This commit is contained in:
杨号敬 2024-11-29 17:12:28 +08:00
parent 1a8a42cc18
commit 257edf5312
529 changed files with 525774 additions and 27429 deletions

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Reference Guide
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 3
Demo Scenes ............................................................................................................................... 3
Quick Start................................................................................................................................... 3
Special Features ........................................................................................................................... 4
Fog Profiles ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Fog Volumes ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Transparency Support .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Automatic fog light alignment with Sun .............................................................................................................. 8
Elevated Fog & Clouds.......................................................................................................................................... 8
Fog Colors and Lighting Model............................................................................................................................. 8
Fog Void................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Fog Areas ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Method 1: Limit the fog of an existing Volumetric Fog component attached to the camera. ...................... 10
Method 2: Drag & drop the fog area prefabs. ............................................................................................... 10
Method 3: Use the API to create fog areas.................................................................................................... 11
Setting rendering order of fog areas.............................................................................................................. 11
Fog of War .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Point Light support ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Light Scattering................................................................................................................................................... 13
Depth Blur .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Sun Shadows ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Geometry Mask .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Orthographic Camera support ........................................................................................................................... 16
VR and Single Pass Stereo Rendering ................................................................................................................. 16
Enhanced compatibility............................................................................................................... 17
Enhanced Sprite Compatibility ........................................................................................................................... 17
Compatibility with Time of Day .......................................................................................................................... 17
Compatibility with other Sky Managers............................................................................................................. 17
Compatibility with Gaia ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Compatibility with Horizon(ON) ......................................................................................................................... 18
Performance Tips ....................................................................................................................... 18
Common Issues (FAQ)................................................................................................................. 20
Additional Support...................................................................................................................... 22
Dynamic Fog & Mist.................................................................................................................... 22
Thanks for purchasing!
Volumetric Fog & Mist is an advanced full-screen post-image effect for Unity that adds realistic fog,
mist, dust and clouds effects to your scenes.
This asset is highly optimized but due to the nature of its algorithm its not suitable for mobile devices.
For mobile devices, use Dynamic Fog & Mist, also included in the package. You can add both assets
to your project and enable the most appropriate for the running platform (see Dynamic Fog & Mist
section at the end of this document).
Demo Scenes
Just load any demo scene included and click “Play”. You will be able to move around using WASD or
cursor keys. Press spacebar to jump, F to change fog style and T to toggle on/off the fog.
The Fog Of War demo scene allows you to “Cut” the fog as you pass through it (press “C” to enable
fog cutting mode).
You can delete the Demo folder entirely or ignore it when importing the asset into your project.
Quick Start
1. Add the VolumetricFog script to your main camera in your scene.
2. Choose one of the preset and thats all!
You can of course customize any of its parameters to match your game mood and requirements.
Please read this document to learn more about all supported features.
Special Features
Fog Profiles
Starting with V8, Volumetric Fog & Mist accepts profiles. A profile is a special file that contains all the
settings used to customize look & feel of the Volumetric Fog.
Assign a profile to the “Profile” slot to load its settings. You can find some sample profiles inside the
VolumetricFog/Resources/Profiles folder:
Click “Create” to create a new profile with current settings. A new file will be created and you can
rename it and move it into any folder.
When a profile is assigned, you will be able to Create a copy, Revert current settings (reload the
profile) or update the profile with current settings:
Fog Volumes
You can define special zones (fog volumes) where fog alpha, color and other properties can change
automatically. Create a fog volume from the menu GameObject / Create Other / Fog Volume. Position
the fog volume over the desired area and edit the transform scale, then customize what attributes
of the fog should be changed in the FogVolume script (see below).
Fog Volumes can change fog alpha, fog color, fog specular color, fog light color and sky haze alpha.
But also you can assign a fog profile which holds many options:
Enable Profile Transition: when this option is enabled and a profile is assigned to the Target Profile
slot, all the settings of that profile will be used in the transition. This is the most complete option to
create great transitions.
Enable Alpha Transition: when enabled, will make a transition with fog alpha value (transparency of
the fog) and also the sky haze alpha (transparency of the sky haze effect if used).
Enable Fog Color Transition: when enabled, the albedo color of the fog will transition to this value.
Enable Fog Specular Transition: same but affecting the fog specular color.
Enable Light Color Transition: same but affects the light color value.
Transition Duration: duration in seconds for the transition.
Target Collider: the collider that will be detected to trigger the transition. By default it uses the
collider attached to the camera (if any).
Debug Mode: if enabled, it will print a debug message into the console when the collider enters or
exits the volume.
Target Fog: the target Volumetric Fog & Mist that will receive the changes. By default its the script
attached to the camera.
By default, Fog Volumes will react to any collider that contains the camera to which the fog image
effect is attached (for first person controllers this is the default behaviour). But you can also assign a
different collider so they will also work with third person controllers.
Check out Demo Scene #7 “MountainClimb” for an example of Fog Volumes.
Transparency Support
Under General Settings, you can find a few options to control the order of execution of Volumetric
Fog & Mist as well as some specific options for dealing with transparent objects like particles and
tree billboards:
Compute Depth: this option will calculate the depth for standard Unity tree billboards and/or
transparent objects included in the specific layer mask (not necessary for SpeedTree). This custom
render pass will prevent these trees to be clipped when you look to the horizon or sky and theres a
billboard tree in the middle.
Render Before Transparency: this toggle controls the execution order of the image effect. If
enabled fog will be rendered before any transparent object. If not (default value), it will render
after everything has been rendered.
Transparency Mode: this option is only enabled if the image effect renders after transparent
objects (see previous option). In this case, if the fog is very thick, it can occlude any particle or
transparent object. Using this special Blend feature they will be combined with the fog color.
Experiment with different Blend Power values (shown when Transparency Mode is set to Blend).
Its important to note that proper transparency and fog support is not possible in Unity due to how
the render pipeline works. Depending on the type of transparent objects you use and your scene
setup one of the following 3 options may work for you:
1. Render Before Transparency: this option will make Volumetric Fog & Mist render before any
transparent object is drawn so they are not affected nor clipped by the fog.
Pros: best performance.
Cons: a side effect of this option is that transparent objects may look weird rendered on top of
the fog.
2. Enable Compute Depth option with Scope: Tree Billboards And Transparent Objects. This option
will enable a custom depth pass and will treat transparent objects as cutout shaders. You can
adjust the Cut Off value to match the best result.
Pros: transparent objects receive fog effect based on their exact depth.
Cons: requires an additional depth pass which is slower. Also some transparent objects with
smooth gradients or edges may look bad since this option treats them as CutOut shaders (hard
3. Transparency Mode set to Blend: this option can be used instead of the previous one (they are
exclusive options). It renders after transparent objects have been drawn but afterwards blends
the transparent objects on top of the fog with a customizable blending intensity.
Pros: looks similar to “Render Before Transparency” but with customizable blending intensity
and running after all transparent objects have been drawn. This setup is required when also
using Unity standard tree.
Cons: although it provides a bit better result than “Render Before Transparent”, the result is
non-optimal as no depth-checking is performed.
Automatic fog light alignment with Sun
A light game object existing in the scene can act as the Sun and be assigned to Volumetric. Youll find
a property in the inspector, called Sun, where you can drag and drop the desired light in your scene.
After assigning a light as the Sun, the fog will react to the sun light direction, intensity and color
automatically. Click “Unassign” to break the link and allow to freely customize light direction,
intensity and color.
Elevated Fog & Clouds
You can make the fog start above Camera position to simulate floating smoke or even clouds! Try it
assigning a value above the Camera Y position to Base Height property in the inspector.
Check out Demo Scene #7 “MountainClimb” for an example of how to enable a dynamic cloud layer
that reacts when player climbs a mountain.
Fog Colors and Lighting Model
To provide more artistic choices, Volumetric Fog provides different “colorization formulae”. This
option is located under Fog Colors section:
Legacy: this is the traditional technique used in Volumetric Fog & Mist. It lerps between the ambient
light and the sun or light color to provide the final fog color.
Natural: in this mode, the color lerps between the ambient and ambient + light color and the result
is multiplied by the light intensity.
Single Light: in this mode, the ambient color is not used. Just the light color multiplied by the light
Note that if a Sun object is assigned, the Suns light intensity is added to the Light intensity parameter.
