605 lines
19 KiB
605 lines
19 KiB
#pragma kernel SampleSDF
#pragma kernel CalculateSurface
#pragma kernel Triangulate
#pragma kernel Smoothing
#pragma kernel FixArgsBuffer
#pragma kernel FillIndirectDrawBuffer
#include "MathUtils.cginc"
#include "Bounds.cginc"
#include "GridUtils.cginc"
#include "FluidChunkDefs.cginc"
#include "FluidKernels.cginc"
#include "SolverParameters.cginc"
#include "NormalCompression.cginc"
* y z
* ^ /
* |
* 6----7
* /| /|
* 2----3 |
* | 4--|-5
* |/ |/
* 0----1 --> x
* static Vector2Int[] cubeEdges =
* {
* new Vector2Int(7,3), 0
* new Vector2Int(7,5), 1
* new Vector2Int(7,6), 2
* new Vector2Int(6,4), 3 // x
* new Vector2Int(4,5), 4
* new Vector2Int(5,1), 5
* new Vector2Int(1,3), 6 // y
* new Vector2Int(3,2), 7
* new Vector2Int(2,6), 8
* new Vector2Int(4,0), 9 // z
* new Vector2Int(2,0), 10
* new Vector2Int(1,0) 11
* };
static const int4 faceNeighborEdges[] =
static const float3 corners[] =
float3(0, 0, 0), // 0
float3(1, 0, 0), // 1
float3(0, 1, 0), // 2
float3(1, 1, 0), // 3
float3(0, 0, 1), // 4
float3(1, 0, 1), // 5
float3(0, 1, 1), // 6
float3(1, 1, 1) // 7
static const int3 quadNeighborIndices[] =
int3(1, 3, 2), // x
int3(4, 5, 1), // y
int3(2, 6, 4), // z
static const int oppositeFaces[] =
7, //0
6, //1
5, //2
4, //3
3, //4
2, //5
1 //6
static const int3 quadWindingOrder[] = {
int3(0, 1 ,2),
int3(2, 1 ,0)
struct indirectDrawIndexedArgs
uint indexCountPerInstance;
uint instanceCount;
uint startIndex;
uint baseVertexIndex;
uint startInstance;
// particle grid data:
StructuredBuffer<aabb> solverBounds;
StructuredBuffer<uint> cellOffsets; // start of each cell in the sorted item array.
StructuredBuffer<uint> cellCounts; // number of item in each cell.
StructuredBuffer<int> gridHashToSortedIndex;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedPositions;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedVelocities;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedPrincipalRadii;
StructuredBuffer<float4> sortedColors;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> sortedOrientations;
// voxel data:
StructuredBuffer<int3> chunkCoords; // for each chunk, spatial coordinates.
StructuredBuffer<keyvalue> hashtable; // size: maxChunks entries.
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> voxelToVertex; // for each voxel, index into the vertices array in case the voxel spawns a vertex, INVALID otherwise.
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> vertexAdjacency; // indices of adjacent face voxels for each voxel.
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> voxelVelocities; // for each voxel, fluid velocity value. We are reusing the same ComputeBuffer used for vertexAdjacency.
// edge LUTs
StructuredBuffer<int2> edges;
StructuredBuffer<int> edgeTable;
// mesh data:
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> verts;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> outputVerts;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> colors;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> velocities;
RWStructuredBuffer<int> quads;
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> dispatchBuffer;
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> dispatchBuffer2;
RWStructuredBuffer<indirectDrawIndexedArgs> indirectBuffer;
uint currentBatch;
float isosurface;
uint descentIterations;
float descentIsosurface;
float descentSpeed;
float smoothing;
float bevel;
uint dispatchMultiplier;
uint countMultiplier;
uint instanceCount;
uint voxelCoordToOffset(int3 coord)
if (mode == 1)
return (int)EncodeMorton2((uint2)coord.xy);
else return (int)EncodeMorton3((uint3)coord.xyz);
uint LookupChunk(int3 coords)
uint key = VoxelID(coords);
uint slot = hash(key);
for (uint i = 0; i < maxChunks; ++i) // at most, check the entire table.
if (hashtable[slot].key == key)
return hashtable[slot].handle;
if (hashtable[slot].key == INVALID)
return INVALID;
slot = (slot + 1) % maxChunks;
return INVALID;
uint GetVoxelIndex(int3 chunkCoords, int3 voxelCoords, int voxelsInChunk)
int3 mask = voxelCoords < 0 ? -1 : voxelCoords / chunkResolution;
uint chunk = LookupChunk(chunkCoords + mask);
return chunk == INVALID ? INVALID : chunk * voxelsInChunk + voxelCoordToOffset(nfmod(voxelCoords, chunkResolution));
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void SampleSDF (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) // one thread per voxel,
uint i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
int voxelsInChunk = (int)pow(chunkResolution, 3 - mode); // 64 voxels in 3D, 16 in 2D.
