702 lines
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702 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
namespace Obi
public abstract class ObiActorBlueprint : ScriptableObject, IObiParticleCollection
public delegate void BlueprintCallback(ObiActorBlueprint blueprint);
public event BlueprintCallback OnBlueprintGenerate;
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected uint m_Checksum;
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected bool m_Empty = true;
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected bool m_Edited = false; /**< Whether there's been any modifications to blueprint data since generating it. This is used to tell whether it can be re-generated without data loss.*/
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected int m_ActiveParticleCount = 0;
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected int m_InitialActiveParticleCount = 0;
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected Bounds _bounds = new Bounds();
/**Particle components*/
[HideInInspector] public Vector3[] positions = null; /**< Particle positions.*/
[HideInInspector] public Vector4[] restPositions = null; /**< Particle rest positions, used to filter collisions.*/
[HideInInspector] public Quaternion[] orientations = null; /**< Particle orientations.*/
[HideInInspector] public Quaternion[] restOrientations = null; /**< Particle rest orientations.*/
[HideInInspector] public Vector3[] velocities = null; /**< Particle velocities.*/
[HideInInspector] public Vector3[] angularVelocities = null; /**< Particle angular velocities.*/
[HideInInspector] public float[] invMasses = null; /**< Particle inverse masses*/
[HideInInspector] public float[] invRotationalMasses = null;
[HideInInspector] public int[] filters = null; /**< Particle filters*/
[HideInInspector] public Vector3[] principalRadii = null; /**< Particle ellipsoid principal radii. These are the ellipsoid radius in each axis.*/
[HideInInspector] public Color[] colors = null; /**< Particle colors (not used by all actors, can be null)*/
/** Simplices **/
[HideInInspector] public int[] points = null;
[HideInInspector] public int[] edges = null;
[HideInInspector] public int[] triangles = null;
/** Constraint components. Each constraint type contains a list of constraint batches.*/
[HideInInspector] public ObiDistanceConstraintsData distanceConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiBendConstraintsData bendConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiSkinConstraintsData skinConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiTetherConstraintsData tetherConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiStretchShearConstraintsData stretchShearConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiBendTwistConstraintsData bendTwistConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiShapeMatchingConstraintsData shapeMatchingConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiAerodynamicConstraintsData aerodynamicConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiChainConstraintsData chainConstraintsData = null;
[HideInInspector] public ObiVolumeConstraintsData volumeConstraintsData = null;
/** Particle groups.*/
[HideInInspector] public List<ObiParticleGroup> groups = new List<ObiParticleGroup>();
* Checksum value generated from particle positions and orientations.
public uint checksum
get { return m_Checksum; }
* Returns the amount of particles used by this blueprint.
public int particleCount
get { return positions != null ? positions.Length : 0; }
public int activeParticleCount
get { return m_ActiveParticleCount; }
public Oni.SimplexType simplexTypes
get {
return Oni.SimplexType.Point | // points (single particles) are always available.
(edges != null ? Oni.SimplexType.Edge : 0) |
(triangles != null ? Oni.SimplexType.Triangle : 0);
* Returns whether this group uses oriented particles.
public bool usesOrientedParticles
return invRotationalMasses != null && invRotationalMasses.Length > 0 &&
orientations != null && orientations.Length > 0;
public virtual bool usesTethers
get { return false; }
public bool IsParticleActive(int index)
return index < m_ActiveParticleCount;
protected virtual void SwapWithFirstInactiveParticle(int index)
positions.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
restPositions.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
orientations.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
restOrientations.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
velocities.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
angularVelocities.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
invMasses.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
invRotationalMasses.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
filters.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
principalRadii.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
colors.Swap(index, m_ActiveParticleCount);
m_Edited = true;
public bool edited
get { return m_Edited; }
set { m_Edited = value;}
* Activates one particle. This operation preserves the relative order of all particles.
public bool ActivateParticle(int index)
if (IsParticleActive(index))
return false;
return true;
* Deactivates one particle. This operation does not preserve the relative order of other particles, because the last active particle will
* swap positions with the particle being deactivated.