Fog Void
Another great feature included in the asset is the void area. This option is useful if you want a clear
area around a world space position. For example, in 3rd Person View games, you may want a clear
area around the character.
This option is similar to the Distance Fog feature (using Distance > 0) but Distance Fog Works having
into account the distance from the Camera. So Distance parameter is useful for 1st Person View and
Void Areas for 3rd Person View.
Void areas can be spherical or boxed. To make a spherical void area just move the radius slider to
the left. To make it boxed, set the width and depth sliders.
Also, you can assign your character game object to the property field in this section, so the center of
the void will follow it automatically.
Fog Areas
Fog Areas can be defined to limit the rendering of the fog inside a box or sphere container.
The demo scene #6 “HighClouds” shows an example
Therere 3 ways to add a Fog Area into your scene:
Method 1: Limit the fog of an existing Volumetric Fog component attached to the camera.
Use the Fog Area section:
- Set the position of the fog area in Fog Area position property.
- Choose a fog area topology.
- Choose a radius and a falloff for spherical fog area or radius/depth/height for a box-type fog
- Optionally assign a GameObject to the “Follow GameObject” slot. This will make the fog area
to follow that game object.
Method 2: Drag & drop the fog area prefabs.
Locate the fog area prefabs inside VolumetricFog / Resources / Prefab folder:
Choose either FogBoxArea or FogSphereArea, drag and drop it into your Scene View or hierarchy:
Once the fog area is in your scene, it will automatically link to the Volumetric Fog script attached to
your camera. If you need to use another camera, just change the Fog Renderer property and assign
another Volumetric Fog & Mist.
Explanation: fog areas are containers for settings and storages for the fog area state values. Its the
VolumetricFog script attached to the camera which is responsible of all the rendering.
To change the dimensions of the fog area created this way, please use the transform of the fog
area game object. You can change the position and the scale of the transform to match the desired
dimensions and location of the fog area.
Method 3: Use the API to create fog areas.
You can also create any number of fog areas during runtime calling fog.CreateFogArea API. Please
check demo scene 10 source code for quick examples.
Setting rendering order of fog areas
By default, fog areas are rendered from back to front respective to the distance to the camera.
However, in some circumstances you may want to specify a different sorting method. This can be
useful when you need a background layer of clouds or to overcome some undesired overlapping.
Go to Fog Area section and choose a different sorting method:
Possible options are:
- Distance To camera (default)
- Altitude: this fog area will be sorted depending on the altitude (difference in height with
respect to the camera position).
- Fixed: this option allows you to introduce a fixed rendering order. All fog areas have a default
render order of 1. If you enter a value of 2, this fog area will be rendered after all fog areas
have rendered so it will show on top of every other fog area.
Fog of War
You can also set any number of void areas just calling SetFogOfWarAlpha method of the Volumetric
script. Just pass the world space position, the radius and the desired new alpha for the fog. Just make
sure the center and size of the fog of war (configured in the inspector) are properly set (by default
the fog of war is centered on 0,0,0 with a size of 1024x1024). Optionally pass a duration to produce
a smoother effect.
To make the cut permanent make sure Restore Delay is set to 0.
Call ResetFogOfWar to reset the cleared areas back to normal.
Important: Fog of War relies on z-buffer data to map world positions to the mask texture. It wont
work properly if theres no geometry under the fog (its aimed to fog over terrain or any other
geometry that writes to z-buffer, transparent shaders wont work neither).
Point Light support
Up to 6 point lights can be selected to illuminate the fog with different colors, ranges and intensities.
This feature can be used to achieve many visual effects, from fog gradients, glow or bloom, definitely
enhancing the ambiance of your scenes.
At night, if you have the fog synced with a Sun game object, the fog will be dark. You can use this
feature to illuminate the surrounding area of the characters.
Note that point light are simulated in the shader, so its not necessary to have real point lights in the
scene. But if you have them, you can simply assign them to the slots in the Point Light section or
make the asset choose them for you automatically using the slider and checking “Track Point Lights”.
Light Scattering
Light scattering is the physical phenomena that makes the light reflect/refract when it crosses
different densities, adding shafts of light across the scene from the light source. Volumetric Fog &
Mist includes a light scattering option, which approximates that effect in screen space (that means
that it only works when the light source is in front of you).
To enable this option, you need to assign a light source to the Sun property and check the Enable
toggle in the inspector. Then customize the effect with the different parameters in that section.
Light Scattering section is really divided in 2 effects:
- Light Diffusion: this is a lightweight effect that will color the fog around the Sun as you look
directly to it.
- Sun Shafts: simulates the effect caused when objects occlude the light of the Sun. Please note
that Sun Shafts will increase the workload on the GPU, so you may have a configuration
parameter in your game to enable it in addition to the fog. Also note that Sun Shafts are
designed so they work better when they cross the fog.
Depth Blur
This option blurs the color buffer before overlaying the fog to simulate additional light scattering. Try
it and experiment with different depths.
Sun Shadows
Enable this feature to cast Sun shadows over the fog.
The “Force Update Interval” parameter can be set to a value greater than 0 to specify the interval in
seconds between shadow casting shoots. If set to zero (default value) it will shoot shadows only if
the Sun changes rotation (this is usually the most efficient setting). You can set this value to 0.016 to
shoot every frame (if you target 60 frames/s or set even a lower value) have the shadows always
updated but this will take extra ms from your framerate. It just depends if you have moving objects
on the scene that clearly cast shadows over the fog and you want to ensure that shadows are always
in sync with those objects.
The “Max Distance” will determine the maximum distance from the camera for the shadows. It does
not affect performance but shadow quality. The greater the value the poor quality and vice versa.
The Resolution parameter also affects shadow quality in a more direct way as this value determines
the size of the shadow texture thats produced in each shadow shoot. The default value of 3 uses a
4096x4096 texture, you can increase this value to 4 and it will use a 8192x8192 texture which is
currently the maximum texture size allowed by Unity 5. You may experiment with lower resolutions
as well and see if they work for you it will improve performance and reduce VRAM memory usage.
The “Bias” parameter option will offset the shadow start from the object itself to prevent self-
shadowing. By default, a value of 0.1 ensures this cant happen so this value should be left as its,
unless you need to change it to create special effects.
The “Shadow Cancellation” slider allows you to control the alpha transparency of the fog under
shadows. If you set this value to 1, only lit fog by the assigned Sun light will be visible producing a
Volumetric Light effect.
Use the “Jitter” parameter to reduce banding effects when using Sun Shadows feature.
Geometry Mask
Geometry masks uses the depth information from scene objects to mask out the fog in the scene.
This feature is similar to fog areas but has two key differences:
- Geometry Mask affects entire fog rendering. While each fog area can have different
appearance and behaviour attributes, the geometry mask affects the entire fog (including any
other fog area!).
- Geometry Mask can include any number of objects which allows to make very complex
The workflow for using geometry mask follows:
1.- Select the main camera and click “Shader Options” button located on top of Volumetric Fog
2.- Scroll down until you see the Fog Mask option. Enable it.
3.- Close the Shader Options section and scroll down to the bottom of inspector until you see
“Geometry Mask” section.
4.- Select which layers include the objects that will make the mask.
5.- Click “Refresh” to quickly list which objects are found. If no object is found, verify that the objects
belong to the same layer.
6.- Optionally use downsampling option to increase performance (only if needed).
- Geometry Mask uses the meshes from scene objects to create complex and compound
volumes to render the fog inside.
- Those objects should be used only for the mask. For example if you have a room and you want
fog inside the room only, then you can add a cube and scale it inside the room. Assign that
cube to a custom layer for the mask purposes.
- In order to allow the fog visible inside the objects assigned to the geometry mask, their mesh
renderers need to be disabled. This is expected as the mask objects are only meant to provide
their geometry for the mask.
- You can combine any number of objects or meshes to create complex and irregular shapes.
- If you can achieve the results using a geometry mask instead of a fog area, stick to the
geometry mask. Using both geometry mask and fog areas is possible although each additional
feature costs performance.
Orthographic Camera support
To enable orthographic camera support, you need to edit VolumetricFogOptions.cginc file located in
VolumetricFog/Resources/Shaders folder:
This file contains a global macro called “FOG_ORTHO”. To enable orthographic camera support, just
change the 0 to 1 so it reads:
#define FOG_ORTHO 1
VR and Single Pass Stereo Rendering
Volumetric Fog & Mist is fully compatible with VR in both “Multi” and “Single”-Pass Stereo Rendering.
