#include "ColliderDefinitions.cginc" #include "ContactHandling.cginc" #include "Transform.cginc" #include "Simplex.cginc" #include "Bounds.cginc" #include "SolverParameters.cginc" #include "Optimization.cginc" #pragma kernel GenerateContacts StructuredBuffer positions; StructuredBuffer orientations; StructuredBuffer principalRadii; StructuredBuffer velocities; StructuredBuffer simplices; StructuredBuffer transforms; StructuredBuffer shapes; StructuredBuffer contactPairs; StructuredBuffer contactOffsetsPerType; RWStructuredBuffer contacts; RWStructuredBuffer dispatchBuffer; StructuredBuffer worldToSolver; uint maxContacts; struct Box : IDistanceFunction { shape s; transform colliderToSolver; void Evaluate(in float4 pos, in float4 radii, in quaternion orientation, inout SurfacePoint projectedPoint) { float4 center = s.center * colliderToSolver.scale; float4 size = s.size * colliderToSolver.scale * 0.5f; // clamp the point to the surface of the box: float4 pnt = colliderToSolver.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(pos) - center; if (s.is2D()) pnt[2] = 0; // get minimum distance for each axis: float4 distances = size - abs(pnt); if (distances.x >= 0 && distances.y >= 0 && distances.z >= 0) { projectedPoint.normal = float4(0,0,0,0); projectedPoint.pos = pnt; // find minimum distance in all three axes and the axis index: if (distances.y < distances.x && distances.y < distances.z) { projectedPoint.normal[1] = sign(pnt[1]); projectedPoint.pos[1] = size[1] * projectedPoint.normal[1]; } else if (distances.z < distances.x && distances.z < distances.y) { projectedPoint.normal[2] = sign(pnt[2]); projectedPoint.pos[2] = size[2] * projectedPoint.normal[2]; } else { projectedPoint.normal[0] = sign(pnt[0]); projectedPoint.pos[0] = size[0] * projectedPoint.normal[0]; } } else { projectedPoint.pos = clamp(pnt, -size, size); projectedPoint.normal = normalizesafe(pnt - projectedPoint.pos); } projectedPoint.pos = colliderToSolver.TransformPointUnscaled(projectedPoint.pos + center + projectedPoint.normal * s.contactOffset); projectedPoint.normal = colliderToSolver.TransformDirection(projectedPoint.normal); projectedPoint.bary = float4(1,0,0,0); } }; [numthreads(128, 1, 1)] void GenerateContacts (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { uint i = id.x; // entry #11 in the dispatch buffer is the amount of pairs for the first shape type. if (i >= dispatchBuffer[11 + 4*BOX_SHAPE]) return; uint count = contacts.IncrementCounter(); if (count < maxContacts) { int firstPair = contactOffsetsPerType[BOX_SHAPE]; int simplexIndex = contactPairs[firstPair + i].x; int colliderIndex = contactPairs[firstPair + i].y; contact c = (contact)0; Box boxShape; boxShape.colliderToSolver = worldToSolver[0].Multiply(transforms[colliderIndex]); boxShape.s = shapes[colliderIndex]; int simplexSize; int simplexStart = GetSimplexStartAndSize(simplexIndex, simplexSize); float4 simplexBary = BarycenterForSimplexOfSize(simplexSize); float4 simplexPoint; SurfacePoint surfacePoint = Optimize(boxShape, positions, orientations, principalRadii, simplices, simplexStart, simplexSize, simplexBary, simplexPoint, surfaceCollisionIterations, surfaceCollisionTolerance); c.pointB = surfacePoint.pos; c.normal = surfacePoint.normal * boxShape.s.isInverted(); c.pointA = simplexBary; c.bodyA = simplexIndex; c.bodyB = colliderIndex; contacts[count] = c; InterlockedMax(dispatchBuffer[0],(count + 1) / 128 + 1); InterlockedMax(dispatchBuffer[3], count + 1); } }