using System;
using UnityEditor.AssetImporters;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.U2D.Aseprite
public partial class AsepriteImporter
/// A parsed representation of the Aseprite file.
public AsepriteFile asepriteFile => m_AsepriteFile;
/// How the file should be imported.
public FileImportModes importMode
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.fileImportMode;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.fileImportMode = value;
/// Which type of texture are we dealing with here.
/// Valid values are TextureImporterType.Default or TextureImporterType.Sprite.
/// Exception when non valid values are set.
public TextureImporterType textureType
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.textureType;
if (value == TextureImporterType.Sprite || value == TextureImporterType.Default)
m_TextureImporterSettings.textureType = value;
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid value. Valid values are TextureImporterType.Sprite or TextureImporterType.Default");
/// Selects Single or Manual import mode for Sprite textures.
/// Valid values are SpriteImportMode.Multiple or SpriteImportMode.Single.
/// Exception when non valid values are set.
public SpriteImportMode spriteImportMode
get => (SpriteImportMode)m_TextureImporterSettings.spriteMode;
if (value == SpriteImportMode.Multiple || value == SpriteImportMode.Single)
m_TextureImporterSettings.spriteMode = (int)value;
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid value. Valid values are SpriteImportMode.Multiple or SpriteImportMode.Single");
/// The number of pixels in the sprite that correspond to one unit in world space.
public float spritePixelsPerUnit
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.spritePixelsPerUnit;
var newPpu = Mathf.Max(1f, value);
m_TextureImporterSettings.spritePixelsPerUnit = newPpu;
/// Sets the type of mesh to ge generated for each Sprites.
public SpriteMeshType spriteMeshType
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.spriteMeshType;
m_TextureImporterSettings.spriteMeshType = value;
/// If enabled, generates a default physics shape from the outline of the Sprite/s when a physics shape has not been set in the Sprite Editor.
public bool generatePhysicsShape
get => m_GeneratePhysicsShape;
m_GeneratePhysicsShape = value;
/// The number of blank pixels to leave between the edge of the graphic and the mesh.
public uint spriteExtrude
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.spriteExtrude;
m_TextureImporterSettings.spriteExtrude = value;
/// The canvas size of the source file.
public Vector2 canvasSize => m_CanvasSize;
/// Should include hidden layers from the source file.
public bool includeHiddenLayers
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.importHiddenLayers;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.importHiddenLayers = value;
/// The import mode for all layers in the file.
public LayerImportModes layerImportMode
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.layerImportMode;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.layerImportMode = value;
/// The space the Sprite pivots are being calculated.
public PivotSpaces pivotSpace
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.defaultPivotSpace;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.defaultPivotSpace = value;
/// How a Sprite's graphic rectangle is aligned with its pivot point.
public SpriteAlignment pivotAlignment
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.defaultPivotAlignment;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.defaultPivotAlignment = value;
/// Normalized position of the custom pivot.
public Vector2 customPivotPosition
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.customPivotPosition;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.customPivotPosition = value;
/// External padding between each SpriteRect, in pixels.
public uint mosaicPadding
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.mosaicPadding;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.mosaicPadding = value;
/// Internal padding within each SpriteRect, in pixels.
public uint spritePadding
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.spritePadding;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.spritePadding = value;
/// Generate a Model Prefab based on the layers of the source asset.
public bool generateModelPrefab
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.generateModelPrefab;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.generateModelPrefab = value;
/// Add a Sorting Group component to the root of the generated model prefab if it has more than one Sprite Renderer.
public bool addSortingGroup
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.addSortingGroup;
m_AsepriteImporterSettings.addSortingGroup = value;
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
/// Add Shadow Casters to the generated GameObjects with SpriteRenderers.
public bool addShadowCasters
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.addShadowCasters;
m_AsepriteImporterSettings.addShadowCasters = value;
/// Generate Animation Clips based on the frame data of the source asset.
public bool generateAnimationClips
get => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.generateAnimationClips;
set => m_AsepriteImporterSettings.generateAnimationClips = value;
/// Texture coordinate wrapping mode.
Using wrapMode sets the same wrapping mode on all axes. Different per-axis wrap modes can be set using wrapModeU, wrapModeV, wrapModeW. Querying the value returns the U axis wrap mode (same as wrapModeU getter).
public TextureWrapMode wrapMode
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.wrapMode;
m_TextureImporterSettings.wrapMode = value;
/// Texture U coordinate wrapping mode.
