327 lines
12 KiB
327 lines
12 KiB
#pragma kernel UpdateDensities
#pragma kernel Apply
#pragma kernel ApplyPositionDeltas
#pragma kernel ApplyAtmosphere
#pragma kernel AccumulateSmoothPositions
#pragma kernel AccumulateAnisotropy
#pragma kernel AverageAnisotropy
#include "MathUtils.cginc"
#include "Quaternion.cginc"
#include "AtomicDeltas.cginc"
#include "FluidKernels.cginc"
StructuredBuffer<uint> neighbors;
StructuredBuffer<uint> neighborCounts;
StructuredBuffer<int> sortedToOriginal;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedPositions;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedPrevPositions;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedFluidMaterials;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedFluidInterface;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedPrincipalRadii;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedUserData;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> sortedFluidData;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> prevOrientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> wind;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> fluidData;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> positions;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> orientations;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> velocities;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> userData;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> normals;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> massCenters;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> prevMassCenters;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> renderablePositions;
RWStructuredBuffer<quaternion> renderableOrientations;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> renderableRadii;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4x4> anisotropies;
StructuredBuffer<uint> dispatchBuffer;
// Variables set from the CPU
uint maxNeighbors;
float deltaTime;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void UpdateDensities (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
float4 positionA = sortedPositions[i];
float4 fluidMaterialA = sortedFluidMaterials[i];
// self-contribution:
float avgKernel = Poly6(0,fluidMaterialA.x);
float restVolumeA = pow(abs(sortedPrincipalRadii[i].x * 2),3-mode); // in 2D, mode == 1 so amount of dimensions is 2.
float grad = restVolumeA * Spiky(0,fluidMaterialA.x);
float4 fluidDataA = float4(avgKernel,0,grad,grad*grad);
float4 massCenterA = avgKernel * float4(positionA.xyz, 1) / positionA.w;
float4 prevMassCenterA = avgKernel * float4(sortedPrevPositions[i].xyz, 1) / positionA.w;
float4x4 anisotropyA = avgKernel * (multrnsp4(positionA, sortedPrevPositions[i]) + FLOAT4X4_IDENTITY * 0.2 * sortedPrincipalRadii[i].x * sortedPrincipalRadii[i].x) / positionA.w;
float4 fluidMaterialB;
float4 positionB;
// iterate over neighborhood, calculate density and gradient.
uint count = min(maxNeighbors, neighborCounts[i]);
for (uint j = 0; j < count; ++j)
int n = neighbors[maxNeighbors * i + j];
fluidMaterialB = sortedFluidMaterials[n];
positionB = sortedPositions[n];
float dist = length((positionA - positionB).xyz);
float avgKernel = (Poly6(dist,fluidMaterialA.x) + Poly6(dist,fluidMaterialB.x)) * 0.5f;
float restVolumeB = pow(abs(sortedPrincipalRadii[n].x * 2),3-mode);
float grad = restVolumeB * Spiky(dist,fluidMaterialA.x);
fluidDataA += float4(restVolumeB / restVolumeA * avgKernel,0,grad,grad*grad);
// accumulate masses for COMs and moment matrices:
massCenterA += avgKernel * float4(positionB.xyz, 1) / positionB.w;
prevMassCenterA += avgKernel * float4(sortedPrevPositions[n].xyz, 1) / positionB.w;
anisotropyA += avgKernel * (multrnsp4(positionB, sortedPrevPositions[n]) + FLOAT4X4_IDENTITY * 0.2 * sortedPrincipalRadii[n].x * sortedPrincipalRadii[n].x) / positionB.w;
// self particle contribution to density and gradient:
fluidDataA[3] += fluidDataA[2] * fluidDataA[2];
// usually, we'd weight density by mass (density contrast formulation) by dividing by invMass. Then, multiply by invMass when
// calculating the state equation (density / restDensity - 1, restDensity = mass / volume, so density * invMass * restVolume - 1
// We end up with density / invMass * invMass * restVolume - 1, invMass cancels out.