It has been tested with Oculus DK2 with both Oculus and OpenVR SDKs.
Important: if you enable Single Pass Stereo Rendering in Player Settings, make sure you verify that
its reflected in Volumetric Fog & Mist inspector on your camera. Check this new option which is
automatically set based on the Player Settings when the inspector is shown.
Enhanced compatibility
Enhanced Sprite Compatibility
Standard Unity sprite shaders are not compatible with Image Effects as they are not rendered as 3D
objects and dont write to ZBuffer on real world positions. That forces Image Effects to be rendered
before the transparent queue so at least sprites (as particles) are not covered by the Image Effect.
This cause that sprites look floating over the scene as the fog makes them clearly separated from rest
of the scene.
To avoid the problem described above, Volumetric Fog & Mist includes two custom sprite shaders
found in Resources/Extras folder. You will find two materials with names SpriteFogDiffuse and
SpriteFogUnlit, which you may just assign to your Sprite Renderers to make Sprite fully compatible
with the Image Effects.
Compatibility with Time of Day
If you use Time of Day asset, you may assign the Sun game object found under Sky Dome to the Sun
field in the Volumetric Fog & Mist inspector. That will sync the direction and color of the Sun light
with the fog.
Compatibility with other Sky Managers
The compatibility with Sky managers in Volumetric Fog & Mist affects two parameters:
- Depth of skybox: many sky managers use a “Sky Dome” to render the sky. This sky dome is a
big sphere that surrounds the scene. To allow sky haze work with sky domes, reduce the sky
depth parameters under the sky haze section.
- Sun orientation: fog lighting will adapt automatically to the Sun orientation. Just drag and
drop any gameobject that reflects current Sun direction onto the Sun property in the
Compatibility with Gaia
Volumetric Fog & Mist is also available from Gaias Extension Manager. You will find a list of
convenient buttons that configures and select the different presets of Volumetric Fog & Mist in just
one click.
Compatibility with Horizon(ON)
Volumetric Fog & Mist has been tested with recent versions of Horizon(ON). It will only work with
the real terrain though, so you will probably need to reduce the max distance factor and combine
Volumetric Fog & MIst with the fog effect provided by Horizon(ON) for the long distance.
Performance Tips
Volumetric Fog uses an extremely optimized ray-marching algorithm to provide “volumetric sense”
fog in front of your player. This great effect comes at a performance price that makes Volumetric Fog
& Mist not suitable for mobile devices (at least mobile devices to date).
However, we have added a few optimization parameters to provide you with more control regarding
the performance vs quality:
- Compute Depth: disable this option unless its required in your scene as this will add an
additional rendering stage (its optimized but nevertheless its an additional hidden camera
rendering stuff like billboard trees).
- Max Distance: reduce the max distance property to a value that matches your
scene/requirements so no extra fog is calculated unnecessarily.
- Sky Haze: reduce to 0 to improve performance.
- Transparency Mode: set to None to avoid extra overhead.
- Downsampling: increase this value to improve performance. A high value will produce visible
artifacts around objects. A x2 value usually works well. A x4 or higher value works better with
elevated/cloud fog. You can enable the “Edge improvement” option to reduce fog
bleeding/pixelization around geometry borders.
- Stepping: controls the step of the ray-marching algorithm. Reduce this value to improve
- Stepping near: additional factor for the ray-marching step applied only to close distances.
Increase to improve the fog effect when stepping is reduced.
- Distance (starting Distance in Fog Geometry group): reduce to 0 to improve performance.
- Height: try to set the minimum height for the look you need.
Optional features that you may check theyre either on (because you want them) or off (because you
dont want them and want to make sure they are really disabled):
- Point Lights: reduce the number of point lights that can illuminate the fog (Point Light
section). Make sure the range for non-used slots is zero.
- Light Scattering: uncheck the Enable toggle to disable the effect and increase performance.
Make sure that if you enable it, the effect is visible when facing towards Sun, otherwise you
will be wasting lot GPU cycles!
- Fog Void / Fog of War: disable (either setting the fog void radius to zero) or disabling fog of
war feature (toggle in its section) if youre not using them to reduce GPU work.
Common Issues (FAQ)
When I import Volumetric Fog & Mist I see some errors in the console related to Standard Assets.
Depending on your Unity version if its older than 5.5, Volumetric Fog & Mist includes a copy of the
Standard Assets inside the Demo folder. They were used only in the demo scenes so you can
remove them along the demo folder if you dont need them anymore. In Unity 5.5, the Standard
Assets are no longer included to avoid issues with your own usage of Standard Assets (instructions
to import the demo scenes are easy to follow and included in a readme file inside the demo folder).
So depending on your Unity version if its older than 5.5, this copy of Standard Assets corresponds
to 5.1.1, 5.3.1 or 5.4 Unity versions. If you already have the Standard Assets imported in your
project you may receive errors due to duplication of files. The errors will go away when you delete
the duplicated files. You may delete the Standard Assets folder inside Volumetric Fog & Mist Demos
I have exceeded the maximum number of allowed shader keywords. What can I do?
Volumetric Fog & Mist shader uses the following keywords, defined in VolumetricFog.shader file.
Since V6.4, a new option in the inspector allows you to remove some of these keywords. This
option is accessible pressing a button with the text “Build Options” located on top of the
Volumetric Fog & Mist inspector.
If you want to further optimize the shader, you can edit it and modify it depending if you want the
feature or not:
A) I dont need that feature: just remove the corresponding keyword or the entire #pragma
B) I need that feature: you may remove the #pragma line AND remove all #if related
statements in the shader so that code will always execute.
#pragma multi_compile __ FOG_DISTANCE_ON
Used when you set Starting Distance > 0.
#pragma multi_compile __ FOG_VOID_SPHERE FOG_VOID_BOX
Used when you enable fog void option.
#pragma multi_compile __ FOG_AREA_SPHERE FOG_AREA_BOX
Used when you enable fog area option..
#pragma multi_compile __ FOG_HAZE_ON
Used when you Sky Haze setting is > 0.
#pragma multi_compile __ FOG_OF_WAR_ON
Used when you enable Fog of War feature.
#pragma multi_compile __ FOG_POINT_LIGHT0 …
Used when the range setting of the optional point light setting is > 0.
#pragma multi_compile __ FOG_SCATTERING_ON
Used for light scattering (god rays, sun shafts).
If you want to further optimize shader keywords at project level, consider using Shader Control
asset (check it on the Asset Store).
When I generate a build, it stucks or takes lot of time!
This is a known issue with Unity when compiling shaders with many keywords. You may want to
reduce the shader complexity removing some keywords that you dont use check the previous
question to learn about the different keywords used by the shader.
I see banding artifacts, how can I remove them?
To reduce banding artifacts (ie. circles on the sky), make sure your camera has HDR enabled and
use the Dithering and Jittering options found in the Optimization & Quality settings section. You can
customize the dither effect using the slider next to the toggle. For low density fog, you may need to
increase the dithering intensity.
Can I extend the maximum distance far beyond the 2000 limit?
You can edit the custom inspector to increase that cap. However increasing that value will impact
performance. If you need to cover vast or far areas with fog, consider adding Dynamic Fog & Mist in
addition to Volumetric Fog & Mist. Use Volumetric Fog & Mist for short distance effects and
Dynamic Fog & Mist for the background.
When I enable transparency pass (Blend) I see strange colors or the particles dont show up.
What is it?
In this case, make sure Volumetric Fog & Mist camera scripts are first on the camera stack of
components, before any other image effect.
Additional Support
Please visit for questions, support and more info.
Dynamic Fog & Mist
You will find a copy of Dynamic Fog & Mist included in this package located in the Extras folder.
Dynamic Fog & Mist is somewhat less impressive visually than Volumetric Fog but it will provide
better performance.
If youre not interested in using Dynamic Fog & MIst, remember to remove the Extra folder

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@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
Dont miss these other cool assets brought to you by
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Dynamic Fog & Mist is a full-screen image effect that adds live, moving Fog, Mist and Sky Haze to your scenes
making them less dull and boring.
