109 lines
3.2 KiB
109 lines
3.2 KiB
#pragma kernel UpdateChainMesh
#include "PathFrame.cginc"
struct chainRendererData
int modifierOffset;
float twistAnchor;
float twist;
uint usesOrientedParticles;
float4 scale;
struct chunkData
int rendererIndex;
int offset; // index of the first element for each chunk.
struct linkModifier
float3 translation;
float3 scale;
float3 rotation;
void Clear()
translation = float3(0,0,0);
scale = float3(1,1,1);
rotation = float3(0,0,0);
StructuredBuffer<chainRendererData> rendererData;
StructuredBuffer<chunkData> chunksData;
StructuredBuffer<linkModifier> modifiers;
StructuredBuffer<int2> elements;
StructuredBuffer<float4> renderablePositions;
StructuredBuffer<quaternion> renderableOrientations;
StructuredBuffer<float4> principalRadii;
StructuredBuffer<float4> colors;
float4x4 solverToWorld;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4x4> instanceTransforms;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4x4> invInstanceTransforms;
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> instanceColors;
uint chunkCount;
[numthreads(32, 1, 1)]
void UpdateChainMesh (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int i = id.x;
if (i >= chunkCount) return;
int firstIndex = i > 0 ? chunksData[i - 1].offset : 0;
uint elementCount = chunksData[i].offset - firstIndex;
int rendererIndex = chunksData[i].rendererIndex;
chainRendererData renderer = rendererData[rendererIndex];
int firstModifier = rendererIndex > 0 ? rendererData[rendererIndex - 1].modifierOffset : 0;
uint modifierCount = renderer.modifierOffset - firstModifier;
linkModifier modifier;
pathFrame frame;
float twist = -renderer.twist * elementCount * renderer.twistAnchor;
// parallel transport:
for (uint m = 0; m < elementCount; ++m)
if (modifierCount > 0)
modifier = modifiers[firstModifier + m % modifierCount];
int index = firstIndex + m;
float4 pos = renderablePositions[elements[index].x];
float4 nextPos = renderablePositions[elements[index].y];
float4 vect = nextPos - pos;
float3 tangent = normalizesafe(vect.xyz);
if (renderer.usesOrientedParticles == 1)
frame.Transport(nextPos.xyz, tangent, rotate_vector(renderableOrientations[elements[index].x], float3(0, 1, 0)), twist);
twist += renderer.twist;
frame.Transport(nextPos.xyz, tangent, renderer.twist);
if (modifierCount > 0)
modifier = modifiers[firstModifier + m % (uint)modifierCount];
quaternion rotation = q_look_at(frame.tangent, frame.normal);
float3 position = (pos + vect * 0.5f).xyz + rotate_vector(rotation, modifier.translation);
float3 scale = principalRadii[elements[index].x].x * 2 * renderer.scale.xyz * modifier.scale;
rotation = qmul(rotation, q_eulerXYZ(radians(modifier.rotation)));
instanceTransforms[index] = mul(solverToWorld, TRS(position,rotation,scale));
invInstanceTransforms[index] = Inverse(instanceTransforms[index]);
instanceColors[index] = (colors[elements[index].x] + colors[elements[index].x]) * 0.5;
} |