using UnityEngine; using Unity.Profiling; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Obi { public class ParticleImpostorRendering { static ProfilerMarker m_ParticlesToMeshPerfMarker = new ProfilerMarker("ParticlesToMesh"); private List meshes = new List(); private List vertices = new List(4000); private List normals = new List(4000); private List colors = new List(4000); private List triangles = new List(6000); private List anisotropy1 = new List(4000); private List anisotropy2 = new List(4000); private List anisotropy3 = new List(4000); int particlesPerDrawcall = 0; int drawcallCount; private Vector3 particleOffset0 = new Vector3(1, 1, 0); private Vector3 particleOffset1 = new Vector3(-1, 1, 0); private Vector3 particleOffset2 = new Vector3(-1, -1, 0); private Vector3 particleOffset3 = new Vector3(1, -1, 0); public IEnumerable Meshes { get { return meshes.AsReadOnly(); } } private void Apply(Mesh mesh) { mesh.Clear(); mesh.SetVertices(vertices); mesh.SetNormals(normals); mesh.SetColors(colors); mesh.SetUVs(0, anisotropy1); mesh.SetUVs(1, anisotropy2); mesh.SetUVs(2, anisotropy3); mesh.SetTriangles(triangles, 0, true); } public void ClearMeshes() { foreach (Mesh mesh in meshes) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(mesh); meshes.Clear(); } public void UpdateMeshes(IObiParticleCollection collection, bool[] visible = null, Color[] tint = null) { using (m_ParticlesToMeshPerfMarker.Auto()) { // figure out the size of our drawcall arrays: particlesPerDrawcall = Constants.maxVertsPerMesh / 4; drawcallCount = collection.activeParticleCount / particlesPerDrawcall + 1; particlesPerDrawcall = Mathf.Min(particlesPerDrawcall, collection.activeParticleCount); // If the amount of meshes we need to draw the particles has changed: if (drawcallCount != meshes.Count) { // Re-generate meshes: ClearMeshes(); for (int i = 0; i < drawcallCount; i++) { Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); = "Particle impostors"; mesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; meshes.Add(mesh); } } Vector3 position; Vector4 basis1 = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0); Vector4 basis2 = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0); Vector4 basis3 = new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0); Color color; int visibleLength = visible != null ? visible.Length : 0; int tintLength = tint != null ? tint.Length : 0; //Convert particle data to mesh geometry: for (int i = 0; i < drawcallCount; i++) { // Clear all arrays vertices.Clear(); normals.Clear(); colors.Clear(); triangles.Clear(); anisotropy1.Clear(); anisotropy2.Clear(); anisotropy3.Clear(); int index = 0; int limit = Mathf.Min((i + 1) * particlesPerDrawcall, collection.activeParticleCount); for (int j = i * particlesPerDrawcall; j < limit; ++j) { if (j < visibleLength && !visible[j]) continue; int runtimeIndex = collection.GetParticleRuntimeIndex(j); position = collection.GetParticlePosition(runtimeIndex); collection.GetParticleAnisotropy(runtimeIndex, ref basis1, ref basis2, ref basis3); color = collection.GetParticleColor(runtimeIndex); if (j < tintLength) color *= tint[j]; vertices.Add(position); vertices.Add(position); vertices.Add(position); vertices.Add(position); normals.Add(particleOffset0); normals.Add(particleOffset1); normals.Add(particleOffset2); normals.Add(particleOffset3); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); anisotropy1.Add(basis1); anisotropy1.Add(basis1); anisotropy1.Add(basis1); anisotropy1.Add(basis1); anisotropy2.Add(basis2); anisotropy2.Add(basis2); anisotropy2.Add(basis2); anisotropy2.Add(basis2); anisotropy3.Add(basis3); anisotropy3.Add(basis3); anisotropy3.Add(basis3); anisotropy3.Add(basis3); triangles.Add(index + 2); triangles.Add(index + 1); triangles.Add(index); triangles.Add(index + 3); triangles.Add(index + 2); triangles.Add(index); index += 4; } Apply(meshes[i]); } } } } }