#pragma kernel Clear #pragma kernel InsertInGrid #pragma kernel SortByGrid #pragma kernel ComputeDensity #pragma kernel ApplyDensity #include "InterlockedUtils.cginc" #include "MathUtils.cginc" #include "GridUtils.cginc" #include "Simplex.cginc" #include "Bounds.cginc" #include "SolverParameters.cginc" #include "FluidKernels.cginc" RWStructuredBuffer sortedToOriginal; RWStructuredBuffer offsetInCell; RWStructuredBuffer cellStart; // start of each cell in the sorted item array. RWStructuredBuffer cellCounts; // number of item in each cell. StructuredBuffer solverBounds; RWStructuredBuffer inputPositions; RWStructuredBuffer sortedPositions; RWStructuredBuffer fluidData; StructuredBuffer dispatch; // each emitter has its own global radius, not possible to have foam emitters interact with each other. float particleRadius; float smoothingRadius; float surfaceTension; float pressure; float invMass; float deltaTime; [numthreads(128, 1, 1)] void Clear (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { unsigned int i = id.x; if (i >= maxCells) return; // clear all cell counts to zero, and cell offsets to invalid. cellStart[i] = INVALID; cellCounts[i] = 0; } [numthreads(128, 1, 1)] void InsertInGrid (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { unsigned int i = id.x; if (i >= dispatch[3]) return; uint cellIndex = GridHash(floor(inputPositions[i] / smoothingRadius).xyz); InterlockedAdd(cellCounts[cellIndex],1,offsetInCell[i]); } [numthreads(128, 1, 1)] void SortByGrid (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { unsigned int i = id.x; if (i >= dispatch[3]) return; uint cellIndex = GridHash(floor(inputPositions[i] / smoothingRadius).xyz); uint sortedIndex = cellStart[cellIndex] + offsetInCell[i]; sortedPositions[sortedIndex] = inputPositions[i]; sortedToOriginal[sortedIndex] = i; } [numthreads(128, 1, 1)] void ComputeDensity (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { unsigned int i = id.x; if (i >= dispatch[3]) return; float4 positionA = inputPositions[i]; int3 cellCoords = floor(inputPositions[i] / smoothingRadius).xyz; // self-contribution: float avgKernel = Poly6(0,smoothingRadius); float restVolume = pow(abs(particleRadius * 2),3-mode); float grad = restVolume * Spiky(0,smoothingRadius); float4 fluidDataA = float4(avgKernel,0,grad,grad*grad); float4 positionB; // iterate over neighborhood, calculate density and gradient. for (int k = 0; k < 27; ++k) { uint cellIndex = GridHash(cellCoords + cellNeighborhood[k].xyz); uint start = cellStart[cellIndex]; for (uint j = 0; j < cellCounts[cellIndex]; ++j) { positionB = sortedPositions[start + j]; float3 r = (positionA - positionB).xyz; if (mode == 1) r[2] = 0; float dist = length(r); if (dist > smoothingRadius) continue; float grad = restVolume * Spiky(dist,smoothingRadius); fluidDataA += float4(Poly6(dist,smoothingRadius),0,grad,grad*grad); } } // self particle contribution to density and gradient: fluidDataA[3] += fluidDataA[2] * fluidDataA[2]; // usually, we'd weight density by mass (density contrast formulation) by dividing by invMass. Then, multiply by invMass when // calculating the state equation (density / restDensity - 1, restDensity = mass / volume, so density * invMass * restVolume - 1 // We end up with density / invMass * invMass * restVolume - 1, invMass cancels out. float constraint = max(-0.5f * surfaceTension, fluidDataA[0] * restVolume - 1); // calculate lambda: fluidDataA[1] = -constraint / (invMass * fluidDataA[3] + EPSILON); fluidData[i] = fluidDataA; } [numthreads(128, 1, 1)] void ApplyDensity (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { unsigned int i = id.x; if (i >= dispatch[3]) return; int3 cellCoords = floor(inputPositions[i] / smoothingRadius).xyz; float restVolume = pow(abs(particleRadius * 2),3-mode); float4 positionA = inputPositions[i]; float4 fluidDataA = fluidData[i]; float4 fluidDataB; float4 positionB; float4 pressureDelta = FLOAT4_ZERO; for (int k = 0; k < 27; ++k) { uint cellIndex = GridHash(cellCoords + cellNeighborhood[k].xyz); uint start = cellStart[cellIndex]; for (uint j = 0; j < cellCounts[cellIndex]; ++j) { positionB = sortedPositions[start + j]; fluidDataB = fluidData[sortedToOriginal[start + j]]; float4 r = float4((positionA - positionB).xyz,0); if (mode == 1) r[2] = 0; float dist = length(r); if (dist > smoothingRadius) continue; float wAvg = (0.001f + 0.2f * surfaceTension) * Poly6(dist,smoothingRadius) / Poly6(0,smoothingRadius); float scorrA = - wAvg / (invMass * fluidDataA[3] + EPSILON); float scorrB = - wAvg / (invMass * fluidDataB[3] + EPSILON); pressureDelta += r / (dist + EPSILON) * Spiky(dist,smoothingRadius) * ((fluidDataA[1] + scorrA) + (fluidDataB[1] + scorrB)) * restVolume; } } // write to output positions. inputPositions[i] = positionA + pressure * pressureDelta * invMass; }