48 lines
1.4 KiB
48 lines
1.4 KiB
extends VBoxContainer
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
signal change(data)
var select_data = "00" : set = select_data_set
var distance : float = 0
var step = 5
var data_list = []
var max_data = 0
var core = null
var spacing = 0
var separation = 4
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
separation = 4 if get("theme_override_constants/separation") == null else get("theme_override_constants/separation")
pass # Replace with function body.
func select_data_set(data):
select_data = str("%02d" % [int(data)])
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventScreenDrag:
if event.position.x > global_position.x and event.position.y > global_position.y:
if event.position.x < global_position.x+size.x and event.position.y < global_position.y+size.y:
distance = event.relative.y
func _process(delta):
distance = lerp(distance,0.0,0.1)
if abs(distance) < 0.1:
distance = 0
if distance!= 0:
if distance>step:
distance -=step
if int(select_data) > 0:
self.select_data = str(int(select_data)-1)
if distance<-step:
distance +=step
if int(select_data) < max_data:
self.select_data = str(int(select_data)+1)
for i in data_list.size():
if data_list[i].text == data_list[int(select_data)].text:
data_list[i].obvious = true
self.position.y = core.position.y-data_list[i].position.y