856 lines
34 KiB
856 lines
34 KiB
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SelectedInfo
public string name;//角色名
public string duty;//职责
public string scene;//场景名
public string leader;//是否组长
public string sceneId;//场景Id
public string dutyId;//职责的Id
public string peopleId;//角色Id
public string birthID;//出生地
public class Panel : Base
public Button setName;//设置人员
public Button setDuty;//设置职责
public Button setScene;//设置场景
public Text arrangeText;//整体安排
public Button sureBtn;//确认信息按钮
public ToggleGroup scenetoggleGroup;//场景的ToggleGroup
public InputField shaixuaninputField;//筛选输入框
public GraphicRaycaster raycaster; // 画布上的射线投射器
public EventSystem eventSystem; // 事件系统
public ToggleGroup chooseGroup;
public Toggle[] panelToggle;//面板选择Toggle
public Sprite[] toggleImage;//面板选择图片
public Text titleText;
public GameObject ManagerPanel;//人员管理界面
public Transform peopleCountent;//人员的窗口
public GameObject peoplePrefab;//人员的预制体
public Transform panelContent;
public GameObject dutyPrefab;//职责预制体
public Transform dutyCount;//职责的窗口
public GameObject scenePrefab;//场景预制体
public Transform sceneCount;//存放场景预制体的地方
public GameObject ManagerPanelPrefab; // 预制体,包含人员管理面板
public string name, duty, scene;
public int dutyId;
public string peopleId;
public List<GameObject> peopleList = new List<GameObject>(); // 存储所有已加载的人员预制体
private List<GameObject> filteredPeopleList = new List<GameObject>(); // 存储筛选后的人员列表
private GameObject selectedPerson = null; // 当前选中的角色
private GameObject selectedDuty = null;//当前选中职责
private GameObject selectedScene = null;//当前选中场景
public SelectedInfo selectedInfo;
public Dictionary<string, List<SelectedInfo>> sceneDataDictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<SelectedInfo>>();//不同的场景存取不同的人员数据
public List<PlayerListData> userInfoList = new List<PlayerListData>();
public getPlayerList userInfo;
public ManagerPanel managerPanel1;
public JSONReader jsonReader1;
public SelectScenePanel selectScenePanel;
public DatePanel datePanel;
private bool isPersonSelected = false; // 标志是否选择了人员
private bool isDutySelected = false; // 标志是否选择了职责
private bool isSceneSelected = false; // 标志是否选择了场景
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
sureBtn.interactable = false;
selectedInfo = new SelectedInfo();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public async void DynamicLoadingPeople()
//for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(peoplePrefab, peopleCountent);
// PeopleItem peopleItem = item.GetComponent<PeopleItem>();
// peopleItem.nameText.text = "角色1";
// peopleItem.peopleId = "0";
// Button peoplebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
// peoplebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnPeopleItemClicked(item, Color.yellow, selectedPerson));
// peopleList.Add(item);// 将每个实例化的角色添加到列表中
PlayerListResponse playerListResponse = await userInfo.GetPlayerList();
foreach (PlayerListData player in playerListResponse.data)
GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(peoplePrefab, peopleCountent);
PeopleItem peopleItem = item.GetComponent<PeopleItem>();
peopleItem.nameText.text = player.NickName;
peopleItem.peopleId = player.UserId;
Button peoplebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
peoplebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnPeopleItemClicked(item, Color.yellow, selectedPerson));
peopleList.Add(item);// 将每个实例化的角色添加到列表中
