using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Obi; public static class Oni { public const int ConstraintTypeCount = 17; public const int ColliderShapeTypeCount = 7; public const int QueryTypeCount = 3; public enum ConstraintType { Tether = 0, Volume = 1, Chain = 2, Bending = 3, Distance = 4, ShapeMatching = 5, BendTwist = 6, StretchShear = 7, Pin = 8, ParticleCollision = 9, Density = 10, Collision = 11, Skin = 12, Aerodynamics = 13, Stitch = 14, ParticleFriction = 15, Friction = 16 }; [Flags] public enum RenderingSystemType { None = 0, PathSmoother = 1 << 0, ExtrudedRope = 1 << 1, ChainRope = 1 << 2, LineRope = 1 << 3, MeshRope = 1 << 4, Cloth = 1 << 5, SkinnedCloth = 1 << 6, TearableCloth = 1 << 7, Softbody = 1 << 8, Fluid = 1 << 9, Particles = 1 << 10, InstancedParticles = 1 << 11, FoamParticles = 1 << 12, AllSmoothedRopes = PathSmoother | ExtrudedRope | LineRope | MeshRope, AllRopes = PathSmoother | ExtrudedRope | ChainRope | LineRope | MeshRope | Particles | InstancedParticles, AllClothes = Cloth | SkinnedCloth | TearableCloth | Particles | InstancedParticles, AllParticles = Fluid | Particles | InstancedParticles | FoamParticles }; [Flags] public enum SimplexType { None = 0, Point = 1 << 0, Edge = 1 << 1, Triangle = 1 << 2, All = ~0 }; public enum ShapeType { Sphere = 0, Box = 1, Capsule = 2, Heightmap = 3, TriangleMesh = 4, EdgeMesh = 5, SignedDistanceField = 6 } public enum MaterialCombineMode { Average = 0, Minimum = 1, Multiply = 2, Maximum = 3 } [Serializable] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SolverParameters { public enum Interpolation { None, Interpolate, Extrapolate }; public enum Mode { Mode3D, Mode2D, }; [Tooltip("In 2D mode, particles are simulated on the XY plane only. For use in conjunction with Unity's 2D mode.")] public Mode mode; [Tooltip("Same as Rigidbody.interpolation. Set to INTERPOLATE for cloth that is applied on a main character or closely followed by a camera. NONE for everything else.")] public Interpolation interpolation; [Tooltip("Simulation gravity expressed in local space.")] public Vector3 gravity; [Tooltip("Simulation wind expressed in local space.")] public Vector3 ambientWind; [Tooltip("Foam gravity scale.")] [Range(-1, 3)] public float foamGravityScale; [Tooltip("Percentage of velocity lost per second, between 0% (0) and 100% (1).")] [Range(0, 1)] public float damping; [Tooltip("Max ratio between a particle's longest and shortest axis. Use 1 for isotropic (completely round) particles.")] [Range(1, 5)] public float maxAnisotropy; [Tooltip("Mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which particle positions aren't updated.")] public float sleepThreshold; [Tooltip("Maximum particle linear velocity.")] public float maxVelocity; [Tooltip("Maximum particle angular velocity.")] public float maxAngularVelocity; [Tooltip("Maximum distance between elements (simplices/colliders) for a contact to be generated.")] public float collisionMargin; [Tooltip("Maximum depenetration velocity applied to particles that start a frame inside an object. Low values ensure no 'explosive' collision resolution. Should be > 0 unless looking for non-physical effects.")] public float maxDepenetration; [Tooltip("Percentage of collider velocities used for continuous collision detection. Set to 0 for purely static collisions, set to 1 for pure continuous collisions.")] [Range(0, 1)] public float colliderCCD; [Tooltip("Percentage of particle velocities used for continuous collision detection. Set to 0 for purely static collisions, set to 1 for pure continuous collisions.")] [Range(0, 1)] public float particleCCD; [Tooltip("Percentage of shock propagation applied to particle-particle collisions. Useful for particle stacking.")] [Range(0, 1)] public float shockPropagation; [Tooltip("Amount of iterations spent on convex optimization for surface collisions.")] [Range(1, 32)] public int surfaceCollisionIterations; [Tooltip("Error threshold at which to stop convex optimization for surface collisions.")] public float surfaceCollisionTolerance; public SolverParameters(Interpolation interpolation, Vector4 gravity) { this.mode = Mode.Mode3D; this.gravity = gravity; this.ambientWind =; this.interpolation = interpolation; foamGravityScale = 1; damping = 0; shockPropagation = 0; surfaceCollisionIterations = 8; surfaceCollisionTolerance = 0.005f; maxAnisotropy = 3; maxDepenetration = 10; sleepThreshold = 0.0005f; maxVelocity = 50.0f; maxAngularVelocity = 20.0f; collisionMargin = 0.02f; colliderCCD = 1; particleCCD = 0; } } [Serializable] public struct ConstraintParameters { public enum EvaluationOrder { Sequential, Parallel }; [Tooltip("Order in which constraints are evaluated. SEQUENTIAL converges faster but is not very stable. PARALLEL is very stable but converges slowly, requiring more iterations to achieve the same result.")] public EvaluationOrder evaluationOrder; /**< Constraint evaluation order.*/ [Tooltip("Number of relaxation iterations performed by the constraint solver. A low number of iterations will perform better, but be less accurate.")] public int iterations; /**< Amount of solver iterations per step for this constraint group.*/ [Tooltip("Over (or under if < 1) relaxation factor used. At 1, no overrelaxation is performed. At 2, constraints double their relaxation rate. High values reduce stability but improve convergence.")] [Range(0.1f, 2)] public float SORFactor; /**< Sucessive over-relaxation factor for parallel evaluation order.*/ [Tooltip("Whether this constraint group is solved or not.")] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)] public bool enabled; public ConstraintParameters(bool enabled, EvaluationOrder order, int iterations) { this.enabled = enabled; this.iterations = iterations; this.evaluationOrder = order; this.SORFactor = 1; } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ContactPair { public int bodyA; /** simplex index*/ public int bodyB; /** simplex or rigidbody index*/ } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Contact { public Vector4 pointA; public Vector4 pointB; /**< Speculative point of contact. */ public Vector4 normal; /**< Normal direction. */ public Vector4 tangent; /**< Tangent direction. */ public float distance; /** distance between both colliding entities at the beginning of the timestep.*/ public float normalImpulse; public float tangentImpulse; public float bitangentImpulse; public float stickImpulse; public float rollingFrictionImpulse; public int bodyA; /** simplex index*/ public int bodyB; /** simplex or rigidbody index*/ } }