This commit is contained in:
杨号敬 2024-12-18 01:31:45 +08:00
commit 55383549f3
10 changed files with 4115 additions and 278 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
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materialLocation: 1
legacyGenerateAnimations: 4
bakeSimulation: 0
resampleCurves: 1
optimizeGameObjects: 0
removeConstantScaleCurves: 1
animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0
importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0
importConstraints: 0
animationCompression: 1
animationRotationError: 0.5
animationPositionError: 0.5
animationScaleError: 0.5
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skeletonHasParents: 1
lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0}
autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1
animationType: 2
humanoidOversampling: 1
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addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1
remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0
additionalBone: 0

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
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materialImportMode: 2
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legacyGenerateAnimations: 4
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resampleCurves: 1
optimizeGameObjects: 0
removeConstantScaleCurves: 1
animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0
importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0
importConstraints: 0
animationCompression: 1
animationRotationError: 0.5
animationPositionError: 0.5
animationScaleError: 0.5
animationWrapMode: 0
extraExposedTransformPaths: []
extraUserProperties: []
clipAnimations: []
isReadable: 0
lODScreenPercentages: []
globalScale: 1
meshCompression: 0
addColliders: 0
useSRGBMaterialColor: 1
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importCameras: 1
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blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1
normalSmoothingSource: 0
referencedClips: []
importAnimation: 1
serializedVersion: 3
human: []
skeleton: []
armTwist: 0.5
foreArmTwist: 0.5
upperLegTwist: 0.5
legTwist: 0.5
armStretch: 0.05
legStretch: 0.05
feetSpacing: 0
globalScale: 1
hasTranslationDoF: 0
hasExtraRoot: 0
skeletonHasParents: 1
lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0}
autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1
animationType: 2
humanoidOversampling: 1
avatarSetup: 0
addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1
remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0
additionalBone: 0

View File

@ -10315,6 +10315,18 @@ PrefabInstance:
propertyPath: jueseChoicePanel propertyPath: jueseChoicePanel
value: value:
objectReference: {fileID: 1799705462} objectReference: {fileID: 1799705462}
- target: {fileID: 2102021661377337229, guid: 86668fbe8407a8741bb903177bc93fdb, type: 3}
propertyPath: showImage.Array.size
value: 2
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2102021661377337229, guid: 86668fbe8407a8741bb903177bc93fdb, type: 3}
objectReference: {fileID: 21300000, guid: 586c4520a2c6c8d4e9bac48ed427f617, type: 3}
- target: {fileID: 2102021661377337229, guid: 86668fbe8407a8741bb903177bc93fdb, type: 3}
objectReference: {fileID: 21300000, guid: 0905bd7a17d75af4985c19c47bfe7fc7, type: 3}
- target: {fileID: 4764228630647718977, guid: 86668fbe8407a8741bb903177bc93fdb, type: 3} - target: {fileID: 4764228630647718977, guid: 86668fbe8407a8741bb903177bc93fdb, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_AnchorMax.y propertyPath: m_AnchorMax.y
value: 0 value: 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SelectedInfo public class SelectedInfo
@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update // Start is called before the first frame update
void Start() void Start()
{ {
sureBtn.interactable = false;
selectedInfo = new SelectedInfo(); selectedInfo = new SelectedInfo();
InstantiateToggle(); InstantiateToggle();
} }
@ -112,18 +115,29 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
//动态加载人员 //动态加载人员
public async void DynamicLoadingPeople() public async void DynamicLoadingPeople()
{ {
PlayerListResponse playerListResponse=await userInfo.GetPlayerList(); for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
foreach(PlayerListData player in
{ {
GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(peoplePrefab, peopleCountent); GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(peoplePrefab, peopleCountent);
