/****************************************************************************** * Spine Runtimes License Agreement * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions. * * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC * * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement: * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license * * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively, * "Products"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must * include this license and copyright notice. * * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *****************************************************************************/ #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER #define CONFIGURABLE_ENTER_PLAY_MODE #endif using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Spine.Unity.AttachmentTools { public static class AtlasUtilities { internal const TextureFormat SpineTextureFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA32; internal const float DefaultMipmapBias = -0.5f; internal const bool UseMipMaps = false; internal const float DefaultScale = 0.01f; const int NonrenderingRegion = -1; #if CONFIGURABLE_ENTER_PLAY_MODE [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.SubsystemRegistration)] static void Init () { // handle disabled domain reload AtlasUtilities.ClearCache(); } #endif public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Texture2D t, Material materialPropertySource, float scale = DefaultScale) { return t.ToAtlasRegion(materialPropertySource.shader, scale, materialPropertySource); } public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Texture2D t, Shader shader, float scale = DefaultScale, Material materialPropertySource = null) { Material material = new Material(shader); if (materialPropertySource != null) { material.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(materialPropertySource); material.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords; } material.mainTexture = t; AtlasPage page = material.ToSpineAtlasPage(); float width = t.width; float height = t.height; AtlasRegion region = new AtlasRegion(); region.name = t.name; // World space units Vector2 boundsMin = Vector2.zero, boundsMax = new Vector2(width, height) * scale; // Texture space/pixel units region.width = (int)width; region.originalWidth = (int)width; region.height = (int)height; region.originalHeight = (int)height; region.offsetX = width * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.x, boundsMax.x, 0)); region.offsetY = height * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.y, boundsMax.y, 0)); // Use the full area of the texture. region.u = 0; region.v = 1; region.u2 = 1; region.v2 = 0; region.x = 0; region.y = 0; region.page = page; return region; } /// /// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion that uses a premultiplied alpha duplicate of the Sprite's texture data. public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone (this Texture2D t, Material materialPropertySource, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps) { return t.ToAtlasRegionPMAClone(materialPropertySource.shader, textureFormat, mipmaps, materialPropertySource); } /// /// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion that uses a premultiplied alpha duplicate of the Sprite's texture data. public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone (this Texture2D t, Shader shader, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, Material materialPropertySource = null) { Material material = new Material(shader); if (materialPropertySource != null) { material.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(materialPropertySource); material.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords; } Texture2D newTexture = t.GetClone(textureFormat, mipmaps, applyPMA: true); newTexture.name = t.name + "-pma-"; material.name = t.name + shader.name; material.mainTexture = newTexture; AtlasPage page = material.ToSpineAtlasPage(); AtlasRegion region = newTexture.ToAtlasRegion(shader); region.page = page; return region; } /// /// Creates a new Spine.AtlasPage from a UnityEngine.Material. If the material has a preassigned texture, the page width and height will be set. public static AtlasPage ToSpineAtlasPage (this Material m) { AtlasPage newPage = new AtlasPage { rendererObject = m, name = m.name }; Texture t = m.mainTexture; if (t != null) { newPage.width = t.width; newPage.height = t.height; } return newPage; } /// /// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion from a