float constraint = max(0, fluidDataA[0] * restVolumeA - 1);
// calculate lambda:
fluidDataA[1] = -constraint / (positionA.w * fluidDataA[3] + EPSILON);
// get total neighborhood mass:
float M = massCenterA[3];
massCenterA /= massCenterA[3];
prevMassCenterA /= prevMassCenterA[3];
// update moment:
anisotropyA -= M * multrnsp4(massCenterA, prevMassCenterA);
// extract neighborhood orientation delta:
renderableOrientations[i] = ExtractRotation(anisotropyA, QUATERNION_IDENTITY, 2);
sortedFluidData[i] = fluidDataA;
massCenters[i] = massCenterA;
prevMassCenters[i] = prevMassCenterA;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Apply (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
float restVolumeA = pow(abs(sortedPrincipalRadii[i].x * 2),3-mode);
float4 fluidMaterialA = sortedFluidMaterials[i];
float4 positionA = sortedPositions[i];
float4 prevPositionA = sortedPrevPositions[i];
float4 massCenterA = massCenters[i];
float lambdaA = sortedFluidData[i][1];
float4 fluidMaterialB;
float4 fluidInterfaceB;
float4 massCenterB;
float4 positionB;
float4 pressureDelta = FLOAT4_ZERO;
float4 viscVortDelta = FLOAT4_ZERO;
uint count = min(maxNeighbors, neighborCounts[i]);
for (uint j = 0; j < count; ++j)
int n = neighbors[maxNeighbors * i + j];
fluidMaterialB = sortedFluidMaterials[n];
massCenterB = massCenters[n];
positionB = sortedPositions[n];
float4 normal = float4((positionA - positionB).xyz,0);
float dist = length(normal);
float restVolumeB = pow(abs(sortedPrincipalRadii[n].x * 2),3-mode);
// calculate lambda correction due to polarity (cohesion):
float cAvg = (Cohesion(dist,fluidMaterialA.x * 1.4) + Cohesion(dist,fluidMaterialB.x * 1.4)) * 0.5;
float st = 0.2 * cAvg * (1 - saturate(abs(fluidMaterialA.y - fluidMaterialB.y))) * (fluidMaterialA.y + fluidMaterialB.y) * 0.5;
float scorrA = -st / (positionA.w * sortedFluidData[i][3] + EPSILON);
float scorrB = -st / (positionB.w * sortedFluidData[n][3] + EPSILON);
float avgGradient = (Spiky(dist,fluidMaterialA.x) + Spiky(dist,fluidMaterialB.x)) * 0.5;
pressureDelta += normal / (dist + EPSILON) * avgGradient * ((lambdaA + scorrA) * restVolumeB + (sortedFluidData[n][1] + scorrB) * restVolumeA);
// viscosity and vorticity:
float4 viscGoal = float4(massCenterB.xyz + rotate_vector(renderableOrientations[n], (prevPositionA - prevMassCenters[n]).xyz), 0);
float4 vortGoal = float4(massCenterB.xyz + rotate_vector(renderableOrientations[n], (positionA - massCenterB).xyz), 0);
viscVortDelta += (viscGoal - positionA) * fluidMaterialB.z + (vortGoal - positionA) * fluidMaterialB.w * 0.1;
// viscosity and vorticity:
float4 viscGoal = float4(massCenterA.xyz + rotate_vector(renderableOrientations[i], (prevPositionA - prevMassCenters[i]).xyz), 0);
float4 vortGoal = float4(massCenterA.xyz + rotate_vector(renderableOrientations[i], (positionA - massCenterA).xyz), 0);
viscVortDelta += (viscGoal - positionA) * fluidMaterialA.z + (vortGoal - positionA) * fluidMaterialA.w * 0.1;
AddPositionDelta(sortedToOriginal[i], pressureDelta * positionA.w + viscVortDelta / (neighborCounts[i] + 1));
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void ApplyPositionDeltas (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
int p = sortedToOriginal[i];
ApplyPositionDelta(positions, p, 1);
orientations[p] = qmul(renderableOrientations[i], prevOrientations[p]);
fluidData[p] = sortedFluidData[i];
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void ApplyAtmosphere (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
int originalIndex = sortedToOriginal[i];
float4 normal = FLOAT4_ZERO;
float restVolumeA = pow(abs(sortedPrincipalRadii[i].x * 2),3 - mode);
float4 positionA = sortedPositions[i];
float radiiA = sortedFluidMaterials[i].x;
float4 userDataA = sortedUserData[i];
uint count = min(maxNeighbors, neighborCounts[i]);
for (uint j = 0; j < count; ++j)
