
This commit is contained in:
五条悟 2024-11-12 11:06:38 +08:00
parent ed7788d6fb
commit 27ce2579f8
11 changed files with 2855 additions and 455 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public class LoginAndGetToken : MonoBehaviour
private void OnEnable()
public async void Login()
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class LoginAndGetToken : MonoBehaviour
body.password = "123456";// + 123456;
body.verifyCode = 111111;
string loginResponse = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(body));
string token = getToken(loginResponse);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 2025f7f7c1180de42b4787409a30b15d
guid: 8ee1a43c8ad7f8c41bad48013bf5af49
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2

View File

@ -13,14 +13,22 @@ public class logoPanel : MonoBehaviour
public InputField userNameField;
public InputField passwordField;
public InputField verifyCodeField;
public Button pwdBtn;
public Button yzmBtn;
public GameObject sjh;
public Image regImg;
public GameObject yzm;
public GameObject mm;
public GameObject zh;
public GameObject qrmm;
public GameObject yqm;
public GameObject logBtn;
public Button loginBtn;
public GameObject regbtn;
public Button rigistBtn;
public delegate void TokenReceivedDelegate(string token);
public static event TokenReceivedDelegate OnTokenReceived;
@ -32,10 +40,18 @@ public class logoPanel : MonoBehaviour
loginBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => StartCoroutine(OnClickLoginBtn()));
private void OnClickRigistBtn()
@ -49,13 +65,17 @@ public class logoPanel : MonoBehaviour
string jsonBody = JsonUtility.ToJson(body);
using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", jsonBody))
using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = new UnityWebRequest("", "POST"))
webRequest.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
// 创建和设置处理程序
webRequest.uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonBody));
webRequest.uploadHandler.contentType = "application/json";
webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();
// 发送请求
yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();
// 检查请求结果
if (webRequest.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
string loginResponse = webRequest.downloadHandler.text;
@ -70,25 +90,23 @@ public class logoPanel : MonoBehaviour
private void OnClickYzmBtn()
pwdBtn.transform.position -= new Vector3(0f, 26.4f, 0f);
yzmBtn.transform.position += new Vector3(0f, 26.4f, 0f);
private void OnClickPwdBtn()
pwdBtn.transform.position += new Vector3(0f, 26.4f, 0f);
yzmBtn.transform.position -= new Vector3(0f, 26.4f, 0f);

View File

@ -5,9 +5,246 @@ using System.Xml.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public class WebConnact : MonoBehaviour
private string token; // 保存 token 以便在整个类中使用
void Start()
// 由于除登录注册外的其他方法都需要登录后返回的token
// 因此登录不在此发送请求(同时)
// 采用监听和事件回调的方法只有监听到登录和token返回时才运行其他方法
LoginAndGetToken.OnTokenReceived += HandleTokenReceived;
// 订阅事件,当 gameEscapeId 更新时调用 HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated
selectGameEscape512.OnGameEscapeIdUpdated += HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated;
void HandleTokenReceived(string receivedToken)
// 保存 token
token = receivedToken; // 将接收到的 token 保存在类变量中
//Debug.Log("HandleTokenReceived监听:" + token);
// 首次调用时,暂时没有 escapeId 可以传递,因此传 -1
Loding(token, -1);
void HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated(int newGameEscapeId)
Debug.Log("GameEscapeId 已更新为: " + newGameEscapeId);
// 在这里调用 Loding 方法并传递最新的 escapeId
Loding(token, newGameEscapeId);
// 传入 token 和更新后的 escapeId
public async void Loding(string token, int newGameEscapeId)
// 用来给请求头赋值
string Authorization = token;
Debug.Log("Loding(Authorization)请求头赋值: " + Authorization);
// 如果 newGameEscapeId 不是初始值(-1则使用它
int escapeId = newGameEscapeId != -1 ? newGameEscapeId : 0;
Debug.Log("使用最新的 escapeId: " + escapeId);
// 你剩下的网络请求逻辑
// 例如:在需要用到 escapeId 的地方直接使用它
User_InformationHead user = new User_InformationHead();
Dictionary<string, string> head13 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string UserNewInfoBody = @"
""nickName"": ""wulongxiao"",
""headImg"": ""https://fantasymonster-app.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/upload/imgs/127e4e42d7c0405aab53359c1b278a9c.png"",