PeopleItem peopleItem = item.GetComponent<PeopleItem>(); PeopleItem peopleItem = item.GetComponent<PeopleItem>();
peopleItem.nameText.text = player.NickName; peopleItem.nameText.text = "角色1";
peopleItem.peopleId = player.UserId; peopleItem.peopleId = "0";
Button peoplebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>(); Button peoplebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
peoplebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnPeopleItemClicked(item, Color.yellow, selectedPerson)); peoplebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnPeopleItemClicked(item, Color.yellow, selectedPerson));
peopleList.Add(item);// 将每个实例化的角色添加到列表中 peopleList.Add(item);// 将每个实例化的角色添加到列表中
} }
//PlayerListResponse playerListResponse=await userInfo.GetPlayerList();
//foreach(PlayerListData player in
// GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(peoplePrefab, peopleCountent);
// PeopleItem peopleItem = item.GetComponent<PeopleItem>();
// peopleItem.nameText.text = player.NickName;
// peopleItem.peopleId = player.UserId;
// Button peoplebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
// peoplebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnPeopleItemClicked(item, Color.yellow, selectedPerson));
// peopleList.Add(item);// 将每个实例化的角色添加到列表中
} }
//动态加载职责 //动态加载职责
public void DynamicLoadingDuty(int id,int idcidentId) public void DynamicLoadingDuty(int id,int idcidentId)
{ {
@ -180,6 +194,7 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
} }
} }
} }
//动态加载场景 //动态加载场景
public void DynamicLoadingScene() public void DynamicLoadingScene()
{ {
@ -377,6 +392,66 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
return count; return count;
} }
//处理点击确认按钮 //处理点击确认按钮
//public void ClickSureBtn()
// // 只有在选择了人员、职责和场景的情况下,才会执行后续操作
// if (isPersonSelected && isDutySelected && isSceneSelected)
// {
// // 保存选中的人员信息到场景数据字典中
// string sceneName = selectedInfo.scene;
// // 如果场景字典中没有这个场景,先创建一个空列表
// if (!sceneDataDictionary.ContainsKey(sceneName))
// {
// sceneDataDictionary[sceneName] = new List<SelectedInfo>();
// }
// // 需要判断是否达到了职责的人员上限
// bool isLimitReached = false;
// // 获取当前场景中的所有人员信息
// List<SelectedInfo> currentSceneInfo = sceneDataDictionary[sceneName];
// // 如果选中了“主持人”、“各组长”或“总指挥”则限制数量为1
// if (selectedInfo.duty == "主持人" || selectedInfo.duty == "组长" || selectedInfo.duty == "总指挥")
// {
// int count = currentSceneInfo.Count(info => info.duty == selectedInfo.duty); // 统计当前职责人数
// if (count >= 1) // 如果已经有1个此职责的人选
// {
// isLimitReached = true; // 标记限制已达
// }
// }
// // 如果没有达到上限,则可以添加人员信息
// if (!isLimitReached)
// {
// // 通过创建一个新的 SelectedInfo 实例来避免引用同一个对象
// SelectedInfo newSelectedInfo = new SelectedInfo
// {
// name =,
// duty = selectedInfo.duty,
// scene = selectedInfo.scene,
// dutyId = selectedInfo.dutyId,
// sceneId = selectedInfo.sceneId,
// peopleId=selectedInfo.peopleId
// };
// // 将当前选中的人员信息添加到对应场景的人员列表中
// currentSceneInfo.Add(newSelectedInfo);
// // 禁用确认按钮并清空选择标志
// sureBtn.interactable = false;
// ChangeImage(sureBtn.interactable);
// isPersonSelected = false;
// isDutySelected = false;
// isSceneSelected = false;
// UploadData(peopleId = selectedInfo.peopleId, selectedInfo.dutyId.ToString(), selectedInfo.sceneId.ToString());
// // 改变已添加人员的显示颜色
// UpdatePeopleListVisual();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// Debug.LogError("请确保选择了人员、职责和场景!");
// }
// datePanel.NumberText.text = "共" + (sceneDataDictionary.Keys.Count * sceneDataDictionary.Values.Count).ToString() + "人参与";
public void ClickSureBtn() public void ClickSureBtn()
{ {
// 只有在选择了人员、职责和场景的情况下,才会执行后续操作 // 只有在选择了人员、职责和场景的情况下,才会执行后续操作
@ -384,30 +459,59 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
{ {
// 保存选中的人员信息到场景数据字典中 // 保存选中的人员信息到场景数据字典中
string sceneName = selectedInfo.scene; string sceneName = selectedInfo.scene;
// 如果场景字典中没有这个场景,先创建一个空列表 // 如果场景字典中没有这个场景,先创建一个空列表
if (!sceneDataDictionary.ContainsKey(sceneName)) if (!sceneDataDictionary.ContainsKey(sceneName))
{ {
sceneDataDictionary[sceneName] = new List<SelectedInfo>(); sceneDataDictionary[sceneName] = new List<SelectedInfo>();
} }
// 需要判断是否达到了职责的人员上限 // 1. 判断整个 sceneDataDictionary 中是否存在相同的人名
SelectedInfo existingPerson = null;
string existingSceneName = null;
foreach (var sceneEntry in sceneDataDictionary)
existingPerson = sceneEntry.Value.FirstOrDefault(info => ==;
if (existingPerson != null)
existingSceneName = sceneEntry.Key;
break; // 找到后立即退出循环
// 2. 如果找到了相同的人名,删除旧的记录
if (existingPerson != null)
