杨号敬 bcc74f0465 add
2024-12-18 02:18:45 +08:00

433 lines
14 KiB

#pragma kernel SortFluidData
#pragma kernel Emit
#pragma kernel CopyAliveCount
#pragma kernel Update
#pragma kernel Copy
#pragma kernel Sort
#pragma kernel ClearMesh
#pragma kernel BuildMesh
#include "InterlockedUtils.cginc"
#include "MathUtils.cginc"
#include "GridUtils.cginc"
#include "Simplex.cginc"
#include "Bounds.cginc"
#include "SolverParameters.cginc"
#include "FluidKernels.cginc"
StructuredBuffer<int> sortedToOriginal;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> sortedPositions;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> sortedVelocities;
RWStructuredBuffer<quaternion> sortedOrientations;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> sortedRadii;
StructuredBuffer<uint> cellOffsets; // start of each cell in the sorted item array.
StructuredBuffer<uint> cellCounts; // number of item in each cell.
StructuredBuffer<int> gridHashToSortedIndex;
StructuredBuffer<aabb> solverBounds;
StructuredBuffer<uint> fluidSimplices;
StructuredBuffer<int> activeParticles;
StructuredBuffer<float4> positions;
StructuredBuffer<float4> orientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> velocities;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> angularVelocities;
StructuredBuffer<float4> principalRadii;
StructuredBuffer<float4> fluidMaterial;
StructuredBuffer<float4> fluidData;
StructuredBuffer<float4> inputPositions; // w component is distance to camera
StructuredBuffer<float4> inputVelocities; // w component is buoyancy
StructuredBuffer<float4> inputColors; // rgba diffuse color
StructuredBuffer<float4> inputAttributes; // currentlifetime, maxlifetime, size, drag
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> outputPositions;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> outputVelocities;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> outputColors;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> outputAttributes;
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> dispatch;
RWByteAddressBuffer vertices;
RWByteAddressBuffer indices;
// Variables set from the CPU
uint activeParticleCount;
uint maxFoamParticles;
float2 vorticityRange;
float2 velocityRange;
float foamGenerationRate;
float potentialIncrease;
float potentialDiffusion;
float advectionRadius;
float lifetime;
float lifetimeRandom;
float particleSize;
float buoyancy;
float drag;
float airDrag;
float sizeRandom;
float isosurface;
float airAging;
float3 agingOverPopulation;
float4 foamColor;
float4 sortAxis;
const uint groupWidth;
const uint groupHeight;
const uint stepIndex;
float deltaTime;
static const int4 quadrantOffsets[] =
int4(0, 0, 0, 1),
int4(1, 0, 0, 1),
int4(0, 1, 0, 1),
int4(1, 1, 0, 1),
int4(0, 0, 1, 1),
int4(1, 0, 1, 1),
int4(0, 1, 1, 1),
int4(1, 1, 1, 1)
float3 hash33(float3 p3)
p3 = frac(p3 * float3(.1031, .1030, .0973));
p3 += dot(p3, p3.yxz+33.33);
return frac((p3.xxy + p3.yxx)*p3.zyx);
float hash13(float3 p3)
p3 = frac(p3 * .1031);
p3 += dot(p3, p3.zyx + 31.32);
return frac((p3.x + p3.y) * p3.z);
void RandomInCylinder(float seed, float4 pos1, float4 pos2, float radius, out float4 position, out float3 velocity)
float3 rand = hash33(lerp(pos1.xyz, pos2.xyz, seed));
float3 v = pos2.xyz - pos1.xyz;
float d = length(v);
float3 b1 = d > EPSILON ? v / d : v;
float3 b2 = normalizesafe(cross(b1, float3(1,0,0)));
float3 b3 = cross(b2, b1);
float theta = rand.y * 2 * PI;
float2 disc = radius * sqrt(rand.x) * float2(cos(theta),sin(theta));
velocity = b2 * disc.x + b3 * disc.y;
position = float4(pos1.xyz + b1 * d * rand.z + velocity,0);
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void SortFluidData (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatch[3]) return;
int original = sortedToOriginal[i];
sortedPositions[i] = float4(positions[original].xyz, 1 / fluidData[original].x);
sortedVelocities[i] = velocities[original];
sortedOrientations[i] = orientations[original];
sortedRadii[i] = fluidMaterial[original].x * (principalRadii[original] / principalRadii[original].x);
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Emit (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i = id.x;
if (i >= activeParticleCount) return;
int p = activeParticles[i];
float4 angVel = angularVelocities[p];
float2 potential = UnpackFloatRG(angVel.w);
// calculate fluid potential for foam generation:
