攻击随机角度范围")] public float Angle=30;
[Header("子弹分裂个数")] public int splitNum = 2;
[Header("分裂子弹伤害")] public float SplitAttack = 10;
[Header("子弹围绕范围")] public float RunRange = 3f;
[Header("是否造成额外伤害")] public bool haveAddDamage = false;
[Header("额外伤害类型")] public DamageType AdddamageType=DamageType.magicDamage;
[Header("子弹爆炸范围")] public float BoomRange = 1;
public bool isAttack = true;
public bool flag = false;
[HideInInspector] public float timer = 0;
public async void Start()
bulletData = new BulletData();
bulletData.BulletScattering = 1;
//animator.SetFloat("AttackSpeed", AttackSpeed);
attackCooldown = transform.parent.GetComponent<enemy>().AttackCD;
SetAttackRange(); // 设置攻击范围
while (isAttack)
if (attackCollider || attackColliderBox)
// 检查是否可以进行攻击(基于冷却时间)
if (Time.time - lastAttackTime >= attackCooldown)
if (attackCollider)
Collider2D[] colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(attackCollider.transform.position, attackCollider.radius);
else if (attackColliderBox)
// 获取碰撞体的尺寸
Vector2 boxSize = attackColliderBox.size;
// 只检测右边一半,修改尺寸
boxSize.x /= 2f;
// 获取碰撞体的中心位置
Vector3 colliderCenter = attackColliderBox.transform.position;
// 计算右半部分的中心位置,确保中心点在矩形的右半部分
Vector3 rightCenter = new Vector3(colliderCenter.x + attackColliderBox.size.x / 4f, colliderCenter.y, colliderCenter.z);
// 使用OverlapBoxAll检测右半部分区域
Collider2D[] colliders = Physics2D.OverlapBoxAll(rightCenter, boxSize, 0f);
lastAttackTime = Time.time; // 更新上次攻击时间
await Task.Delay(100); // 延迟,避免过于频繁地检测
private void Update()
if (flag)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer > AttackStayTime)
animator.SetInteger("State", 0);
isAttack = true;
timer = 0;
flag = false;
//Debug.Log(role.name+"攻击范围的图片大小"+attackRangeSprite.transform.localScale + "color" + attackRangeSprite.color+ "color.a" + attackRangeSprite.color.a + "是否显示"+ attackRangeSprite.enabled);
public void GetAllColliderInAttackRange(Collider2D[] colliders)
foreach (Collider2D collider in colliders)
Role targetRole = collider.GetComponent<Role>();
if (targetRole && targetRole.camp != role.camp)
role.animationHighlight = 1;
if (animator != null)
if (bulletPrefab.GetComponent<Bullet>().myBulletType != BulletType.Spraying)
direction = (targetRole.transform.position - BulletStartPos.position).normalized;
Target = targetRole.gameObject;
else if (bulletPrefab.GetComponent<Bullet>().myBulletType == BulletType.Spraying|| bulletPrefab.GetComponent<Bullet>().myBulletType==BulletType.XuLi)
animator.SetInteger("State", 1);
flag = true;
lastAttackTime = Time.time; // 更新上次攻击时间
break; // 只攻击一个目标
if (animator != null)
//animator.SetInteger("State", 0);
role.animationHighlight = 0;
public void Pointattack()
if (bulletPrefab == null)
for (int i = 0; i < BulletNumber; i++)
// 改变子弹方向,根据角色自身的攻击范围来计算
GameObject BulletGamobj = GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab, this.transform.root);
BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>().role = role;
BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>().attackObj = this;
BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>().bulletData.BulletSpeed *= (1 + roleBulletSpeedAdd);
BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>().Target = Target;
BulletGamobj.transform.up = direction;
BulletGamobj.transform.position = BulletStartPos.position;
public void Fireattack()
if (bulletPrefab == null)
// 检查子弹类型是否为 Spraying
if (bulletPrefab.GetComponent<Bullet>().myBulletType == BulletType.Spraying)
// 根据 BulletNumber 生成不同数量和旋转角度的子弹
switch (BulletNumber)
case 1:
// 生成一个不旋转的子弹
GenerateBullet(0f, BulletStartPos.position, new Vector2(0, 0));
case 3:
// 生成三个子弹一个不旋转一个向上旋转30度一个向下旋转30度
GenerateBullet(-35f, BulletStartPos.position, new Vector2(0, -0.25f));
