using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Obi{ [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "distance field", menuName = "Obi/Distance Field", order = 181)] [ExecuteInEditMode] public class ObiDistanceField : ScriptableObject { [SerializeProperty("InputMesh")] [SerializeField] private Mesh input = null; [HideInInspector][SerializeField] private float minNodeSize = 0; [HideInInspector][SerializeField] private Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); [HideInInspector] public List nodes; /**< list of distance field nodes*/ [Range(0.0000001f,0.1f)] public float maxError = 0.01f; [Range(1, 8)] public int maxDepth = 5; public bool Initialized{ get{return nodes != null;} } public Bounds FieldBounds { get{return bounds;} } public float EffectiveSampleSize { get{return minNodeSize;} } public Mesh InputMesh{ set{ if (value != input){ Reset(); input = value; } } get{return input;} } public void Reset(){ nodes = null; if (input != null) bounds = input.bounds; } public IEnumerator Generate(){ Reset(); if (input == null) yield break; int[] tris = input.triangles; Vector3[] verts = input.vertices; nodes = new List(); var buildingCoroutine = ASDF.Build(maxError, maxDepth, verts, tris, nodes); while (buildingCoroutine.MoveNext()) yield return new CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo("Processed nodes: " + nodes.Count, 1); // calculate min node size; minNodeSize = float.PositiveInfinity; for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Count; ++j) minNodeSize = Mathf.Min(minNodeSize, nodes[j].center[3] * 2); // get bounds: float max = Mathf.Max(bounds.size[0], Mathf.Max(bounds.size[1], bounds.size[2])) + 0.2f; bounds.size = new Vector3(max, max, max); } /** * Return a volume texture containing a representation of this distance field. */ public Texture3D GetVolumeTexture(int size){ if (!Initialized) return null; // upper bound of the distance from any point inside the bounds to the surface. float maxDist = Mathf.Max(bounds.size.x,bounds.size.y,bounds.size.z); float spacingX = bounds.size.x / (float)size; float spacingY = bounds.size.y / (float)size; float spacingZ = bounds.size.z / (float)size; Texture3D tex = new Texture3D (size, size, size, TextureFormat.Alpha8, false); var cols = new Color[size*size*size]; int idx = 0; Color c =; for (int z = 0; z < size; ++z) { for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x, ++idx) { Vector3 samplePoint = bounds.min + new Vector3(spacingX * x + spacingX*0.5f, spacingY * y + spacingY*0.5f, spacingZ * z + spacingZ*0.5f); float distance = ASDF.Sample(nodes,samplePoint); if (distance >= 0) c.a = distance.Remap(0,maxDist*0.1f,0.5f,1); else c.a = distance.Remap(-maxDist*0.1f,0,0,0.5f); cols[idx] = c; } } } tex.SetPixels (cols); tex.Apply (); return tex; } } }