/****************************************************************************** * Spine Runtimes License Agreement * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions. * * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC * * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement: * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license * * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively, * "Products"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must * include this license and copyright notice. * * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *****************************************************************************/ using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor.Animations; #endif namespace Spine.Unity { [RequireComponent(typeof(Animator))] [HelpURL("http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity#SkeletonMecanim-Component")] public class SkeletonMecanim : SkeletonRenderer, ISkeletonAnimation { [SerializeField] protected MecanimTranslator translator; public MecanimTranslator Translator { get { return translator; } } private bool wasUpdatedAfterInit = true; #region Bone and Initialization Callbacks ISkeletonAnimation protected event ISkeletonAnimationDelegate _OnAnimationRebuild; protected event UpdateBonesDelegate _BeforeApply; protected event UpdateBonesDelegate _UpdateLocal; protected event UpdateBonesDelegate _UpdateWorld; protected event UpdateBonesDelegate _UpdateComplete; /// OnAnimationRebuild is raised after the SkeletonAnimation component is successfully initialized. public event ISkeletonAnimationDelegate OnAnimationRebuild { add { _OnAnimationRebuild += value; } remove { _OnAnimationRebuild -= value; } } /// /// Occurs before the animations are applied. /// Use this callback when you want to change the skeleton state before animations are applied on top. /// public event UpdateBonesDelegate BeforeApply { add { _BeforeApply += value; } remove { _BeforeApply -= value; } } /// /// Occurs after the animations are applied and before world space values are resolved. /// Use this callback when you want to set bone local values. public event UpdateBonesDelegate UpdateLocal { add { _UpdateLocal += value; } remove { _UpdateLocal -= value; } } /// /// Occurs after the Skeleton's bone world space values are resolved (including all constraints). /// Using this callback will cause the world space values to be solved an extra time. /// Use this callback if want to use bone world space values, and also set bone local values. /// public event UpdateBonesDelegate UpdateWorld { add { _UpdateWorld += value; } remove { _UpdateWorld -= value; } } /// /// Occurs after the Skeleton's bone world space values are resolved (including all constraints). /// Use this callback if you want to use bone world space values, but don't intend to modify bone local values. /// This callback can also be used when setting world position and the bone matrix. public event UpdateBonesDelegate UpdateComplete { add { _UpdateComplete += value; } remove { _UpdateComplete -= value; } } [SerializeField] protected UpdateTiming updateTiming = UpdateTiming.InUpdate; public UpdateTiming UpdateTiming { get { return updateTiming; } set { updateTiming = value; } } #endregion public override void Initialize (bool overwrite, bool quiet = false) { if (valid && !overwrite) return; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (BuildUtilities.IsInSkeletonAssetBuildPreProcessing) return; #endif base.Initialize(overwrite, quiet); if (!valid) return; if (translator == null) translator = new MecanimTranslator(); translator.Initialize(GetComponent(), this.skeletonDataAsset); wasUpdatedAfterInit = false; if (_OnAnimationRebuild != null) _OnAnimationRebuild(this); } public virtual void Update () { if (!valid || updateTiming != UpdateTiming.InUpdate) return; UpdateAnimation(Time.deltaTime); } public virtual void FixedUpdate () { if (!valid || updateTiming != UpdateTiming.InFixedUpdate) return; UpdateAnimation(Time.deltaTime); } /// Manual