GenerateBullet(0f, BulletStartPos.position, new Vector2(0, 0));
GenerateBullet(35f, BulletStartPos.position, new Vector2(0, 0.25f));
// 可选:处理其他 BulletNumber 值的情况
Debug.LogWarning($"BulletNumber 为 {BulletNumber} 时未定义的生成逻辑。");
private void GenerateBullet(float angle, Vector2 startPos, Vector2 changePos)
// 实例化子弹对象并设置父物体为 transform.root
GameObject bulletGameObj = GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab, transform.root);
// 获取子弹的原始宽度
float originalWidth = bulletGameObj.GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.x;
// 保存原始位置,以便在攻击范围变化时恢复
Vector2 originalPosition = bulletGameObj.transform.position;
// 设置子弹的缩放
if (role.AttackRange / 2 > 1)
float offsetX = 0;
bulletGameObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(role.AttackRange / 2, role.AttackRange / 3);
// 计算新的子弹宽度
float newWidth = bulletGameObj.GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.x;
//// 根据宽度变化计算偏移量
//if (newWidth > originalWidth)
// // 如果新宽度大于原始宽度,计算向右的偏移
// offsetX = (originalWidth * (role.AttackRange / 2)) / 4f + 0.15f;
//else if (newWidth < originalWidth)
// // 如果新宽度小于原始宽度,计算向左的偏移
// offsetX = -((originalWidth * (role.AttackRange / 2)) / 4f +0.15f);
offsetX = (newWidth - originalWidth) / 2;
if (offsetX > 0)
offsetX += 0.15f;
// 调整子弹的位置,确保左边界不变
bulletGameObj.transform.position = new Vector2(originalPosition.x + offsetX, originalPosition.y);
// 添加位置微调
bulletGameObj.transform.position = new Vector2(bulletGameObj.transform.position.x + 1.75f, bulletGameObj.transform.position.y + 0.2f);
// 获取动画组件(如果需要的话)
// 设置子弹的初始属性
bulletGameObj.GetComponent<Bullet>().role = role;
bulletGameObj.GetComponent<Bullet>().attackObj = this;
// 计算子弹相对于旋转中心的偏移
Vector2 direction = bulletGameObj.transform.position - (Vector3)startPos;
// 旋转偏移
direction = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle) * direction;
// 更新子弹的位置
bulletGameObj.transform.position = startPos + direction;
// 设置子弹的旋转角度
bulletGameObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle);
// 根据变化调整位置例如“changePos”可能需要与原始位置结合使用
bulletGameObj.transform.position = bulletGameObj.transform.position + (Vector3)changePos;
// 将生成的子弹添加到子弹列表中
public void EndFire()
foreach (Animator ani in fireAnis)
ani.SetInteger("State", 1);
private void OnDisable()
public void SetAttackRange()
if (attackCollider&& role.AttackRange !=0)
// 设置碰撞体的半径
attackCollider.radius = role.AttackRange+2f;
// 计算缩放因子,使得图片的直径与碰撞体的直径匹配
characterClick.OrSizeX = (role.AttackRange+2f) * 2f / characterClick.StartSizeX; // * 2f 因为 radius 是半径,图片的尺寸通常是直径
characterClick.OrSizeY = characterClick.OrSizeX;
else if(attackColliderBox)
Vector2 boxSize = attackColliderBox.size;
// 假设攻击范围决定了矩形的长宽比
// attackRange * 2 可以增加攻击范围的矩形尺寸,调整比例或常数以适应你的需要
boxSize.x = role.AttackRange* 2f + 2; // 设置矩形宽度
//boxSize.y = role.AttackRange/3; // 设置矩形高度
// 更新矩形碰撞体的尺寸
attackColliderBox.size = boxSize;
characterClick.OrSizeX = boxSize.x / characterClick.StartSizeX; // * 2f 因为 radius 是半径,图片的尺寸通常是直径
characterClick.OrSizeY = boxSize.y * 2 / characterClick.StartSizeY;
float offSetX = (characterClick.StartSizeX - characterClick.OrSizeX) / 2;
if (role.AttackRange==3)
offSetX += 0.6f;
attackRangeSprite.transform.position = new Vector2(attackRangeSprite.transform.position.x - offSetX, attackRangeSprite.transform.position.y);
//characterClick.OrSizeY = 1;
public void RandPointattack()//在一个角度随机发射子弹 仓鼠攻击方式
if (bulletPrefab == null)
for (int i = 0; i < BulletNumber; i++)
// 改变子弹方向, 根据角色自身的攻击范围来计算
GameObject BulletGamobj = GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab, this.transform.root);
BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>().role = role;
BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>().attackObj = this;
BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>().bulletData.BulletSpeed *= (1 + roleBulletSpeedAdd);
BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>().Target = Target;
// 计算一个随机偏移角度,在-15度到+15度之间
float randomAngle = Random.Range(-Angle/2, Angle/2);
// 将原始方向转换为角度
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
// 加上随机偏移角度
angle += randomAngle;
// 将角度转换回方向
direction = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
// 设置子弹的方向
BulletGamobj.transform.up = direction;
// 设置子弹的起始位置
BulletGamobj.transform.position = BulletStartPos.position;
// 将子弹添加到列表中
public void ShanXingAttack() // 扇形散射
if (bulletPrefab == null)
float halfAngle = Angle / 2f; // 半个散射角度范围
float angleStep = Angle / (BulletNumber - 1); // 每个子弹之间的角度间隔
for (int i = 0; i < BulletNumber; i++)
// 创建子弹实例
GameObject BulletGamobj = GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab, this.transform.root);
Bullet bulletScript = BulletGamobj.GetComponent<Bullet>();
// 设置子弹的基本信息
bulletScript.role = role;
bulletScript.attackObj = this;
bulletScript.bulletData.BulletSpeed *= (1 + roleBulletSpeedAdd); // 根据角色的加成调整子弹速度
bulletScript.Target = Target;
// 计算当前子弹的发射角度
float currentAngle = -halfAngle + angleStep * i; // 当前子弹的偏移角度
// 使用偏移角度调整子弹的发射方向
// 只在z轴上进行旋转2D场景
if (BulletNumber==1)
BulletGamobj.transform.up = direction;
Vector3 scatterDirection = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, currentAngle) * direction; // 只旋转z轴
// 设置子弹的方向和位置
BulletGamobj.transform.up = scatterDirection;
BulletGamobj.transform.position = BulletStartPos.position;
// 将子弹加入子弹列表
private int lastBulletNumber = 0; // 记录上一次的 BulletNumber
private float lastbulletLengthAdd = 0; // 记录上一次的 BulletNumber
public float bulletLengthAdd = 0f; // 子弹的长度属性
public void RunRangeattack() // 生成在周围
if (bulletPrefab == null)
// Debug.LogError("子弹预制体为空");
// 只有在 BulletNumber 变化时,才重新生成子弹
if (BulletNumber != lastBulletNumber||lastbulletLengthAdd!=bulletLengthAdd) // 检查 BulletNumber 和 bulletLength 是否变化
// 销毁现有的所有子弹
if (bulltes.Count > 0)
foreach (var bullet in bulltes)
Destroy(bullet); // 销毁子弹对象
bulltes.Clear(); // 清空子弹列表
// 计算子弹发射的圆周角度间隔
float angleStep = 360f / BulletNumber; // 计算每个子弹之间的角度间隔
// 生成新的子弹
for (int i = 0; i < BulletNumber; i++)
// 创建子弹实例
GameObject BulletGamobj = GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab, this.transform.root);
// 获取Bullet组件
RunRangeBullet bulletScript = BulletGamobj.GetComponent<RunRangeBullet>();
// 设置子弹的基本信息
bulletScript.role = role;
bulletScript.attackObj = this;
bulletScript.bulletData.BulletSpeed *= (1 + roleBulletSpeedAdd); // 根据角色的加成调整子弹速度
bulletScript.Target = Target;
// 将新子弹加入子弹列表
// 计算当前子弹的发射角度(基于子弹的索引)
float currentAngle = angleStep * i; // 当前子弹的发射角度
// 计算子弹的发射位置,使用极坐标来计算圆周上的位置
float x = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * currentAngle) * RunRange;
float y = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * currentAngle) * RunRange;
Vector3 position = new Vector3(x, y, 0) + BulletStartPos.position; // 加上起始位置
// 计算子弹的发射方向,使用极坐标转换为单位向量
Vector3 scatterDirection = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * currentAngle), Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * currentAngle), 0);
// 设置子弹的朝向和位置
BulletGamobj.transform.up = scatterDirection; // 让子弹的"up"方向指向计算出的角度
BulletGamobj.transform.position = position; // 更新子弹的位置
if (lastbulletLengthAdd != bulletLengthAdd)
// 根据 bulletLength 设置子弹的长度
BulletGamobj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(BulletGamobj.transform.localScale.x + bulletLengthAdd, BulletGamobj.transform.localScale.y, BulletGamobj.transform.localScale.z);
// 更新记录的 BulletNumber 和 bulletLength
lastBulletNumber = BulletNumber;
lastbulletLengthAdd = bulletLengthAdd;