Get it on the Asset Store:!/content/48200?aid=1101lGsd
Volumetric Fog & Mist is the enhanced version of Dynamic Fog & Mist (which is also included in the package)
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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
namespace VolumetricFogAndMist {
public class FogVolumeExtensions : MonoBehaviour {
[MenuItem("GameObject/Create Other/Volumetric Fog Volume")]
static void CreateFogVolume(MenuCommand menuCommand) {
GameObject fogVolume = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/FogVolume");
if (fogVolume == null) {
Debug.LogError("Could not load FogVolume from Resources/Prefabs folder!");
GameObject newFogVolume = Instantiate(fogVolume); = "Volumetric Fog Volume";
// Ensure it gets reparented if this was a context click (otherwise does nothing)
GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(newFogVolume, menuCommand.context as GameObject);
// Break prefab link
// Register root object for undo.
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newFogVolume, "Create Volumetric Fog Volume");
Selection.activeObject = newFogVolume;
// Enables fog volumes in fog component
VolumetricFog fog = Camera.main.GetComponent<VolumetricFog>();
if (fog != null)
fog.useFogVolumes = true;
[MenuItem("GameObject/Create Other/Volumetric Fog Area (Box)")]
static void CreateFogAreaBox(MenuCommand menuCommand) {
GameObject fogArea = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/FogBoxArea");
if (fogArea == null) {
Debug.LogError("Could not load FogBoxArea from Resources/Prefabs folder!");
GameObject newFogArea = Instantiate(fogArea); = "Volumetric Fog Area Box";
// Ensure it gets reparented if this was a context click (otherwise does nothing)
GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(newFogArea, menuCommand.context as GameObject);
// Break prefab link
// Register root object for undo.
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newFogArea, "Create Volumetric Fog Area (Box)");
Selection.activeObject = newFogArea;
[MenuItem("GameObject/Create Other/Volumetric Fog Area (Spherical)")]
static void CreateFogAreaSphere(MenuCommand menuCommand) {
GameObject fogArea = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/FogSphereArea");
if (fogArea == null) {
Debug.LogError("Could not load FogSphereArea from Resources/Prefabs folder!");
GameObject newFogArea = Instantiate(fogArea); = "Volumetric Fog Area Sphere";
// Ensure it gets reparented if this was a context click (otherwise does nothing)
GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(newFogArea, menuCommand.context as GameObject);
// Break prefab link
// Register root object for undo.
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newFogArea, "Create Volumetric Fog Area (Sphere)");
Selection.activeObject = newFogArea;
[MenuItem("GameObject/Create Other/Volumetric Fog Area (Spherical, 2 layers)")]
static void CreateFogCloud2Layer(MenuCommand menuCommand) {
GameObject fogArea = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/FogSphereArea");
if (fogArea == null) {
Debug.LogError("Could not load FogSphereArea from Resources/Prefabs folder!");
GameObject root = new GameObject("Volumetric Fog Cloud Layers");
Vector3 pos = Camera.main != null ? Camera.main.transform.position :;
pos.y += 70;
root.transform.position = pos;
VolumetricFog fog = InstantiateCloudLayer(fogArea, 1).GetComponent<VolumetricFog>();
fog.transform.SetParent(root.transform, false);
fog.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2000, 60f, 2000);
fog.density = 1f;
fog.height = 60f;
fog.noiseStrength = 0.778f;
fog.noiseScale = 4.37f;
fog.noiseSparse = 0.418f;
fog.noiseFinalMultiplier = 1f;
fog.distance = 0;
fog.distanceFallOff = 0f;
fog = InstantiateCloudLayer(fogArea, 2).GetComponent<VolumetricFog>();
fog.transform.SetParent(root.transform, false);
fog.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, 50, 0);
fog.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2000, 50, 2000);
fog.density = 1f;
fog.height = 50f;
fog.noiseStrength = 1f;
fog.noiseScale = 5.57f;
fog.noiseSparse = 0.458f;
fog.noiseFinalMultiplier = 1f;
fog.distance = 0;
fog.distanceFallOff = 0f;
Selection.activeObject = root;
static GameObject InstantiateCloudLayer(GameObject fogArea, int layerIndex) {
GameObject newFogArea = Instantiate(fogArea); = "Volumetric Fog Area Layer " + layerIndex;
// Break prefab link
return newFogArea;

View File

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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
namespace VolumetricFogAndMist {
public class VolumetricFogAbout : EditorWindow {
Texture2D _headerTexture, _blackTexture;
GUIStyle richLabelStyle;
GUIStyle blackStyle;
public static void ShowAboutWindow() {
float height = 350.0f;
float width = 515.0f;
Rect rect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.5f - width * 0.5f, Screen.height * 0.5f - height * 0.5f, width, height);
GetWindowWithRect<VolumetricFogAbout>(rect, true, "About Volumetric Fog & Mist", true);
void OnEnable() {
Color backColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.18f, 0.18f, 0.18f) : new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
_blackTexture = MakeTex(4, 4, backColor);
_blackTexture.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
_headerTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("VolumetricHeader");
blackStyle = new GUIStyle();
blackStyle.normal.background = _blackTexture;
void OnGUI() {
if (richLabelStyle == null) {
richLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(;
richLabelStyle.richText = true;
richLabelStyle.wordWrap = true;
EditorGUILayout.Separator(); = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
GUILayout.Label(_headerTexture, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
GUILayout.Label("<b>Volumetric Fog & Mist</b>\nCopyright (C) by Kronnect", richLabelStyle);
GUILayout.Label("Thanks for purchasing!");
if (GUILayout.Button("Support Forum and more assets!", GUILayout.Height(40))) {
if (GUILayout.Button("Rate this Asset", GUILayout.Height(40))) {
if (GUILayout.Button("Close Window", GUILayout.Height(40))) {
Texture2D MakeTex(int width, int height, Color col) {
Color[] pix = new Color[width * height];
for (int i = 0; i < pix.Length; i++)
pix[i] = col;
Texture2D result = new Texture2D(width, height);
return result;

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View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
namespace VolumetricFogAndMist {
public static class VolumetricFogEditorStyles {
public static void SetFoldoutColor(this GUIStyle style) {
Color foldoutColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.52f, 0.66f, 0.9f) : new Color(0.12f, 0.16f, 0.4f);
style.normal.textColor = foldoutColor;
style.onNormal.textColor = foldoutColor;
style.hover.textColor = foldoutColor;
style.onHover.textColor = foldoutColor;
style.focused.textColor = foldoutColor;
style.onFocused.textColor = foldoutColor; = foldoutColor;
style.onActive.textColor = foldoutColor;
style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;

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View File

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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using VolumetricFogAndMist;
using UnityEditor;
namespace Gaia.GX.Kronnect
/// <summary>
/// Volumetric Fog & Mist extension for Gaia.
/// </summary>
public class VolumetricFogGaiaExtension : MonoBehaviour
#region Generic informational methods
/// <summary>
/// Returns the publisher name if provided.