animation update. Required when updateTiming is set to ManualUpdate. /// Ignored parameter. public virtual void Update (float deltaTime) { if (!valid) return; UpdateAnimation(deltaTime); } protected void UpdateAnimation (float deltaTime) { wasUpdatedAfterInit = true; // animation status is kept by Mecanim Animator component if (updateMode <= UpdateMode.OnlyAnimationStatus) return; skeleton.Update(deltaTime); ApplyTransformMovementToPhysics(); ApplyAnimation(); } public virtual void ApplyAnimation () { if (_BeforeApply != null) _BeforeApply(this); #if UNITY_EDITOR Animator translatorAnimator = translator.Animator; if (translatorAnimator != null && !translatorAnimator.isInitialized) translatorAnimator.Rebind(); if (Application.isPlaying) { translator.Apply(skeleton); } else { if (translatorAnimator != null && translatorAnimator.isInitialized && translatorAnimator.isActiveAndEnabled && translatorAnimator.runtimeAnimatorController != null) { // Note: Rebind is required to prevent warning "Animator is not playing an AnimatorController" with prefabs translatorAnimator.Rebind(); translator.Apply(skeleton); } } #else translator.Apply(skeleton); #endif AfterAnimationApplied(); } public virtual void AfterAnimationApplied () { if (_UpdateLocal != null) _UpdateLocal(this); if (_UpdateWorld == null) { UpdateWorldTransform(Skeleton.Physics.Update); } else { UpdateWorldTransform(Skeleton.Physics.Pose); _UpdateWorld(this); UpdateWorldTransform(Skeleton.Physics.Update); } if (_UpdateComplete != null) _UpdateComplete(this); } public override void LateUpdate () { if (updateTiming == UpdateTiming.InLateUpdate && valid && translator != null && translator.Animator != null) UpdateAnimation(Time.deltaTime); // instantiation can happen from Update() after this component, leading to a missing Update() call. if (!wasUpdatedAfterInit) Update(); base.LateUpdate(); } public override void OnBecameVisible () { UpdateMode previousUpdateMode = updateMode; updateMode = UpdateMode.FullUpdate; // OnBecameVisible is called after LateUpdate() if (previousUpdateMode != UpdateMode.FullUpdate && previousUpdateMode != UpdateMode.EverythingExceptMesh) Update(); if (previousUpdateMode != UpdateMode.FullUpdate) LateUpdate(); } [System.Serializable] public class MecanimTranslator { const float WeightEpsilon = 0.0001f; #region Inspector public bool autoReset = true; public bool useCustomMixMode = true; public MixMode[] layerMixModes = new MixMode[0]; public MixBlend[] layerBlendModes = new MixBlend[0]; #endregion public delegate void OnClipAppliedDelegate (Spine.Animation clip, int layerIndex, float weight, float time, float lastTime, bool playsBackward); protected event OnClipAppliedDelegate _OnClipApplied; public event OnClipAppliedDelegate OnClipApplied { add { _OnClipApplied += value; } remove { _OnClipApplied -= value; } } public enum MixMode { AlwaysMix, MixNext, Hard, Match } readonly Dictionary animationTable = new Dictionary(IntEqualityComparer.Instance); readonly Dictionary clipNameHashCodeTable = new Dictionary(AnimationClipEqualityComparer.Instance); readonly List previousAnimations = new List(); protected class ClipInfos { public bool isInterruptionActive = false; public bool isLastFrameOfInterruption = false; public int clipInfoCount = 0; public int nextClipInfoCount = 0; public int interruptingClipInfoCount = 0; public readonly List clipInfos = new List(); public readonly List nextClipInfos = new List(); public readonly List interruptingClipInfos = new List(); public float[] clipResolvedWeights = new float[0]; public float[] nextClipResolvedWeights = new float[0]; public float[] interruptingClipResolvedWeights = new float[0]; public AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo; public AnimatorStateInfo nextStateInfo; public AnimatorStateInfo interruptingStateInfo; public float interruptingClipTimeAddition = 0; } protected ClipInfos[] layerClipInfos = new ClipInfos[0]; Animator animator; public Animator Animator { get { return this.animator; } } public int MecanimLayerCount { get { if (!animator) return 0; return animator.layerCount; } } public string[] MecanimLayerNames { get { if (!animator) return new string[0]; string[] layerNames = new string[animator.layerCount]; for (int i = 0; i < animator.layerCount; ++i) { layerNames[i] = animator.GetLayerName(i); } return layerNames; } } public void Initialize (Animator animator, SkeletonDataAsset skeletonDataAsset) { this.animator = animator; previousAnimations.Clear(); animationTable.Clear(); SkeletonData data = skeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true); foreach (Animation a in data.Animations) animationTable.Add(a.Name.GetHashCode(), a); clipNameHashCodeTable.Clear(); ClearClipInfosForLayers(); } private bool ApplyAnimation (Skeleton skeleton, AnimatorClipInfo info, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex, float layerWeight, MixBlend layerBlendMode, bool useCustomClipWeight = false, float customClipWeight = 1.0f) { float weight = info.weight * layerWeight; if (weight < WeightEpsilon) return false; Animation clip = GetAnimation(info.clip); if (clip == null) return false; float time = AnimationTime(stateInfo.normalizedTime, info.clip.length, info.clip.isLooping, stateInfo.speed < 0); weight = useCustomClipWeight ? layerWeight * customClipWeight : weight; clip.Apply(skeleton, 0, time, info.clip.isLooping, null, weight, layerBlendMode, MixDirection.In); if (_OnClipApplied != null) OnClipAppliedCallback(clip, stateInfo, layerIndex, time, info.clip.isLooping, weight); return true; } private bool ApplyInterruptionAnimation (Skeleton skeleton, bool interpolateWeightTo1, AnimatorClipInfo info, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex, float layerWeight, MixBlend layerBlendMode, float interruptingClipTimeAddition, bool useCustomClipWeight = false, float customClipWeight = 1.0f) { float clipWeight = interpolateWeightTo1 ? (info.weight + 1.0f) * 0.5f : info.weight; float weight = clipWeight * layerWeight; if (weight < WeightEpsilon) return false; Animation clip = GetAnimation(info.clip); if (clip == null) return false; float time = AnimationTime(stateInfo.normalizedTime + interruptingClipTimeAddition, info.clip.length, info.clip.isLooping, stateInfo.speed < 0); weight = useCustomClipWeight ? layerWeight * customClipWeight : weight; clip.Apply(skeleton, 0, time, info.clip.isLooping, null, weight, layerBlendMode, MixDirection.In); if (_OnClipApplied != null) { OnClipAppliedCallback(clip, stateInfo, layerIndex, time, info.clip.isLooping, weight); } return true; } private void OnClipAppliedCallback (Spine.Animation clip, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex, float time, bool isLooping, float weight) { float speedFactor = stateInfo.speedMultiplier * stateInfo.speed; float lastTime = time - (Time.deltaTime * speedFactor); float clipDuration = clip.Duration; if (isLooping && clipDuration != 0) { time %= clipDuration; lastTime %= clipDuration; } _OnClipApplied(clip, layerIndex, weight, time, lastTime, speedFactor < 0); } public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { GetLayerBlendModes(); } #endif if (layerMixModes.Length < animator.layerCount) { int oldSize = layerMixModes.Length; System.Array.Resize(ref layerMixModes, animator.layerCount); for (int layer = oldSize; layer < animator.layerCount; ++layer) { bool isAdditiveLayer = false; if (layer < layerBlendModes.Length) isAdditiveLayer = layerBlendModes[layer] == MixBlend.Add; layerMixModes[layer] = isAdditiveLayer ? MixMode.AlwaysMix : MixMode.MixNext; } } InitClipInfosForLayers(); for (int layer = 0, n = animator.layerCount; layer < n; layer++) { GetStateUpdatesFromAnimator(layer); } // Clear Previous if (autoReset) { List previousAnimations = this.previousAnimations; for (int i = 0, n = previousAnimations.Count; i < n; i++) previousAnimations[i].Apply(skeleton, 0, 0, false, null, 0, MixBlend.Setup, MixDirection.Out); // SetKeyedItemsToSetupPose previousAnimations.Clear(); for (int layer = 0, n = animator.layerCount; layer < n; layer++) { float layerWeight = (layer == 0) ? 