Debug.Log($"Removed existing person: {} from scene: {existingSceneName}");
// 判断该场景是否还有剩余的角色,如果没有,删除该场景
if (sceneDataDictionary[existingSceneName].Count == 0)
Debug.Log($"Removed empty scene: {existingSceneName} because it has no more roles.");
// 3. 需要判断是否达到了职责的人员上限(当前场景)
bool isLimitReached = false; bool isLimitReached = false;
// 获取当前场景中的所有人员信息
List<SelectedInfo> currentSceneInfo = sceneDataDictionary[sceneName]; List<SelectedInfo> currentSceneInfo = sceneDataDictionary[sceneName];
// 如果选中了“主持人”、“各组长”或“总指挥”则限制数量为1 // 如果选中了“主持人”、“各组长”或“总指挥”则限制数量为1
if (selectedInfo.duty == "主持人" || selectedInfo.duty == "组长" || selectedInfo.duty == "总指挥") if (selectedInfo.duty == "主持人" || selectedInfo.duty == "组长" || selectedInfo.duty == "总指挥")
{ {
int count = currentSceneInfo.Count(info => info.duty == selectedInfo.duty); // 统计当前职责人数 int count = currentSceneInfo.Count(info => info.duty == selectedInfo.duty); // 统计当前职责人数
if (count >= 1) // 如果已经有1个此职责的人选 if (count >= 1) // 如果已经有1个此职责的人选
{ {
isLimitReached = true; // 标记限制已达 isLimitReached = true; // 标记限制已达
} }
} }
// 如果没有达到上限,则可以添加人员信息
// 4. 如果没有达到上限,则可以添加人员信息
if (!isLimitReached) if (!isLimitReached)
{ {
// 通过创建一个新的 SelectedInfo 实例来避免引用同一个对象 // 创建一个新的 SelectedInfo 实例
SelectedInfo newSelectedInfo = new SelectedInfo SelectedInfo newSelectedInfo = new SelectedInfo
{ {
name =, name =,
@ -423,21 +527,34 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
// 禁用确认按钮并清空选择标志 // 禁用确认按钮并清空选择标志
sureBtn.interactable = false; sureBtn.interactable = false;
isPersonSelected = false; isPersonSelected = false;
isDutySelected = false; isDutySelected = false;
isSceneSelected = false; isSceneSelected = false;
UploadData(peopleId = selectedInfo.peopleId, selectedInfo.dutyId.ToString(), selectedInfo.sceneId.ToString());
// 改变已添加人员的显示颜色 // 上传数据
UploadData(selectedInfo.peopleId, selectedInfo.dutyId.ToString(), selectedInfo.sceneId.ToString());
// 更新已添加人员的显示颜色
UpdatePeopleListVisual(); UpdatePeopleListVisual();
Debug.Log($"Added new person: {} to scene: {sceneName}");
} }
} }
else else
{ {
Debug.LogError("请确保选择了人员、职责和场景!"); Debug.LogError("请确保选择了人员、职责和场景!");
} }
datePanel.NumberText.text = "共" + (sceneDataDictionary.Keys.Count * sceneDataDictionary.Values.Count).ToString() + "人参与";
// 更新统计人数的文本显示
datePanel.NumberText.text = "共" + sceneDataDictionary.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.Count).ToString() + "人参与";
} }
//处理界面关闭按钮 //处理界面关闭按钮
public void ClickCloseBtn() public void ClickCloseBtn()
{ {
@ -514,7 +631,6 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
} }
} }
} }
// 根据选择情况,启用或禁用确认按钮 // 根据选择情况,启用或禁用确认按钮
UpdateConfirmButtonState(); UpdateConfirmButtonState();
} }
@ -549,6 +665,7 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
if(isDutySelected) if(isDutySelected)
// 如果人员、职责和场景都已选择,则启用确认按钮,否则禁用 // 如果人员、职责和场景都已选择,则启用确认按钮,否则禁用
sureBtn.interactable = isPersonSelected && isDutySelected && isSceneSelected; sureBtn.interactable = isPersonSelected && isDutySelected && isSceneSelected;
} }
//设置安排文字 //设置安排文字
@ -671,13 +788,14 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
Text personText = personItem.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(); Text personText = personItem.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (personText != null) if (personText != null)
// 检查该人员是否已经添加到当前场景 // 检查该人员是否已经添加到当前场景
bool isPersonAdded = sceneDataDictionary[selectedInfo.scene].Any(info => == personText.text); bool isPersonAdded = sceneDataDictionary[selectedInfo.scene].Any(info => == personText.text);
// 如果该人员已经被添加到场景,改变颜色为灰色 // 如果该人员已经被添加到场景,改变颜色为灰色
if (isPersonAdded) if (isPersonAdded)
{ {
personText.color =; // 已添加人员的颜色 personText.color =; // 已添加人员的颜色
} }
else else
@ -705,6 +823,19 @@ public class Panel : MonoBehaviour
} }
} }
} }
public void ChangeImage(bool isSure)
if (isSure)
sureBtn.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = toggleImage[1];
sureBtn.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = toggleImage[0];
} }

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Unity.VisualScripting; using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView;
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking.Types; using UnityEngine.Networking.Types;
using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.UI;
@ -12,7 +13,6 @@ using static UnityEditor.Progress;
public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour
{ {
public Dictionary<string, int> distributePeople = new Dictionary<string, int>();// 分配给各个场景的人数