/// This will override the publisher name in the namespace ie Gaia.GX.PublisherName
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Publisher name</returns>
public static string GetPublisherName()
return "Kronnect";
/// <summary>
/// Returns the package name if provided
/// This will override the package name in the class name ie public class PackageName.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Package name</returns>
public static string GetPackageName()
return "Volumetric Fog & Mist";
#region Methods exposed by Gaia as buttons must be prefixed with GX_
public static void GX_About()
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("About Volumetric Fog & Mist", "Volumetric Fog & Mist is a full-screen image effect that adds realistic, live, moving fog, mist, dust, clouds and sky haze to your scenes making them less dull and boring.", "OK");
static VolumetricFog CheckFog() {
VolumetricFog fog = VolumetricFog.instance;
// Checks Volumetric Fog image effect is attached
if (fog==null) {
Camera camera = Camera.main;
if (camera == null)
camera = FindObjectOfType<Camera>();
if (camera == null)
Debug.LogError("Could not find camera to add camera effects to. Please add a camera to your scene.");
return null;
fog = camera.gameObject.AddComponent<VolumetricFog>();
// Finds a suitable Sun light
if (fog.sun==null) {
Light[] lights = FindObjectsOfType<Light>();
for (int k=0;k<lights.Length;k++) {
Light light = lights[k];
if ("Sun")) {
fog.sun = light.gameObject;
if (fog.sun==null) {
for (int k=0;k<lights.Length;k++) {
Light light = lights[k];
if (light.type == LightType.Directional) {
fog.sun = light.gameObject;
return fog;
public static void GX_WorldEdge() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.WorldEdge;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_WindyMist() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.WindyMist;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_SeaOfClouds() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.SeaClouds;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_Fog() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Fog;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_HeavyFog() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.HeavyFog;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_FrostedWater() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.FrostedGround;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
fog.color = Color.white;
fog.height = 1.5f;
public static void GX_GroundFog() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.GroundFog;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_ToxicSwamps() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.ToxicSwamp;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_FoggyLakes() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.FoggyLake;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_SandStorm1() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.SandStorm1;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_SandStorm2() {
VolumetricFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.SandStorm2;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace VolumetricFogAndMist {
public class VolumetricFogProfileInspector : Editor {
Color titleColor;
SerializedProperty lightingModel, sunCopyColor, density, noiseStrength, height, baselineHeight, distance, maxFogLength, maxFogLengthFallOff, distanceFallOff;
SerializedProperty baselineRelativeToCamera, baselineRelativeToCameraDelay;
SerializedProperty noiseScale, noiseSparse, noiseFinalMultiplier, alpha, color, specularColor, specularThreshold, specularIntensity, lightDirection, lightIntensity, lightColor;
SerializedProperty speed, windDirection, useRealTime;
SerializedProperty turbulenceStrength, useXYPlane;
SerializedProperty skyColor, skyHaze, skySpeed, skyNoiseStrength, skyAlpha;
SerializedProperty downsamplingOverride, downsampling, edgeImprove, edgeThreshold, stepping, steppingNear, dithering, ditherStrength;
SerializedProperty lightScatteringOverride, lightScatteringEnabled, lightScatteringDiffusion, lightScatteringExposure, lightScatteringSpread, lightScatteringWeight, lightScatteringIllumination, lightScatteringDecay, lightScatteringSamples, lightScatteringJittering;
SerializedProperty fogVoidOverride, fogVoidPosition, fogVoidTopology, fogVoidRadius, fogVoidFallOff, fogVoidHeight, fogVoidDepth;
void OnEnable() {
titleColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.52f, 0.66f, 0.9f) : new Color(0.12f, 0.16f, 0.4f);
lightingModel = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightingModel");
sunCopyColor = serializedObject.FindProperty("sunCopyColor");
density = serializedObject.FindProperty("density");
noiseStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty("noiseStrength");
height = serializedObject.FindProperty("height");
baselineHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty("baselineHeight");
distance = serializedObject.FindProperty("distance");
maxFogLength = serializedObject.FindProperty("maxFogLength");
maxFogLengthFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty("maxFogLengthFallOff");
distanceFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty("distanceFallOff");
baselineRelativeToCamera = serializedObject.FindProperty("baselineRelativeToCamera");
baselineRelativeToCameraDelay = serializedObject.FindProperty("baselineRelativeToCameraDelay");
noiseScale = serializedObject.FindProperty("noiseScale");
noiseSparse = serializedObject.FindProperty("noiseSparse");
noiseFinalMultiplier = serializedObject.FindProperty("noiseFinalMultiplier");
alpha = serializedObject.FindProperty("alpha");
color = serializedObject.FindProperty("color");
specularColor = serializedObject.FindProperty("specularColor");
specularThreshold = serializedObject.FindProperty("specularThreshold");
specularIntensity = serializedObject.FindProperty("specularIntensity");
lightDirection = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightDirection");
lightIntensity = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightIntensity");
lightColor = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightColor");
speed = serializedObject.FindProperty("speed");
windDirection = serializedObject.FindProperty("windDirection");
useRealTime = serializedObject.FindProperty("useRealTime");
turbulenceStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty("turbulenceStrength");
useXYPlane = serializedObject.FindProperty("useXYPlane");
skyColor = serializedObject.FindProperty("skyColor");
skyHaze = serializedObject.FindProperty("skyHaze");
skySpeed = serializedObject.FindProperty("skySpeed");
skyNoiseStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty("skyNoiseStrength");
skyAlpha = serializedObject.FindProperty("skyAlpha");
downsamplingOverride = serializedObject.FindProperty("downsamplingOverride");
downsampling = serializedObject.FindProperty("downsampling");
edgeImprove = serializedObject.FindProperty("edgeImprove");
edgeThreshold = serializedObject.FindProperty("edgeThreshold");
stepping = serializedObject.FindProperty("stepping");
steppingNear = serializedObject.FindProperty("steppingNear");
dithering = serializedObject.FindProperty("dithering");
ditherStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty("ditherStrength");
lightScatteringOverride = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringOverride");
lightScatteringEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringEnabled");
lightScatteringDiffusion = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringDiffusion");
lightScatteringExposure = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringExposure");
lightScatteringSpread = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringSpread");
lightScatteringWeight = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringWeight");
lightScatteringIllumination = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringIllumination");
lightScatteringDecay = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringDecay");
lightScatteringSamples = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringSamples");
lightScatteringJittering = serializedObject.FindProperty("lightScatteringJittering");
fogVoidOverride = serializedObject.FindProperty("fogVoidOverride");
fogVoidPosition = serializedObject.FindProperty("fogVoidPosition");
fogVoidTopology = serializedObject.FindProperty("fogVoidTopology");
fogVoidRadius = serializedObject.FindProperty("fogVoidRadius");
fogVoidFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty("fogVoidFallOff");
fogVoidHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty("fogVoidHeight");
fogVoidDepth = serializedObject.FindProperty("fogVoidDepth");
public override void OnInspectorGUI() {
DrawTitleLabel("Volumetric Fog Profile");
if (GUILayout.Button("Help", GUILayout.Width(50)))
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Help", "Move the mouse over each label to show a description of the parameter.", "Ok");
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(distance, new GUIContent("Distance", "Distance in meters from the camera at which the fog starts. It works with Distance FallOff."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(distanceFallOff, new GUIContent(" Fall Off", "When you set a value to Distance > 0, this parameter defines the gradient of the fog to the camera. The higher the value, the shorter the gradient."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(maxFogLength, new GUIContent("Max. Distance", "Maximum distance from camera at which the fog is rendered. Decrease this value to improve performance."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(maxFogLengthFallOff, new GUIContent(" FallOff", "Blends far range with background."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(height, new GUIContent("Height", "Maximum height of the fog in meters."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(useXYPlane, new GUIContent("Use XY Plane", "Switches between normal mode to XY mode."));
if (useXYPlane.boolValue) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(baselineHeight, new GUIContent("Base Z", "Starting Z of the fog in meters."));
} else {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(baselineHeight, new GUIContent("Base Height", "Starting height of the fog in meters. You can set this value above Camera position. Try it!"));
if (useXYPlane.boolValue) {
GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(baselineRelativeToCamera, new GUIContent("Relative To Camera", "If set to true, the base height will be added to the camera height. This is useful for cloud styles so they always stay over your head!"));
if (baselineRelativeToCamera.boolValue) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(baselineRelativeToCameraDelay, new GUIContent("Delay", "Speed factor for transitioning to new camera heights."));
