145 lines
4.6 KiB
145 lines
4.6 KiB
#pragma kernel UpdateSoftbodyMesh
#include "MathUtils.cginc"
struct Influence
int index;
float weight;
struct SkinmapData
int firstInfluence;
int firstInfNumber;
int firstParticleBindPose;
int firstSkinWeight;
int firstSkinWeightNumber;
int firstBoneBindPose;
int bindPoseCount;
struct SkeletonData
int firstBone;
int boneCount;
struct MeshData
int firstVertex;
int vertexCount;
int firstTriangle;
int triangleCount;
StructuredBuffer<int> particleIndices;
StructuredBuffer<int> rendererIndices; // for each vertex/particle, index of its renderer.
StructuredBuffer<float4> renderablePositions;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> renderableOrientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> restPositions;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> restOrientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> colors;
StructuredBuffer<int> skinConstraintOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<int> skinmapIndices; // for each renderer, index of its skinmap.
StructuredBuffer<int> meshIndices; // for each renderer, index of its mesh.
StructuredBuffer<int> skeletonIndices; // for each renderer, index of its skeleton.
StructuredBuffer<int> particleOffsets; // for each renderer, index of its first particle in the batch.
StructuredBuffer<int> vertexOffsets; // for each renderer, index of its first vertex in the batch.
StructuredBuffer<SkinmapData> skinData;
StructuredBuffer<Influence> influences;
StructuredBuffer<int> influenceOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<float4x4> bindPoses;
StructuredBuffer<SkeletonData> skeletonData;
StructuredBuffer<float3> bonePos;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> boneRot;
StructuredBuffer<float3> boneScl;
StructuredBuffer<MeshData> meshData;
StructuredBuffer<float3> positions;
StructuredBuffer<float3> normals;
StructuredBuffer<float4> tangents;
RWByteAddressBuffer vertices;
// Variables set from the CPU
uint vertexCount;
float4x4 world2Solver;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void UpdateSoftbodyMesh (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= vertexCount) return;
int rendererIndex = rendererIndices[i];
// get skin map and mesh data:
SkinmapData skin = skinData[skinmapIndices[rendererIndex]];
MeshData mesh = meshData[meshIndices[rendererIndex]];
SkeletonData skel = skeletonData[skeletonIndices[rendererIndex]];
// get index of this vertex in its original mesh:
int originalVertexIndex = i - vertexOffsets[rendererIndex];
// get index of the vertex in the mesh batch:
int batchedVertexIndex = mesh.firstVertex + originalVertexIndex;
// get first influence and amount of influences for this vertex:
int influenceStart = influenceOffsets[skin.firstInfNumber + originalVertexIndex];
int influenceCount = influenceOffsets[skin.firstInfNumber + originalVertexIndex + 1] - influenceStart;
float3 position = float3(0,0,0);
float3 normal = float3(0,0,0);
float4 tangent = FLOAT4_ZERO;
float4 color = FLOAT4_ZERO;
for (int k = influenceStart; k < influenceStart + influenceCount; ++k)
Influence inf = influences[skin.firstInfluence + k];
float4x4 trfm;
if (inf.index < skin.bindPoseCount) // bone influence:
int boneIndex = skel.firstBone + inf.index;
int bindIndex = skin.firstParticleBindPose + inf.index;
float4x4 bind = bindPoses[bindIndex];
float4x4 deform = inf.index < skel.boneCount ? TRS(bonePos[boneIndex], boneRot[boneIndex], boneScl[boneIndex]) : FLOAT4X4_IDENTITY;
// bone skinning leaves vertices in world space, so convert to solver space afterwards:
trfm = mul(world2Solver, mul(deform, bind));
else // particle influence
int p = particleIndices[particleOffsets[rendererIndex] + inf.index - skin.bindPoseCount];
float4x4 deform = mul(m_translate(FLOAT4X4_IDENTITY,renderablePositions[p].xyz), q_toMatrix(renderableOrientations[p]));
trfm = mul(deform, bindPoses[skin.firstParticleBindPose + inf.index]);
color += colors[p] * inf.weight;
// update vertex/normal/tangent:
position += mul(trfm, float4(positions[batchedVertexIndex], 1)).xyz * inf.weight;
normal += mul(trfm, float4(normals[batchedVertexIndex], 0)).xyz * inf.weight;
tangent += float4(mul(trfm, float4(tangents[batchedVertexIndex].xyz, 0)).xyz, tangents[batchedVertexIndex].w) * inf.weight;
int base = i * 14;
vertices.Store3( base<<2, asuint(position));
vertices.Store3((base + 3)<<2, asuint(normal));
vertices.Store4((base + 6)<<2, asuint(tangent));
vertices.Store4((base + 10)<<2, asuint(color));
} |