1 : animator.GetLayerWeight(layer); // Animator.GetLayerWeight always returns 0 on the first layer. Should be interpreted as 1. if (layerWeight <= 0) continue; AnimatorStateInfo nextStateInfo = animator.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(layer); bool hasNext = nextStateInfo.fullPathHash != 0; int clipInfoCount, nextClipInfoCount, interruptingClipInfoCount; IList clipInfo, nextClipInfo, interruptingClipInfo; bool isInterruptionActive, shallInterpolateWeightTo1; GetAnimatorClipInfos(layer, out isInterruptionActive, out clipInfoCount, out nextClipInfoCount, out interruptingClipInfoCount, out clipInfo, out nextClipInfo, out interruptingClipInfo, out shallInterpolateWeightTo1); for (int c = 0; c < clipInfoCount; c++) { AnimatorClipInfo info = clipInfo[c]; float weight = info.weight * layerWeight; if (weight < WeightEpsilon) continue; Spine.Animation clip = GetAnimation(info.clip); if (clip != null) previousAnimations.Add(clip); } if (hasNext) { for (int c = 0; c < nextClipInfoCount; c++) { AnimatorClipInfo info = nextClipInfo[c]; float weight = info.weight * layerWeight; if (weight < WeightEpsilon) continue; Spine.Animation clip = GetAnimation(info.clip); if (clip != null) previousAnimations.Add(clip); } } if (isInterruptionActive) { for (int c = 0; c < interruptingClipInfoCount; c++) { AnimatorClipInfo info = interruptingClipInfo[c]; float clipWeight = shallInterpolateWeightTo1 ? (info.weight + 1.0f) * 0.5f : info.weight; float weight = clipWeight * layerWeight; if (weight < WeightEpsilon) continue; Spine.Animation clip = GetAnimation(info.clip); if (clip != null) previousAnimations.Add(clip); } } } } // Apply for (int layer = 0, n = animator.layerCount; layer < n; layer++) { float layerWeight = (layer == 0) ? 1 : animator.GetLayerWeight(layer); // Animator.GetLayerWeight always returns 0 on the first layer. Should be interpreted as 1. bool isInterruptionActive; AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo; AnimatorStateInfo nextStateInfo; AnimatorStateInfo interruptingStateInfo; float interruptingClipTimeAddition; GetAnimatorStateInfos(layer, out isInterruptionActive, out stateInfo, out nextStateInfo, out interruptingStateInfo, out interruptingClipTimeAddition); bool hasNext = nextStateInfo.fullPathHash != 0; int clipInfoCount, nextClipInfoCount, interruptingClipInfoCount; IList clipInfo, nextClipInfo, interruptingClipInfo; bool interpolateWeightTo1; GetAnimatorClipInfos(layer, out isInterruptionActive, out clipInfoCount, out nextClipInfoCount, out interruptingClipInfoCount, out clipInfo, out nextClipInfo, out interruptingClipInfo, out interpolateWeightTo1); MixBlend layerBlendMode = (layer < layerBlendModes.Length) ? layerBlendModes[layer] : MixBlend.Replace; MixMode mode = GetMixMode(layer, layerBlendMode); if (mode == MixMode.AlwaysMix) { // Always use Mix instead of Applying the first non-zero weighted clip. for (int c = 0; c < clipInfoCount; c++) { ApplyAnimation(skeleton, clipInfo[c], stateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode); } if (hasNext) { for (int c = 0; c < nextClipInfoCount; c++) { ApplyAnimation(skeleton, nextClipInfo[c], nextStateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode); } } if (isInterruptionActive) { for (int c = 0; c < interruptingClipInfoCount; c++) { ApplyInterruptionAnimation(skeleton, interpolateWeightTo1, interruptingClipInfo[c], interruptingStateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode, interruptingClipTimeAddition); } } } else if (mode == MixMode.Match) { // Calculate matching Spine lerp(lerp(A, B, w2), C, w3) weights // from Unity's absolute weights A*W1 + B*W2 + C*W3. MatchWeights(layerClipInfos[layer], hasNext, isInterruptionActive, clipInfoCount, nextClipInfoCount, interruptingClipInfoCount, clipInfo, nextClipInfo, interruptingClipInfo); float[] customWeights = layerClipInfos[layer].clipResolvedWeights; for (int c = 0; c < clipInfoCount; c++) { ApplyAnimation(skeleton, clipInfo[c], stateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode, true, customWeights[c]); } if (hasNext) { customWeights = layerClipInfos[layer].nextClipResolvedWeights; for (int c = 0; c < nextClipInfoCount; c++) { ApplyAnimation(skeleton, nextClipInfo[c], nextStateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode, true, customWeights[c]); } } if (isInterruptionActive) { customWeights = layerClipInfos[layer].interruptingClipResolvedWeights; for (int c = 0; c < interruptingClipInfoCount; c++) { ApplyInterruptionAnimation(skeleton, interpolateWeightTo1, interruptingClipInfo[c], interruptingStateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode, interruptingClipTimeAddition, true, customWeights[c]); } } } else { // case MixNext || Hard // Apply first non-zero weighted clip int c = 0; for (; c < clipInfoCount; c++) { if (!ApplyAnimation(skeleton, clipInfo[c], stateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode, true, 1.0f)) continue; ++c; break; } // Mix the rest for (; c < clipInfoCount; c++) { ApplyAnimation(skeleton, clipInfo[c], stateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode); } c = 0; if (hasNext) { // Apply next clip directly instead of mixing (ie: no crossfade, ignores mecanim transition weights) if (mode == MixMode.Hard) { for (; c < nextClipInfoCount; c++) { if (!ApplyAnimation(skeleton, nextClipInfo[c], nextStateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode, true, 1.0f)) continue; ++c; break; } } // Mix the rest for (; c < nextClipInfoCount; c++) { if (!ApplyAnimation(skeleton, nextClipInfo[c], nextStateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode)) continue; } } c = 0; if (isInterruptionActive) { // Apply next clip directly instead of mixing (ie: no crossfade, ignores mecanim transition weights) if (mode == MixMode.Hard) { for (; c < interruptingClipInfoCount; c++) { if (ApplyInterruptionAnimation(skeleton, interpolateWeightTo1, interruptingClipInfo[c], interruptingStateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode, interruptingClipTimeAddition, true, 1.0f)) { ++c; break; } } } // Mix the rest for (; c < interruptingClipInfoCount; c++) { ApplyInterruptionAnimation(skeleton, interpolateWeightTo1, interruptingClipInfo[c], interruptingStateInfo, layer, layerWeight, layerBlendMode, interruptingClipTimeAddition); } } } } } /// /// Resolve matching weights from Unity's absolute weights A*w1 + B*w2 + C*w3 to /// Spine's lerp(lerp(A, B, x), C, y) weights, in reverse order of clips. /// protected void MatchWeights (ClipInfos clipInfos, bool hasNext, bool isInterruptionActive, int clipInfoCount, int nextClipInfoCount, int interruptingClipInfoCount, IList clipInfo, IList nextClipInfo, IList interruptingClipInfo) { if (clipInfos.clipResolvedWeights.Length < clipInfoCount) { System.Array.Resize(ref clipInfos.clipResolvedWeights, clipInfoCount); } if (hasNext && clipInfos.nextClipResolvedWeights.Length < nextClipInfoCount) { System.Array.Resize(ref clipInfos.nextClipResolvedWeights, nextClipInfoCount); } if (isInterruptionActive && clipInfos.interruptingClipResolvedWeights.Length < interruptingClipInfoCount) { System.Array.Resize(ref clipInfos.interruptingClipResolvedWeights, interruptingClipInfoCount); } float inverseWeight = 1.0f; if (isInterruptionActive) { for (int c = interruptingClipInfoCount - 1; c >= 0; c--) { float unityWeight = interruptingClipInfo[c].weight; clipInfos.interruptingClipResolvedWeights[c] = interruptingClipInfo[c].weight * inverseWeight; inverseWeight /= (1.0f - unityWeight); } } if (hasNext) { for (int c = nextClipInfoCount - 1; c >= 0; c--) { float unityWeight = nextClipInfo[c].weight; clipInfos.nextClipResolvedWeights[c] = nextClipInfo[c].weight * inverseWeight; inverseWeight /= (1.0f - unityWeight); } } for (int c = clipInfoCount - 1; c >= 0; c--) { float unityWeight = clipInfo[c].weight; clipInfos.clipResolvedWeights[c] = (c == 0) ? 