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Simple single Sprite actor and rig
This sample shows a simple single Sprite rigged actor, which was imported with the PSD Importer package. The Project and Assets can be found in the following location (the version number folder may differ):
Sample project location in the Project window (for 2D Animation 9.0).
Open the Asset Assets/Samples/2D Animation/[X.Y.Z]/Samples/1 Simple/Sprites/Boris.psd
in the Skinning Editor module to examine how the Sprite is rigged.
The _Simple
Scene shows how the Asset is used in a Scene when it is animated with animation that deforms its Sprite mesh.
Follow the steps below to reconstruct this _Simple
sample Scene:
Create a new Scene, and create one empty GameObject and name it 'Root'.
Drag the 'Boris' psd file into the scene and attach it to the Root GameObject as its child.
Add an Animator component to the 'Root' GameObject.
Locate the Root Animator Controller Asset in
Assets/Samples/2D Animation/[X.Y.Z]/Samples/1 Simple/Animation/Animator/Root.controller
. Assign this Asset to the Animator component's Controller property. -
Add an Animator component to the 'Boris' GameObject. Locate the Boris Animator Controller Asset in
Assets/Samples/2D Animation/[X.Y.Z]/Samples/1 Simple/Animation/Animator/Boris.controller
and assign this Asset to the Animator’s Controller property.