public void DynamicLoadingDuty(int id,int idcidentId)
if (selectScenePanel.difficultyToRoles.ContainsKey(id))
List<string> rolesForSelectedDifficulty = selectScenePanel.difficultyToRoles[id];
// 遍历角色并做相关处理
foreach (var role in rolesForSelectedDifficulty)
int roleId = int.Parse(role);
NPCData npcData = jsonReader1.GetRoleDateById(roleId);
if (jsonReader1.npcDictionary.ContainsKey(roleId))
var npcInfo = jsonReader1.npcDictionary[roleId];
// 创建DutyItem实例
string[] roleLimitSections = npcData.Name.Split('|');
foreach(string plopleInfo in roleLimitSections)
string[] peopleLimit = plopleInfo.Split(',');
if (peopleLimit[0] == idcidentId.ToString() && peopleLimit[1]==id.ToString())
GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate(dutyPrefab, dutyCount);
DutyItem dutyItem = item.GetComponent<DutyItem>();
Button dutuybutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
string showText = jsonReader1.SetUIText(peopleLimit[2]);
dutuybutton.onClick.AddListener(() =>
OnDutyItemClicked(item, Color.red, selectedDuty);
foreach (Transform child in sceneCount)
dutyItem.dutyNameText.text = showText;
dutyItem.leader = npcData.GroupLeader;
dutyItem.dutyId = npcData.ID;
dutyItem.dutyImage.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(npcData.ICON);
public void DynamicLoadingScene()
foreach (var region in jsonReader1.sceneDictionary)
string[] roleLimitSections = region.Value.AreaList.Split('|');
foreach(string npcData in roleLimitSections)
GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(scenePrefab, sceneCount);
SceneItem sceneItem = item.GetComponent<SceneItem>();
Button scenebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
scenebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnSceneItemClicked(item, Color.green, selectedScene));
// 设置limitNum
sceneItem.sceneId = npcData.ToString();
LocationData locationData= jsonReader1.GetAreaDateById(int.Parse(npcData));
sceneItem.sceneName.text = jsonReader1.SetUIText(locationData.Name.ToString());
// 将每个实例化的角色添加到列表中
//foreach (var npcData in jsonReader1.locationDictionary)
// // 解析角色限制字段
// string roleLimit = npcData.Value.RoleLimit;
// int sceneLimit = npcData.Value.Scene;
// Debug.Log("npcData.Value.Scene"+ npcData.Value.Scene);
// if(selectScenePanel.scnenId== sceneLimit)
// {
// GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(scenePrefab, sceneCount);
// SceneItem sceneItem = item.GetComponent<SceneItem>();
// Button scenebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
// scenebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnSceneItemClicked(item, Color.green, selectedScene));
// // 设置limitNum
// sceneItem.sceneId = npcData.Key.ToString();
// //sceneItem.dutyId = roleLimits[1];
// //sceneItem.limitNum = int.Parse(roleLimits[2]);
// sceneItem.sceneName.text = npcData.Value.Note;
// // 将每个实例化的角色添加到列表中
// peopleList.Add(item);
// }
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleLimit))
// // 先按“|”分隔
// string[] roleLimitSections = roleLimit.Split('|');
// // 遍历每个部分(按“|”分隔后得到的数组)
// bool shouldInstantiate = true; // 用于判断是否需要实例化
// foreach (string section in roleLimitSections)
// {
// string[] roleLimits = section.Split(',');
// // 判断当前部分是否包含 "-1" 来决定是否跳过实例化
// if (section.Contains("-1"))
// {
// if (roleLimits[0] == "-1")
// {
// shouldInstantiate = false; // 不实例化该NPC
// break; // 跳出循环,直接处理下一个NPC
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (selectScenePanel.scnenId== sceneLimit)