GUI.enabled = true;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(density, new GUIContent("Density", "General density of the fog. Higher density fog means darker fog as well."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(noiseStrength, new GUIContent("Noise Strength", "Randomness of the fog formation. 0 means uniform fog whereas a value towards 1 will make areas of different densities and heights."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(noiseScale, new GUIContent(" Scale", "Increasing this value will expand the size of the noise."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(noiseSparse, new GUIContent(" Sparse", "Increase to make noise sparser."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(noiseFinalMultiplier, new GUIContent(" Final Multiplier", "Final noise value multiplier."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(alpha, new GUIContent("Alpha", "Transparency for the fog. You may want to reduce this value if you experiment issues with billboards."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(color, new GUIContent("Albedo", "Base color of the fog."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(specularColor, new GUIContent("Specular Color", "This is the color reflected by the fog under direct light exposure (see Light parameters)"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(specularThreshold, new GUIContent("Specular Threshold", "Area of the fog subject to light reflectancy"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(specularIntensity, new GUIContent("Specular Intensity", "The intensity of the reflected light."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightDirection, new GUIContent("Light Direction", "The normalized direction of a simulated directional light."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightingModel, new GUIContent("Lighting Model", "The lighting model used to calculate fog color. 'Legacy' is provided for previous version compatibility. 'Natural' uses ambient + light color. 'Single Light' excludes ambient color."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightIntensity, new GUIContent("Light Intensity", "Intensity of the simulated directional light."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightColor, new GUIContent("Light Color", "Color of the simulated direcional light."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(sunCopyColor, new GUIContent("Copy Sun Color", "Always use Sun light color. Disable this property to allow choosing a custom light color."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(speed, new GUIContent("Wind Speed", "Speed factor for the simulated wind effect over the fog."));
if (GUILayout.Button("Stop", GUILayout.Width(60))) {
speed.floatValue = 0;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(windDirection, new GUIContent("Wind Direction", "Normalized direcional vector for the wind effect."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(turbulenceStrength, new GUIContent("Turbulence", "Turbulence strength. Set to zero to deactivate. Turbulence adds a render pass to compute fog animation."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(useRealTime, new GUIContent("Use Real Time", "Uses real elapsed time since last fog rendering instead of Time.deltaTime (elapsed time since last frame) to ensure continuous fog animation irrespective of camera enable state. For example, if you disable the camera and 'Use Real Time' is enabled, when you enable the camera again, the fog animation wil compute the total elapsed time so it shows as if fog continues animating while camera was disabled. If set to false, fog animation will use Time.deltaTime (elapsed time since last frame) which will cause fog to resume previous state."));
if (useXYPlane.boolValue) {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Sky haze is disabled when using XY plane.", MessageType.Info);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skyHaze, new GUIContent("Haze", "Height of the sky haze in meters. Reduce this or alpha to 0 to disable sky haze."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skyColor, new GUIContent("Color", "Sky haze color."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skySpeed, new GUIContent("Speed", "Speed of the haze animation."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skyNoiseStrength, new GUIContent("Noise Strength", "Amount of noise for the sky haze."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skyAlpha, new GUIContent("Alpha", "Transparency of the sky haze. Reduce this or Haze value to 0 to disable sky haze."));
DrawTitleLabel("Light Scattering");
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringOverride, new GUIContent("Override", "Override current light scattering fog settings."));
if (!lightScatteringOverride.boolValue) GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringEnabled, new GUIContent("Enable", "Enables screen space light scattering. Simulates scattering of Sun light through atmosphere."));
if (lightScatteringEnabled.boolValue) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringDiffusion, new GUIContent("Diffusion", "Spread or intensity of Sun light scattering."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringExposure, new GUIContent("Shafts Intensity", "Intensity for the Sun shafts effect."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringSpread, new GUIContent(" Spread", "Length of the Sun rays. "));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringWeight, new GUIContent(" Sample Weight", "Strength of Sun rays."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringIllumination, new GUIContent(" Start Illumination", "Initial strength of each ray."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringDecay, new GUIContent(" Decay", "Decay multiplier applied on each step."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringSamples, new GUIContent(" Samples", "Number of light samples used when Light Scattering is enabled. Reduce to increse performance."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lightScatteringJittering, new GUIContent(" Jittering", "Smooths rays removing artifacts and allowing to use less samples."));
GUI.enabled = true;
DrawTitleLabel("Fog Void");
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogVoidOverride, new GUIContent("Override", "Override current fog void settings."));
if (!fogVoidOverride.boolValue) GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogVoidPosition, new GUIContent("Center", "Location of the center of the fog void in world space (area where the fog disappear).\nThis option is very useful if you want a clear area around your character in 3rd person view."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogVoidTopology, new GUIContent("Topology", "Shape of the void area."));
if (fogVoidTopology.intValue == (int)FOG_VOID_TOPOLOGY.Sphere) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogVoidRadius, new GUIContent("Radius", "Radius of the void area."));
} else if (fogVoidTopology.intValue == (int)FOG_VOID_TOPOLOGY.Box) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogVoidRadius, new GUIContent("Width", "Width of the void area."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogVoidHeight, new GUIContent("Height", "Height of the void area."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogVoidDepth, new GUIContent("Depth", "Depth of the void area."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogVoidFallOff, new GUIContent("FallOff", "Gradient of the void area effect."));
GUI.enabled = true;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(downsamplingOverride, new GUIContent("Downsampling Override", "Overrides downsampling settings."));
if (!downsamplingOverride.boolValue) GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(downsampling, new GUIContent(" Downsampling", "Reduces the size of the depth texture to improve performance."));
if (downsampling.intValue > 1) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(edgeImprove, new GUIContent(" Improve Edges", "Check this option to reduce artifacts and halos around geometry edges when downsampling is applied. This is an option because it's faster to not take care or geometry edges, which is probably unnecesary if you use fog as elevated clouds."));
if (edgeImprove.boolValue) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(edgeThreshold, new GUIContent(" Threshold", "Depth threshold used to detected edges."));
GUI.enabled = true;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(stepping, new GUIContent("Stepping", "Multiplier to the ray-marching algorithm. Values between 8-12 are good. Increasing the stepping will produce more accurate and better quality fog but performance will be reduced. The less the density of the fog the lower you can set this value."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(steppingNear, new GUIContent("Stepping Near", "Works with Stepping parameter but applies only to short distances from camera. Lowering this value can help to reduce banding effect (performance can be reduced as well)."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(dithering, new GUIContent("Dithering", "Blends final fog color with a pattern to reduce banding artifacts. Use the slider to choose the intensity of dither."));
if (dithering.boolValue) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ditherStrength, new GUIContent(" Strength", "Dither strength."));
if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties() || (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand &&
Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")) {
// Triggers profile reload on all Volumetric Fog scripts
VolumetricFog[] fogs = FindObjectsOfType<VolumetricFog>();
for (int t = 0; t < targets.Length; t++) {
VolumetricFogProfile profile = (VolumetricFogProfile)targets[t];
for (int k = 0; k < fogs.Length; k++) {
if (fogs[k] != null && fogs[k].profile == profile) {
Texture2D MakeTex(int width, int height, Color col) {
Color[] pix = new Color[width * height];
for (int i = 0; i < pix.Length; i++)
pix[i] = col;
TextureFormat tf = SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(TextureFormat.RGBAFloat) ? TextureFormat.RGBAFloat : TextureFormat.RGBA32;
Texture2D result = new Texture2D(width, height, tf, false);
return result;
GUIStyle titleLabelStyle;
void DrawTitleLabel(string s) {
if (titleLabelStyle == null) {
titleLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(;
titleLabelStyle.normal.textColor = titleColor;
titleLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
GUILayout.Label(s, titleLabelStyle);

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using UnityEngine;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace VolumetricFogAndMist {
public class VolumetricFogSInfo {
public string name = "";
public string path = "";
public List<SCShaderPass> passes = new List<SCShaderPass>();
public List<SCKeyword> keywords = new List<SCKeyword>();
public bool pendingChanges;
public bool editedByShaderControl;
public int enabledKeywordCount;
public void Add(SCShaderPass pass) {
public void EnableKeywords() {
keywords.ForEach((SCKeyword keyword) => keyword.enabled = true);
