205 lines
7.0 KiB
205 lines
7.0 KiB
#pragma kernel Clear
#pragma kernel Initialize
#pragma kernel Project
#pragma kernel Apply
#include "MathUtils.cginc"
#include "AtomicDeltas.cginc"
#include "ColliderDefinitions.cginc"
#include "Rigidbody.cginc"
StructuredBuffer<int> particleIndices;
StructuredBuffer<int> colliderIndices;
StructuredBuffer<float4> offsets;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> restDarboux;
StructuredBuffer<float2> stiffnesses;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> lambdas;
StructuredBuffer<transform> transforms;
StructuredBuffer<shape> shapes;
RWStructuredBuffer<rigidbody> RW_rigidbodies;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> RW_positions;
RWStructuredBuffer<quaternion> RW_orientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> positions;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> orientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> prevPositions;
StructuredBuffer<float> invMasses;
StructuredBuffer<float> invRotationalMasses;
StructuredBuffer<inertialFrame> inertialSolverFrame;
// Variables set from the CPU
uint activeConstraintCount;
float stepTime;
float substepTime;
float timeLeft;
int steps;
float sorFactor;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Clear (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= activeConstraintCount) return;
int colliderIndex = colliderIndices[i];
// no collider to pin to, so ignore the constraint.
if (colliderIndex < 0)
int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[colliderIndex].rigidbodyIndex;
if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0)
int orig;
InterlockedExchange(RW_rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].constraintCount, 0, orig);
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Initialize (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= activeConstraintCount) return;
int colliderIndex = colliderIndices[i];
// no collider to pin to, so ignore the constraint.
if (colliderIndex < 0)
int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[colliderIndex].rigidbodyIndex;
if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0)
InterlockedAdd(RW_rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].constraintCount, 1);
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Project (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= activeConstraintCount) return;
int particleIndex = particleIndices[i];
int colliderIndex = colliderIndices[i];
// no collider to pin to, so ignore the constraint.
if (colliderIndex < 0)
int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[colliderIndex].rigidbodyIndex;
float frameEnd = stepTime * steps;
float substepsToEnd = timeLeft / substepTime;
// calculate time adjusted compliances
float2 compliances = stiffnesses[i].xy / (substepTime * substepTime);
// project particle position to the end of the full step:
float4 particlePosition = lerp(prevPositions[particleIndex], positions[particleIndex], substepsToEnd);
// express pin offset in world space:
float4 worldPinOffset = transforms[colliderIndex].TransformPoint(offsets[i]);
float4 predictedPinOffset = worldPinOffset;
quaternion predictedRotation = transforms[colliderIndex].rotation;
float rigidbodyLinearW = 0;
float rigidbodyAngularW = 0;
if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0)
rigidbody rb = rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex];
// predict rigidbody transform:
transform predictedTrfm = transforms[colliderIndex].Integrate(rb.velocity + asfloat(linearDeltasAsInt[rigidbodyIndex]),
rb.angularVelocity + asfloat(angularDeltasAsInt[rigidbodyIndex]), frameEnd);
// predict offset point position and rb rotation at the end of the step:
predictedPinOffset = predictedTrfm.TransformPoint(offsets[i]);
predictedRotation = predictedTrfm.rotation;
// calculate linear and angular rigidbody effective masses (mass splitting: multiply by constraint count)
rigidbodyLinearW = rb.inverseMass * rb.constraintCount;
rigidbodyAngularW = RotationalInvMass(rb.inverseInertiaTensor,
worldPinOffset - rb.com,
normalizesafe(inertialSolverFrame[0].frame.TransformPoint(particlePosition) - predictedPinOffset)) * rb.constraintCount;
// Transform pin position to solver space for constraint solving:
predictedPinOffset = inertialSolverFrame[0].frame.InverseTransformPoint(predictedPinOffset);
predictedRotation = qmul(q_conj(inertialSolverFrame[0].frame.rotation), predictedRotation);
float4 gradient = particlePosition - predictedPinOffset;
float constraint = length(gradient);
float4 gradientDir = gradient / (constraint + EPSILON);
float4 lambda = lambdas[i];
float linearDLambda = (-constraint - compliances.x * lambda.w) / (invMasses[particleIndex] + rigidbodyLinearW + rigidbodyAngularW + compliances.x + EPSILON);
lambda.w += linearDLambda;
float4 correction = linearDLambda * gradientDir;
AddPositionDelta(particleIndex, correction * invMasses[particleIndex] / substepsToEnd);
if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0)
-correction / frameEnd,
if (rigidbodyAngularW > 0 || invRotationalMasses[particleIndex] > 0)
// bend/twist constraint:
quaternion omega = qmul(q_conj(orientations[particleIndex]), predictedRotation); //darboux vector
quaternion omega_plus;
omega_plus = omega + restDarboux[i]; //delta Omega with - omega_0
omega -= restDarboux[i]; //delta Omega with + omega_0
if (dot(omega.xyz, omega.xyz) > dot(omega_plus.xyz, omega_plus.xyz))
omega = omega_plus;
float3 dlambda = (omega.xyz - compliances.y * lambda.xyz) / (compliances.y + invRotationalMasses[particleIndex] + rigidbodyAngularW + EPSILON);
lambda.xyz += dlambda;
//discrete Darboux vector does not have vanishing scalar part:
quaternion dlambdaQ = quaternion(dlambda[0], dlambda[1], dlambda[2], 0);
quaternion orientDelta = asfloat(orientationDeltasAsInt[particleIndex]);
orientDelta += qmul(predictedRotation, dlambdaQ) * invRotationalMasses[particleIndex] / substepsToEnd;
orientationDeltasAsInt[particleIndex] = asuint(orientDelta);
if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0)
-qmul(orientations[particleIndex], dlambdaQ) * rigidbodyAngularW,
inertialSolverFrame[0].frame, stepTime);
lambdas[i] = lambda;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Apply (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= activeConstraintCount) return;
int p = particleIndices[i];
ApplyPositionDelta(RW_positions, p, sorFactor);
ApplyOrientationDelta(RW_orientations, p, sorFactor);
} |