// {
// if(selectScenePanel.difficultyId == int.Parse(roleLimits[1]))
// {
// Debug.LogWarning("roleLimits[0]"+ roleLimits[0]);
// Debug.LogWarning("roleLimits[1]" + roleLimits[1]);
// Debug.LogWarning("roleLimits[2]" + roleLimits[2]);
// Debug.LogWarning("roleLimits[3]" + roleLimits[3]);
// GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(scenePrefab, sceneCount);
// SceneItem sceneItem = item.GetComponent<SceneItem>();
// Button scenebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
// scenebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnSceneItemClicked(item, Color.green, selectedScene));
// // 设置limitNum
// sceneItem.sceneId = npcData.Key.ToString();
// sceneItem.dutyId = roleLimits[1];
// sceneItem.limitNum = int.Parse(roleLimits[2]);
// sceneItem.sceneName.text = npcData.Value.Note;
// // 将每个实例化的角色添加到列表中
// peopleList.Add(item);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // 如果不满足实例化条件,跳过当前NPC的实例化
// if (!shouldInstantiate)
// {
// continue;
// }
public void ClickPersonnelManagement()
foreach (Transform child in panelContent)
foreach (var sceneEntry in sceneDataDictionary)
//Debug.Log($"场景: {sceneEntry.Key},人数: {sceneEntry.Value.Count}");
GameObject managerPanelInstance = Instantiate(ManagerPanelPrefab, panelContent);
Button button = managerPanelInstance.GetComponent<Button>();
button.onClick.AddListener(() => managerPanel1.OnItemClicked(managerPanelInstance));
Text sceneText = managerPanelInstance.transform.Find("top/sceneName").GetComponent<Text>();
sceneText.text = sceneEntry.Key;
managerPanel1.CreateScenePanel(sceneEntry.Key, sceneEntry.Value, managerPanelInstance);
public void SetScene(int id)
foreach(Transform child in sceneCount)
// 遍历所有的 NPC 数据
foreach (var npcData in jsonReader1.locationDictionary)
// 判断是否属于当前选择的场景
if (npcData.Value.Scene == selectScenePanel.scnenId)
// 按“|”分隔不同的角色限制部分
string[] roleLimitSections = npcData.Value.RoleLimit.Split('|');
bool shouldInstantiate = true;
foreach (var section in roleLimitSections)
// 按“,”分隔出事故位置ID、职业ID和最低要求人数
string[] roleLimits = section.Split(',');
string accidentLocationId = roleLimits[0]; // 事故位置ID
string difficultyId = roleLimits[1];
string roleId = roleLimits[2]; // 职业ID
int minRequired = int.Parse(roleLimits[3]); // 最低要求人数
if (accidentLocationId == selectScenePanel.idcidentId.ToString() && roleId == id.ToString() && difficultyId == selectScenePanel.difficultyId.ToString())
GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(scenePrefab, sceneCount);
SceneItem sceneItem = item.GetComponent<SceneItem>();
// 获取当前该位置该职业的人数
int currentPeopleCount = GetCurrentPeopleCount(accidentLocationId, roleId);
// 设置推荐标记(如果人数不足)
if (minRequired > currentPeopleCount)
sceneItem.sceneImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); // 显示推荐标记
sceneItem.sceneImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); // 隐藏推荐标记
Button scenebutton = item.transform.Find("TextBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
scenebutton.onClick.AddListener(() => OnSceneItemClicked(item, Color.green, selectedScene));
sceneItem.sceneId = npcData.Key.ToString();
sceneItem.dutyId = accidentLocationId;
sceneItem.limitNum = minRequired;
sceneItem.sceneName.text = npcData.Value.Note;
// 遍历每个角色限制部分
// 获取当前该位置该职业的已添加人数
private int GetCurrentPeopleCount(string accidentLocationId, string roleId)
int count = 0;
// 遍历场景数据字典,统计该事故位置和职业的人员数量
