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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking.Types;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using static System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32;
using static UnityEditor.Progress;
public class EvacuationPanel : MonoBehaviour
public Dictionary<string, int> distributePeople = new Dictionary<string, int>();// 分配给各个场景的人数
public List<PersonnelItem> personnelItems;
public Transform personnelContent;
public Panel panel;
public GameObject personnelPrefabs;
public GameObject classPrefab;
public GameObject classCount;//
public GameObject scenePrefab;//区域预制体
public Transform sceneCount;//区域预制体的容器
public GameObject jueseChoicePanel;
public Transform content;
public Text topText;
private GameObject selectedScene = null;//当前选中场景
public List<ClassItem> classItemList = new List<ClassItem>();
public List<ClassMate> classMateList = new List<ClassMate>();
public InputField StuCountInputField;
public Button CountsubmitBtn;
public Sprite rsprite;
public Sprite fsprite;
public GameObject JuesechoicePop;
public JueseChoicePop jc = new JueseChoicePop();
public JSONReader js;
public Button redistributeBtn;
public Button submitBtn;
public int npcNum;
public string npcType;
public string roleid;
List<int> nonZeroAreas = new List<int>();
Dictionary<int, PersonnelItem> personnelItemsDict = new Dictionary<int, PersonnelItem>();
private HashSet<int> excludedAreas = new HashSet<int>(); // 被清空的区域 ID
public SelectScenePanel selectScene;
private HashSet<int> clearedAreas = new HashSet<int>();
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
nonZeroAreas= GetNonZeroNpcRatioAreas();
jc = JuesechoicePop.GetComponent<JueseChoicePop>();
redistributeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() =>
if (redistributeBtn.interactable)
Debug.Log("Redistribute button clicked!");
void Update()
public void totalSubmit()
Debug.Log(createTemplateInfo.Instance.auth_CreateTemplate + "===============");
NpcList nPC = new NpcList();
nPC.npcId = npcType;
nPC.areaId = roleid;
createTemplateInfo.Instance.auth_CreateTemplate.npcList = new List<NpcList>();
panel.panelToggle[3].interactable = true; // 启用第二个Toggle
panel.panelToggle[3].gameObject.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = panel.toggleImage[1];
panel.panelToggle[4].interactable = true; // 启用第三个Toggle
panel.panelToggle[4].gameObject.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = panel.toggleImage[1];
public void SetNpcType()
foreach (var scene in panel.sceneDataDictionary)
foreach (var npcData in js.locationDictionary)
// 解析角色限制字段
string roleLimit = npcData.Value.NpcRatio;
// 先按“,”分隔
string[] roleLimitSections = roleLimit.Split(',');
if (scene.Key == npcData.Value.Note)
// 只有当 scene.Key 和 npcData.Value.Note 匹配时才执行
this.npcType = roleLimitSections[1];
roleid = roleLimitSections[0];
private void Submit()
// 获取输入的总人数
int count = int.Parse(StuCountInputField.text); // 总人数
StuCountInputField.text = "";
foreach (var item in personnelItems)
personnelItemsDict[item.sceneId] = item; // 使用 sceneId 作为键
// 将 nonZeroAreas 转换为场景 ID 数组
int[] sceneIds = nonZeroAreas.ToArray();
// 调用分配方法
var result = DistributePeopleWithBalance(sceneIds, personnelItemsDict, count);
// 更新 UI 显示
foreach (var kvp in result)
if (personnelItemsDict.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
personnelItemsDict[kvp.Key].SetInfo(kvp.Value.ToString()); // 更新UI
public Dictionary<int, int> DistributePeopleWithBalance(int[] scenes, Dictionary<int, PersonnelItem> personnelItemsDict, int totalPeople)
// 1. 计算当前每个区域的总人数(初始人数 + 已分配人数)
Dictionary<int, int> totalPeoplePerScene = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (var scene in scenes)
// 如果 personnelItemsDict 中包含该场景,取其初始人数;否则设为 0
if (personnelItemsDict.ContainsKey(scene))
totalPeoplePerScene[scene] = personnelItemsDict[scene].Num; // 初始人数
totalPeoplePerScene[scene] = 0;
// Debug 输出每个场景的初始人数
Debug.Log($"Scene {scene}: Initial People = {totalPeoplePerScene[scene]}");
// 保存初始人数以便后续计算
Dictionary<int, int> initialPeoplePerScene = new Dictionary<int, int>(totalPeoplePerScene);
// 2. 分配剩余人数
int remainingPeople = totalPeople;