float vorticityPotential = Remap01(length(angularVelocities[p]), vorticityRange.x, vorticityRange.y);
float velocityPotential = Remap01(length(velocities[p]), velocityRange.x, velocityRange.y);
float potentialDelta = velocityPotential * vorticityPotential * deltaTime * potentialIncrease;
// update foam potential:
potential.y = saturate(potential.y * potentialDiffusion + potentialDelta);
// calculate amount of emitted particles
potential.x += foamGenerationRate * potential.y * deltaTime;
int emitCount = (int)potential.x;
potential.x -= emitCount;
for (int j = 0; j < emitCount; ++j)
// atomically increment alive particle counter:
uint count;
InterlockedAdd(dispatch[3], 1, count);
if (count < maxFoamParticles)
// initialize foam particle in a random position inside the cylinder spawned by fluid particle:
float3 radialVelocity;
RandomInCylinder(j, positions[p], positions[p] + velocities[p] * deltaTime, principalRadii[p].x, outputPositions[count], radialVelocity);
// calculate initial life/size/color:
float initialLife = potential.y * (lifetime - hash13(positions[p].xyz) * lifetime * lifetimeRandom);
float initialSize = particleSize - hash13(positions[p].xyz + float3(0.51,0.23,0.1)) * particleSize * sizeRandom;
outputVelocities[count] = velocities[p] + float4(radialVelocity, buoyancy);
outputColors[count] = foamColor;
outputAttributes[count] = float4(1, 1/initialLife,initialSize,PackFloatRGBA(float4(airAging / 50.0, airDrag, drag, isosurface)));
angVel.w = PackFloatRG(potential);
angularVelocities[p] = angVel;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void CopyAliveCount (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
dispatch[0] = dispatch[3] / 128 + 1;
dispatch[8] = dispatch[3];
dispatch[4] = dispatch[7] = 0;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Update (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatch[8]) return;
uint count;
InterlockedAdd(dispatch[3], -1, count);
if (count < maxFoamParticles && inputAttributes[count].x > 0)
uint aliveCount;
InterlockedAdd(dispatch[7], 1, aliveCount);
InterlockedMax(dispatch[4],(aliveCount + 1) / 128 + 1);
float4 attributes = inputAttributes[count];
float4 packedData = UnpackFloatRGBA(attributes.w);
int offsetCount = (mode == 1) ? 4 : 8;
float4 advectedVelocity = FLOAT4_ZERO;
float kernelSum = -packedData.w;
int neighbourCount = 0;
float4 diffusePos = inputPositions[count];
for (uint m = 1; m <= levelPopulation[0]; ++m)
uint l = levelPopulation[m];
float radius = CellSizeOfLevel(l);
float interactionDist = radius * 0.5;
float4 cellCoords = floor((diffusePos - solverBounds[0].min_) / radius);
cellCoords[3] = 0;
if (mode == 1)
cellCoords[2] = 0;
float4 posInCell = diffusePos - (solverBounds[0].min_ + cellCoords * radius + float4(interactionDist,interactionDist,interactionDist,interactionDist));
int4 quadrant = (int4)sign(posInCell);
quadrant[3] = l;
for (int j = 0; j < offsetCount; ++j)
int4 neighborCoord = (int4)cellCoords + quadrantOffsets[j] * quadrant;
int cellIndex = gridHashToSortedIndex[GridHash(neighborCoord)];
uint n = cellOffsets[cellIndex];
uint end = n + cellCounts[cellIndex];
for (;n < end; ++n)
uint p = fluidSimplices[n];
int4 particleCoord = int4(floor((positions[p].xyz - solverBounds[0].min_.xyz)/ radius).xyz,l);
if (any (particleCoord - neighborCoord))
float4 normal = diffusePos - positions[p];
normal[3] = 0;
if (mode == 1)
normal[2] = 0;
float d = length(normal);
if (d <= interactionDist)
float3 radii = principalRadii[p].xyz;
normal.xyz = rotate_vector(q_conj(orientations[p]), normal.xyz) / radii;
d = length(normal.xyz) * radii.x;
// velocities.w is volume (1/normalized density):
float w = positions[p].w * Poly6(d, radii.x);
kernelSum += w;
advectedVelocity += velocities[p] * w;
float4 forces = FLOAT4_ZERO;
float velocityScale = 1;
float agingScale = 1 + Remap01(dispatch[8] / (float)maxFoamParticles,agingOverPopulation.x,agingOverPopulation.y) * (agingOverPopulation.z - 1);
// foam/bubble particle:
if (kernelSum > EPSILON && neighbourCount > 3)
// advection:
forces = packedData.z / deltaTime * (advectedVelocity / (kernelSum + packedData.w) - inputVelocities[count]);
// buoyancy:
forces -= float4(gravity,0) * inputVelocities[count].w * saturate(kernelSum);
else // spray:
// gravity:
forces += float4(gravity,0);
// atmospheric drag/aging:
velocityScale = packedData.y;
agingScale *= packedData.x * 50;
// don't change 4th component, as its used to store buoyancy control parameter.