public bool DeactivateParticle(int index)
if (!IsParticleActive(index))
return false;
return true;
public bool empty
get { return m_Empty; }
public void RecalculateBounds()
if (positions.Length > 0)
_bounds = new Bounds(positions[0],Vector3.zero);
for (int i = 1; i < positions.Length; ++i)
_bounds = new Bounds();
public Bounds bounds
get { return _bounds; }
protected void GenerateChecksum()
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
if (positions != null)
foreach (var p in positions) ms.Concatenate(p);
if (orientations != null)
foreach (var o in orientations) ms.Concatenate(o);
m_Checksum = ObiUtils.Adler32(ms.ToArray());
public IEnumerable<IObiConstraints> GetConstraints()
if (distanceConstraintsData != null && distanceConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return distanceConstraintsData;
if (bendConstraintsData != null && bendConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return bendConstraintsData;
if (skinConstraintsData != null && skinConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return skinConstraintsData;
if (tetherConstraintsData != null && tetherConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return tetherConstraintsData;
if (stretchShearConstraintsData != null && stretchShearConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return stretchShearConstraintsData;
if (bendTwistConstraintsData != null && bendTwistConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return bendTwistConstraintsData;
if (shapeMatchingConstraintsData != null && shapeMatchingConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return shapeMatchingConstraintsData;
if (aerodynamicConstraintsData != null && aerodynamicConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return aerodynamicConstraintsData;
if (chainConstraintsData != null && chainConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return chainConstraintsData;
if (volumeConstraintsData != null && volumeConstraintsData.batchCount > 0)
yield return volumeConstraintsData;
public IObiConstraints GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType type)
switch (type)
case Oni.ConstraintType.Distance: return distanceConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.Bending: return bendConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.Skin: return skinConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.Tether: return tetherConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.BendTwist: return bendTwistConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.StretchShear: return stretchShearConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.ShapeMatching: return shapeMatchingConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.Aerodynamics: return aerodynamicConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.Chain: return chainConstraintsData;
case Oni.ConstraintType.Volume: return volumeConstraintsData;
default: return null;
public int GetParticleRuntimeIndex(int blueprintIndex)
return blueprintIndex;
public Vector3 GetParticlePosition(int index)
if (positions != null && index < positions.Length)
return positions[index];
return Vector3.zero;
public Quaternion GetParticleOrientation(int index)
if (orientations != null && index < orientations.Length)
return orientations[index];
return Quaternion.identity;
public Vector3 GetParticleRestPosition(int index)
if (restPositions != null && index < restPositions.Length)
return restPositions[index];
return Vector3.zero;
public Quaternion GetParticleRestOrientation(int index)
if (restOrientations != null && index < restOrientations.Length)
return restOrientations[index];
return Quaternion.identity;
public void GetParticleAnisotropy(int index, ref Vector4 b1, ref Vector4 b2, ref Vector4 b3)
if (orientations != null && index < orientations.Length)
Quaternion orientation = orientations[index];
b1 = orientation * Vector3.right;
b2 = orientation * Vector3.up;
b3 = orientation * Vector3.forward;
b1[3] = principalRadii[index][0];
b2[3] = principalRadii[index][1];
b3[3] = principalRadii[index][2];
b1[3] = b2[3] = b3[3] = principalRadii[index][0];
public float GetParticleMaxRadius(int index)
if (principalRadii != null && index < principalRadii.Length)
return principalRadii[index][0];
return 0;
public Color GetParticleColor(int index)
if (colors != null && index < colors.Length)
return colors[index];
return Color.white;
public void GenerateImmediate()
var g = Generate();
while (g.MoveNext()){}
public IEnumerator Generate()
IEnumerator g = Initialize();
while (g.MoveNext())
yield return g.Current;
m_Empty = false;
m_InitialActiveParticleCount = m_ActiveParticleCount;
foreach (IObiConstraints constraints in GetConstraints())
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.batchCount; ++i)
constraints.GetBatch(i).initialActiveConstraintCount = constraints.GetBatch(i).activeConstraintCount;
if (!Application.isPlaying)
// Called at the end of blueprint generation. Also automatically called when exiting blueprint editor.
// This generates a checksum for the blueprint, and in some case extra data (such as default skinmaps for cloth and softbodies).
