/****************************************************************************** * Spine Runtimes License Agreement * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions. * * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC * * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement: * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license * * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively, * "Products"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must * include this license and copyright notice. * * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *****************************************************************************/ #if UNITY_2018_3 || UNITY_2019 || UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER #define NEW_PREFAB_SYSTEM #endif using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Spine.Unity { #if NEW_PREFAB_SYSTEM [ExecuteAlways] #else [ExecuteInEditMode] #endif [RequireComponent(typeof(ISkeletonAnimation))] [HelpURL("http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity#SkeletonUtility")] public sealed class SkeletonUtility : MonoBehaviour { #region BoundingBoxAttachment public static PolygonCollider2D AddBoundingBoxGameObject (Skeleton skeleton, string skinName, string slotName, string attachmentName, Transform parent, bool isTrigger = true) { Skin skin = string.IsNullOrEmpty(skinName) ? skeleton.Data.DefaultSkin : skeleton.Data.FindSkin(skinName); if (skin == null) { Debug.LogError("Skin " + skinName + " not found!"); return null; } Slot slot = skeleton.FindSlot(slotName); Attachment attachment = slot != null ? skin.GetAttachment(slot.Data.Index, attachmentName) : null; if (attachment == null) { Debug.LogFormat("Attachment in slot '{0}' named '{1}' not found in skin '{2}'.", slotName, attachmentName, skin.Name); return null; } BoundingBoxAttachment box = attachment as BoundingBoxAttachment; if (box != null) { return AddBoundingBoxGameObject(box.Name, box, slot, parent, isTrigger); } else { Debug.LogFormat("Attachment '{0}' was not a Bounding Box.", attachmentName); return null; } } public static PolygonCollider2D AddBoundingBoxGameObject (string name, BoundingBoxAttachment box, Slot slot, Transform parent, bool isTrigger = true) { GameObject go = new GameObject("[BoundingBox]" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? box.Name : name)); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Spawn BoundingBox"); #endif Transform got = go.transform; got.parent = parent; got.localPosition = Vector3.zero; got.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; got.localScale = Vector3.one; return AddBoundingBoxAsComponent(box, slot, go, isTrigger); } public static PolygonCollider2D AddBoundingBoxAsComponent (BoundingBoxAttachment box, Slot slot, GameObject gameObject, bool isTrigger = true) { if (box == null) return null; PolygonCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent(); collider.isTrigger = isTrigger; SetColliderPointsLocal(collider, slot, box); return collider; } public static void SetColliderPointsLocal (PolygonCollider2D collider, Slot slot, BoundingBoxAttachment box, float scale = 1.0f) { if (box == null) return; if (box.IsWeighted()) Debug.LogWarning("UnityEngine.PolygonCollider2D does not support weighted or animated points. Collider points will not be animated and may have incorrect orientation. If you want to use it as a collider, please remove weights and animations from the bounding box in Spine editor."); Vector2[] verts = box.GetLocalVertices(slot, null); if (scale != 1.0f) { for (int i = 0, n = verts.Length; i < n; ++i) verts[i] *= scale; } collider.SetPath(0, verts); } public static Bounds GetBoundingBoxBounds (BoundingBoxAttachment boundingBox, float depth = 0) { float[] floats = boundingBox.Vertices; int floatCount = floats.Length; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); bounds.center = new Vector3(floats[0], floats[1], 0); for (int i = 2; i < floatCount; i += 2) bounds.Encapsulate(new Vector3(floats[i], floats[i + 1], 0)); Vector3 size = bounds.size; size.z = depth; bounds.size = size; return bounds; } public static Rigidbody2D AddBoneRigidbody2D (GameObject gameObject, bool isKinematic = true, float gravityScale = 0f) { Rigidbody2D rb = gameObject.GetComponent(); if (rb == null) { rb = gameObject.AddComponent(); rb.isKinematic = isKinematic; rb.gravityScale = gravityScale; } return rb; } #endregion public delegate void SkeletonUtilityDelegate (); public event SkeletonUtilityDelegate OnReset; public Transform boneRoot; /// /// If true, and are followed /// by 180 degree rotation. If false, negative Transform scale is used. /// Note that using negative scale is consistent with previous behaviour (hence the default), /// however causes serious problems with rigidbodies and physics. Therefore, it is recommended to /// enable this parameter where possible. When creating hinge chains for a chain of skeleton bones /// via , it is mandatory to have flipBy180DegreeRotation enabled. /// public bool flipBy180DegreeRotation = false; void Update () { Skeleton skeleton = skeletonComponent.Skeleton; if (skeleton != null && boneRoot != null) { if (flipBy180DegreeRotation) { boneRoot.localScale = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(skeleton.ScaleX), Mathf.Abs(skeleton.ScaleY), 1f); boneRoot.eulerAngles = new Vector3(skeleton.ScaleY > 0 ? 0 : 180, skeleton.ScaleX > 0 ? 0 : 180, 0); } else { boneRoot.localScale = new Vector3(skeleton.ScaleX, skeleton.ScaleY, 1f); } } if (skeletonGraphic != null) { positionScale = skeletonGraphic.MeshScale; lastPositionScale = positionScale; if (boneRoot) { positionOffset = skeletonGraphic.MeshOffset; if (positionOffset != Vector2.zero) { boneRoot.localPosition = positionOffset; } } } } void UpdateToMeshScaleAndOffset (MeshGeneratorBuffers ignoredParameter) { if (skeletonGraphic == null) return; positionScale = skeletonGraphic.MeshScale; if (boneRoot) { positionOffset = skeletonGraphic.MeshOffset; if (positionOffset != Vector2.zero) { boneRoot.localPosition = positionOffset; } } // Note: skeletonGraphic.MeshScale and MeshOffset can be one frame behind in Update() above. // Unfortunately update order is: // 1. SkeletonGraphic.Update updating skeleton bones and calling UpdateWorld callback, // calling SkeletonUtilityBone.DoUpdate() reading hierarchy.PositionScale. // 2. Layout change triggers SkeletonGraphic.Rebuild, updating MeshScale and MeshOffset. // Thus to prevent a one-frame-behind offset after a layout change affecting mesh scale, // we have to re-evaluate the callbacks via the lines below. if (lastPositionScale != positionScale) { UpdateLocal(skeletonAnimation); UpdateWorld(skeletonAnimation); UpdateComplete(skeletonAnimation); } } [HideInInspector] public SkeletonRenderer skeletonRenderer; [HideInInspector] public SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic; [System.NonSerialized] public ISkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation; private ISkeletonComponent skeletonComponent; [System.NonSerialized] public List boneComponents = new List(); [System.NonSerialized] public List constraintComponents = new List(); public ISkeletonComponent SkeletonComponent { get { if (skeletonComponent == null) { skeletonComponent = skeletonRenderer != null ? skeletonRenderer.GetComponent() : skeletonGraphic != null ? skeletonGraphic.GetComponent() : GetComponent(); } return skeletonComponent; } } public Skeleton Skeleton { get { if (SkeletonComponent == null) return null; return skeletonComponent.Skeleton; } } public bool IsValid { get { return (skeletonRenderer != null && skeletonRenderer.valid) || (skeletonGraphic != null && skeletonGraphic.IsValid); } } public float PositionScale { get { return positionScale; } } public Vector2 PositionOffset { get { return positionOffset; } } float positionScale = 1.0f; float lastPositionScale = 1.0f; Vector2 positionOffset = Vector2.zero; bool hasOverrideBones; bool hasConstraints; bool needToReprocessBones; public void ResubscribeEvents () { ResubscribeIndependentEvents(); ResubscribeDependentEvents(); } void ResubscribeIndependentEvents () { if (skeletonRenderer != null) { skeletonRenderer.OnRebuild -= HandleRendererReset; skeletonRenderer.OnRebuild += HandleRendererReset; } else if (skeletonGraphic != null) { skeletonGraphic.OnRebuild -= HandleRendererReset; skeletonGraphic.OnRebuild += HandleRendererReset; skeletonGraphic.OnPostProcessVertices -= UpdateToMeshScaleAndOffset; skeletonGraphic.OnPostProcessVertices += UpdateToMeshScaleAndOffset; } if (skeletonAnimation != null) { skeletonAnimation.UpdateLocal -= UpdateLocal; skeletonAnimation.UpdateLocal += UpdateLocal; } } void ResubscribeDependentEvents () { if (skeletonAnimation != null) { skeletonAnimation.UpdateWorld -= UpdateWorld; skeletonAnimation.UpdateComplete -= UpdateComplete; if (hasOverrideBones || hasConstraints) skeletonAnimation.UpdateWorld += UpdateWorld; if (hasConstraints) skeletonAnimation.UpdateComplete += UpdateComplete; } } void OnEnable () { if (skeletonRenderer == null) { skeletonRenderer = GetComponent(); } if (skeletonGraphic == null) { skeletonGraphic = GetComponent(); } if (skeletonAnimation == null) { skeletonAnimation = skeletonRenderer != null ? skeletonRenderer.GetComponent() : skeletonGraphic != null ? skeletonGraphic.GetComponent() : GetComponent(); } if (skeletonComponent == null) { skeletonComponent = skeletonRenderer != null ? skeletonRenderer.GetComponent() : skeletonGraphic != null ? skeletonGraphic.GetComponent() : GetComponent(); } CollectBones(); ResubscribeEvents(); } void Start () { //recollect because order of operations failure when switching between game mode and edit mode... CollectBones(); } void OnDisable () { if (skeletonRenderer != null) skeletonRenderer.OnRebuild -= HandleRendererReset; if (skeletonGraphic != null) { skeletonGraphic.OnRebuild -= HandleRendererReset; skeletonGraphic.OnPostProcessVertices -= UpdateToMeshScaleAndOffset; } if (skeletonAnimation != null) { skeletonAnimation.UpdateLocal -= UpdateLocal; skeletonAnimation.UpdateWorld -= UpdateWorld; skeletonAnimation.UpdateComplete -= UpdateComplete; } } void HandleRendererReset (SkeletonRenderer r) { if (OnReset != null) OnReset(); CollectBones(); } void HandleRendererReset (SkeletonGraphic g) { if (OnReset != null) OnReset(); CollectBones(); } public void RegisterBone (SkeletonUtilityBone bone) { if (boneComponents.Contains(bone)) { return; } else { boneComponents.Add(bone); needToReprocessBones = true; } } public void UnregisterBone (SkeletonUtilityBone bone) { boneComponents.Remove(bone); } public void RegisterConstraint (SkeletonUtilityConstraint constraint) { if (constraintComponents.Contains(constraint)) return; else { constraintComponents.Add(constraint); needToReprocessBones = true; } } public void UnregisterConstraint (SkeletonUtilityConstraint constraint) { constraintComponents.Remove(constraint); } public void CollectBones () { Skeleton skeleton = skeletonComponent.Skeleton; if (skeleton == null) return; if (boneRoot != null) { List constraintTargets = new List(); ExposedList ikConstraints = skeleton.IkConstraints; for (int i = 0, n = ikConstraints.Count; i < n; i++) constraintTargets.Add(ikConstraints.Items[i].Target); ExposedList transformConstraints = skeleton.TransformConstraints; for (int i = 0, n = transformConstraints.Count; i < n; i++) constraintTargets.Add(transformConstraints.Items[i].Target); List boneComponents = this.boneComponents; for (int i = 0, n = boneComponents.Count; i < n; i++) { SkeletonUtilityBone b = boneComponents[i]; if (b.bone == null) { b.DoUpdate(SkeletonUtilityBone.UpdatePhase.Local); if (b.bone == null) continue; } hasOverrideBones |= (b.mode == SkeletonUtilityBone.Mode.Override); hasConstraints |= constraintTargets.Contains(b.bone); } hasConstraints |= constraintComponents.Count > 0; needToReprocessBones = false; } else { boneComponents.Clear(); constraintComponents.Clear(); } ResubscribeDependentEvents(); } void UpdateLocal (ISkeletonAnimation anim) { if (needToReprocessBones) CollectBones(); List boneComponents = this.boneComponents; if (boneComponents == null) return; for (int i = 0, n = boneComponents.Count; i < n; i++) boneComponents[i].transformLerpComplete = false; UpdateAllBones(SkeletonUtilityBone.UpdatePhase.Local); } void UpdateWorld (ISkeletonAnimation anim) { UpdateAllBones(SkeletonUtilityBone.UpdatePhase.World); for (int i = 0, n = constraintComponents.Count; i < n; i++) constraintComponents[i].DoUpdate(); } void UpdateComplete (ISkeletonAnimation anim) { UpdateAllBones(SkeletonUtilityBone.UpdatePhase.Complete); } void UpdateAllBones (SkeletonUtilityBone.UpdatePhase phase) { if (boneRoot == null) CollectBones(); List boneComponents = this.boneComponents; if (boneComponents == null) return; for (int i = 0, n = boneComponents.Count; i < n; i++) boneComponents[i].DoUpdate(phase); } public Transform GetBoneRoot () { if (boneRoot != null) return boneRoot; GameObject boneRootObject = new GameObject("SkeletonUtility-SkeletonRoot"); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(boneRootObject, "Spawn Bone"); #endif if (skeletonGraphic != null) boneRootObject.AddComponent(); boneRoot = boneRootObject.transform; boneRoot.SetParent(transform); boneRoot.localPosition = Vector3.zero; boneRoot.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; boneRoot.localScale = Vector3.one; return boneRoot; } public GameObject SpawnRoot (SkeletonUtilityBone.Mode mode, bool pos, bool rot, bool sca) { GetBoneRoot(); Skeleton skeleton = this.skeletonComponent.Skeleton; GameObject go = SpawnBone(skeleton.RootBone, boneRoot, mode, pos, rot, sca); CollectBones(); return go; } public GameObject SpawnHierarchy (SkeletonUtilityBone.Mode mode, bool pos, bool rot, bool sca) { GetBoneRoot(); Skeleton skeleton = this.skeletonComponent.Skeleton; GameObject go = SpawnBoneRecursively(skeleton.RootBone, boneRoot, mode, pos, rot, sca); CollectBones(); return go; } public GameObject SpawnBoneRecursively (Bone bone, Transform parent, SkeletonUtilityBone.Mode mode, bool pos, bool rot, bool sca) { GameObject go = SpawnBone(bone, parent, mode, pos, rot, sca); ExposedList childrenBones = bone.Children; for (int i = 0, n = childrenBones.Count; i < n; i++) { Bone child = childrenBones.Items[i]; SpawnBoneRecursively(child, go.transform, mode, pos, rot, sca); } return go; } public GameObject SpawnBone (Bone bone, Transform parent, SkeletonUtilityBone.Mode mode, bool pos, bool rot, bool sca) { GameObject go = new GameObject(bone.Data.Name); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Spawn Bone"); #endif if (skeletonGraphic != null) go.AddComponent(); Transform goTransform = go.transform; goTransform.SetParent(parent); SkeletonUtilityBone b = go.AddComponent(); b.hierarchy = this; b.position = pos; b.rotation = rot; b.scale = sca; b.mode = mode; b.zPosition = true; b.Reset(); b.bone = bone; b.boneName = bone.Data.Name; b.valid = true; if (mode == SkeletonUtilityBone.Mode.Override) { if (rot) goTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, b.bone.AppliedRotation); if (pos) goTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(b.bone.X * positionScale + positionOffset.x, b.bone.Y * positionScale + positionOffset.y, 0); goTransform.localScale = new Vector3(b.bone.ScaleX, b.bone.ScaleY, 0); } return go; } } }