int n = neighbors[maxNeighbors * i + j];
float restVolumeB = pow(abs(sortedPrincipalRadii[n].x * 2),3 - mode);
float radiiB = sortedFluidMaterials[n].x;
float4 dir = positionA - sortedPositions[n];
float dist = length(dir);
float avgKernel = (Poly6(dist,radiiA) + Poly6(dist,radiiB)) * 0.5f;
float avgGradient = (Spiky(dist,radiiA) + Spiky(dist,radiiB)) * 0.5;
// property diffusion:
float diffusionSpeed = (sortedFluidInterface[i].w + sortedFluidInterface[n].w) * avgKernel * deltaTime;
float4 userDelta = (sortedUserData[n] - userDataA) * diffusionSpeed;
userDataA += restVolumeB / restVolumeA * userDelta;
// calculate color field normal:
float radius = (radiiA + radiiB) * 0.5f;
float4 vgrad = dir / (dist + EPSILON) * avgGradient;
normal += vgrad * radius * restVolumeB;
// particles near the surface should experience drag:
float4 velocityDiff = velocities[originalIndex] - wind[originalIndex];
velocities[originalIndex] -= sortedFluidInterface[i].x * velocityDiff * max(0, 1 - fluidData[i][0] * restVolumeA) * deltaTime;
// ambient pressure:
velocities[originalIndex] += sortedFluidInterface[i].y * normal * deltaTime;
normals[originalIndex] = normal;
userData[originalIndex] = userDataA;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void AccumulateSmoothPositions (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int p1 = id.x;
if (p1 >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
anisotropies[p1] = FLOAT4X4_ZERO;
float4 renderablePositionA = renderablePositions[p1];
float radiiA = sortedFluidMaterials[p1].x;
float4 avgPosition = float4(renderablePositionA.xyz, 1);//FLOAT4_ZERO;
uint count = min(maxNeighbors, neighborCounts[p1]);
for (uint j = 0; j < count; ++j)
int p2 = neighbors[maxNeighbors * p1 + j];
float4 renderablePositionB = renderablePositions[p2];
float dist = length((renderablePositionA - renderablePositionB).xyz);
float avgKernel = (Poly6(dist,radiiA) + Poly6(dist,sortedFluidMaterials[p2].x)) * 0.5;
avgPosition += float4(renderablePositionB.xyz,1) * avgKernel;
anisotropies[p1]._m03_m13_m23_m33 = avgPosition / avgPosition.w;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void AccumulateAnisotropy (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int p1 = id.x;
if (p1 >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
float4x4 anisotropyA = anisotropies[p1];
float4 renderablePositionA = renderablePositions[p1];
float radiiA = sortedFluidMaterials[p1].x;
uint count = min(maxNeighbors, neighborCounts[p1]);
for (uint j = 0; j < count; ++j)
int p2 = neighbors[maxNeighbors * p1 + j];
float4 renderablePositionB = renderablePositions[p2];
float dist = length((renderablePositionA - renderablePositionB).xyz);
float avgKernel = (Poly6(dist,radiiA) + Poly6(dist,sortedFluidMaterials[p2].x)) * 0.5;
float4 r = (renderablePositionB - anisotropyA._m03_m13_m23_m33) * avgKernel;
anisotropyA += multrnsp4(r, r);
anisotropies[p1] = anisotropyA;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void AverageAnisotropy (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
int o = sortedToOriginal[i];
if (anisotropies[i]._m00 + anisotropies[i]._m11 + anisotropies[i]._m22 > 0.01f)
float3 singularValues;
float3x3 u;
EigenSolve((float3x3)anisotropies[i], singularValues, u);
float maxVal = singularValues[0];
float3 s = max(singularValues, maxVal / maxAnisotropy) / maxVal * sortedPrincipalRadii[i].x;
renderableOrientations[o] = q_look_at(u._m02_m12_m22,u._m01_m11_m21);
renderableRadii[o] = float4(s.xyz,1);
float radius = sortedPrincipalRadii[i].x / maxAnisotropy;
renderableOrientations[o] = QUATERNION_IDENTITY;
renderableRadii[o] = float4(radius,radius,radius,1);
fluidData[o].x = 1 / pow(abs(radius * 2),3-mode); // normal volume of an isolated particle.
renderablePositions[o] = lerp(renderablePositions[o],anisotropies[i]._m03_m13_m23_m33,min((maxAnisotropy - 1)/3.0f,1));