public virtual void CommitBlueprintChanges()
public void Clear()
m_Empty = true;
edited = false;
m_ActiveParticleCount = 0;
positions = null;
restPositions = null;
orientations = null;
restOrientations = null;
velocities = null;
angularVelocities = null;
invMasses = null;
invRotationalMasses = null;
filters = null;
principalRadii = null;
colors = null;
points = null;
edges = null;
triangles = null;
distanceConstraintsData = null;
bendConstraintsData = null;
skinConstraintsData = null;
tetherConstraintsData = null;
bendTwistConstraintsData = null;
stretchShearConstraintsData = null;
shapeMatchingConstraintsData = null;
aerodynamicConstraintsData = null;
chainConstraintsData = null;
volumeConstraintsData = null;
public ObiParticleGroup InsertNewParticleGroup(string name, int index, bool saveImmediately = true)
if (index >= 0 && index <= groups.Count)
ObiParticleGroup group = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ObiParticleGroup>();
group.name = name;
if (!Application.isPlaying)
AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(group, this);
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(group, "Insert particle group");
Undo.RecordObject(this, "Insert particle group");
groups.Insert(index, group);
if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(this))
if (saveImmediately)
groups.Insert(index, group);
edited = true;
return group;
return null;
public ObiParticleGroup AppendNewParticleGroup(string name, bool saveImmediately = true)
return InsertNewParticleGroup(name, groups.Count, saveImmediately);
public bool RemoveParticleGroupAt(int index, bool saveImmediately = true)
if (index >= 0 && index < groups.Count)
if (!Application.isPlaying)
Undo.RecordObject(this, "Remove particle group");
var group = groups[index];
if (group != null)
if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(this))
if (saveImmediately)
var group = groups[index];
if (group != null)
DestroyImmediate(group, true);
edited = true;
return true;
return false;
public bool SetParticleGroupName(int index, string name, bool saveImmediately = true)
if (index >= 0 && index < groups.Count)
if (!Application.isPlaying)
Undo.RecordObject(this, "Set particle group name");
groups[index].name = name;
if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(this))
if (saveImmediately)
groups[index].name = name;
edited = true;
return true;
return false;
public void ClearParticleGroups(bool registerUndo = true, bool saveImmediately = true)
if (groups.Count == 0) return;
if (!Application.isPlaying)
if (registerUndo)
Undo.RecordObject(this, "Clear particle groups");
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; ++i)
if (groups[i] != null)
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; ++i)
if (groups[i] != null)
DestroyImmediate(groups[i], true);
if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(this))
if (saveImmediately)
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; ++i)
if (groups[i] != null)
DestroyImmediate(groups[i], true);
private bool IsParticleSharedInConstraint(int index, List<int> particles, bool[] selected)
bool containsCurrent = false;
bool containsUnselected = false;
for (int k = 0; k < particles.Count; ++k)
containsCurrent |= particles[k] == index;
containsUnselected |= !selected[particles[k]];
if (containsCurrent && containsUnselected)
return true;
return false;
private bool DoesParticleShareConstraints(IObiConstraints constraints, int index, List<int> particles, bool[] selected)
bool shared = false;
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.batchCount; ++i)
var batch = constraints.GetBatch(i);
for (int j = 0; j < batch.activeConstraintCount; ++j)
batch.GetParticlesInvolved(j, particles);
if (shared |= IsParticleSharedInConstraint(index, particles, selected))
if (shared)
return shared;
private void DeactivateConstraintsWithInactiveParticles(IObiConstraints constraints, List<int> particles)
for (int j = 0; j < constraints.batchCount; ++j)
var batch = constraints.GetBatch(j);
for (int i = batch.activeConstraintCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
batch.GetParticlesInvolved(i, particles);
for (int k = 0; k < particles.Count; ++k)
if (!IsParticleActive(particles[k]))
edited = true;
private void ParticlesSwappedInGroups(int index, int newIndex)
// Update groups:
foreach (ObiParticleGroup group in groups)
for (int i = 0; i < group.particleIndices.Count; ++i)
if (group.particleIndices[i] == newIndex)
group.particleIndices[i] = index;
else if (group.particleIndices[i] == index)
group.particleIndices[i] = newIndex;
edited = true;
public virtual void RemoveSelectedParticles(ref bool[] selected, bool optimize = true)
List<int> particles = new List<int>();
// iterate over all particles and get those selected ones that are only constrained to other selected ones.
for (int i = activeParticleCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
// if the particle is not selected for optimization, skip it.
if (!selected[i])
// look if the particle shares distance or shape matching constraints with an unselected particle.
bool shared = false;
if (optimize)
shared |= DoesParticleShareConstraints(distanceConstraintsData, i, particles, selected);
shared |= DoesParticleShareConstraints(bendConstraintsData, i, particles, selected);
shared |= DoesParticleShareConstraints(shapeMatchingConstraintsData, i, particles, selected);
if (!shared)
if (DeactivateParticle(i))
selected.Swap(i, m_ActiveParticleCount);
// Update constraints:
foreach (IObiConstraints constraints in GetConstraints())
for (int j = 0; j < constraints.batchCount; ++j)
constraints.GetBatch(j).ParticlesSwapped(i, m_ActiveParticleCount);
// Update groups:
ParticlesSwappedInGroups(i, m_ActiveParticleCount);
// deactivate all constraints that reference inactive particles:
foreach (IObiConstraints constraints in GetConstraints())
DeactivateConstraintsWithInactiveParticles(constraints, particles);
edited = true;
public void RestoreRemovedParticles()
m_ActiveParticleCount = m_InitialActiveParticleCount;
foreach (IObiConstraints constraints in GetConstraints())
for (int j = 0; j < constraints.batchCount; ++j)
constraints.GetBatch(j).activeConstraintCount = constraints.GetBatch(j).initialActiveConstraintCount;
public virtual void GenerateTethers(bool[] selected) { }
public virtual void ClearTethers() { }
protected abstract IEnumerator Initialize();
} |