73 lines
2.2 KiB
73 lines
2.2 KiB
#pragma kernel BuildMesh
#include "MathUtils.cginc"
struct RendererData
float4 color;
float radiusScale;
StructuredBuffer<int> particleIndices;
StructuredBuffer<float4> positions;
StructuredBuffer<float4> orientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> radii;
StructuredBuffer<float4> colors;
StructuredBuffer<int> rendererIndices;
StructuredBuffer<RendererData> rendererData;
RWByteAddressBuffer vertices;
RWByteAddressBuffer indices;
uint firstParticle;
uint particleCount;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void BuildMesh (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= particleCount) return;
int p = particleIndices[firstParticle + i];
int r = rendererIndices[firstParticle + i];
// <<2 = multiply by 4 to get byte address, since a float/int is 4 bytes in size.
// particle data is the same for all 4 vertices:
for (uint v = i*4; v < i*4 + 4; ++v)
int base = v*23;
// pos
vertices.Store4(base<<2, asuint(float4(positions[p].xyz, 1)));
// color:
vertices.Store4((base+7)<<2, asuint(colors[p] * rendererData[r].color));
// b1, b2, b3:
vertices.Store4((base+11)<<2, asuint( float4(rotate_vector(orientations[p],float3(1,0,0)),radii[p].x * radii[p].w * rendererData[r].radiusScale) ));
vertices.Store4((base+15)<<2, asuint( float4(rotate_vector(orientations[p],float3(0,1,0)),radii[p].y * radii[p].w * rendererData[r].radiusScale) ));
vertices.Store4((base+19)<<2, asuint( float4(rotate_vector(orientations[p],float3(0,0,1)),radii[p].z * radii[p].w * rendererData[r].radiusScale) ));
//different offset for each vertex:
int base = i*4;
vertices.Store3((base*23 + 4)<<2, asuint(float3(1,1,0)));
vertices.Store3(((base+1)*23 + 4)<<2, asuint(float3(-1,1,0)));
vertices.Store3(((base+2)*23 + 4)<<2, asuint(float3(-1,-1,0)));
vertices.Store3(((base+3)*23 + 4)<<2, asuint(float3(1,-1,0)));
// indices:
indices.Store((i*6)<<2, asuint(i*4+2));
indices.Store((i*6+1)<<2, asuint(i*4+1));
indices.Store((i*6+2)<<2, asuint(i*4));
indices.Store((i*6+3)<<2, asuint(i*4+3));
indices.Store((i*6+4)<<2, asuint(i*4+2));
indices.Store((i*6+5)<<2, asuint(i*4));