228 lines
7.9 KiB
228 lines
7.9 KiB
#include "MathUtils.cginc"
#include "Transform.cginc"
struct contact // 96 bytes
float4 pointA; // point A, expressed as simplex barycentric coords for simplices, as a solver-space position for colliders.
float4 pointB; // point B, expressed as simplex barycentric coords for simplices, as a solver-space position for colliders.
float4 normal; /**< Normal direction. */
float4 tangent; /**< Tangent direction. */
float dist; /** distance between both colliding entities at the beginning of the timestep.*/
float normalLambda;
float tangentLambda;
float bitangentLambda;
float stickLambda;
float rollingFrictionImpulse;
int bodyA;
int bodyB;
// 24 bytes
struct contactMasses
float normalInvMassA;
float tangentInvMassA;
float bitangentInvMassA;
float normalInvMassB;
float tangentInvMassB;
float bitangentInvMassB;
float4 GetBitangent(in contact c)
return normalizesafe(float4(cross(c.normal.xyz,c.tangent.xyz),0));
void CalculateBasis(in float4 relativeVelocity, in float4 normal, out float4 tangent)
tangent = normalizesafe(relativeVelocity - dot(relativeVelocity, normal) * normal);
void CalculateContactMassesA(float invMass,
float4 inverseInertiaTensor,
float4 position,
quaternion orientation,
float4 contactPoint,
bool rollingContacts,
float4 normal,
float4 bitangent,
float4 tangent,
out float normalInvMassA,
out float tangentInvMassA,
out float bitangentInvMassA)
// initialize inverse linear masses:
normalInvMassA = tangentInvMassA = bitangentInvMassA = invMass;
if (rollingContacts)
float4 rA = contactPoint - position;
float4x4 solverInertiaA = TransformInertiaTensor(inverseInertiaTensor, orientation);
normalInvMassA += RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, normal);
tangentInvMassA += RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, tangent);
bitangentInvMassA += RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, bitangent);
void CalculateContactMassesB(float invMass,
float4 inverseInertiaTensor,
float4 position,
quaternion orientation,
float4 contactPoint,
bool rollingContacts,
float4 normal,
float4 bitangent,
float4 tangent,
out float normalInvMassB,
out float tangentInvMassB,
out float bitangentInvMassB)
// initialize inverse linear masses:
normalInvMassB = tangentInvMassB = bitangentInvMassB = invMass;
if (rollingContacts)
float4 rB = contactPoint - position;
float4x4 solverInertiaB = TransformInertiaTensor(inverseInertiaTensor, orientation);
normalInvMassB += RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaB, rB, normal);
tangentInvMassB += RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaB, rB, tangent);
bitangentInvMassB += RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaB, rB, bitangent);
void ClearContactMasses(out float normalInvMass,
out float tangentInvMass,
out float bitangentInvMass)
normalInvMass = tangentInvMass = bitangentInvMass = 0;
float SolveAdhesion(inout contact c, float normalMass, float4 posA, float4 posB, float stickDistance, float stickiness, float dt)
float lambdaChange = 0;
if (normalMass > 0 && stickDistance > 0 && stickiness > 0 && dt > 0)
c.dist = dot(posA - posB, c.normal);
// calculate stickiness position correction:
float constraint = stickiness * (1 - max(c.dist / stickDistance, 0)) * dt;
// calculate lambda multiplier:
float dlambda = -constraint / normalMass;
// accumulate lambda:
float newStickinessLambda = min(c.stickLambda + dlambda, 0);
// calculate lambda change and update accumulated lambda:
lambdaChange = newStickinessLambda - c.stickLambda;
c.stickLambda = newStickinessLambda;
return lambdaChange;
float SolvePenetration(inout contact c, float normalMass, float4 posA, float4 posB, float maxDepenetrationDelta)
float lambdaChange = 0;
if (normalMass > 0)
//project position delta to normal vector:
c.dist = dot(posA - posB, c.normal);
// calculate max projection distance based on depenetration velocity:
float maxProjection = max(-c.dist - maxDepenetrationDelta, 0);
// calculate lambda multiplier:
float dlambda = -(c.dist + maxProjection) / normalMass;
// accumulate lambda:
float newLambda = max(c.normalLambda + dlambda, 0);
// calculate lambda change and update accumulated lambda:
lambdaChange = newLambda - c.normalLambda;
c.normalLambda = newLambda;
return lambdaChange;
float2 SolveFriction(inout contact c, float tangentMass, float bitangentMass, float4 relativeVelocity, float staticFriction, float dynamicFriction, float dt)
float2 lambdaChange = float2(0,0);
if (tangentMass > 0 && bitangentMass > 0 &&
(dynamicFriction > 0 || staticFriction > 0) && (c.normalLambda > 0 /*|| stickLambda > 0*/))
// calculate delta projection on both friction axis:
float tangentPosDelta = dot(relativeVelocity, c.tangent);
float bitangentPosDelta = dot(relativeVelocity, GetBitangent(c));
// calculate friction pyramid limit:
float dynamicFrictionCone = c.normalLambda / dt * dynamicFriction;
float staticFrictionCone = c.normalLambda / dt * staticFriction;
// tangent impulse:
float tangentLambdaDelta = -tangentPosDelta / tangentMass;
float newTangentLambda = c.tangentLambda + tangentLambdaDelta;
if (abs(newTangentLambda) > staticFrictionCone)
newTangentLambda = clamp(newTangentLambda, -dynamicFrictionCone, dynamicFrictionCone);
lambdaChange[0] = newTangentLambda - c.tangentLambda;
c.tangentLambda = newTangentLambda;
// bitangent impulse:
float bitangentLambdaDelta = -bitangentPosDelta / bitangentMass;
float newBitangentLambda = c.bitangentLambda + bitangentLambdaDelta;
if (abs(newBitangentLambda) > staticFrictionCone)
newBitangentLambda = clamp(newBitangentLambda, -dynamicFrictionCone, dynamicFrictionCone);
lambdaChange[1] = newBitangentLambda - c.bitangentLambda;
c.bitangentLambda = newBitangentLambda;
return lambdaChange;
float SolveRollingFriction(inout contact c,
float4 angularVelocityA,
float4 angularVelocityB,
float rollingFriction,
float invMassA,
float invMassB,
inout float4 rolling_axis)
float rolling_impulse_change = 0;
float totalInvMass = invMassA + invMassB;
if (totalInvMass > 0)
rolling_axis = normalizesafe(angularVelocityA - angularVelocityB);
float vel1 = dot(angularVelocityA,rolling_axis);
float vel2 = dot(angularVelocityB,rolling_axis);
float relativeVelocity = vel1 - vel2;
float maxImpulse = c.normalLambda * rollingFriction;
float newRollingImpulse = clamp(c.rollingFrictionImpulse - relativeVelocity / totalInvMass, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
rolling_impulse_change = newRollingImpulse - c.rollingFrictionImpulse;
c.rollingFrictionImpulse = newRollingImpulse;
return rolling_impulse_change;