2024-12-12 20:48:19 +08:00

249 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class WMG_Graph_Manager : WMG_Events, IWMG_Data_Generators, IWMG_Caching_Functions, IWMG_Path_Finding {
private List<GameObject> nodesParent = new List<GameObject>(); // Each gameobject in this list is a WMG Node
private List<GameObject> linksParent = new List<GameObject>(); // Each gameobject in this list is a WMG Link
// Data generation functions
private WMG_Data_Generators data_gen = new WMG_Data_Generators();
public List<Vector2> GenLinear(int numPoints, float minX, float maxX, float a, float b) {
return data_gen.GenLinear(numPoints, minX, maxX, a, b);
public List<Vector2> GenQuadratic(int numPoints, float minX, float maxX, float a, float b, float c) {
return data_gen.GenQuadratic(numPoints, minX, maxX, a, b, c);
public List<Vector2> GenExponential(int numPoints, float minX, float maxX, float a, float b, float c) {
return data_gen.GenExponential(numPoints, minX, maxX, a, b, c);
public List<Vector2> GenLogarithmic(int numPoints, float minX, float maxX, float a, float b, float c) {
return data_gen.GenLogarithmic(numPoints, minX, maxX, a, b, c);
/// <summary>
/// Generate data of the form c^2 = (X - a)^2 * (Y - b)^2
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List of Vector2 forming a circle.</returns>
public List<Vector2> GenCircular(int numPoints, float a, float b, float c) {
return data_gen.GenCircular(numPoints, a, b, c);
public List<Vector2> GenCircular2(int numPoints, float a, float b, float c, float degreeOffset) {
return data_gen.GenCircular2(numPoints, a, b, c, degreeOffset);
public List<Vector2> GenRadar(List<float> data, float a, float b, float degreeOffset) {
return data_gen.GenRadar(data, a, b, degreeOffset);
public List<Vector2> GenRandomXY(int numPoints, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY) {
return data_gen.GenRandomXY(numPoints, minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
public List<Vector2> GenRandomY(int numPoints, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY) {
return data_gen.GenRandomY(numPoints, minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
public List<float> GenRandomList(int numPoints, float min, float max) {
return data_gen.GenRandomList(numPoints, min, max);
// Caching functions
private WMG_Caching_Functions caching = new WMG_Caching_Functions();
public void updateCacheAndFlagList<T>(ref List<T> cache, List<T> val, ref bool flag) {
caching.updateCacheAndFlagList(ref cache, val, ref flag);
public void updateCacheAndFlag<T>(ref T cache, T val, ref bool flag) {
caching.updateCacheAndFlag(ref cache, val, ref flag);
public void SwapVals<T>(ref T val1, ref T val2) {
caching.SwapVals(ref val1, ref val2);
public void SwapValsList<T>(ref List<T> val1, ref List<T> val2) {
caching.SwapValsList(ref val1, ref val2);
// Path Finding Functions
private WMG_Path_Finding path_find = new WMG_Path_Finding();
public List<WMG_Link> FindShortestPathBetweenNodes(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode) {
path_find.nodesParent = nodesParent;
return path_find.FindShortestPathBetweenNodes(fromNode, toNode);
public List<WMG_Link> FindShortestPathBetweenNodesWeighted(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode, bool includeRadii) {
path_find.nodesParent = nodesParent;
return path_find.FindShortestPathBetweenNodesWeighted(fromNode, toNode, includeRadii);
// Graph Manager functions
public string getLabelText(string text, WMG_Enums.labelTypes labelType, float value, float percent, int numDecimals) {
string theText = text;
float multiplier = Mathf.Pow(10f, numDecimals+2);
if (labelType == WMG_Enums.labelTypes.None) {
theText = "";
else if (labelType == WMG_Enums.labelTypes.Labels_Percents) {
theText += " (" + (Mathf.Round(percent*multiplier)/multiplier*100).ToString() + "%)";
else if (labelType == WMG_Enums.labelTypes.Labels_Values) {
theText += " (" + Mathf.Round(value).ToString() + ")";
else if (labelType == WMG_Enums.labelTypes.Labels_Values_Percents) {
theText += " - " + Mathf.Round(value).ToString() + " (" + (Mathf.Round(percent*multiplier)/multiplier*100).ToString() + "%)";