""gender"": 1,
""birthday"": ""2023-12-12 12:12:12""
//打印 JSON 请求体,用于调试
Debug.Log("JSON Request Data: " + UserNewInfoBody);
string response13 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", UserNewInfoBody, head13);
Debug.Log("1.3完善用户信息" + response13);
Dictionary<string, string> head14 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string response14 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", "{}", head14);
Debug.Log("1.4查询用户详情" + response14);
Mall_List mall_virtual = new Mall_List();
mall_virtual.productType = 0;
mall_virtual.pageNo = 1;
mall_virtual.pageSize = 20;
string mall_virtualponse = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(mall_virtual));
Debug.Log("2.1商城列表:" + mall_virtualponse);
Mall_List mall = new Mall_List();
mall.productType = 1;
//mall.pageNo = 1;
//mall.pageSize = 20;//这两个属性是默认值可以省略不写默认是1跟20
string response21 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(mall));
Debug.Log("2.1商城列表:" + response21);
Dictionary<string, string> head22 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
Product_Details product = new Product_Details();
product.productId = 1;
string response22 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(product), head22);
Debug.Log("JSON Request Data: " + JsonUtility.ToJson(product));
Debug.Log("2.2,获取商城商品详情" + response22);
Mall_buy mall_Buy = new Mall_buy();
Dictionary<string, string> head23 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
mall_Buy.userId = 106;
mall_Buy.productId = 1;
string response23 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(mall_Buy), head23);
Debug.Log("2.3,商品购买(无支付)" + response23);
Query_Announcement query_Announcement = new Query_Announcement();
query_Announcement.userId = 106;
query_Announcement.pageNo = 1;
query_Announcement.pageSize = 20;
string response31 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(query_Announcement));
Debug.Log("3.1,查询公告分页:" + response31);
int AnnouncementId = 1;
string response32 = await web.SendRequest($"{AnnouncementId}", "GET");
Debug.Log("3.2,查询公告详情:" + response32);
Dictionary<string, string> head41 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
int orderByBeansCoin = 1;
string response41 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(orderByBeansCoin), head41);
Debug.Log("查询靓号池分页" + response41);
Dictionary<string, string> head42 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string buyCutePool = @"
""userId"": 106,
""cutePoolId"": 2
//打印 JSON 请求体,用于调试
Debug.Log("JSON Request Data: " + buyCutePool);
string response42 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", buyCutePool, head42);
Debug.Log("购买欢乐豆" + response42);
Dictionary<string, string> head51 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// 使用最新的 escapeId 在请求体中
string response51 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", "{}", head51);
Debug.Log("5.1查询最近一场大屠杀: " + response51);
// 5.1.2查询各大逃亡房间最新详情(高性能版):
Dictionary<string, string> head512 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string queryEscapeRoomListBody = $@"
""userId"": 106,
""escapeId"": {escapeId}
string response512 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", queryEscapeRoomListBody, head512);
Debug.Log("5.1.2查询各大逃亡房间最新详情(高性能版): " + response512);
Dictionary<string, string> head513 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string userBetBody = $@"
""userId"": 106,
""escapeId"": {escapeId},
""bet"": 100,
string response513 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", userBetBody, head513);
Debug.Log("5.1.3,用户下注:" + response513);
Dictionary<string, string> head514 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string selectKill = $@"
""userId"": 106,
""escapeId"": {escapeId}
string response514 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", selectKill, head514);
Debug.Log("5.1.4,查询击杀:" + response514);
Dictionary<string, string> head515 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string queryUserBetResult = $@"
""userId"": 106,
""escapeId"": {escapeId}
string response515 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", queryUserBetResult, head515);
Debug.Log("5.1.5,查询结算:" + response515);