1f : clipInfo[c].weight * inverseWeight; inverseWeight /= (1.0f - unityWeight); } } public KeyValuePair GetActiveAnimationAndTime (int layer) { if (layer >= layerClipInfos.Length) return new KeyValuePair(null, 0); ClipInfos layerInfos = layerClipInfos[layer]; bool isInterruptionActive = layerInfos.isInterruptionActive; AnimationClip clip = null; Spine.Animation animation = null; AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo; if (isInterruptionActive && layerInfos.interruptingClipInfoCount > 0) { clip = layerInfos.interruptingClipInfos[0].clip; stateInfo = layerInfos.interruptingStateInfo; } else { clip = layerInfos.clipInfos[0].clip; stateInfo = layerInfos.stateInfo; } animation = GetAnimation(clip); float time = AnimationTime(stateInfo.normalizedTime, clip.length, clip.isLooping, stateInfo.speed < 0); return new KeyValuePair(animation, time); } static float AnimationTime (float normalizedTime, float clipLength, bool loop, bool reversed) { float time = ToSpineAnimationTime(normalizedTime, clipLength, loop, reversed); if (loop) return time; const float EndSnapEpsilon = 1f / 30f; // Workaround for end-duration keys not being applied. return (clipLength - time < EndSnapEpsilon) ? clipLength : time; // return a time snapped to clipLength; } static float ToSpineAnimationTime (float normalizedTime, float clipLength, bool loop, bool reversed) { if (reversed) normalizedTime = (1 - normalizedTime); if (normalizedTime < 0.0f) normalizedTime = loop ? (normalizedTime % 1.0f) + 1.0f : 0.0f; return normalizedTime * clipLength; } void InitClipInfosForLayers () { if (layerClipInfos.Length < animator.layerCount) { System.Array.Resize(ref layerClipInfos, animator.layerCount); for (int layer = 0, n = animator.layerCount; layer < n; ++layer) { if (layerClipInfos[layer] == null) layerClipInfos[layer] = new ClipInfos(); } } } void ClearClipInfosForLayers () { for (int layer = 0, n = layerClipInfos.Length; layer < n; ++layer) { if (layerClipInfos[layer] == null) layerClipInfos[layer] = new ClipInfos(); else { layerClipInfos[layer].isInterruptionActive = false; layerClipInfos[layer].isLastFrameOfInterruption = false; layerClipInfos[layer].clipInfos.Clear(); layerClipInfos[layer].nextClipInfos.Clear(); layerClipInfos[layer].interruptingClipInfos.Clear(); } } } private MixMode GetMixMode (int layer, MixBlend layerBlendMode) { if (useCustomMixMode) { MixMode mode = layerMixModes[layer]; // Note: at additive blending it makes no sense to use constant weight 1 at a fadeout anim add1 as // with override layers, so we use AlwaysMix instead to use the proper weights. // AlwaysMix leads to the expected result = lower_layer + lerp(add1, add2, transition_weight). if (layerBlendMode == MixBlend.Add && mode == MixMode.MixNext) { mode = MixMode.AlwaysMix; layerMixModes[layer] = mode; } return mode; } else { return layerBlendMode == MixBlend.Add ? MixMode.AlwaysMix : MixMode.MixNext; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR void GetLayerBlendModes () { if (layerBlendModes.Length < animator.layerCount) { System.Array.Resize(ref layerBlendModes, animator.layerCount); } for (int layer = 0, n = animator.layerCount; layer < n; ++layer) { AnimatorController controller = animator.runtimeAnimatorController as UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController; if (controller != null) { layerBlendModes[layer] = MixBlend.First; if (layer > 0) { layerBlendModes[layer] = controller.layers[layer].blendingMode == UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorLayerBlendingMode.Additive ? MixBlend.Add : MixBlend.Replace; } } } } #endif void GetStateUpdatesFromAnimator (int layer) { ClipInfos layerInfos = layerClipInfos[layer]; int clipInfoCount = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoCount(layer); int nextClipInfoCount = animator.GetNextAnimatorClipInfoCount(layer); List clipInfos = layerInfos.clipInfos; List nextClipInfos = layerInfos.nextClipInfos; List interruptingClipInfos = layerInfos.interruptingClipInfos; layerInfos.isInterruptionActive = (clipInfoCount == 0 && clipInfos.Count != 0 && nextClipInfoCount == 0 && nextClipInfos.Count != 0); // Note: during interruption, GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoCount and GetNextAnimatorClipInfoCount // are returning 0 in calls above. Therefore we keep previous clipInfos and nextClipInfos // until the interruption is over. if (layerInfos.isInterruptionActive) { // Note: The last frame of a transition interruption // will have fullPathHash set to 0, therefore we have to use previous // frame's infos about interruption clips and correct some values // accordingly (normalizedTime and weight). AnimatorStateInfo interruptingStateInfo = animator.