// calculate chunk index:
int chunkIndex = i / voxelsInChunk;
// get offset of voxel within chunk:
int cornerOffset = i - chunkIndex * voxelsInChunk;
int3 voxelCoords;
if (mode == 1)
voxelCoords = (int3)DecodeMorton2((uint)cornerOffset);
voxelCoords = (int3)DecodeMorton3((uint)cornerOffset);
int3 cornerCoords= chunkCoords[chunkIndex] * chunkResolution + voxelCoords;
// calculate sampling position:
float3 samplePos = chunkGridOrigin + cornerCoords * voxelSize;
float dist = isosurface;
float4 color = FLOAT4_ZERO;
float4 velocity = FLOAT4_ZERO;
for (uint m = 1; m <= levelPopulation[0]; ++m)
uint l = levelPopulation[m];
float cellSize = CellSizeOfLevel(l);
int3 cell = floor((samplePos - solverBounds[0].min_.xyz) / cellSize); // TODO: not necessary to subtract solverBounds?
int3 minCell = cell - 1;
int3 maxCell = cell + 1;
if (mode == 1)
minCell[2] = maxCell[2] = 0;
for (int x = minCell[0]; x <= maxCell[0]; ++x)
for (int y = minCell[1]; y <= maxCell[1]; ++y)
for (int z = minCell[2]; z <= maxCell[2]; ++z)
int4 neighborCoord = int4(x, y, z, l);
int cellIndex = gridHashToSortedIndex[GridHash(neighborCoord)];
uint n = cellOffsets[cellIndex];
uint end = n + cellCounts[cellIndex];
for (;n < end; ++n)
float3 radii = sortedPrincipalRadii[n].xyz;
// due to hash collisions, two neighboring cells might map to the same
// hash bucket, and we'll add the same set of particles twice to the neighbors list.
// So we only consider particles that have the same spatial coordinates as the cell.
uint level = GridLevelForSize(radii.x);
float cellSize = CellSizeOfLevel(level);
int4 particleCoord = int4(floor((sortedPositions[n].xyz - solverBounds[0].min_.xyz)/ cellSize).xyz,level);
if (any (particleCoord - neighborCoord))
float3 normal = samplePos - sortedPositions[n].xyz;
if (mode == 1)
normal[2] = 0;
// only update distance if within anisotropic kernel radius:
float maxDistance = radii.x + voxelSize * 1.42f;
float r = dot(normal, normal);
if (r <= maxDistance * maxDistance)
normal = rotate_vector(q_conj(sortedOrientations[n]), normal.xyz) / radii;
float d = length(normal) * radii.x;
// sortedPositions.w is volume (1/normalized density):
float w = sortedPositions[n].w * Poly6(d,radii.x);
dist -= w;
// tigther smoothing kernel for color and velocities:
float w2 = 1-saturate(r / (radii.x * radii.x));
color += float4(sortedColors[n].xyz * w2, w2);
velocity += sortedVelocities[n] * w2; // 4th component is length(angularVel), vorticity intensity.
verts[i].x = dist;
verts[i].y = PackFloatRGBA(color/color.w);
voxelVelocities[i] = velocity / color.w;
float EvaluateSDF (float4 distancesA, float4 distancesB, in float3 nPos, out float3 normal)
// trilinear interpolation of distance:
float4 x = distancesA + (distancesB - distancesA) * nPos[0];
float2 y = x.xy + (x.zw - x.xy) * nPos[1];
// gradient estimation:
// x == 0
float2 a = distancesA.xy + (distancesA.zw - distancesA.xy) * nPos[1];
float x0 = a[0] + (a[1] - a[0]) * nPos[2];
// x == 1
a = distancesB.xy + (distancesB.zw - distancesB.xy) * nPos[1];
float x1 = a[0] + (a[1] - a[0]) * nPos[2];
// y == 0
float y0 = x[0] + (x[1] - x[0]) * nPos[2];
// y == 1
float y1 = x[2] + (x[3] - x[2]) * nPos[2];
normal = normalize(float3(x1 - x0, y1 - y0, y[1] - y[0]));
return y[0] + (y[1] - y[0]) * nPos[2];
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void CalculateSurface (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) // once per voxel.
uint i = id.x;
if (i >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
int voxelsInChunk = (int)pow(chunkResolution, 3 - mode); // 64 voxels in 3D, 16 in 2D.
int verticesPerVoxel = mode == 1 ? 4 : 8; // 8 vertices in 3D, 4 in 2D.