void UpdateKeywords() {
passes.ForEach((SCShaderPass pass) => {
for (int l = 0; l < pass.keywordLines.Count; l++) {
SCKeywordLine line = pass.keywordLines[l];
for (int k = 0; k < line.keywords.Count; k++) {
SCKeyword keyword = line.keywords[k];
if (!keywords.Contains(keyword)) {
if (SCKeywordChecker.IsValid( {
enabledKeywordCount = 0;
keywords.ForEach((SCKeyword kw) => {
if (kw.enabled)
public SCKeyword GetKeyword(string name) {
int kCount = keywords.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < kCount; k++) {
SCKeyword keyword = keywords[k];
if (
return keyword;
return new SCKeyword(name);
public class SCShaderPass {
public int pass;
public List<SCKeywordLine> keywordLines = new List<SCKeywordLine>();
public int keywordCount;
public void Add(SCKeywordLine keywordLine) {
public void Add(List<SCKeywordLine> keywordLines) {
void UpdateKeywordCount() {
keywordCount = 0;
keywordLines.ForEach((SCKeywordLine obj) => keywordCount += obj.keywordCount);
public void Clear() {
keywordCount = 0;
public class SCKeywordLine {
public List<SCKeyword> keywords = new List<SCKeyword>();
public bool hasUnderscoreVariant;
public SCKeyword GetKeyword(string name) {
int kc = keywords.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < kc; k++) {
SCKeyword keyword = keywords[k];
if ( {
return keyword;
return null;
public void Add(SCKeyword keyword) {
if (GetKeyword( != null)
// ignore underscore keywords
bool goodKeyword = false;
for (int k = 0; k <; k++) {
if ([k] != '_') {
goodKeyword = true;
if (goodKeyword) {
} else {
keyword.isUnderscoreKeyword = true;
hasUnderscoreVariant = true;
public void DisableKeywords() {
keywords.ForEach((SCKeyword obj) => obj.enabled = false);
public void Clear() {
public int keywordCount {
get {
return keywords.Count;
public int keywordsEnabledCount {
get {
int kCount = keywords.Count;
int enabledCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < kCount; k++) {
if (keywords[k].enabled)
return enabledCount;
public override string ToString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int k = 0; k < keywords.Count; k++) {
if (k > 0)
sb.Append(" ");
return sb.ToString();
public class SCKeyword {
public string name;
public bool enabled;
public bool isUnderscoreKeyword;
public SCKeyword(string name) { = name;
enabled = true;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (obj is SCKeyword) {
SCKeyword other = (SCKeyword)obj;
return name.Equals(;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode() {
return name.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString() {
return name;
static class SCKeywordChecker {
static Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
static SCKeywordChecker() {
string[][] kw = new string[][]
new string[] { VolumetricFog.SKW_FOG_HAZE_ON, "Sky Haze" },
new string[] { VolumetricFog.SKW_FOG_OF_WAR_ON, "Fog of War" },
new string[] { VolumetricFog.SKW_LIGHT_SCATTERING, "Light Scattering" },
new string[] { VolumetricFog.SKW_SUN_SHADOWS, "Sun Shadows" },
new string[] { VolumetricFog.SKW_FOG_VOID_BOX, "Fog Void (Box shape)" },
new string[]
"Fog Void (Sphere shape)"
new string[] { VolumetricFog.SKW_FOG_AREA_BOX, "Fog Area (Box shape)" },
new string[]
"Fog Area (Sphere shape)"
new string[] { VolumetricFog.SKW_FOG_BLUR, "Depth Blur" },
new string[] { VolumetricFog.SKW_FOG_USE_XY_PLANE, "Use XY Plane" },
new string[]
"Compute Depth"
for (int k = 0; k < kw.Length; k++) dict[kw[k][0]] = kw[k][1];
public static bool IsValid(string name) {
return dict.ContainsKey(name);
public static string Translate(string name) {
if (dict.ContainsKey(name)) {
return dict[name];
} else {
return name;

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@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
namespace VolumetricFogAndMist {
public class VolumetricFogShaderOptions {
public bool pendingChanges;
public ShaderAdvancedOption[] options;
public void ReadOptions() {
pendingChanges = false;
// Populate known options
options = new ShaderAdvancedOption[]
new ShaderAdvancedOption
id = "FOG_ORTHO", name = "Orthographic Mode", description = "Enables support for orthographic camera projection."
new ShaderAdvancedOption
id = "FOG_DEBUG",
name = "Debug Mode",
description = "Enables fog debug view."
new ShaderAdvancedOption
id = "FOG_MASK",
name = "Enable Mask",
description = "Enables mask defined by geometry volumes (meshes)."
Shader shader = Shader.Find("VolumetricFogAndMist/VolumetricFog");
if (shader != null) {
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader);
string file = Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "/VolumetricFogOptions.cginc";
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file, Encoding.UTF8);
for (int k = 0; k < lines.Length; k++) {
for (int o = 0; o < options.Length; o++) {
if (lines[k].Contains(options[o].id)) {
options[o].enabled = !lines[k].StartsWith("//");
public bool GetAdvancedOptionState(string optionId) {
if (options == null)
return false;
for (int k = 0; k < options.Length; k++) {
if (options[k].id.Equals(optionId)) {
return options[k].enabled;
return false;
public void UpdateAdvancedOptionsFile() {
// Reloads the file and updates it accordingly
Shader shader = Shader.Find("VolumetricFogAndMist/VolumetricFog");
if (shader != null) {
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader);
string file = Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "/VolumetricFogOptions.cginc";
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file, Encoding.UTF8);
for (int k = 0; k < lines.Length; k++) {
for (int o = 0; o < options.Length; o++) {
if (lines[k].Contains(options[o].id)) {
if (options[o].enabled) {
lines[k] = "#define " + options[o].id;
} else {
lines[k] = "//#define " + options[o].id;
File.WriteAllLines(file, lines, Encoding.UTF8);
pendingChanges = false;
public struct ShaderAdvancedOption {
public string id;
public string name;
public string description;
public bool enabled;

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
To install and execute the demo scenes:
1) Import Standard Assets package: Character
2) Double click on Demos package inside the Demos folder to import them
3) The demos are now available inside Demos folder

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@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 3
Demo Scenes ............................................................................................................................... 4
Quick Start................................................................................................................................... 4
Special Features (only Image Effect) ............................................................................................... 6
VR and Single Pass Stereo Rendering ................................................................................................................... 6
Fog Volumes ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Fog of War ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Gradient Fog ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Special Features (Dynamic Fog of War)........................................................................................... 7
Using the Dynamic Fog of War prefab ................................................................................................................. 7
Enhanced compatibility................................................................................................................. 8
Compatibility with Gaia ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Support ....................................................................................................................................... 8
FAQ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Thanks for purchasing!
Dynamic Fog & Mist is a collection of shaders that adds live, moving Fog, Mist and Sky Haze to your
scenes making them less dull and boring.
This asset contains:
- A full-screen image post-processing image effect with 7 variants.
- 15 materials with integrated fog effect in custom shaders.
- A fog of war prefab optimized for top-down perspective.
Important: you should use either the full-screen image effect or the fog materials, but not both!
Explanation follows:
- The image effect is controlled by the script DynamicFog.cs that you add to your camera. The
image effect overlays a layer of fog on top of the image every frame. The fog is computed
using the depth of each pixel on the screen rendered by the camera. The farther the pixel the
thicker the fog.
- On the other hand, the fog materials use custom shaders that integrate the fog calculation.
Theres no full screen blit nor full screen fog computation but instead the color of the objects
are modified depending on the distance to the camera. Since theres no separate full-screen
blit pass, using fog materials could be faster on old mobile devices.
- Finally if you need a top-down view, fog of war effect that occludes game area and allows you
to clear custom zones, the fog of war prefab provides you the best performance.
Only if youre really concerned about performance (eg. mobile), use the fog materials or the fog of
war prefab. Otherwise use the full-screen image effect. Demo scenes 1-4 show examples of the full-
screen image effect whereas demo scene 5 shows how to use fog materials to create a simple arcade
Demo Scenes
Demo scenes depends on Standard Assets Camera package, so it needs to be imported along the
Demos package (double click on it to uncompress).
Just load any included demo scene and click “Play”. In FPS demos you will be able to move around
using WASD or cursor keys. Press spacebar to jump, F to change fog style and T to toggle on/off the
The Fog Of War demo scene allows you to “Cut” the fog as you pass through it (press “C” to enable
fog cutting mode).
Finally theres a Fog of War demo scene that uses the fog of war prefab (only works for the top-down
You can delete the Demo folder entirely or ignore it when importing the asset into your project.
Quick Start
To use Dynamic Fog & Mist full screen image effect (demo scenes 1-4):
1. Add “Dynamic Fog” OR “Dynamic Fog Exclusive” script to your main camera in your scene.
Dynamic Fog Exclusive renders to an offscreen target which accepts downsampling. This
mode can be faster than normal Dynamic Fog script.
2. Choose one of the preset and thats all!
You can of course customize any of its parameters to match your game mood and requirements.
The effect type selector in the inspector allows you to select one of the shader variants:
- Desktop Fog + Sky Haze: this effect provides a fast fog effect plus sky haze options for desktop
platforms. It uses two different noise textures to produce a soft animated fog effect.
- Desktop Fog Plus + Sky Haze: this effect provides a fog effect using a volumetric approach
improving the fog coverage when theres no geometry in front of the camera. It also uses sky
- Mobile Fog + Sky Haze: optimized version of Desktop Fog + Sky Haze for mobile devices. Uses
a single noise texture.