foreach (var sceneData in sceneDataDictionary)
foreach (var selectedInfo in sceneData.Value)
if (selectedInfo.sceneId == accidentLocationId && selectedInfo.dutyId == roleId)
return count;
//public void ClickSureBtn()
// // 只有在选择了人员、职责和场景的情况下,才会执行后续操作
// if (isPersonSelected && isDutySelected && isSceneSelected)
// {
// // 保存选中的人员信息到场景数据字典中
// string sceneName = selectedInfo.scene;
// // 如果场景字典中没有这个场景,先创建一个空列表
// if (!sceneDataDictionary.ContainsKey(sceneName))
// {
// sceneDataDictionary[sceneName] = new List<SelectedInfo>();
// }
// // 需要判断是否达到了职责的人员上限
// bool isLimitReached = false;
// // 获取当前场景中的所有人员信息
// List<SelectedInfo> currentSceneInfo = sceneDataDictionary[sceneName];
// // 如果选中了“主持人”、“各组长”或“总指挥”,则限制数量为1
// if (selectedInfo.duty == "主持人" || selectedInfo.duty == "组长" || selectedInfo.duty == "总指挥")
// {
// int count = currentSceneInfo.Count(info => info.duty == selectedInfo.duty); // 统计当前职责人数
// if (count >= 1) // 如果已经有1个此职责的人选
// {
// isLimitReached = true; // 标记限制已达
// }
// }
// // 如果没有达到上限,则可以添加人员信息
// if (!isLimitReached)
// {
// // 通过创建一个新的 SelectedInfo 实例来避免引用同一个对象
// SelectedInfo newSelectedInfo = new SelectedInfo
// {
// name = selectedInfo.name,
// duty = selectedInfo.duty,
// scene = selectedInfo.scene,
// dutyId = selectedInfo.dutyId,
// sceneId = selectedInfo.sceneId,
// peopleId=selectedInfo.peopleId
// };
// // 将当前选中的人员信息添加到对应场景的人员列表中
// currentSceneInfo.Add(newSelectedInfo);
// // 禁用确认按钮并清空选择标志
// sureBtn.interactable = false;
// ChangeImage(sureBtn.interactable);
// isPersonSelected = false;
// isDutySelected = false;
// isSceneSelected = false;
// UploadData(peopleId = selectedInfo.peopleId, selectedInfo.dutyId.ToString(), selectedInfo.sceneId.ToString());
// // 改变已添加人员的显示颜色
// UpdatePeopleListVisual();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// Debug.LogError("请确保选择了人员、职责和场景!");
// }
// datePanel.NumberText.text = "共" + (sceneDataDictionary.Keys.Count * sceneDataDictionary.Values.Count).ToString() + "人参与";
public void ClickSureBtn()
// 只有在选择了人员、职责和场景的情况下,才会执行后续操作
if (isPersonSelected && isDutySelected && isSceneSelected)
// 保存选中的人员信息到场景数据字典中
string sceneName = selectedInfo.scene;
// 如果场景字典中没有这个场景,先创建一个空列表
if (!sceneDataDictionary.ContainsKey(sceneName))
sceneDataDictionary[sceneName] = new List<SelectedInfo>();
// 1. 判断整个 sceneDataDictionary 中是否存在相同的人名
SelectedInfo existingPerson = null;
string existingSceneName = null;
foreach (var sceneEntry in sceneDataDictionary)
existingPerson = sceneEntry.Value.FirstOrDefault(info => info.name == selectedInfo.name);
if (existingPerson != null)
existingSceneName = sceneEntry.Key;
break; // 找到后立即退出循环
// 2. 如果找到了相同的人名,删除旧的记录
if (existingPerson != null)
Debug.Log($"Removed existing person: {existingPerson.name} from scene: {existingSceneName}");
// 判断该场景是否还有剩余的角色,如果没有,删除该场景
if (sceneDataDictionary[existingSceneName].Count == 0)
Debug.Log($"Removed empty scene: {existingSceneName} because it has no more roles.");
// 3. 需要判断是否达到了职责的人员上限(当前场景)
bool isLimitReached = false;
List<SelectedInfo> currentSceneInfo = sceneDataDictionary[sceneName];
// 如果选中了“主持人”、“各组长”或“总指挥”,则限制数量为1
if (selectedInfo.duty == "主持人" || selectedInfo.duty == "组长" || selectedInfo.duty == "总指挥")
int count = currentSceneInfo.Count(info => info.duty == selectedInfo.duty); // 统计当前职责人数
if (count >= 1) // 如果已经有1个此职责的人选
isLimitReached = true; // 标记限制已达
// 4. 如果没有达到上限,则可以添加人员信息
if (!isLimitReached)