UnityEngine.Sprite. public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Sprite s, AtlasPage page) { if (page == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("page", "page cannot be null. AtlasPage determines which texture region belongs and how it should be rendered. You can use material.ToSpineAtlasPage() to get a shareable AtlasPage from a Material, or use the sprite.ToAtlasRegion(material) overload."); AtlasRegion region = s.ToAtlasRegion(); region.page = page; return region; } /// /// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion from a UnityEngine.Sprite. This creates a new AtlasPage object for every AtlasRegion you create. You can centralize Material control by creating a shared atlas page using Material.ToSpineAtlasPage and using the sprite.ToAtlasRegion(AtlasPage) overload. public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Sprite s, Material material) { AtlasRegion region = s.ToAtlasRegion(); region.page = material.ToSpineAtlasPage(); return region; } public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone (this Sprite s, Material materialPropertySource, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps) { return s.ToAtlasRegionPMAClone(materialPropertySource.shader, textureFormat, mipmaps, materialPropertySource); } /// /// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion that uses a premultiplied alpha duplicate of the Sprite's texture data. public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone (this Sprite s, Shader shader, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, Material materialPropertySource = null) { Material material = new Material(shader); if (materialPropertySource != null) { material.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(materialPropertySource); material.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords; } Texture2D tex = s.ToTexture(textureFormat, mipmaps, applyPMA: true); tex.name = s.name + "-pma-"; material.name = tex.name + shader.name; material.mainTexture = tex; AtlasPage page = material.ToSpineAtlasPage(); AtlasRegion region = s.ToAtlasRegion(true); region.page = page; return region; } internal static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Sprite s, bool isolatedTexture = false) { AtlasRegion region = new AtlasRegion(); region.name = s.name; region.index = -1; region.degrees = s.packed && s.packingRotation != SpritePackingRotation.None ? 90 : 0; // World space units Bounds bounds = s.bounds; Vector2 boundsMin = bounds.min, boundsMax = bounds.max; // Texture space/pixel units Rect spineRect = s.textureRect.SpineUnityFlipRect(s.texture.height); Rect originalRect = s.rect; region.width = (int)spineRect.width; region.originalWidth = (int)originalRect.width; region.height = (int)spineRect.height; region.originalHeight = (int)originalRect.height; region.offsetX = s.textureRectOffset.x + spineRect.width * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.x, boundsMax.x, 0)); region.offsetY = s.textureRectOffset.y + spineRect.height * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.y, boundsMax.y, 0)); if (isolatedTexture) { region.u = 0; region.v = 1; region.u2 = 1; region.v2 = 0; region.x = 0; region.y = 0; } else { Texture2D tex = s.texture; Rect uvRect = TextureRectToUVRect(s.textureRect, tex.width, tex.height); region.u = uvRect.xMin; region.v = uvRect.yMax; region.u2 = uvRect.xMax; region.v2 = uvRect.yMin; region.x = (int)spineRect.x; region.y = (int)spineRect.y; } return region; } #region Runtime Repacking static readonly Dictionary existingRegions = new Dictionary(); static readonly List regionIndices = new List(); static readonly List originalRegions = new List(); static readonly List repackedRegions = new List(); static List[] texturesToPackAtParam = new List[1]; static List inoutAttachments = new List(); /// /// Fills the outputAttachments list with new attachment objects based on the attachments in sourceAttachments, /// but mapped to a new single texture using the same material. /// Returned Material and Texture behave like new Texture2D(), thus you need to call Destroy() /// to free resources. /// This method caches necessary Texture copies for later re-use, which might steadily increase the texture memory /// footprint when used excessively. Set to true /// or call to clear this texture cache. /// You may want to call Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() after that. /// /// The list of attachments to be repacked. /// The List(Attachment) to populate with the newly created Attachment objects. /// May be equal to sourceAttachments for in-place operation. /// May be null. If no Material property source is provided, a material with /// default parameters using the provided shader will be created. /// When set to true, is called after /// repacking to clear the texture cache. See remarks for additional info. /// Optional additional textures (such as normal maps) to copy while repacking. /// To copy e.g. the main texture and normal maps, pass 'new int[] { Shader.PropertyToID("_BumpMap") }' at this parameter. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be filled with the resulting repacked texture for every property, /// just as the main repacked texture is assigned to outputTexture. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be used as TextureFormat at the Texture at the respective property. /// When additionalTextureFormats is null or when its array size is smaller, /// textureFormat is used where there exists no corresponding array item. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be used to determine whether linear or sRGB color space is used at the /// Texture at the respective property. When additionalTextureIsLinear is null, linear color space /// is assumed at every additional Texture element. /// When e.g. packing the main texture and normal maps, pass 'new bool[] { true }' at this parameter, because normal maps use /// linear color space. public static void GetRepackedAttachments (List sourceAttachments, List outputAttachments, Material materialPropertySource, out Material outputMaterial, out Texture2D outputTexture, int maxAtlasSize = 1024, int padding = 2, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, string newAssetName = "Repacked Attachments", bool clearCache = false, bool useOriginalNonrenderables = true, int[] additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy = null, Texture2D[] additionalOutputTextures = null, TextureFormat[] additionalTextureFormats = null, bool[] additionalTextureIsLinear = null) { Shader shader = materialPropertySource == null ? Shader.Find("Spine/Skeleton") : materialPropertySource.shader; GetRepackedAttachments(sourceAttachments, outputAttachments, shader, out outputMaterial, out outputTexture, maxAtlasSize, padding, textureFormat, mipmaps, newAssetName, materialPropertySource, clearCache, useOriginalNonrenderables, additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy, additionalOutputTextures, additionalTextureFormats, additionalTextureIsLinear); } /// /// Fills the outputAttachments list with new attachment objects based on the attachments in sourceAttachments, /// but mapped to a new single texture using the same material. /// Returned Material and Texture behave like new Texture2D(), thus you need to call Destroy() /// to free resources. /// The list of attachments to be repacked. /// The List(Attachment) to populate with the newly created Attachment objects. /// May be equal to sourceAttachments for in-place operation. /// May be null. If no Material property source is provided, a material with /// default parameters using the provided shader will be created. /// Optional additional textures (such as normal maps) to copy while repacking. /// To copy e.g. the main texture and normal maps, pass 'new int[] { Shader.PropertyToID("_BumpMap") }' at this parameter. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be filled with the resulting repacked texture for every property, /// just as the main repacked texture is assigned to outputTexture. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be used as TextureFormat at the Texture at the respective property. /// When additionalTextureFormats is null or when its array size is smaller, /// textureFormat is used where there exists no corresponding array item. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be used to determine whether linear or sRGB color space is used at the /// Texture at the respective property. When additionalTextureIsLinear is null, linear color space /// is assumed at every additional Texture element. /// When e.g. packing the main texture and normal maps, pass 'new bool[] { true }' at this parameter, because normal maps use /// linear color space. public static void GetRepackedAttachments (List sourceAttachments, List outputAttachments, Shader shader, out Material outputMaterial, out Texture2D outputTexture, int maxAtlasSize = 1024, int padding = 2, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, string newAssetName = "Repacked Attachments", Material materialPropertySource = null, bool clearCache = false, bool useOriginalNonrenderables = true, int[] additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy = null, Texture2D[] additionalOutputTextures = null, TextureFormat[] additionalTextureFormats = null, bool[] additionalTextureIsLinear = null) { if (sourceAttachments == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("sourceAttachments"); if (outputAttachments == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("outputAttachments"); outputTexture = null; if (additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy != null && additionalTextureIsLinear == null) { additionalTextureIsLinear = new bool[additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < additionalTextureIsLinear.Length; ++i) { additionalTextureIsLinear[i] = true; } } // Use these to detect and use shared regions. existingRegions.Clear(); regionIndices.Clear(); // Collect all textures from original attachments. int numTextureParamsToRepack = 1 + (additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy == null ? 0 : additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy.Length); additionalOutputTextures = (additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy == null ? null : new Texture2D[additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy.Length]); if (texturesToPackAtParam.Length < numTextureParamsToRepack) Array.Resize(ref texturesToPackAtParam, numTextureParamsToRepack); for (int i = 0; i < numTextureParamsToRepack; ++i) { if (texturesToPackAtParam[i] != null) texturesToPackAtParam[i].Clear(); else texturesToPackAtParam[i] = new List(); } originalRegions.Clear(); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(sourceAttachments, outputAttachments)) { outputAttachments.Clear(); outputAttachments.AddRange(sourceAttachments); } int newRegionIndex = 0; for (int attachmentIndex = 0, n = sourceAttachments.Count; attachmentIndex < n; attachmentIndex++) { Attachment originalAttachment = sourceAttachments[attachmentIndex]; if (originalAttachment is IHasTextureRegion) { MeshAttachment originalMeshAttachment = originalAttachment as MeshAttachment; IHasTextureRegion originalTextureAttachment = (IHasTextureRegion)originalAttachment; Attachment newAttachment = (originalTextureAttachment.Sequence != null) ? originalAttachment : (originalMeshAttachment != null) ? originalMeshAttachment.NewLinkedMesh() : originalAttachment.Copy(); IHasTextureRegion newTextureAttachment = (IHasTextureRegion)newAttachment; AtlasRegion region = newTextureAttachment.Region as AtlasRegion; if (region == null && originalTextureAttachment.Sequence != null) region = (AtlasRegion)originalTextureAttachment.Sequence.Regions[0]; int existingIndex; if (existingRegions.TryGetValue(region, out existingIndex)) { regionIndices.Add(existingIndex); } else { existingRegions.Add(region, newRegionIndex); Sequence originalSequence = originalTextureAttachment.Sequence; if (originalSequence != null) { newTextureAttachment.Sequence = new Sequence(originalSequence); for (int i = 0, regionCount = originalSequence.Regions.Length; i < regionCount; ++i) { AtlasRegion sequenceRegion = (AtlasRegion)originalSequence.Regions[i]; AddRegionTexturesToPack(numTextureParamsToRepack, sequenceRegion, textureFormat, mipmaps, additionalTextureFormats, additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy, additionalTextureIsLinear); originalRegions.Add(sequenceRegion); regionIndices.Add(newRegionIndex); newRegionIndex++; } } else { AddRegionTexturesToPack(numTextureParamsToRepack, region, textureFormat, mipmaps, additionalTextureFormats, additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy, additionalTextureIsLinear); originalRegions.Add(region); regionIndices.Add(newRegionIndex); newRegionIndex++; } } outputAttachments[attachmentIndex] = newAttachment; } else { outputAttachments[attachmentIndex] = useOriginalNonrenderables ? originalAttachment : originalAttachment.Copy(); regionIndices.Add(NonrenderingRegion); // Output attachments pairs with regionIndices list 1:1. Pad with a sentinel if the attachment doesn't have a region. } } // Rehydrate the repacked textures as a Material, Spine atlas and Spine.AtlasAttachments Material newMaterial = new Material(shader); if (materialPropertySource != null) { newMaterial.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(materialPropertySource); newMaterial.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords; } newMaterial.name = newAssetName; Rect[] rects = null; for (int i = 0; i < numTextureParamsToRepack; ++i) { // Fill a new texture with the collected attachment textures. Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D(maxAtlasSize, maxAtlasSize, (i > 0 && additionalTextureFormats != null && i - 1 < additionalTextureFormats.Length) ? additionalTextureFormats[i - 1] : textureFormat, mipmaps, (i > 0) ? additionalTextureIsLinear[i - 1] : false); newTexture.mipMapBias = AtlasUtilities.DefaultMipmapBias; List texturesToPack = texturesToPackAtParam[i]; if (texturesToPack.Count > 0) { Texture2D sourceTexture = texturesToPack[0]; newTexture.CopyTextureAttributesFrom(sourceTexture); } newTexture.name = newAssetName; Rect[] rectsForTexParam = newTexture.PackTextures(texturesToPack.ToArray(), padding, maxAtlasSize); if (i == 0) { rects = rectsForTexParam; newMaterial.mainTexture = newTexture; outputTexture = newTexture; } else { newMaterial.SetTexture(additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy[i - 1], newTexture); additionalOutputTextures[i - 1] = newTexture; } } AtlasPage page = newMaterial.ToSpineAtlasPage(); page.name = newAssetName; repackedRegions.Clear(); for (int i = 0, n = originalRegions.Count; i < n; i++) { AtlasRegion oldRegion = originalRegions[i]; AtlasRegion newRegion = UVRectToAtlasRegion(rects[i], oldRegion, page); repackedRegions.Add(newRegion); } // Map the cloned attachments to the repacked atlas. for (int attachmentIndex = 0, repackedIndex = 0, n = outputAttachments.Count; attachmentIndex < n; ++attachmentIndex, ++repackedIndex) { Attachment attachment = outputAttachments[attachmentIndex]; IHasTextureRegion textureAttachment = attachment as IHasTextureRegion; if (textureAttachment != null) { if (textureAttachment.Sequence != null) { TextureRegion[] regions = textureAttachment.Sequence.Regions; textureAttachment.Region = repackedRegions[regionIndices[repackedIndex]]; for (int r = 0, regionCount = regions.Length; r < regionCount; ++r) { regions[r] = repackedRegions[regionIndices[repackedIndex++]]; } --repackedIndex; } else { textureAttachment.Region = repackedRegions[regionIndices[repackedIndex]]; } textureAttachment.UpdateRegion(); } } // Clean up. if (clearCache) AtlasUtilities.ClearCache(); outputMaterial = newMaterial; } private static void AddRegionTexturesToPack (int numTextureParamsToRepack, AtlasRegion region, TextureFormat textureFormat, bool mipmaps, TextureFormat[] additionalTextureFormats, int[] additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy, bool[] additionalTextureIsLinear) { for (int i = 0; i < numTextureParamsToRepack; ++i) { Texture2D regionTexture = (i == 0 ? region.ToTexture(textureFormat, mipmaps) : region.ToTexture((additionalTextureFormats != null && i - 1 < additionalTextureFormats.Length) ? additionalTextureFormats[i - 1] : textureFormat, mipmaps, additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy[i - 1], additionalTextureIsLinear[i - 1])); texturesToPackAtParam[i].Add(regionTexture); } } /// /// Creates and populates a duplicate skin with cloned attachments that are backed by a new packed texture atlas /// comprised of all the regions from the original skin. /// GetRepackedSkin is an expensive operation, preferably call it at level load time. /// No Spine.Atlas object is created so there is no way to find AtlasRegions except through the Attachments using them. /// Returned Material and Texture behave like new Texture2D(), thus you need to call Destroy() /// to free resources. /// This method caches necessary Texture copies for later re-use, which might steadily increase the texture memory /// footprint when used excessively. Set to true /// or call to clear this texture cache. /// You may want to call Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() after that. /// /// When set to true, is called after /// repacking to clear the texture cache. See remarks for additional info. /// Optional additional textures (such as normal maps) to copy while repacking. /// To copy e.g. the main texture and normal maps, pass 'new int[] { Shader.PropertyToID("_BumpMap") }' at this parameter. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be filled with the resulting repacked texture for every property, /// just as the main repacked texture is assigned to outputTexture. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be used as TextureFormat at the Texture at the respective property. /// When additionalTextureFormats is null or when its array size is smaller, /// textureFormat is used where there exists no corresponding array item. /// When additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy is non-null, /// this array will be used to determine whether linear or sRGB color space is used at the /// Texture at the respective property. When additionalTextureIsLinear is null, linear color space /// is assumed at every additional Texture element. /// When e.g. packing the main texture and normal maps, pass 'new bool[] { true }' at this parameter, because normal maps use /// linear color space. public static Skin GetRepackedSkin (this Skin o, string newName, Material materialPropertySource, out Material outputMaterial, out Texture2D outputTexture, int maxAtlasSize = 1024, int padding = 2, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, bool useOriginalNonrenderables = true, bool clearCache = false, int[] additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy = null, Texture2D[] additionalOutputTextures = null, TextureFormat[] additionalTextureFormats = null, bool[] additionalTextureIsLinear = null) { return GetRepackedSkin(o, newName, materialPropertySource.shader, out outputMaterial, out outputTexture, maxAtlasSize, padding, textureFormat, mipmaps, materialPropertySource, clearCache, useOriginalNonrenderables, additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy, additionalOutputTextures, additionalTextureFormats, additionalTextureIsLinear); } /// /// Creates and populates a duplicate skin with cloned attachments that are backed by a new packed texture atlas /// comprised of all the regions from the original skin. /// See documentation of for details. public static Skin GetRepackedSkin (this Skin o, string newName, Shader shader, out Material outputMaterial, out Texture2D outputTexture, int maxAtlasSize = 1024, int padding = 2, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, Material materialPropertySource = null, bool clearCache = false, bool useOriginalNonrenderables = true, int[] additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy = null, Texture2D[] additionalOutputTextures = null, TextureFormat[] additionalTextureFormats = null, bool[] additionalTextureIsLinear = null) { outputTexture = null; if (o == null) throw new System.NullReferenceException("Skin was null"); ICollection skinAttachments = o.Attachments; Skin newSkin = new Skin(newName); newSkin.Bones.AddRange(o.Bones); newSkin.Constraints.AddRange(o.Constraints); inoutAttachments.Clear(); foreach (Skin.SkinEntry entry in skinAttachments) { inoutAttachments.Add(entry.Attachment); } GetRepackedAttachments(inoutAttachments, inoutAttachments, materialPropertySource, out outputMaterial, out outputTexture, maxAtlasSize, padding, textureFormat, mipmaps, newName, clearCache, useOriginalNonrenderables, additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy, additionalOutputTextures, additionalTextureFormats, additionalTextureIsLinear); int i = 0; foreach (Skin.SkinEntry originalSkinEntry in skinAttachments) { Attachment newAttachment = inoutAttachments[i++]; newSkin.SetAttachment(originalSkinEntry.SlotIndex, originalSkinEntry.Name, newAttachment); } return newSkin; } public static Sprite ToSprite (this AtlasRegion ar, float pixelsPerUnit = 100) { return Sprite.Create(ar.GetMainTexture(), ar.GetUnityRect(), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), pixelsPerUnit); } struct IntAndAtlasRegionKey { int i; AtlasRegion region; public IntAndAtlasRegionKey (int i, AtlasRegion region) { this.i = i; this.region = region; } public override int GetHashCode () { return i.GetHashCode() * 23 ^ region.GetHashCode(); } } static Dictionary CachedRegionTextures = new Dictionary(); static List CachedRegionTexturesList = new List(); /// /// Frees up textures cached by repacking and remapping operations. /// /// Calling with parameter premultiplyAlpha=true, /// or will cache textures for later re-use, /// which might steadily increase the texture memory footprint when used excessively. /// You can clear this Texture cache by calling . /// You may also want to call Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() after that. Be aware that while this cleanup /// frees up memory, it is also a costly operation and will likely cause a spike in the framerate. /// Thus it is recommended to perform costly repacking and cleanup operations after e.g. a character customization /// screen has been exited, and if required additionally after a certain number of GetRemappedClone() calls. /// public static void ClearCache () { foreach (Texture2D t in CachedRegionTexturesList) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(t); } CachedRegionTextures.Clear(); CachedRegionTexturesList.Clear(); } /// Creates a new Texture2D object based on an AtlasRegion. /// If applyImmediately is true, Texture2D.Apply is called immediately after the Texture2D is filled with data. public static Texture2D ToTexture (this AtlasRegion ar, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, int texturePropertyId = 0, bool linear = false, bool applyPMA = false) { Texture2D output; IntAndAtlasRegionKey cacheKey = new IntAndAtlasRegionKey(texturePropertyId, ar); CachedRegionTextures.