void OnDestroy()
// 取消监听,避免内存泄漏
LoginAndGetToken.OnTokenReceived -= HandleTokenReceived;
selectGameEscape512.OnGameEscapeIdUpdated -= HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
/*public class WebConnact : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
@ -16,25 +253,35 @@ public class WebConnact : MonoBehaviour
LoginAndGetToken.OnTokenReceived += HandleTokenReceived;
// 订阅事件,当 gameEscapeId 更新时调用 HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated
selectGameEscape512.OnGameEscapeIdUpdated += HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated;
void HandleTokenReceived(string token)
// 使用 token
//string loginToken=token;
public async void Loding(string token)
void HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated(int newGameEscapeId)
Debug.Log("GameEscapeId 已更新为: " + newGameEscapeId);
// 在这里添加你想要执行的逻辑
// 传入 token 和更新后的 escapeId
public async void Loding(string token, int newGameEscapeId)
// 用来给请求头赋值
string Authorization = token;
Debug.Log("Loding(Authorization)请求头赋值" + Authorization);
// 如果 newGameEscapeId 不是初始值(-1则使用它
int escapeId = newGameEscapeId != -1 ? newGameEscapeId : 0;
Debug.Log("使用最新的 escapeId: " + escapeId);
//loginbody body = new loginbody();
//body.userName = "15151658596";// + 15151658596;
@ -54,72 +301,172 @@ public class WebConnact : MonoBehaviour
// User_InformationHead user = new User_InformationHead();
// Dictionary<string, string> head13 = new Dictionary<string, string>
////User_InformationHead user = new User_InformationHead();
//Dictionary<string, string> head13 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
// user.nickName = "wulongxiao";
// user.headImg = "https://fantasymonster-app.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/upload/imgs/127e4e42d7c0405aab53359c1b278a9c.png";
// user.gender = "男";
// user.birthday = "20010506";
// string UserNewInfoBody = "{\"nickName\":\"wulongxiao\",\"headImg\":\"https://fantasymonster-app.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/upload/imgs/127e4e42d7c0405aab53359c1b278a9c.png\",\"gender\":\"男\",\"birthday\":\"20010506\"}";
// string response13 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", UserNewInfoBody, head13);
// Debug.Log(response13);
//string UserNewInfoBody = @"
// {
// ""nickName"": ""wulongxiao"",
// ""headImg"": ""https://fantasymonster-app.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/upload/imgs/127e4e42d7c0405aab53359c1b278a9c.png"",
// ""gender"": 1,
// ""birthday"": ""2023-12-12 12:12:12""
// }";
////打印 JSON 请求体,用于调试
//Debug.Log("JSON Request Data: " + UserNewInfoBody);
//string response13 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", UserNewInfoBody, head13);
//Debug.Log("1.3完善用户信息" + response13);
//Dictionary<string, string> head14 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//string response14 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", "{}", head14);
//Debug.Log("1.4查询用户详情" + response14);
//Mall_List mall_virtual = new Mall_List();
//mall_virtual.productType = 0;
//mall_virtual.pageNo = 1;
//mall_virtual.pageSize = 20;
//string mall_virtualponse = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(mall_virtual));
//Debug.Log("2.1商城列表:" + mall_virtualponse);
//Mall_List mall = new Mall_List();
//mall.productType = 1;
////mall.pageNo = 1;
////mall.pageSize = 20;//这两个属性是默认值可以省略不写默认是1跟20
//string response = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(mall));
//string response21 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(mall));
//Debug.Log("2.1商城列表:" + response21);
//Dictionary<string, string> head22 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//Product_Details product = new Product_Details();
//product.productId = 1;
//string response = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(product));
//string response22 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(product), head22);
//Debug.Log("JSON Request Data: " + JsonUtility.ToJson(product));
//Debug.Log("2.2,获取商城商品详情" + response22);
//Mall_buy mall_Buy = new Mall_buy();
//Dictionary<string, string> head23 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//mall_Buy.userId = 106;
//mall_Buy.productId = 1;
