218 lines
7.7 KiB
218 lines
7.7 KiB
#pragma kernel UpdateRopeMesh
#include "PathFrame.cginc"
struct ropeMeshData
uint axis;
float volumeScaling;
uint stretchWithRope;
uint spanEntireLength;
uint instances;
float instanceSpacing;
float offset;
float meshSizeAlongAxis;
float4 scale;
struct smootherPathData
uint smoothing;
float decimation;
float twist;
float restLength;
float smoothLength;
uint usesOrientedParticles;
struct MeshData
int firstVertex;
int vertexCount;
int firstTriangle;
int triangleCount;
StructuredBuffer<int> pathSmootherIndices;
StructuredBuffer<int> chunkOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<pathFrame> frames;
StructuredBuffer<int> frameOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<int> frameCounts;
StructuredBuffer<int> vertexOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<int> meshIndices;
StructuredBuffer<MeshData> meshData;
StructuredBuffer<int> sortedIndices;
StructuredBuffer<int> sortedOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<ropeMeshData> rendererData;
StructuredBuffer<smootherPathData> pathData;
StructuredBuffer<float3> positions;
StructuredBuffer<float3> normals;
StructuredBuffer<float4> tangents;
StructuredBuffer<float4> colors;
RWByteAddressBuffer vertices;
// Variables set from the CPU
uint firstRenderer;
uint rendererCount;
pathFrame InterpolateFrames(pathFrame a, pathFrame b, float3 bOffset, float t)
// this offset is used to displace a copy of the first and last frames of the path,
// to ensure meshes extrude correctly prior to the first or past the last frame.
b.position += bOffset;
pathFrame interp = addFrames(multiplyFrame(1 - t, a) ,multiplyFrame(t , b));
// (no need to renormalize tangent, since offsetFromCurve[axis] = 0)
interp.normal = normalize(interp.normal);
interp.binormal = normalize(interp.binormal);
return interp;
[numthreads(16, 1, 1)]
void UpdateRopeMesh (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= rendererCount) return;
int rendererIndex = firstRenderer + i;
int pathIndex = pathSmootherIndices[rendererIndex];
ropeMeshData renderer = rendererData[rendererIndex];
// get mesh data:
MeshData mesh = meshData[meshIndices[rendererIndex]];
int sortedOffset = sortedOffsets[rendererIndex];
// get index of first output vertex:
int firstOutputVertex = vertexOffsets[rendererIndex];
// get index of first chunk, ignore others (no support for tearing):
int chunkIndex = chunkOffsets[pathIndex];
// get first frame and frame count:
int firstFrame = frameOffsets[chunkIndex];
int lastFrame = firstFrame + frameCounts[chunkIndex] - 1;
// get mesh deform axis:
int axis = renderer.axis;
// initialize scale vector:
float3 actualScale = renderer.scale.xyz;
// calculate stretch ratio:
float stretchRatio = renderer.stretchWithRope == 1 ? pathData[chunkIndex].smoothLength / pathData[chunkIndex].restLength : 1;
// squashing factor, makes mesh thinner when stretched and thicker when compresssed.
float squashing = clamp(1 + renderer.volumeScaling * (1 / max(stretchRatio, 0.01f) - 1), 0.01f, 2);
// calculate scale along swept axis so that the mesh spans the entire lenght of the rope if required.
if (renderer.spanEntireLength == 1)
float totalMeshLength = renderer.meshSizeAlongAxis * renderer.instances;
float totalSpacing = renderer.instanceSpacing * (renderer.instances - 1);
float axisScale = pathData[chunkIndex].restLength / (totalMeshLength + totalSpacing);
if (axis == 0) actualScale.x = axisScale;
else if (axis == 1) actualScale.y = axisScale;
else actualScale.z = axisScale;
// init loop variables:
float lengthAlongAxis = renderer.offset;
int index = firstFrame;
int nextIndex = firstFrame + 1;
int prevIndex = firstFrame;
float nextMagnitude = distance(frames[index].position, frames[nextIndex].position);
float prevMagnitude = nextMagnitude;
for (int j = 0; j < mesh.vertexCount; ++j)
int base = (firstOutputVertex + sortedIndices[sortedOffset + j]) * 14;
vertices.Store3(base << 2, asuint(positions[mesh.firstVertex + sortedIndices[sortedOffset + j]] * float3(0.5,1,1)));
for (int k = 0; k < (int)renderer.instances; ++k)
for (int j = 0; j < mesh.vertexCount; ++j)
int currVIndex = mesh.firstVertex + sortedIndices[sortedOffset + j];
int prevVIndex = mesh.firstVertex + sortedIndices[sortedOffset + max(0,j - 1)];
// calculate how much we've advanced in the sort axis since the last vertex:
lengthAlongAxis += (positions[currVIndex][axis] - positions[prevVIndex][axis]) * actualScale[axis] * stretchRatio;
// check if we have moved to a new section of the curve:
pathFrame frame;
if (lengthAlongAxis < 0)
while (-lengthAlongAxis > prevMagnitude && index > firstFrame)
lengthAlongAxis += prevMagnitude;
index = max(index - 1, firstFrame);
nextIndex = min(index + 1, lastFrame);
prevIndex = max(index - 1, firstFrame);
nextMagnitude = distance(frames[index].position, frames[nextIndex].position);
prevMagnitude = distance(frames[index].position, frames[prevIndex].position);
float3 offset = float3(0,0,0);
if (index == prevIndex)
offset = frames[index].position - frames[nextIndex].position;
prevMagnitude = length(offset);
frame = InterpolateFrames(frames[index], frames[prevIndex], offset, -lengthAlongAxis / prevMagnitude);
while (lengthAlongAxis > nextMagnitude && index < lastFrame)
lengthAlongAxis -= nextMagnitude;
index = min(index + 1, lastFrame);
nextIndex = min(index + 1, lastFrame);
prevIndex = max(index - 1, firstFrame);
nextMagnitude = distance(frames[index].position, frames[nextIndex].position);
prevMagnitude = distance(frames[index].position, frames[prevIndex].position);
float3 offset = float3(0,0,0);
if (index == nextIndex)
offset = frames[index].position - frames[prevIndex].position;
nextMagnitude = length(offset);
frame = InterpolateFrames(frames[index], frames[nextIndex], offset, lengthAlongAxis / nextMagnitude);
// update basis matrix:
float3x3 basis = frame.ToMatrix(axis);
// calculate vertex offset from curve:
float3 offsetFromCurve = positions[currVIndex] * actualScale * frame.thickness * squashing;
if (axis == 0) offsetFromCurve.x = 0;
else if (axis == 1) offsetFromCurve.y = 0;
else offsetFromCurve.z = 0;
// write modified vertex data:
int base = (firstOutputVertex + sortedIndices[sortedOffset + j]) * 14;
vertices.Store3( base<<2, asuint(frame.position + mul(basis, offsetFromCurve)));
vertices.Store3((base + 3)<<2, asuint(mul(basis, normals[currVIndex])));
vertices.Store4((base + 6)<<2, asuint(float4(mul(basis, tangents[currVIndex].xyz), tangents[currVIndex].w)));
vertices.Store4((base + 10)<<2, asuint(frames[index].color));
firstOutputVertex += mesh.vertexCount;
lengthAlongAxis += renderer.instanceSpacing * actualScale[axis] * stretchRatio;