while (remainingPeople > 0)
// 找出当前人数最少的区域
int minScene = -1; // 用于记录人数最少的场景 ID
int minPeople = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var scene in totalPeoplePerScene)
if (scene.Value < minPeople)
minPeople = scene.Value;
minScene = scene.Key;
// 分配一个 NPC 到人数最少的区域
if (minScene != -1) // 确保找到有效的场景
break; // 如果没有找到有效的场景,终止分配
// 3. 计算分配结果,减去初始人数
Dictionary<int, int> allocatedPeople = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (var scene in totalPeoplePerScene)
int initialPeople = initialPeoplePerScene.GetValueOrDefault(scene.Key, 0);
allocatedPeople[scene.Key] = scene.Value - initialPeople; // 分配人数 = 总人数 - 初始人数
return allocatedPeople;
//private void ClearData()
// jc.classItem.isSet = false;
// foreach (var item in classItemList)
// {
// item.isSet = false;
// item.setClassItem("");
// }
// jc.classMate.isBeSet = false;
// foreach(var item in jc.classMateList)
// {
// item.isBeSet = false;
// item.setName();
// }
public List<int> GetNonZeroNpcRatioAreas()
List<int> nonZeroAreas = new List<int>();
foreach (var sceneEntry in panel.sceneDataDictionary)
foreach (var sceneInfo in sceneEntry.Value)
foreach (var npcData in js.locationDictionary)
LocationData locationData = npcData.Value;
// 如果场景的 ID 匹配当前 NPC 的 ID
if (locationData.ID == int.Parse(sceneInfo.sceneId))
// 获取每个区域的 NpcRatio 字段
string npcRatio = locationData.NpcRatio;
// 将 NpcRatio 字符串按 '|' 分割,获取每一项
string[] npcRatioEntries = npcRatio.Split('|');
// 遍历每一项
foreach (var entry in npcRatioEntries)
// 将每一项按 ',' 分割获取事故位置、NPCID、归属和分配比例
string[] entryData = entry.Split(',');
if (entryData.Length == 4)
string allocationRatio = entryData[3]; // 获取分配比例
// 检查分配比例是否不为 "0" 和 "-1"
if (allocationRatio != "0" && allocationRatio != "-1")
// 如果比例不为0将该区域 ID 添加到列表
Debug.Log("locationData.ID"+ locationData.ID);
break; // 一旦找到有效的分配比例,就不再检查当前区域的其他项
// 输出所有分配比例不为0的区域 ID
foreach (var area in nonZeroAreas)
Debug.Log("区域 ID" + area);
// 返回符合条件的区域 ID 列表
return nonZeroAreas;
public void SetPersonnel()
// 清空现有的UI项
foreach (Transform child in personnelContent)
// 清空人员列表
foreach (var sceneEntry in panel.sceneDataDictionary)
foreach (var sceneInfo in sceneEntry.Value)
LocationData area = js.GetAreaDateById(int.Parse(sceneInfo.sceneId));
// 如果NpcRatio不为"-1"表示该场景有效
if (area.NpcRatio != "-1")
// 检查 personnelItems 是否已经包含该 sceneText.text
var existingItem = personnelItems.Find(item => item.sceneText.text == sceneEntry.Key);
if (existingItem != null)
// 如果已经存在,增加 Num
// 如果没有重复的 personnelItem创建并添加
GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate(personnelPrefabs, personnelContent);
PersonnelItem personnelItem = item.GetComponent<PersonnelItem>();
Button button = personnelItem.transform.Find("sceneText").GetComponent<Button>();
personnelItem.sceneText.text = sceneEntry.Key;
personnelItem.sceneId = area.ID;
personnelItem.Num = 1; // 设置初始值为 1
button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
OnSceneItemClicked(item, Color.yellow, selectedScene);
foreach (Transform child in sceneCount)
LocationData locationData = js.GetAreaDateById(personnelItem.sceneId);
if(locationData.Level.ToString() != "0")
GameObject levelItem = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(scenePrefab, sceneCount);
Button levelBtn = levelItem.transform.Find("chooseBtn2").GetComponent<Button>();
levelBtn.onClick.AddListener(() =>
JueseChoicePop jueseChoicePop= jueseChoicePanel.gameObject.GetComponent<JueseChoicePop>();
jueseChoicePanel.gameObject .SetActive(true);
ClassItem classItem = levelItem.GetComponent<ClassItem>();
classItem.classname.text = locationData.Level.ToString();
//Debug.Log("New PersonnelItem created. SceneId: " + personnelItem.sceneId + ", Num: " + personnelItem.Num);
break; // 如果遇到无效场景NpcRatio为-1跳出当前循环
// 判断重新分配按钮是否可以点击
public void IsRedistribution()
// 遍历 personnelItemsDict检查是否有任何 PersonnelItem 的 gameObject 处于激活状态
bool canRedistribute = false;
foreach (var kvp in personnelItemsDict)
if (kvp.Value.personnelImage.gameObject.activeSelf) // 检查 gameObject 是否显示
canRedistribute = true;
// 设置重新分配按钮的交互状态
redistributeBtn.interactable = canRedistribute;
void CheckInput(string input)
// 尝试将输入转换为数字
if (float.TryParse(input, out float result))