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out output); if (output == null) { Texture2D sourceTexture = texturePropertyId == 0 ? ar.GetMainTexture() : ar.GetTexture(texturePropertyId); Rect r = ar.GetUnityRect(); int width = (int)r.width; int height = (int)r.height; output = new Texture2D(width, height, textureFormat, mipmaps, linear) { name = ar.name }; output.CopyTextureAttributesFrom(sourceTexture); if (applyPMA) AtlasUtilities.CopyTextureApplyPMA(sourceTexture, r, output); else AtlasUtilities.CopyTexture(sourceTexture, r, output); CachedRegionTextures.Add(cacheKey, output); CachedRegionTexturesList.Add(output); } return output; } static Texture2D ToTexture (this Sprite s, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, bool linear = false, bool applyPMA = false) { Texture2D spriteTexture = s.texture; Rect r; if (!s.packed || s.packingMode == SpritePackingMode.Rectangle) { r = s.textureRect; } else { r = new Rect(); r.xMin = Math.Min(s.uv[0].x, s.uv[1].x) * spriteTexture.width; r.xMax = Math.Max(s.uv[0].x, s.uv[1].x) * spriteTexture.width; r.yMin = Math.Min(s.uv[0].y, s.uv[2].y) * spriteTexture.height; r.yMax = Math.Max(s.uv[0].y, s.uv[2].y) * spriteTexture.height; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (s.uv.Length > 4) { Debug.LogError("When using a tightly packed SpriteAtlas with Spine, you may only access Sprites that are packed as 'FullRect' from it! " + "You can either disable 'Tight Packing' at the whole SpriteAtlas, or change the single Sprite's TextureImporter Setting 'MeshType' to 'Full Rect'." + "Sprite Asset: " + s.name, s); } #endif } Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D((int)r.width, (int)r.height, textureFormat, mipmaps, linear); newTexture.CopyTextureAttributesFrom(spriteTexture); if (applyPMA) AtlasUtilities.CopyTextureApplyPMA(spriteTexture, r, newTexture); else AtlasUtilities.CopyTexture(spriteTexture, r, newTexture); return newTexture; } static Texture2D GetClone (this Texture2D t, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, bool linear = false, bool applyPMA = false) { Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D((int)t.width, (int)t.height, textureFormat, mipmaps, linear); newTexture.CopyTextureAttributesFrom(t); if (applyPMA) AtlasUtilities.CopyTextureApplyPMA(t, new Rect(0, 0, t.width, t.height), newTexture); else AtlasUtilities.CopyTexture(t, new Rect(0, 0, t.width, t.height), newTexture); return newTexture; } static void CopyTexture (Texture2D source, Rect sourceRect, Texture2D destination) { if (SystemInfo.copyTextureSupport == UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport.None) { // GetPixels fallback for old devices. Color[] pixelBuffer = source.GetPixels((int)sourceRect.x, (int)sourceRect.y, (int)sourceRect.width, (int)sourceRect.height); destination.SetPixels(pixelBuffer); destination.Apply(); } else { Graphics.CopyTexture(source, 0, 0, (int)sourceRect.x, (int)sourceRect.y, (int)sourceRect.width, (int)sourceRect.height, destination, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } static void CopyTextureApplyPMA (Texture2D source, Rect sourceRect, Texture2D destination) { Color[] pixelBuffer = source.GetPixels((int)sourceRect.x, (int)sourceRect.y, (int)sourceRect.width, (int)sourceRect.height); for (int i = 0, n = pixelBuffer.Length; i < n; i++) { Color p = pixelBuffer[i]; float a = p.a; p.r = p.r * a; p.g = p.g * a; p.b = p.b * a; pixelBuffer[i] = p; } destination.SetPixels(pixelBuffer); destination.Apply(); } static bool IsRenderable (Attachment a) { return a is IHasTextureRegion; } /// /// Get a rect with flipped Y so that a Spine atlas rect gets converted to a Unity Sprite rect and vice versa. static Rect SpineUnityFlipRect (this Rect rect, int textureHeight) { rect.y = textureHeight - rect.y - rect.height; return rect; } /// /// Gets the Rect of an AtlasRegion according to Unity texture coordinates (x-right, y-up). /// This overload relies on region.page.height being correctly set. static Rect GetUnityRect (this AtlasRegion region) { return region.GetSpineAtlasRect().SpineUnityFlipRect(region.page.height); } /// /// Gets the Rect of an AtlasRegion according to Unity texture coordinates (x-right, y-up). static Rect GetUnityRect (this AtlasRegion region, int textureHeight) { return region.GetSpineAtlasRect().SpineUnityFlipRect(textureHeight); } /// /// Returns