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(layer); layerInfos.isLastFrameOfInterruption = interruptingStateInfo.fullPathHash == 0; if (!layerInfos.isLastFrameOfInterruption) { animator.GetNextAnimatorClipInfo(layer, interruptingClipInfos); layerInfos.interruptingClipInfoCount = interruptingClipInfos.Count; float oldTime = layerInfos.interruptingStateInfo.normalizedTime; float newTime = interruptingStateInfo.normalizedTime; layerInfos.interruptingClipTimeAddition = newTime - oldTime; layerInfos.interruptingStateInfo = interruptingStateInfo; } } else { layerInfos.clipInfoCount = clipInfoCount; layerInfos.nextClipInfoCount = nextClipInfoCount; layerInfos.interruptingClipInfoCount = 0; layerInfos.isLastFrameOfInterruption = false; if (clipInfos.Capacity < clipInfoCount) clipInfos.Capacity = clipInfoCount; if (nextClipInfos.Capacity < nextClipInfoCount) nextClipInfos.Capacity = nextClipInfoCount; animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(layer, clipInfos); animator.GetNextAnimatorClipInfo(layer, nextClipInfos); layerInfos.stateInfo = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layer); layerInfos.nextStateInfo = animator.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(layer); } } void GetAnimatorClipInfos ( int layer, out bool isInterruptionActive, out int clipInfoCount, out int nextClipInfoCount, out int interruptingClipInfoCount, out IList clipInfo, out IList nextClipInfo, out IList interruptingClipInfo, out bool shallInterpolateWeightTo1) { ClipInfos layerInfos = layerClipInfos[layer]; isInterruptionActive = layerInfos.isInterruptionActive; clipInfoCount = layerInfos.clipInfoCount; nextClipInfoCount = layerInfos.nextClipInfoCount; interruptingClipInfoCount = layerInfos.interruptingClipInfoCount; clipInfo = layerInfos.clipInfos; nextClipInfo = layerInfos.nextClipInfos; interruptingClipInfo = isInterruptionActive ? layerInfos.interruptingClipInfos : null; shallInterpolateWeightTo1 = layerInfos.isLastFrameOfInterruption; } void GetAnimatorStateInfos ( int layer, out bool isInterruptionActive, out AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, out AnimatorStateInfo nextStateInfo, out AnimatorStateInfo interruptingStateInfo, out float interruptingClipTimeAddition) { ClipInfos layerInfos = layerClipInfos[layer]; isInterruptionActive = layerInfos.isInterruptionActive; stateInfo = layerInfos.stateInfo; nextStateInfo = layerInfos.nextStateInfo; interruptingStateInfo = layerInfos.interruptingStateInfo; interruptingClipTimeAddition = layerInfos.isLastFrameOfInterruption ? layerInfos.interruptingClipTimeAddition : 0; } Spine.Animation GetAnimation (AnimationClip clip) { int clipNameHashCode; if (!clipNameHashCodeTable.TryGetValue(clip, out clipNameHashCode)) { clipNameHashCode = clip.name.GetHashCode(); clipNameHashCodeTable.Add(clip, clipNameHashCode); } Spine.Animation animation; animationTable.TryGetValue(clipNameHashCode, out animation); return animation; } class AnimationClipEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer { internal static readonly IEqualityComparer Instance = new AnimationClipEqualityComparer(); public bool Equals (AnimationClip x, AnimationClip y) { return x.GetInstanceID() == y.GetInstanceID(); } public int GetHashCode (AnimationClip o) { return o.GetInstanceID(); } } class IntEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer { internal static readonly IEqualityComparer Instance = new IntEqualityComparer(); public bool Equals (int x, int y) { return x == y; } public int GetHashCode (int o) { return o; } } } } }