public List<PersonnelItem> personnelItems;//左侧区域 public List<PersonnelItem> personnelItems;//左侧区域
public Transform personnelContent; public Transform personnelContent;
public Panel panel; public Panel panel;
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour
public Transform content; public Transform content;
public Text topText; public Text topText;
private GameObject selectedScene = null;//当前选中场景 private GameObject selectedScene = null;//当前选中场景
public Sprite[] showImage;
public List<ClassItem> classItemList = new List<ClassItem>(); public List<ClassItem> classItemList = new List<ClassItem>();
public List<ClassMate> classMateList = new List<ClassMate>(); public List<ClassMate> classMateList = new List<ClassMate>();
@ -53,16 +54,13 @@ public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour
[Header("可分配列表")] [Header("可分配列表")]
List<int> nonZeroAreas = new List<int>(); List<int> nonZeroAreas = new List<int>();
public SelectScenePanel selectScene; public SelectScenePanel selectScene;
private HashSet<int> clearedAreas = new HashSet<int>(); [Header("被清除的区域")] public List<int> clearRegion=new List<int>();
public List<int> clearRegion=new List<int>();//被清除的区域
// Start is called before the first frame update // Start is called before the first frame update
void Start() void Start()
{ {
redistributeBtn.interactable = false; redistributeBtn.interactable = false;
//SetNpcType(); ChangeImage(redistributeBtn.interactable);
//nonZeroAreas= GetNonZeroNpcRatioAreas();
jc = JuesechoicePop.GetComponent<JueseChoicePop>(); jc = JuesechoicePop.GetComponent<JueseChoicePop>();
CountsubmitBtn.onClick.AddListener(Submit); CountsubmitBtn.onClick.AddListener(Submit);
submitBtn.onClick.AddListener(totalSubmit); submitBtn.onClick.AddListener(totalSubmit);
@ -137,7 +135,7 @@ public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour
return; return;
} }
StuCountInputField.text = ""; //StuCountInputField.text = "";
// 调用分配方法 // 调用分配方法
var result = DistributeNpcByRatio(personnelItems, count); var result = DistributeNpcByRatio(personnelItems, count);
@ -232,7 +230,6 @@ public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour
foreach(var npcLimit in npcratio) foreach(var npcLimit in npcratio)
{ {
string[] limit = npcLimit.Split(','); string[] limit = npcLimit.Split(',');
if (limit[0] == selectScene.idcidentId.ToString()&& limit[1] == selectScene.difficultyId.ToString()) if (limit[0] == selectScene.idcidentId.ToString()&& limit[1] == selectScene.difficultyId.ToString())
{ {
GameObject sceneitem = GameObject.Instantiate(personnelPrefabs, personnelContent); GameObject sceneitem = GameObject.Instantiate(personnelPrefabs, personnelContent);
@ -250,11 +247,14 @@ public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour
if (personnelItem.NpcNum > 0) if (personnelItem.NpcNum > 0)
{ {
redistributeBtn.interactable=true; redistributeBtn.interactable=true;
redistributeBtn.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = showImage[1];
redistributeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => redistributeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() =>
{ {
// 清除选定区域的人员数据 // 清除选定区域的人员数据
RedistributeLogic(personnelItem.sceneId, personnelItem.NpcNum); RedistributeLogic(personnelItem.sceneId, personnelItem.NpcNum);
redistributeBtn.interactable = false ; redistributeBtn.interactable = false ;
}); });
} }
// 清空现有场景下的所有人员UI // 清空现有场景下的所有人员UI
@ -446,4 +446,17 @@ public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour
classCount.gameObject.SetActive(false); classCount.gameObject.SetActive(false);
} }
} }
public void ChangeImage(bool isSure)
if (isSure)
redistributeBtn.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = showImage[1];
redistributeBtn.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = showImage[0];
} }

View File

@ -47,10 +47,8 @@ public class MaterialPanel : MonoBehaviour
{ {
MaterialList materialList = new MaterialList(); MaterialList materialList = new MaterialList();
materialList.materialId = materialItem.materialId; materialList.materialId = materialItem.materialId;
Debug.Log("materialList.materialId--------------------" + materialList.materialId);
materialList.num = materialItem.materialNum; materialList.num = materialItem.materialNum;
createTemplateInfo.Instance.auth_CreateTemplate.materialList.Add(materialList); createTemplateInfo.Instance.auth_CreateTemplate.materialList.Add(materialList);
Debug.Log(materialItem.materialName + " ÊýÁ¿: " + materialItem.GetMaterialNum());
} }
} }
} }