Controls wrapping mode along texture U (horizontal) axis.
public TextureWrapMode wrapModeU
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.wrapModeU;
m_TextureImporterSettings.wrapModeU = value;
/// Texture V coordinate wrapping mode.
Controls wrapping mode along texture V (vertical) axis.
public TextureWrapMode wrapModeV
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.wrapModeV;
m_TextureImporterSettings.wrapModeV = value;
/// Texture W coordinate wrapping mode for Texture3D.
Controls wrapping mode along texture W (depth, only relevant for Texture3D) axis.
public TextureWrapMode wrapModeW
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.wrapModeW;
m_TextureImporterSettings.wrapModeW = value;
/// Filtering mode of the texture.
public FilterMode filterMode
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.filterMode;
m_TextureImporterSettings.filterMode = value;
/// Anisotropic filtering level of the texture.
public int aniso
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.aniso;
m_TextureImporterSettings.aniso = value;
#if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER
/// Whether this texture stores data in sRGB (also called gamma) color space.
public bool sRGBTexture
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.sRGBTexture;
m_TextureImporterSettings.sRGBTexture = value;
/// Mip map bias of the texture.
public float mipMapBias
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapBias;
m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapBias = value;
/// Generate Mip Maps.
Select this to enable mip-map generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that get used when the Texture is very small on screen.
public bool mipmapEnabled
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapEnabled;
m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapEnabled = value;
/// Mip level where texture is faded out completely.
public int mipmapFadeDistanceEnd
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapFadeDistanceEnd;
m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapFadeDistanceEnd = value;
/// Mip level where texture begins to fade out.
public int mipmapFadeDistanceStart
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapFadeDistanceStart;
m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapFadeDistanceEnd = value;
/// Enable mipmap streaming for the texture.
Only load larger mipmaps as needed to render the current game cameras. Requires texture streaming to be enabled in quality settings.
public bool streamingMipmaps
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.streamingMipmaps;
m_TextureImporterSettings.streamingMipmaps = value;
/// Mipmap streaming priority when there's contention for resources. Positive numbers represent higher priority. Valid range is -128 to 127.
public int streamingMipmapsPriority
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.streamingMipmapsPriority;
m_TextureImporterSettings.streamingMipmapsPriority = Mathf.Clamp(value, -128, 127);
/// Mip level where texture is faded out completely.
public TextureImporterMipFilter mipmapFilter
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapFilter;
m_TextureImporterSettings.mipmapFilter = value;
/// Enables or disables coverage-preserving alpha mipmapping.
Enable this to rescale the alpha values of computed mipmaps so coverage is preserved. This means a higher percentage of pixels passes the alpha test and lower mipmap levels do not become more transparent. This is disabled by default (set to false).
public bool mipMapsPreserveCoverage
get => m_TextureImporterSettings.mipMapsPreserveCoverage;
m_TextureImporterSettings.mipMapsPreserveCoverage = value;
/// Retrieves the platform settings used by the importer for a given build target.
/// The build target to query.
/// TextureImporterPlatformSettings used for importing the texture for the build target.
public TextureImporterPlatformSettings GetImporterPlatformSettings(BuildTarget buildTarget)
return TextureImporterPlatformUtilities.GetPlatformTextureSettings(buildTarget, m_PlatformSettings);
/// Sets the platform settings used by the importer for a given build target.
/// TextureImporterPlatformSettings to be used by the importer for the build target indicated by TextureImporterPlatformSettings.
public void SetImporterPlatformSettings(TextureImporterPlatformSettings setting)
/// Structure used for Aseprite Import Events.
public readonly struct ImportEventArgs
/// The Aseprite Importer that fired the event.
public readonly AsepriteImporter importer;
/// The Asset Import Context that is being used for the import.
public readonly AssetImportContext context;
/// Constructor for ImportEventArgs.
/// The Aseprite Importer that fired the event.
/// The Asset Import Context that is being used for the import.
public ImportEventArgs(AsepriteImporter importer, AssetImportContext context)
this.importer = importer;
this.context = context;
/// Delegate for Aseprite Import Events.
/// The ImportEventArgs that are being used for the import.
public delegate void AsepriteImportEventHandler(ImportEventArgs args);
/// Event that is fired at the last step of the Aseprite import process.
public AsepriteImportEventHandler OnPostAsepriteImport { get; set; }