a Rect of the AtlasRegion according to Spine texture coordinates. (x-right, y-down) static Rect GetSpineAtlasRect (this AtlasRegion region, bool includeRotate = true) { float width = region.packedWidth; float height = region.packedHeight; if (includeRotate && region.degrees == 270) { width = region.packedHeight; height = region.packedWidth; } return new Rect(region.x, region.y, width, height); } /// /// Denormalize a uvRect into a texture-space Rect. static Rect UVRectToTextureRect (Rect uvRect, int texWidth, int texHeight) { uvRect.x *= texWidth; uvRect.width *= texWidth; uvRect.y *= texHeight; uvRect.height *= texHeight; return uvRect; } /// /// Normalize a texture Rect into UV coordinates. static Rect TextureRectToUVRect (Rect textureRect, int texWidth, int texHeight) { textureRect.x = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, texWidth, textureRect.x); textureRect.y = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, texHeight, textureRect.y); textureRect.width = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, texWidth, textureRect.width); textureRect.height = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, texHeight, textureRect.height); return textureRect; } /// /// Creates a new Spine AtlasRegion according to a Unity UV Rect (x-right, y-up, uv-normalized). static AtlasRegion UVRectToAtlasRegion (Rect uvRect, AtlasRegion referenceRegion, AtlasPage page) { Rect tr = UVRectToTextureRect(uvRect, page.width, page.height); Rect rr = tr.SpineUnityFlipRect(page.height); int x = (int)rr.x; int y = (int)rr.y; int w = (int)rr.width; int h = (int)rr.height; if (referenceRegion.degrees == 270) { int tempW = w; w = h; h = tempW; } // Note: originalW and originalH need to be scaled according to the // repacked width and height, repacking can mess with aspect ratio, etc. int originalW = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)w * ((float)referenceRegion.originalWidth / (float)referenceRegion.width)); int originalH = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)h * ((float)referenceRegion.originalHeight / (float)referenceRegion.height)); int offsetX = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)referenceRegion.offsetX * ((float)w / (float)referenceRegion.width)); int offsetY = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)referenceRegion.offsetY * ((float)h / (float)referenceRegion.height)); float u = uvRect.xMin; float u2 = uvRect.xMax; float v = uvRect.yMax; float v2 = uvRect.yMin; if (referenceRegion.degrees == 270) { // at a 270 degree region, u2/v2 deltas and atlas width/height are swapped, and delta-v is negative. float du = uvRect.width; // u2 - u; float dv = uvRect.height; // v - v2; float atlasAspectRatio = (float)page.width / (float)page.height; u2 = u + (dv / atlasAspectRatio); v2 = v - (du * atlasAspectRatio); } return new AtlasRegion { page = page, name = referenceRegion.name, u = u, u2 = u2, v = v, v2 = v2, index = -1, width = w, originalWidth = originalW, height = h, originalHeight = originalH, offsetX = offsetX, offsetY = offsetY, x = x, y = y, rotate = referenceRegion.rotate, degrees = referenceRegion.degrees }; } /// /// Convenience method for getting the main texture of the material of the page of the region. static Texture2D GetMainTexture (this AtlasRegion region) { Material material = (region.page.rendererObject as Material); return material.mainTexture as Texture2D; } /// /// Convenience method for getting any texture of the material of the page of the region by texture property name. static Texture2D GetTexture (this AtlasRegion region, string texturePropertyName) { Material material = (region.page.rendererObject as Material); return material.GetTexture(texturePropertyName) as Texture2D; } /// /// Convenience method for getting any texture of the material of the page of the region by texture property id. static Texture2D GetTexture (this AtlasRegion region, int texturePropertyId) { Material material = (region.page.rendererObject as Material); return material.GetTexture(texturePropertyId) as Texture2D; } static void CopyTextureAttributesFrom (this Texture2D destination, Texture2D source) { destination.filterMode = source.filterMode; destination.anisoLevel = source.anisoLevel; #if UNITY_EDITOR destination.alphaIsTransparency = source.alphaIsTransparency; #endif destination.wrapModeU = source.wrapModeU; destination.wrapModeV = source.wrapModeV; destination.wrapModeW = source.wrapModeW; } #endregion static float InverseLerp (float a, float b, float value) { return (value - a) / (b - a); } } }