// 创建一个新的 SelectedInfo 实例
SelectedInfo newSelectedInfo = new SelectedInfo
name = selectedInfo.name,
duty = selectedInfo.duty,
scene = selectedInfo.scene,
dutyId = selectedInfo.dutyId,
sceneId = selectedInfo.sceneId,
peopleId = selectedInfo.peopleId
// 将当前选中的人员信息添加到对应场景的人员列表中
// 禁用确认按钮并清空选择标志
sureBtn.interactable = false;
isPersonSelected = false;
isDutySelected = false;
isSceneSelected = false;
// 上传数据
//UploadData(selectedInfo.peopleId, selectedInfo.dutyId.ToString(), selectedInfo.sceneId.ToString());
// 更新已添加人员的显示颜色
Debug.Log($"Added new person: {newSelectedInfo.name} to scene: {sceneName}");
// 更新统计人数的文本显示
datePanel.NumberText.text = "共" + sceneDataDictionary.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.Count).ToString() + "人参与";
public void ClickCloseBtn()
public void GetData()
ManagerPanel managerPanel = new ManagerPanel();
// 当鼠标左键按下时进行检测
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
// 确保 raycaster 和 eventSystem 不为空
if (raycaster == null || eventSystem == null)
Debug.LogError("Raycaster 或 EventSystem 未正确分配,请在 Inspector 中进行分配。");
// 创建 PointerEventData 来记录点击事件的数据
PointerEventData pointerData = new PointerEventData(eventSystem);
pointerData.position = Input.mousePosition; // 获取鼠标点击的位置
// 用于存储射线检测的结果
List<RaycastResult> results = new List<RaycastResult>();
// 射线检测 UI
raycaster.Raycast(pointerData, results);
// 遍历射线检测的结果
foreach (RaycastResult result in results)
// 检测到点击了按钮
Button clickedButton = result.gameObject.GetComponent<Button>();
if (clickedButton != null)
Text buttonText = clickedButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (buttonText != null && buttonText.tag == Tags.people) // 获取标签为人员的信息
name = buttonText.text;
PeopleItem peopleItem = buttonText.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<PeopleItem>();
selectedInfo.name = name;
selectedInfo.peopleId = peopleItem.peopleId;
isPersonSelected = true; // 选择了人员
else if (buttonText != null && buttonText.tag == Tags.scene) // 获取标签为场景的信息
scene = buttonText.text;
SceneItem sceneItem = buttonText.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<SceneItem>();
selectedInfo.scene = scene;
selectedInfo.sceneId= sceneItem.sceneId;
isSceneSelected = true; // 选择了场景
else if (buttonText != null && buttonText.tag == Tags.duty) // 获取标签为职责的信息
duty = buttonText.text;
DutyItem item = clickedButton.GetComponentInParent<DutyItem>();
isDutySelected = true; // 选择了职责
isSceneSelected = true;
isDutySelected = true;
isSceneSelected = false;
dutyId = item.dutyId;
selectedInfo.duty = duty;
selectedInfo.dutyId = dutyId.ToString();
// 根据选择情况,启用或禁用确认按钮
public void PanelToggelSet()
panelToggle[1].interactable = selectScenePanel.isSure; // 启用第二个Toggle
panelToggle[1].gameObject.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = toggleImage[1];
panelToggle[2].interactable = selectScenePanel.isSure; // 启用第三个Toggle
panelToggle[2].gameObject.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = toggleImage[1];
public void InstantiateToggle()
for (int i = 1; i < panelToggle.Length; i++)
panelToggle[i].interactable = false;
panelToggle[i].gameObject.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = toggleImage[0];
private void UpdateConfirmButtonState()
// 如果人员、职责和场景都已选择,则启用确认按钮,否则禁用
sureBtn.interactable = isPersonSelected && isDutySelected && isSceneSelected;
public void SetText()
arrangeText.text = "[" + name + "]担任[" + duty + "],位于[" + scene + "]";