float3 dimensionMask = mode == 1 ? float3(1, 1, 0) : float3(1, 1, 1);
int edgeCount = mode == 1 ? 4 : 12;
// initialize voxel with invalid vertex:
voxelToVertex[i] = INVALID;
// calculate chunk index:
int chunkIndex = i / voxelsInChunk;
// get offset of voxel within chunk:
int voxelOffset = i - chunkIndex * voxelsInChunk;
int3 voxelCoords;
if (mode == 1)
voxelCoords = (int3)DecodeMorton2((uint)voxelOffset);
voxelCoords = (int3)DecodeMorton3((uint)voxelOffset);
// get samples at voxel corners:
float samples[8];
float4 vcolor[8];
float4 vvelo[8];
uint cornerMask = 0;
// initialize all samples to zero (last 4 samples aren't written to in 2D).
int j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
samples[j] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < verticesPerVoxel; ++j)
uint v = GetVoxelIndex(chunkCoords[chunkIndex], voxelCoords + corners[j], voxelsInChunk);
if (v == INVALID)
samples[j] = verts[v].x;
vcolor[j] = UnpackFloatRGBA(verts[v].y);
vvelo[j] = voxelVelocities[v];
cornerMask |= samples[j] >= 0 ? (1 << j) : 0;
// store cornerMask:
verts[i].z = asfloat(cornerMask);
int edgeMask = edgeTable[cornerMask];
// if the voxel does not intersect the surface, return:
if ((mode == 1 && cornerMask == 0xf) ||
(mode == 0 && edgeMask == 0))
// calculate vertex position using edge crossings:
float3 normalizedPos = float3(0,0,0);
float4 velocity = FLOAT4_ZERO;
float4 color = FLOAT4_ZERO;
int intersections = 0;
for (j = 0; j < edgeCount; ++j)
if((edgeMask & (1 << j)) == 0)
int2 e = edges[j];
float t = -samples[e.x] / (samples[e.y] - samples[e.x]);
normalizedPos += lerp(corners[e.x],corners[e.y],t);
color += lerp(vcolor[e.x], vcolor[e.y], t);
velocity += lerp(vvelo[e.x], vvelo[e.y], t);
// intersections will always be > 0 in 3D:
if (intersections > 0)
normalizedPos /= intersections;
color /= intersections;
velocity /= intersections;
normalizedPos = float3(0.5f, 0.5f, -bevel);
color = (vcolor[0] + vcolor[1] + vcolor[2] + vcolor[3]) * 0.25f;
velocity = (vvelo[0] + vvelo[1] + vvelo[2] + vvelo[3]) * 0.25f;
float4 distancesA = float4(samples[0], samples[4], samples[2], samples[6]);
float4 distancesB = float4(samples[1], samples[5], samples[3], samples[7]);
// gradient descent:
float3 normal;
for(uint k = 0; k < descentIterations; ++k)
float d = EvaluateSDF(distancesA, distancesB, normalizedPos, normal);
normalizedPos -= descentSpeed * normal * (d + isosurface + descentIsosurface);
// final normal evaluation:
EvaluateSDF(distancesA, distancesB, normalizedPos, normal);
// modify normal in 2D mode:
if (mode)
normal = lerp(float3(0,0,-1),float3(normal.xy,-normal.z),bevel); // no bevel, flat normals
// Append vertex:
verts[voxelToVertex[i]].w = i;
float3 voxelCorner = chunkGridOrigin + (float3)(chunkCoords[chunkIndex] * chunkResolution + voxelCoords) * voxelSize;
outputVerts[voxelToVertex[i]] = float4(voxelCorner * dimensionMask + normalizedPos * voxelSize, encode(normal));
colors[voxelToVertex[i]] = color;
velocities[voxelToVertex[i]] = velocity;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Triangulate (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint v0 = id.x;
if (v0 >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
int voxelsInChunk = (int)pow(chunkResolution, 3 - mode); // 64 voxels in 3D, 16 in 2D.
int quadCount = 3 - mode * 2; // 3 quads in 3D, 1 in 2D.
int adjacentCount = 6 - mode * 2; // 6 adjacent voxels in 3D, 4 in 2D.
