杨号敬 bcc74f0465 add
2024-12-18 02:18:45 +08:00

162 lines
5.8 KiB

#pragma kernel UpdateLineMesh
#include "PathFrame.cginc"
struct smootherPathData
uint smoothing;
float decimation;
float twist;
float restLength;
float smoothLength;
uint usesOrientedParticles;
struct lineMeshData
float2 uvScale;
float thicknessScale;
float uvAnchor;
uint normalizeV;
StructuredBuffer<int> pathSmootherIndices;
StructuredBuffer<int> chunkOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<pathFrame> frames;
StructuredBuffer<int> frameOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<int> frameCounts;
StructuredBuffer<int> vertexOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<int> triangleOffsets;
StructuredBuffer<int> triangleCounts;
StructuredBuffer<lineMeshData> rendererData;
StructuredBuffer<smootherPathData> pathData;
RWByteAddressBuffer vertices;
RWByteAddressBuffer tris;
// Variables set from the CPU
uint firstRenderer;
uint rendererCount;
float3 localSpaceCamera;
pathFrame LookAt(pathFrame frame, in pathFrame target, out float dist)
float3 tangent = target.position - frame.position;
dist = length(tangent);
tangent /= dist + EPSILON;
quaternion rotQ = from_to_rotation(frame.tangent, tangent);
frame.normal = rotate_vector(rotQ, frame.normal);
frame.binormal = rotate_vector(rotQ, frame.binormal);
frame.tangent = tangent;
return frame;
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void UpdateLineMesh (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
unsigned int u = id.x;
if (u >= rendererCount) return;
int k = firstRenderer + u;
int s = pathSmootherIndices[k];
float3 vertex = float3(0,0,0);
float3 normal = float3(0,0,0);
float4 bitangent = FLOAT4_ZERO;
int tri = 0;
int sectionIndex = 0;
int firstVertex = vertexOffsets[k];
int firstTriangle = triangleOffsets[k];
float smoothLength = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = chunkOffsets[s]; i < chunkOffsets[s + 1]; ++i)
smoothLength += pathData[i].smoothLength;
float vCoord = -rendererData[k].uvScale.y * pathData[chunkOffsets[s]].restLength * rendererData[k].uvAnchor;
float actualToRestLengthRatio = smoothLength / pathData[chunkOffsets[s]].restLength;
// clear out triangle indices for this rope:
for (i = firstTriangle; i < firstTriangle + triangleCounts[k]; ++i)
int offset = i*3;
tris.Store((offset)<<2, 0);
// for each chunk in the rope:
for (i = chunkOffsets[s]; i < chunkOffsets[s+1]; ++i)
int firstFrame = frameOffsets[i];
int frameCount = frameCounts[i];
for (int f = 0; f < frameCount; ++f)
// Calculate previous and next curve indices:
int prevIndex = firstFrame + max(f - 1, 0);
int index = firstFrame + f;
// advance v texcoord:
vCoord += rendererData[k].uvScale.y * (distance(frames[index].position, frames[prevIndex].position) /
(rendererData[k].normalizeV == 1 ? smoothLength : actualToRestLengthRatio));
// calculate section thickness and scale the basis vectors by it:
float sectionThickness = frames[index].thickness * rendererData[k].thicknessScale;
normal.x = frames[index].position.x - localSpaceCamera.x;
normal.y = frames[index].position.y - localSpaceCamera.y;
normal.z = frames[index].position.z - localSpaceCamera.z;
normal = normalize(normal);
bitangent.x = -(normal.y * frames[index].tangent.z - normal.z * frames[index].tangent.y);
bitangent.y = -(normal.z * frames[index].tangent.x - normal.x * frames[index].tangent.z);
bitangent.z = -(normal.x * frames[index].tangent.y - normal.y * frames[index].tangent.x);
bitangent.xyz = normalize(bitangent.xyz);
bitangent.w = 1;
vertex.x = frames[index].position.x - bitangent.x * sectionThickness;
vertex.y = frames[index].position.y - bitangent.y * sectionThickness;
vertex.z = frames[index].position.z - bitangent.z * sectionThickness;
int base = (firstVertex + sectionIndex * 2) * 16;
vertices.Store3( base<<2, asuint(vertex));
vertices.Store3((base + 3)<<2, asuint(-normal));
vertices.Store4((base + 6)<<2, asuint(bitangent));
vertices.Store4((base + 10)<<2, asuint(frames[index].color));
vertices.Store2((base + 14)<<2, asuint(float2(0, vCoord)));
vertex.x = frames[index].position.x + bitangent.x * sectionThickness;
vertex.y = frames[index].position.y + bitangent.y * sectionThickness;
vertex.z = frames[index].position.z + bitangent.z * sectionThickness;
base = (firstVertex + sectionIndex * 2 + 1) * 16;
vertices.Store3( base<<2, asuint(vertex));
vertices.Store3((base + 3)<<2, asuint(-normal));
vertices.Store4((base + 6)<<2, asuint(bitangent));
vertices.Store4((base + 10)<<2, asuint(frames[index].color));
vertices.Store2((base + 14)<<2, asuint(float2(1, vCoord)));
if (f < frameCount - 1)
int offset = firstTriangle * 3;
tris.Store((offset + tri++)<<2, asuint(firstVertex + sectionIndex * 2));
tris.Store((offset + tri++)<<2, asuint(firstVertex + (sectionIndex + 1) * 2));
tris.Store((offset + tri++)<<2, asuint(firstVertex + sectionIndex * 2 + 1));
tris.Store((offset + tri++)<<2, asuint(firstVertex + sectionIndex * 2 + 1));
tris.Store((offset + tri++)<<2, asuint(firstVertex + (sectionIndex + 1) * 2));
tris.Store((offset + tri++)<<2, asuint(firstVertex + (sectionIndex + 1) * 2 + 1));