using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public interface IWMG_Path_Finding { // Given two nodes return one or more shortest paths between the nodes based on the number of links (unweighted) List FindShortestPathBetweenNodes(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode); // Given two nodes return one or more shortest paths between the nodes based on the link weights (weighted), and also node radii if include radii is true List FindShortestPathBetweenNodesWeighted(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode, bool includeRadii); } public class WMG_Path_Finding : IWMG_Path_Finding { public List nodesParent; // Given two nodes return one or more shortest paths between the nodes based on the number of links (unweighted) public List FindShortestPathBetweenNodes(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode) { List linksBetweenToAndFrom = new List(); // Reset BFS data needed for this algorithm foreach (GameObject node in nodesParent) { WMG_Node aNode = node.GetComponent(); if (aNode != null) { aNode.BFS_mark = false; aNode.BFS_depth = 0; } } Queue mapSysQ = new Queue(); // This calculates and stores the depth of every node between the starting and ending nodes // This is exactly the BFS (Breadth-first search) algorithm mapSysQ.Enqueue(fromNode); fromNode.BFS_mark = true; while (mapSysQ.Count > 0) { WMG_Node temp = mapSysQ.Dequeue(); if ( == break; // Reached the target node so we are done // Add the current node neighbors to the queue if they haven't been added in the past and calculate the depth for (int i = 0; i < temp.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = temp.links[i].GetComponent(); WMG_Node temp2 = aLink.toNode.GetComponent(); if ( == temp2 = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent(); if (!temp2.BFS_mark) { temp2.BFS_mark = true; temp2.BFS_depth = temp.BFS_depth + 1; mapSysQ.Enqueue(temp2); } } } // If all we cared about was the shortest distance between the two nodes we could end here, but we might also want the links themselves // This finds the shortest path of links between the starting and ending nodes using the previously calculated depths mapSysQ.Clear(); mapSysQ.Enqueue(toNode); while (mapSysQ.Count > 0) { WMG_Node temp = mapSysQ.Dequeue(); if ( == break; for (int i = 0; i < temp.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = temp.links[i].GetComponent(); WMG_Node temp2 = aLink.toNode.GetComponent(); if ( == temp2 = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent(); if (temp.BFS_depth == temp2.BFS_depth + 1) { if (temp2.BFS_depth == 0 && != continue; linksBetweenToAndFrom.Add(aLink); if (!mapSysQ.Contains(temp2)) mapSysQ.Enqueue(temp2); } } } return linksBetweenToAndFrom; } // Given two nodes return one or more shortest paths between the nodes based on the link weights (weighted), and also node radii if include radii is true public List FindShortestPathBetweenNodesWeighted(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode, bool includeRadii) { List linksBetweenToAndFrom = new List(); List Dijkstra_nodes = new List(); // Reset data needed for this algorithm foreach (GameObject node in nodesParent) { WMG_Node aNode = node.GetComponent(); if (aNode != null) { if ( == aNode.Dijkstra_depth = 0; else aNode.Dijkstra_depth = Mathf.Infinity; Dijkstra_nodes.Add(aNode); } } Dijkstra_nodes.Sort (delegate(WMG_Node x, WMG_Node y) { return x.Dijkstra_depth.CompareTo(y.Dijkstra_depth); }); // This is exactly Dijkstra's algorithm while (Dijkstra_nodes.Count > 0) { WMG_Node temp = Dijkstra_nodes[0]; Dijkstra_nodes.RemoveAt(0); if ( == break; // Reached the target node so we are done if (temp.Dijkstra_depth == Mathf.Infinity) break; for (int i = 0; i < temp.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = temp.links[i].GetComponent(); WMG_Node temp2 = aLink.toNode.GetComponent(); if ( == temp2 = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent(); float alt = temp.Dijkstra_depth + aLink.weight; if (includeRadii) alt += temp.radius + temp2.radius; if (alt < temp2.Dijkstra_depth) { temp2.Dijkstra_depth = alt; Dijkstra_nodes.Sort (delegate(WMG_Node x, WMG_Node y) { return x.Dijkstra_depth.CompareTo(y.Dijkstra_depth); }); } } } // If all we cared about was the shortest distance between the two nodes we could end here, but we might also want the links themselves // This finds the shortest path of links between the starting and ending nodes using the previously calculated depths Queue mapSysQ = new Queue(); mapSysQ.Enqueue(toNode); while (mapSysQ.Count > 0) { WMG_Node temp = mapSysQ.Dequeue(); if ( == break; for (int i = 0; i < temp.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = temp.links[i].GetComponent(); WMG_Node temp2 = aLink.toNode.GetComponent(); if ( == temp2 = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent(); float alt = temp2.Dijkstra_depth + aLink.weight; if (includeRadii) alt += temp.radius + temp2.radius; if (Mathf.Approximately(temp.Dijkstra_depth, alt)) { linksBetweenToAndFrom.Add(aLink); if (!mapSysQ.Contains(temp2)) mapSysQ.Enqueue(temp2); } } } return linksBetweenToAndFrom; } }