//string response23 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(mall_Buy), head23);
//Debug.Log("2.3,商品购买(无支付)" + response23);
// Mall_buy mall_Buy = new Mall_buy();
//string Authorization = "7083e9cb0de74c9dbb3c02f37ec339b8";
// mall_Buy.userId = 106;
// mall_Buy.productId = 1;
// string response = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(mall_Buy),Authorization);
// Debug.Log(response);
//Query_Announcement query_Announcement = new Query_Announcement();
//query_Announcement.userId = 106;
//query_Announcement.pageNo = 1;
//query_Announcement.pageSize = 20;
//string response = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(query_Announcement));
//string response31 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(query_Announcement));
//Debug.Log("3.1,查询公告分页:" + response31);
//string response = await web.SendRequest($"${公告id}", "Get");
//int AnnouncementId = 1;
//string response32 = await web.SendRequest($"{AnnouncementId}", "GET");
//Debug.Log("3.2,查询公告详情:" + response32);
//Dictionary<string, string> head41 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//int orderByBeansCoin = 1;
//string response41 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", JsonUtility.ToJson(orderByBeansCoin), head41);
//Debug.Log("查询靓号池分页" + response41);
//Dictionary<string, string> head42 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//string buyCutePool = @"
// {
// ""userId"": 106,
// ""cutePoolId"": 2
// }";
////打印 JSON 请求体,用于调试
//Debug.Log("JSON Request Data: " + buyCutePool);
//string response42 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", buyCutePool, head42);
//Debug.Log("购买欢乐豆" + response42);
// Dictionary<string, string> head51 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
// //head.Add("Authorization", token);
// string response51 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", "{}", head51);
// Debug.Log(response51);//查询最近一场大逃亡游戏详情:
//Dictionary<string, string> head51 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//string response51 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", "{}", head51);
//Debug.Log("5.1查询最近一场大屠杀" + response51);//查询最近一场大逃亡游戏详情:
//Dictionary<string, string> head512 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//string queryEscapeRoomListBody = @"
// {
// ""userId"": 106,
// ""escapeId"": 24336
// }";
//string response512 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", queryEscapeRoomListBody, head512);
//Debug.Log("5.1.2查询各大逃亡房间最新详情(高性能版)" + response512);
//Dictionary<string, string> head513 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//string userBetBody = @"
// {
// ""userId"": 106,
// ""escapeId"": 24381,
// ""bet"": 100,
// ""roomNo"":1
// }";
//string response513 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", userBetBody, head513);
//Debug.Log("5.1.3,用户下注:" + response513);
Dictionary<string, string> head514 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string selectKill = @"
""userId"": 106,
""escapeId"": {escapeId}
string response514 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", selectKill, head514);
Debug.Log("5.1.4,查询击杀:" + response514);
//Dictionary<string, string> head515 = new Dictionary<string, string>
// { "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
// };
//string queryUserBetResult = @"
// {
// ""userId"": 106,
// ""escapeId"": 24377
// }";
//string response515 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", queryUserBetResult, head515);
//Debug.Log("5.1.5,查询结算:" + response515);
void OnDestroy()
@ -131,7 +478,7 @@ public class WebConnact : MonoBehaviour
public class Search_room//登录和注册用
@ -142,7 +489,6 @@ public class Search_room//
//public class loginbody//登录和注册用
@ -189,5 +535,9 @@ public class Mall_buy
public class cutePoolPage {
public int orderByBeansCoin;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 34ecfc23bb797c848943318a4441e0b6
guid: 9e50b3d02b729854e87c092afffd2a03
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class selectGameEscape512 : MonoBehaviour
private int gameEscapeId;
// 定义一个事件,当 gameEscapeId 被更新时触发
public static event Action<int> OnGameEscapeIdUpdated;
void Start()
// 由于除登录注册外的其他方法都需要登录后返回的token
// 因此登录不在此发送请求(同时)
// 采用监听和事件回调的方法只有监听到登录和token返回时才运行其他方法
