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- {x: -30.4823, y: -3.1891074, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 0.5056567, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -17.543991, y: -3.1891074, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -22.304657, y: -3.1891074, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 0.5056567, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 0.5056567, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -47.926704, y: -3.1891074, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 0.5056567, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -34.988403, y: -3.1891074, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -39.749054, y: -3.1891074, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 0.5056567, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 0.5056567, z: 33.54277}
- {x: 1, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -3.760666, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: 1, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -11.938309, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -30.4823, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -17.543991, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -22.304657, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -47.926704, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -34.988403, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -39.749054, y: -3.1891074, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 0.5056567, z: 41.282646}
- {x: 1, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -3.760666, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: 1, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -11.938309, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -30.4823, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -17.543991, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -22.304657, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -47.926704, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -34.988403, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -39.749054, y: -3.1891074, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 0.5056567, z: 48.92672}
- {x: 1, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -3.760666, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: 1, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -11.938309, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -30.4823, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -17.543991, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -22.304657, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -47.926704, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -34.988403, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -39.749054, y: -3.1891074, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 0.5056567, z: 54.431534}
- {x: 1, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -3.760666, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: 1, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -11.938309, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -30.4823, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -17.543991, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -22.304657, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -47.926704, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -34.988403, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -39.749054, y: -3.1891074, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 0.5056567, z: 62.171402}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: -12.105272}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: -4.3654003}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 3.278677}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 8.783491}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 16.523363}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 24.16744}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 33.54277}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 41.282646}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 48.92672}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 54.431534}
- {x: 1, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: 1, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 11.34243, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 15.037193, z: 62.171402}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 15.037193, z: 69.8155}
- {x: -39.749054, y: 15.037193, z: 69.8155}
- {x: 1, y: 23.016026, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 23.016026, z: -12.105272}
- {x: 1, y: 26.710789, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -3.760666, y: 26.710789, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 23.016026, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -11.938309, y: 26.710789, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 23.016026, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -30.4823, y: 26.710789, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 23.016026, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 23.016026, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -22.304657, y: 26.710789, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -17.543991, y: 26.710789, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 23.016026, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -47.926704, y: 26.710789, z: -12.105272}
- {x: -34.988403, y: 23.016026, z: -12.105272}
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