forces[3] = 0;
// update particle data:
attributes.x -= attributes.y * deltaTime * agingScale;
outputAttributes[aliveCount] = attributes;
outputColors[aliveCount] = inputColors[count];
// integrate:
outputVelocities[aliveCount] = (inputVelocities[count] + forces * deltaTime) * velocityScale;
outputPositions[aliveCount] = float4((inputPositions[count] + outputVelocities[aliveCount] * deltaTime).xyz, neighbourCount);
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Copy (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i = id.x;
if (i == 0)
dispatch[0] = dispatch[4];
dispatch[3] = dispatch[7];
if (i >= dispatch[7]) return;
outputPositions[i] = inputPositions[i];
outputVelocities[i] = inputVelocities[i];
outputColors[i] = inputColors[i];
outputAttributes[i] = inputAttributes[i];
void Sort(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i = id.x;
uint hIndex = i & (groupWidth - 1);
uint indexLeft = hIndex + (groupHeight + 1) * (i / groupWidth);
uint rightStepSize = stepIndex == 0 ? groupHeight - 2 * hIndex : (groupHeight + 1) / 2;
uint indexRight = indexLeft + rightStepSize;
// Exit if out of bounds
if (indexRight >= dispatch[3]) return;
float4 posLeft = inputPositions[indexLeft];
float4 posRight = inputPositions[indexRight];
float4 velLeft = inputVelocities[indexLeft];
float4 velRight = inputVelocities[indexRight];
float4 colorLeft = inputColors[indexLeft];
float4 colorRight = inputColors[indexRight];
float4 attrLeft = inputAttributes[indexLeft];
float4 attrRight = inputAttributes[indexRight];
// calculate distance to camera:
float distLeft = dot(posLeft.xyz, sortAxis.xyz);
float distRight = dot(posRight.xyz, sortAxis.xyz);
// Swap entries if order is incorrect
if (distLeft < distRight)
outputPositions[indexLeft] = posRight;
outputPositions[indexRight] = posLeft;
outputVelocities[indexLeft] = velRight;
outputVelocities[indexRight] = velLeft;
outputColors[indexLeft] = colorRight;
outputColors[indexRight] = colorLeft;
outputAttributes[indexLeft] = attrRight;
outputAttributes[indexRight] = attrLeft;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void ClearMesh (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= maxFoamParticles) return;
indices.Store((i*6)<<2, 0);
indices.Store((i*6+1)<<2, 0);
indices.Store((i*6+2)<<2, 0);
indices.Store((i*6+3)<<2, 0);
indices.Store((i*6+4)<<2, 0);
indices.Store((i*6+5)<<2, 0);
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void BuildMesh (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatch[3]) return;
// <<2 = multiply by 4 to get byte address, since a float/int is 4 bytes in size.
// particle data is the same for all 4 vertices:
for (uint v = i*4; v < i*4 + 4; ++v)
int base = v*19;
// pos
vertices.Store4(base<<2, asuint(float4(inputPositions[i].xyz, 1)));
// color:
vertices.Store4((base+7)<<2, asuint( inputColors[i] ));
// velocity and attributes
vertices.Store4((base+11)<<2, asuint( inputVelocities[i] ));
vertices.Store4((base+15)<<2, asuint( inputAttributes[i] ));
//different offset for each vertex:
int base = i*4;
vertices.Store3((base*19 + 4)<<2, asuint(float3(1,1,0)));
vertices.Store3(((base+1)*19 + 4)<<2, asuint(float3(-1,1,0)));
vertices.Store3(((base+2)*19 + 4)<<2, asuint(float3(-1,-1,0)));
vertices.Store3(((base+3)*19 + 4)<<2, asuint(float3(1,-1,0)));
// indices:
indices.Store((i*6)<<2, asuint(i*4+2));
indices.Store((i*6+1)<<2, asuint(i*4+1));
indices.Store((i*6+2)<<2, asuint(i*4));
indices.Store((i*6+3)<<2, asuint(i*4+3));
indices.Store((i*6+4)<<2, asuint(i*4+2));
indices.Store((i*6+5)<<2, asuint(i*4));