LoginAndGetToken.OnTokenReceived += HandleTokenReceived;
// 订阅事件,当 gameEscapeId 更新时调用 HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated
selectGameEscape512.OnGameEscapeIdUpdated += HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated;
private string token; // 用于保存收到的 token
void HandleTokenReceived(string token)
// 使用 token
this.token = token;
Debug.Log("HandleTokenReceived监听:" + token);
StartCoroutine(GameEscapeRoutine(token)); // 启动协程每2秒调用一次gameEscape
void HandleGameEscapeIdUpdated(int newGameEscapeId)
Debug.Log("GameEscapeId 已更新为: " + newGameEscapeId);
// 在这里添加你想要执行的逻辑
// 创建一个IEnumerator的协程
IEnumerator GameEscapeRoutine(string token)
while (true) // 无限循环来实现每2秒发送一次请求
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5f); // 每2秒暂停一次
yield return gameEscape(token); // 调用gameEscape方法
public async Task gameEscape(string token)
// 用来给请求头赋值
string Authorization = token;
Debug.Log("Loding(Authorization)请求头赋值" + Authorization);
// 5.1查询最近一场大屠杀
Dictionary<string, string> head51 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string response51 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", "{}", head51);
Debug.Log("5.1查询最近一场大屠杀(独立)" + response51); // 查询最近一场大逃亡游戏详情:
// 解析JSON数据
string json = response51;
Response response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Response>(json);
if (response != null && response.code == 200 && response.data != null)
gameEscapeId = response.data.gameEscapeModel.id;
Debug.Log("解析成功id为: " + gameEscapeId);
// 触发事件,通知所有订阅者
void OnDestroy()
// 取消监听,避免内存泄漏
LoginAndGetToken.OnTokenReceived -= HandleTokenReceived;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public class GameEscapeModel
public int id; // 解析游戏ID
public string gameNo; // 包括游戏编号
public class GameEscapeRoomResponseVo
public int escapeId; // 逃脱游戏的ID
public int roomNo; // 房间号
public class Data
public int carrySeconds; // 持续秒数
public GameEscapeModel gameEscapeModel; // 嵌套的GameEscapeModel对象
public List<GameEscapeRoomResponseVo> gameEscapeRoomResponseVoList; // 房间信息列表
public object gameEscapeUserModel; // 用户模型,可以保持为空或根据需要进行定义
public class Response
public int code; // 状态码
public string message; // 返回信息
public Data data; // 数据对象
/*public class selectGameEscape512 : MonoBehaviour
int gameEscapeId;
void Start()
// 由于除登录注册外的其他方法都需要登录后返回的token
// 因此登录不在此发送请求(同时)
// 采用监听和事件回调的方法只有监听到登录和token返回时才运行其他方法
LoginAndGetToken.OnTokenReceived += HandleTokenReceived;
void HandleTokenReceived(string token)
// 使用 token
Debug.Log("HandleTokenReceived监听:" + token);
StartCoroutine(GameEscapeRoutine(token)); // 启动协程每2秒调用一次gameEscape
// 创建一个IEnumerator的协程
IEnumerator GameEscapeRoutine(string token)
while (true) // 无限循环来实现每2秒发送一次请求
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f); // 每2秒暂停一次
yield return gameEscape(token); // 调用gameEscape方法
public async Task gameEscape(string token)
// 用来给请求头赋值
string Authorization = token;
Debug.Log("Loding(Authorization)请求头赋值" + Authorization);
// 5.1查询最近一场大屠杀
Dictionary<string, string> head51 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Authorization", Authorization }, // 设置授权头
string response51 = await web.SendRequest("", "POST", "{}", head51);
Debug.Log("5.1查询最近一场大屠杀(独立)" + response51); // 查询最近一场大逃亡游戏详情:
// 解析JSON数据
string json = response51;
Response response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Response>(json);
if (response != null && response.code == 200 && response.data != null)
gameEscapeId = response.data.gameEscapeModel.id;
Debug.Log("解析成功id为: " + gameEscapeId);
void OnDestroy()
// 取消监听,避免内存泄漏
LoginAndGetToken.OnTokenReceived -= HandleTokenReceived;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public class GameEscapeModel
public int id; // 解析游戏ID
public string gameNo; // 包括游戏编号
public class GameEscapeRoomResponseVo
public int escapeId; // 逃脱游戏的ID
public int roomNo; // 房间号
public class Data
public int carrySeconds; // 持续秒数
public GameEscapeModel gameEscapeModel; // 嵌套的GameEscapeModel对象
public List<GameEscapeRoomResponseVo> gameEscapeRoomResponseVoList; // 房间信息列表
public object gameEscapeUserModel; // 用户模型,可以保持为空或根据需要进行定义
public class Response
public int code; // 状态码
public string message; // 返回信息
public Data data; // 数据对象

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