// 判断数字是否大于1
if (result > 1)
CountsubmitBtn.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = rsprite;
public void Countsubmit()
CountsubmitBtn.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = fsprite;
StuCountInputField.text = string.Empty;
//按配置对输入的Npc数量进行 分配
public void SettopText()
topText.text = "以下班级需要设定班主任老师:";
topText.text = "以下楼层需要设定搜救老师:";
public void SetClass()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(classPrefab, content);
ClassItem classItem = item.GetComponent<ClassItem>();
classItem.JuesechoicePop = JuesechoicePop;
public void RedistributeLogic()
// 计算需要重新分配的 NPC 总数
int totalRedistributePeople = 0;
foreach (var kvp in personnelItemsDict)
PersonnelItem item = kvp.Value;
// 如果 gameObject 是激活的,表示需要清空 NPC
if (item.personnelImage.gameObject.activeSelf)
totalRedistributePeople += item.Num; // 累加需要重新分配的 NPC 数量
item.Num = 0; // 清空该区域的 NPC 数量
item.SetInfo(""); // 更新 UI 显示
item.personnelImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); // 隐藏图标
excludedAreas.Add(kvp.Key); // 记录清空的区域 ID
Debug.Log($"Cleared NPCs from Scene ID: {kvp.Key}");
// 准备有效分配区域列表(排除被清空的区域)
List<int> validAreas = new List<int>();
foreach (var kvp in personnelItemsDict)
if (!excludedAreas.Contains(kvp.Key)) // 排除清空的区域
// 如果没有有效区域,则提示
if (validAreas.Count == 0)
Debug.LogWarning("No valid areas available for redistribution.");
// 将有效区域转换为数组
int[] validSceneIds = validAreas.ToArray();
// 调用分配方法,将清空区域的 NPC 分配到有效区域
var redistributionResult = DistributePeopleWithBalance(validSceneIds, personnelItemsDict, totalRedistributePeople);
// 更新分配结果到 UI
foreach (var kvp in redistributionResult)
if (personnelItemsDict.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
personnelItemsDict[kvp.Key].Num += kvp.Value; // 更新人数
personnelItemsDict[kvp.Key].SetInfo(personnelItemsDict[kvp.Key].Num.ToString()); // 更新 UI 显示
personnelItemsDict[kvp.Key].personnelImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); // 确保图标显示
personnelItemsDict[kvp.Key].personnelNum.gameObject.SetActive(true); // 确保图标显示
Debug.Log($"Assigned {kvp.Value} NPCs to Scene ID: {kvp.Key}");
public void OnSceneItemClicked(GameObject clickedItem, Color color, GameObject select)
// 如果有之前选中的角色,重置其视觉效果
if (selectedScene != null && select != clickedItem)
Text prevText = selectedScene.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (prevText != null)
prevText.fontSize = 32; // 恢复原始字号
prevText.color = Color.white; // 恢复原始颜色
// 设置当前选中的角色为选中状态
selectedScene = clickedItem; // 更新选中人物
Text personText = clickedItem.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (personText != null)
// 字号变大和颜色变更(选中状态)
personText.fontSize = 36;
personText.color = color; // 选中颜色
public void IsOpen(int id)
if (selectScene.difficultyId > 3)
//// 1. 把所选区域的NPC分配到其它区域
//public void RedistributeNpc(int selectedAreaId)
// // 获取所有非已清空的区域ID
// var availableAreas = GetNonZeroNpcRatioAreas().Where(areaId => areaId != selectedAreaId && !clearedAreas.Contains(areaId)).ToList();
// // 从选中的区域获取NPC
// int npcToRedistribute = distributePeople[selectedAreaId.ToString()];
// if (npcToRedistribute == 0) return;
// // 移除该区域的NPC
// distributePeople[selectedAreaId.ToString()] = 0;
// //personnelItemsDict[selectedAreaId].UpdateNpcCount(0); // 假设你有一个更新UI的方法
// // 将这些NPC分配到其它区域
// DistributeNpcToOtherAreas(npcToRedistribute, availableAreas);
//// 2. 记录被清空NPC分布的区域ID下次重新分配时这些区域不参与分配
//private void DistributeNpcToOtherAreas(int npcToRedistribute, List<int> availableAreas)
// if (availableAreas.Count == 0) return;
// // 简单的均分方式,你可以根据自己的需要修改分配策略
// int npcPerArea = npcToRedistribute / availableAreas.Count;
// foreach (var areaId in availableAreas)
// {
// distributePeople[areaId.ToString()] += npcPerArea;
// //personnelItemsDict[areaId].UpdateNpcCount(distributePeople[areaId]);
// }
// // 如果有剩余的NPC可以将其分配到其他区域
// int remainder = npcToRedistribute % availableAreas.Count;
// for (int i = 0; i < remainder; i++)
// {
// distributePeople[availableAreas[i]] += 1;
// //personnelItemsDict[availableAreas[i]].UpdateNpcCount(distributePeople[availableAreas[i]]);
// }
//// 重新分配前,清空区域时调用此方法,记录清空区域
//public void MarkAreaAsCleared(int areaId)
// clearedAreas.Add(areaId);