else if (labelType == WMG_Enums.labelTypes.Values_Only) {
theText = Mathf.Round(value).ToString();
else if (labelType == WMG_Enums.labelTypes.Percents_Only) {
theText = (Mathf.Round(percent*multiplier)/multiplier*100).ToString() + "%";
else if (labelType == WMG_Enums.labelTypes.Values_Percents) {
theText = Mathf.Round(value).ToString() + " (" + (Mathf.Round(percent*multiplier)/multiplier*100).ToString() + "%)";
return theText;
public List<GameObject> NodesParent {
get { return nodesParent; }
public List<GameObject> LinksParent {
get { return linksParent; }
public GameObject CreateNode(Object prefabNode, GameObject parent) {
// Creates a node from a prefab, gives a default parent to this object, and adds the node to the manager's list
GameObject curObj = Instantiate(prefabNode) as GameObject;
Vector3 origScale = curObj.transform.localScale;
Vector3 origRot = curObj.transform.localEulerAngles;
GameObject theParent = parent;
if (parent == null) theParent = this.gameObject;
changeSpriteParent(curObj, theParent);
curObj.transform.localScale = origScale;
curObj.transform.localEulerAngles = origRot;
WMG_Node curNode = curObj.GetComponent<WMG_Node>();
return curObj;
public GameObject CreateLink(WMG_Node fromNode, GameObject toNode, Object prefabLink, GameObject parent) {
GameObject createdLink = fromNode.CreateLink(toNode, prefabLink, linksParent.Count, parent, true);
return createdLink;
public GameObject CreateLinkNoRepos(WMG_Node fromNode, GameObject toNode, Object prefabLink, GameObject parent) {
GameObject createdLink = fromNode.CreateLink(toNode, prefabLink, linksParent.Count, parent, false);
return createdLink;
public WMG_Link GetLink(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode) {
foreach (GameObject link in fromNode.links) {
WMG_Link aLink = link.GetComponent<WMG_Link>();
WMG_Node toN = aLink.toNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>();
if (toN.id != toNode.id) toN = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>();
if (toN.id == toNode.id) return aLink;
return null;
public GameObject ReplaceNodeWithNewPrefab(WMG_Node theNode, Object prefabNode) {
// Used to swap prefabs of a node
GameObject newNode = CreateNode(prefabNode, theNode.transform.parent.gameObject);
WMG_Node newNode2 = newNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>();
newNode2.numLinks = theNode.numLinks;
newNode2.links = theNode.links;
newNode2.linkAngles = theNode.linkAngles;
newNode2.name = theNode.name;
newNode.transform.position = theNode.transform.position;
// Update link from / to node references
for (int i = 0; i < theNode.numLinks; i++) {
WMG_Link aLink = theNode.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>();
WMG_Node fromN = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>();
if (fromN.id == theNode.id) {
aLink.fromNode = newNode;
else {
aLink.toNode = newNode;
return newNode;
public void DeleteNode(WMG_Node theNode) {
// Deleting a node also deletes all of its link and swaps IDs with the largest node ID in the list
int idToDelete = theNode.id;
foreach (GameObject node in nodesParent) {
WMG_Node aNode = node.GetComponent<WMG_Node>();
if (aNode != null && aNode.id == nodesParent.Count - 1) {
while (theNode.numLinks > 0) {
WMG_Link aLink = theNode.links[0].GetComponent<WMG_Link>();
public void DeleteLink(WMG_Link theLink) {
// Deleting a link updates references in the to and from nodes and swaps IDs with the largest link ID in the list
WMG_Node fromN = theLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>();
WMG_Node toN = theLink.toNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>();
for (int i = 0; i < fromN.numLinks; i++) {
WMG_Link aLink = fromN.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>();
if (aLink.id == theLink.id) {
fromN.links[i] = fromN.links[fromN.numLinks];
for (int i = 0; i < toN.numLinks; i++) {
WMG_Link aLink = toN.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>();
if (aLink.id == theLink.id) {
toN.links[i] = toN.links[toN.numLinks];
int idToDelete = theLink.id;
foreach (GameObject child in linksParent) {
WMG_Link aLink = child.GetComponent<WMG_Link>();
if (aLink != null && aLink.id == linksParent.Count - 1) {