public void SetInputFile()
// 获取输入框内容
string filterText = shaixuaninputField.text.Trim();
// 遍历所有已实例化的人员预制体
foreach (Transform child in peopleCountent)
// 获取该子物体上的 Text 组件
Text personNameText = child.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (personNameText != null)
// 比较输入框中的内容与人员姓名
if (personNameText.text.Contains(filterText))
// 如果匹配,显示该人员
// 如果不匹配,隐藏该人员
// 点击选中角色,改变视觉效果
public void OnPeopleItemClicked(GameObject clickedItem, Color color, GameObject select)
// 如果有之前选中的角色,重置其视觉效果
if (selectedPerson != null && select != clickedItem)
Text prevText = selectedPerson.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (prevText != null)
prevText.fontSize = 32; // 恢复原始字号
prevText.color = Color.white; // 恢复原始颜色
// 设置当前选中的角色为选中状态
selectedPerson = clickedItem; // 更新选中人物
Text personText = clickedItem.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (personText != null)
// 字号变大和颜色变更(选中状态)
personText.fontSize = 36;
personText.color = color; // 选中颜色
// 点击选中职责,改变视觉效果
public void OnDutyItemClicked(GameObject clickedItem, Color color, GameObject select)
// 如果有之前选中的角色,重置其视觉效果
if (selectedDuty != null && select != clickedItem)
Text prevText = selectedDuty.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (prevText != null)
prevText.fontSize = 32; // 恢复原始字号
prevText.color = Color.white; // 恢复原始颜色
// 设置当前选中的角色为选中状态
selectedDuty = clickedItem; // 更新选中人物
Text personText = clickedItem.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (personText != null)
// 字号变大和颜色变更(选中状态)
personText.fontSize = 36;
personText.color = color; // 选中颜色
// 点击选中角色,改变视觉效果
public void OnSceneItemClicked(GameObject clickedItem, Color color, GameObject select)
// 如果有之前选中的角色,重置其视觉效果
if (selectedScene != null && select != clickedItem)
Text prevText = selectedScene.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (prevText != null)
prevText.fontSize = 32; // 恢复原始字号
prevText.color = Color.white; // 恢复原始颜色
// 设置当前选中的角色为选中状态
selectedScene = clickedItem; // 更新选中人物
Text personText = clickedItem.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (personText != null)
// 字号变大和颜色变更(选中状态)
personText.fontSize = 36;
personText.color = color; // 选中颜色
// 更新人员列表的显示颜色
private void UpdatePeopleListVisual()
// 遍历所有已加载的人员预制体,检查是否已添加到场景
foreach (GameObject personItem in peopleList)
// 获取人员的名字和显示文本
Text personText = personItem.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
if (personText != null)
// 检查该人员是否已经添加到当前场景
bool isPersonAdded = sceneDataDictionary[selectedInfo.scene].Any(info => info.name == personText.text);
// 如果该人员已经被添加到场景,改变颜色为灰色
if (isPersonAdded)
personText.color = Color.blue; // 已添加人员的颜色
personText.color = Color.white; // 未添加人员的颜色
public void UploadData()
createTemplateInfo.Instance.auth_CreateTemplate.playerList = new List<PlayerList>();
foreach (var peopleItem in sceneDataDictionary)
foreach (var peopleInfo in peopleItem.Value)
PlayerList playerList = new PlayerList();
playerList.userId = peopleInfo.peopleId;
playerList.roleId = peopleInfo.dutyId;
playerList.birthAreaId = peopleInfo.sceneId;
playerList.chargeAreaId = peopleInfo.sceneId;
public void ChangeImage(bool isSure)
if (isSure)
sureBtn.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = toggleImage[1];
sureBtn.transform.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = toggleImage[0];
public void SetTitleText(Text setText)
titleText.text = setText.text;
public void SetTransfrom()