// get index of the voxel that spawned this vertex:
uint i = verts[v0].w;
// calculate chunk index and look up coordinates:
int chunkIndex = i / voxelsInChunk;
// get offset of voxel within chunk:
int voxelOffset = i - chunkIndex * voxelsInChunk;
int3 voxelCoords;
if (mode == 1)
voxelCoords = (int3)DecodeMorton2((uint)voxelOffset);
voxelCoords = (int3)DecodeMorton3((uint)voxelOffset);
uint cornerMask = asuint(verts[i].z);
int edgeMask = edgeTable[cornerMask];
// get winding order using last bit of cornermask, which indicates corner sign:
// in 2D, cornerMask >> 7 is always 0, so we get the second winding order.
int3 windingOrder = (cornerMask >> 7) ? quadWindingOrder[0] : quadWindingOrder[1];
// Retrieve adjacent voxels:
int j;
uint adjacent[6];
for (j = 0; j < adjacentCount; ++j)
adjacent[j] = GetVoxelIndex(chunkCoords[chunkIndex], voxelCoords + corners[j + 1], voxelsInChunk);
// Iterate over all potential quads, append those needed:
for (j = 0; j < quadCount; ++j)
// if the edge is not crossing the surface, skip it (3D only)
if (mode == 0 && (edgeMask & (1 << j)) == 0)
// calculate final neighbor indices:
uint3 neighbors = uint3(quadNeighborIndices[j][windingOrder[0]]-1,
// get vertex indices for all voxels involved:
uint v1 = voxelToVertex[adjacent[neighbors[0]]];
uint v2 = voxelToVertex[adjacent[neighbors[1]]];
uint v3 = voxelToVertex[adjacent[neighbors[2]]];
// if any of the vertices is invalid, skip the quad:
if (v1 == INVALID || v2 == INVALID || v3 == INVALID)
// append a new quad:
uint baseIndex;
baseIndex *= 6;
// flip edge if necessary, to always use the shortest diagonal:
float3 diag1 = outputVerts[v0].xyz - outputVerts[v2].xyz;
float3 diag2 = outputVerts[v1].xyz - outputVerts[v3].xyz;
if (dot(diag1,diag1) > dot(diag2,diag2) * 1.1)
quads[baseIndex] = v1;
quads[baseIndex+1] = v2;
quads[baseIndex+2] = v3;
quads[baseIndex+3] = v0;
quads[baseIndex+4] = v1;
quads[baseIndex+5] = v3;
quads[baseIndex] = v0;
quads[baseIndex+1] = v1;
quads[baseIndex+2] = v2;
quads[baseIndex+3] = v3;
quads[baseIndex+4] = v0;
quads[baseIndex+5] = v2;
// Move adjacent voxel in Z axis to last position, so that 2D adjacent voxels are the first 4.
adjacent[5] = adjacent[3];
adjacent[2] = GetVoxelIndex(chunkCoords[chunkIndex], voxelCoords + int3(0, -1, 0), voxelsInChunk);
adjacent[3] = GetVoxelIndex(chunkCoords[chunkIndex], voxelCoords + int3(-1, 0, 0), voxelsInChunk);
adjacent[4] = GetVoxelIndex(chunkCoords[chunkIndex], voxelCoords + int3(0, 0, -1), voxelsInChunk);
// initialize vertex adjacency to INVALID.
for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
vertexAdjacency[v0*6 + j] = INVALID;
// Determine adjacent surface voxels for smoothing:
bool isAdjacent;
for (j = 0; j < adjacentCount; ++j)
if (adjacent[j] != INVALID)
// adjacent if this does not intersect the surface or both intersect the surface.
isAdjacent = (edgeMask == 0 || edgeTable[asuint(verts[adjacent[j]].z)] != 0) &&
// in 3D mode, it should also intersect any of the face edges to be considered adjacent:
(mode == 1 || any(edgeMask & (1 << faceNeighborEdges[j])));
vertexAdjacency[v0 * 6 + j] = isAdjacent ? voxelToVertex[adjacent[j]] : INVALID;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Smoothing (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint thread = id.x;
if (thread >= dispatchBuffer[3]) return;
float3 n = decode(verts[thread].w);
float4 coord = float4(verts[thread].xyz,1);
float4 norm = float4(n,1);
for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
uint v = vertexAdjacency[thread*6 + j];
if (v != INVALID)
coord += float4(verts[v].xyz,1);
norm += float4(decode(verts[v].w),1);
coord.xyz /= coord.w;
norm.xyz /= norm.w;
float3 v = lerp(verts[thread].xyz, coord.xyz, smoothing);
n = normalize(lerp(n,norm.xyz, smoothing));
outputVerts[thread] = float4(v, encode(n));
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void FixArgsBuffer (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
dispatchBuffer[3] = dispatchBuffer[4] * dispatchMultiplier;
dispatchBuffer[0] = dispatchBuffer[3] / 128 + 1;
dispatchBuffer[4] *= countMultiplier; // used to zero out fourth component if needed.
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void FillIndirectDrawBuffer (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
indirectDrawIndexedArgs a;
a.indexCountPerInstance = dispatchBuffer[3] * 6; // number of quads * 6
a.instanceCount = instanceCount;
a.startIndex = 0;
a.baseVertexIndex = 0;
a.startInstance = 0;
indirectBuffer[0] = a;