杨号敬 bcc74f0465 add
2024-12-18 02:18:45 +08:00

236 lines
7.9 KiB

#pragma kernel ParallelTransport
#pragma kernel Decimate
#pragma kernel ChaikinSmooth
#include "PathFrame.cginc"
struct smootherPathData
uint smoothing;
float decimation;
float twist;
float restLength;
float smoothLength;
bool usesOrientedParticles;
StructuredBuffer<float4> renderablePositions;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> renderableOrientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> principalRadii;
StructuredBuffer<float4> colors;
RWStructuredBuffer<smootherPathData> pathData;
StructuredBuffer<int> particleIndices;
RWStructuredBuffer<pathFrame> pathFrames;
StructuredBuffer<int> frameOffsets;
RWStructuredBuffer<int> decimatedFrameCounts;
RWStructuredBuffer<pathFrame> smoothFrames;
StructuredBuffer<int> smoothFrameOffsets;
RWStructuredBuffer<int> smoothFrameCounts;
// Variables set from the CPU
uint chunkCount;
void PathFrameFromParticle(inout pathFrame frame, int particleIndex, bool useOrientedParticles, bool interpolateOrientation = false)
// Update current frame values from particles:
frame.position = renderablePositions[particleIndex].xyz;
frame.thickness = principalRadii[particleIndex][0];
frame.color = colors[particleIndex];
// Use particle orientation if possible:
if (useOrientedParticles)
quaternion current = renderableOrientations[particleIndex];
quaternion previous = renderableOrientations[max(0, particleIndex - 1)];
float4x4 average = q_toMatrix(interpolateOrientation ? q_slerp(current, previous, 0.5f) : current);
frame.normal = average._m01_m11_m21;
frame.binormal = average._m00_m10_m20;
frame.tangent = average._m02_m12_m22;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void ParallelTransport (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= chunkCount) return;
pathFrame nextFrame;
pathFrame currFrame;
pathFrame prevFrame;
int firstIndex = i > 0 ? frameOffsets[i - 1] : 0;
int frameCount = frameOffsets[i] - firstIndex;
// initialize current and previous frame:
PathFrameFromParticle(currFrame, particleIndices[firstIndex], pathData[i].usesOrientedParticles, false);
prevFrame = currFrame;
// parallel transport:
for (int m = 1; m <= frameCount; ++m)
int index = firstIndex + min(m, frameCount - 1);
int pIndex = particleIndices[index];
// generate curve frame from particle:
PathFrameFromParticle(nextFrame, pIndex, pathData[i].usesOrientedParticles);
if (pathData[i].usesOrientedParticles)
// copy frame directly.
prevFrame = currFrame;
// perform parallel transport, using forward / backward average to calculate tangent.
// if the average is too small, reuse the previous frame tangent.
currFrame.tangent = normalizesafe((currFrame.position - prevFrame.position) +
(nextFrame.position - currFrame.position), prevFrame.tangent);
prevFrame.Transport(currFrame, pathData[i].twist);
// advance current frame:
currFrame = nextFrame;
pathFrames[firstIndex + m - 1] = prevFrame;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Decimate (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= chunkCount) return;
int firstInputIndex = i > 0 ? frameOffsets[i - 1] : 0;
int inputFrameCount = frameOffsets[i] - firstInputIndex;
// no decimation, no work to do, just return:
if (pathData[i].decimation < 0.00001f || inputFrameCount < 3)
decimatedFrameCounts[i] = inputFrameCount;
float scaledThreshold = pathData[i].decimation * pathData[i].decimation * 0.01f;
int start = 0;
int end = inputFrameCount - 1;
decimatedFrameCounts[i] = 0;
while (start < end)
// add starting point:
pathFrames[firstInputIndex + decimatedFrameCounts[i]++] = pathFrames[firstInputIndex + start];
int newEnd = end;
while (true)
int maxDistanceIndex = 0;
float maxDistance = 0;
float mu;
// find the point that's furthest away from the current segment:
for (int j = start + 1; j < newEnd; j++)
float3 nearest = NearestPointOnEdge(pathFrames[firstInputIndex + start].position,
pathFrames[firstInputIndex + newEnd].position,
pathFrames[firstInputIndex + j].position, mu);
float3 delta = nearest - pathFrames[firstInputIndex + j].position;
float d = dot(delta,delta);
if (d > maxDistance)
maxDistanceIndex = j;
maxDistance = d;
if (maxDistance <= scaledThreshold)
newEnd = maxDistanceIndex;
start = newEnd;
// add the last point:
pathFrames[firstInputIndex + decimatedFrameCounts[i]++] = pathFrames[firstInputIndex + end];
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void ChaikinSmooth (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= chunkCount) return;
int firstInputIndex = i > 0 ? frameOffsets[i - 1] : 0;
int inputFrameCount = decimatedFrameCounts[i];
int firstOutputIndex = smoothFrameOffsets[i];
int k = (int)pathData[i].smoothing;
// No work to do. just copy the input to the output:
if (k == 0)
smoothFrameCounts[i] = inputFrameCount;
for (int j = 0; j < inputFrameCount; ++j)
smoothFrames[firstOutputIndex + j] = pathFrames[firstInputIndex + j];
// precalculate some quantities:
int pCount = (int)pow(2, k);
int n0 = inputFrameCount - 1;
float twoRaisedToMinusKPlus1 = pow(2, -(k + 1));
float twoRaisedToMinusK = pow(2, -k);
float twoRaisedToMinus2K = pow(2, -2 * k);
float twoRaisedToMinus2KMinus1 = pow(2, -2 * k - 1);
smoothFrameCounts[i] = (inputFrameCount - 2) * pCount + 2;
// calculate initial curve points:
smoothFrames[firstOutputIndex] = addFrames(multiplyFrame(0.5f + twoRaisedToMinusKPlus1 , pathFrames[firstInputIndex]) , multiplyFrame(0.5f - twoRaisedToMinusKPlus1, pathFrames[firstInputIndex + 1]));
smoothFrames[firstOutputIndex + pCount * n0 - pCount + 1] = addFrames(multiplyFrame(0.5f - twoRaisedToMinusKPlus1, pathFrames[firstInputIndex + n0 - 1]) , multiplyFrame(0.5f + twoRaisedToMinusKPlus1, pathFrames[firstInputIndex + n0]));
// calculate internal points:
for (int j = 1; j <= pCount; ++j)
// precalculate coefficients:
float F = 0.5f - twoRaisedToMinusKPlus1 - (j - 1) * (twoRaisedToMinusK - j * twoRaisedToMinus2KMinus1);
float G = 0.5f + twoRaisedToMinusKPlus1 + (j - 1) * (twoRaisedToMinusK - j * twoRaisedToMinus2K);
float H = (j - 1) * j * twoRaisedToMinus2KMinus1;
for (int l = 1; l < n0; ++l)
WeightedSum(F, G, H,
pathFrames[firstInputIndex + l - 1],
pathFrames[firstInputIndex + l],
pathFrames[firstInputIndex + l + 1],
smoothFrames[firstOutputIndex + (l - 1) * pCount + j]);
// make first and last curve points coincide with original points:
smoothFrames[firstOutputIndex] = pathFrames[firstInputIndex];
smoothFrames[firstOutputIndex + smoothFrameCounts[i] - 1] = pathFrames[firstInputIndex + inputFrameCount - 1];
// calculate path lengths:
pathData[i].smoothLength = 0;
for (int j = firstOutputIndex + 1; j < firstOutputIndex + smoothFrameCounts[i]; ++j)
pathData[i].smoothLength += distance(smoothFrames[j-1].position, smoothFrames[j].position);