126 lines
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126 lines
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#include "MathUtils.cginc"
#include "SurfacePoint.cginc"
void GetInterpolatedSimplexData(in int simplexStart,
in int simplexSize,
StructuredBuffer<int> simplices,
StructuredBuffer<float4> positions,
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> orientations,
StructuredBuffer<float4> radii,
float4 convexBary,
inout float4 convexPoint,
inout float4 convexRadii,
inout float4 convexOrientation)
convexPoint = FLOAT4_ZERO;
convexRadii = FLOAT4_ZERO;
convexOrientation = quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < simplexSize; ++j)
int particle = simplices[simplexStart + j];
convexPoint += positions[particle] * convexBary[j];
convexRadii += radii[particle] * convexBary[j];
convexOrientation += orientations[particle] * convexBary[j];
convexPoint.w = 0;
// Frank-Wolfe convex optimization algorithm. Returns closest point to a simplex in a signed distance function.
void FrankWolfe(in IDistanceFunction f,
in int simplexStart,
in int simplexSize,
StructuredBuffer<float4> positions,
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> orientations,
StructuredBuffer<float4> radii,
StructuredBuffer<int> simplices,
inout float4 convexPoint,
inout float4 convexThickness,
inout quaternion convexOrientation,
inout float4 convexBary,
inout SurfacePoint pointInFunction,
int maxIterations,
float tolerance)
for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; ++i)
// sample target function:
f.Evaluate(convexPoint, convexThickness, convexOrientation, pointInFunction);
// find descent direction:
int descent = 0;
float gap = FLT_MIN;
for (int j = 0; j < simplexSize; ++j)
int particle = simplices[simplexStart + j];
float4 candidate = positions[particle] - convexPoint;
candidate.w = 0;
// here, we adjust the candidate by projecting it to the engrosed simplex's surface:
candidate -= pointInFunction.normal * (radii[particle].x - convexThickness.x);
float corr = dot(-pointInFunction.normal, candidate);
if (corr > gap)
descent = j;
gap = corr;
// if the duality gap is below tolerance threshold, stop iterating.
if (gap < tolerance)
// update the barycentric coords using 2/(i+2) as the step factor
float stp = 0.3f * 2.0f / (i + 2);
convexBary *= 1 - stp;
case 0: convexBary[0] += stp;break;
case 1: convexBary[1] += stp;break;
case 2: convexBary[2] += stp;break;
case 3: convexBary[3] += stp;break;
// get cartesian coordinates of current solution:
GetInterpolatedSimplexData(simplexStart, simplexSize, simplices, positions, orientations, radii, convexBary, convexPoint, convexThickness, convexOrientation);
SurfacePoint Optimize(in IDistanceFunction f,
StructuredBuffer<float4> positions,
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> orientations,
StructuredBuffer<float4> radii,
StructuredBuffer<int> simplices,
in int simplexStart,
in int simplexSize,
inout float4 convexBary,
out float4 convexPoint,
in int maxIterations = 16,
in float tolerance = 0.004f)
SurfacePoint pointInFunction;
// get cartesian coordinates of the initial guess:
float4 convexThickness;
quaternion convexOrientation;
GetInterpolatedSimplexData(simplexStart, simplexSize, simplices, positions, orientations, radii, convexBary, convexPoint, convexThickness, convexOrientation);
// for a 0-simplex (point), perform a single evaluation:
if (simplexSize == 1 || maxIterations < 1)
f.Evaluate(convexPoint, convexThickness, convexOrientation, pointInFunction);
// for a 1-simplex (edge), perform golden ratio search:
//else if (simplexSize == 2)
// GoldenSearch(ref function, simplexStart, simplexSize, positions, orientations, radii, simplices, ref convexPoint, ref convexThickness, ref convexOrientation, ref convexBary, ref pointInFunction, maxIterations, tolerance * 10);
// for higher-order simplices, use general Frank-Wolfe convex optimization:
FrankWolfe(f, simplexStart, simplexSize, positions, orientations, radii, simplices, convexPoint, convexThickness, convexOrientation, convexBary, pointInFunction, maxIterations, tolerance);
return pointInFunction;
#endif |