- Mobile Fog (No Sky Haze): same than Mobile Fog but without sky haze effect.
- Mobile Fog (Simplified): uses a volumetric approach and no noise textures, hence, no
animation nor turbulence is supported in this mode. This can be the best choice for fast static
- Mobile Fog (Basic): uses a even simpler version of Mobile Fog (Simplified) aimed for the low
end mobile devices.
To use Dynamic Fog & Mist fog materials (not to be combined with the image effect! see demo
scene 5):
1. Select and duplicate any fog material inside DynamicFog/Resources/Materials (see below for
names, they start with DFM).
2. Customize the material properties (color, texture or metallic/glossiness, depending on the
chosen material).
3. Assign the material to your game objects (you can mix different material types).
4. Create an empty game object and add “DynamicFogManager.cs” script to it. This script
controls the shaders of the fog materials and allows you to customize the fog properties for
all materials from a centralized point.
The current fog materials available in DynamicFog/Resources/Materials are:
- DFMStandardShader: a derivation of the Standard Shader which integrated our fog effect.
- DFMStandardShaderNormal: same but adds bump map.
- DFMStandardShaderNormalOcclusionMap: same but adds occlusion map.
- DFMStandardShaderNormalOcclusionIntegrated: in this case the alpha component of the
main texture is used for occlusion.
- DFMStandardShaderSolidColor: same but does not use textures, just single color (faster).
- DFMLambert: a fog shader that uses simple lighting (faster).
- DFMLambertSolidColor: same but does not use textures (even faster).
- DFMUnlit: does not use lighting, just texture, color and fog effect (faster yet!)
- DFMUnlitSingleColor: same but does not use texture (the fastest shader!)
These materials are also available with a reflection texture support:
- DFRStandardShader: a derivation of the Standard Shader which integrated our fog effect.
- DFRStandardShaderSolidColor: same but does not use textures, just single color (faster).
- DFRLambert: a fog shader that uses simple lighting (faster).
- DFRLambertSolidColor: same but does not use textures (even faster).
- DFRUnlit: does not use lighting, just texture, color and fog effect (faster yet!)
- DFRUnlitSingleColor: same but does not use texture (the fastest shader!)
Its possible to assign a reflection texture to these materials (using
mat.SetTexture(“_ReflectionTex”, texture) to blend reflections along with the fog. The free asset
Realtime Reflections provide a simple way to expose the reflection textures to these materials:!/content/21730
Special Features (only Image Effect)
VR and Single Pass Stereo Rendering
Dynamic Fog & Mist fully supports VR and Single Pass Stereo Rendering. It has been tested with
Oculus DK2 headset and both Oculus and OpenVR SDKs.
Important: if you enable Single Pass Stereo Rendering in Player Settings, make sure to review
Dynamic Fog & Mist inspector on your camera and ensure the checkbox “Single Pass Stereo” shown
at top of inspector is marked. This checkbox is automatically set based on the Player Settings so no
need to change it, just ensure it reflects current player settings. Reason for this checkbox is that Unity
does not provide a way to check if Single Pass Stereo is enabled at runtime (from scripts) so this
redundant checkbox was added. Just make sure its in line with your Player Settings.
Fog Volumes
You can define special zones (fog volumes) where fog alpha will automatically change. Create a fog
volume from the menu GameObject / Create Other / Fog Volume. Position the fog volume over the
desired area, edit the collider bounds and set the desired fog alpha and transition duration in the
Fog of War
You can also set any number of void areas just calling SetFogOfWarAlpha method of the Volumetric
script. Just pass the world space position, the radius and the desired new alpha for the fog. Just make
sure the center and size of the fog of war (configured in the inspector) are properly set (by default
the fog of war is centered on 0,0,0 with a size of 1024x1024).
Texture Size defines the resolution of the fog of war transparency texture. Increase this size to
improve the precision of the clearings.
Call ResetForOfWar to reset the cleared areas back to normal.
Gradient Fog
Dynamic Fog & Mist exposes two color selectors to create artistic fog gradients. Just experiment with
Special Features (Dynamic Fog of War)
Using the Dynamic Fog of War prefab
Dynamic Fog also includes a custom prefab optimized for Fog of War usage:
This prefab does not use any image effect but a custom shader that works much faster on mobile.
Please check demo scene 7 for a full example.
To use this feature in your game, just locate and drag the prefab FogOfWarLayer located in
DynamicFog/Resources/Prefabs folder to your scene. Position the plane over the terrain or area to
cover. Then, the following API is available:
DynamicFogOfWar fog = DynamicFogOfWar.instance;
fog.SetFogWarTerrainBoundary(terrain, borderSize)
This function smoothly cuts the fog crossing the terrain. This call is optional and only useful if you
want to produce a smooth cut like in the image above.
fog.SetFogOfWarAlpha(worldPosition, radius, alpha)
Call this function to clear or set a custom fog transparency on any world position.
Call this function to restore fog of war to fully opaque.
This property determines the resolution of the internal alpha control texture.
Enhanced compatibility
Compatibility with Gaia
Dynamic Fog & Mist is also available from Gaias Extension Manager. You will find a list of
convenient buttons that configures and select the different presets of Dynamic Fog & Mist in just
one click.
Please visit for questions, support and more info.
How can I render the fog behind particles?
Just edit DynamicFog.cs and add [ImageEffectOpaque] before OnRenderImage method.
At night, fog still is showing in same color, how can I make it react to ambient light?
Assign a directional light or Sun gameobject to the Sun property in the inspector (eg. assign the Sun
gameobject of Time Of Day plugin). Once assigned, DynamicFog will lerp between fog color and black
depending on the Y-axis angle of the directional light.
Whats Dynamic Fog Exclusive script for?
Starting version 6, Dynamic Fog & Mist includes two scripts:
- Dynamic Fog (normal usage, recommended for most situations).
- Dynamic Fog Exclusive. This new script is a variant of the normal script optimized for
performance. It includes a “Downsampling” parameter in the inspector that allows you to
reduce quality to improve speed.

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fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: a4a94446e13f34f3e86db1fe515c6763
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licenseType: Store

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fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: d08f1205913624ddfa56e42c221b3002
folderAsset: yes
timeCreated: 1448876969
licenseType: Store

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@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace DynamicFogAndMist {
[CustomEditor (typeof(DynamicFog))]
public class DynamicFogEditor : Editor {
static GUIStyle titleLabelStyle, sectionHeaderStyle;
static Color titleColor;
static bool[] expandSection = new bool[5];
const string SECTION_PREFS = "DynamicFogExpandSection";
static GUIContent[] FOG_TYPE_OPTIONS = new GUIContent[] {
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog Plus + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog Plus (Orthogonal)"),
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog Plus (Simplified)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (No Sky Haze)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (Orthogonal)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (Basic)")
static int[] FOG_TYPE_VALUES = new int[] {
static string[] sectionNames = new string[] {
"Fog Properties",
"Sky Properties",
"Fog of War"
const int FOG_PROPERTIES = 0;
const int SKY_PROPERTIES = 1;
const int FOG_OF_WAR = 2;
SerializedProperty effectType, preset, useFogVolumes, enableDithering, ditherStrength, useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix;
SerializedProperty alpha, noiseStrength, noiseScale, distance, distanceFallOff, maxDistance, maxDistanceFallOff, height, maxHeight;
SerializedProperty heightFallOff, baselineHeight, clipUnderBaseline, turbulence, speed, windDirection, color, color2;
SerializedProperty skyHaze, skySpeed, skyNoiseStrength, skyAlpha, sun, scattering, scatteringColor;
SerializedProperty fogOfWarEnabled, fogOfWarCenter, fogOfWarSize, fogOfWarTextureSize;
bool profileChanges;
DynamicFog _fog;
void OnEnable () {
titleColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color (0.52f, 0.66f, 0.9f) : new Color (0.12f, 0.16f, 0.4f);
for (int k = 0; k < expandSection.Length; k++) {
expandSection [k] = EditorPrefs.GetBool (SECTION_PREFS + k, false);
effectType = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_effectType");
preset = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_preset");
useFogVolumes = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_useFogVolumes");
enableDithering = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_enableDithering");
ditherStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_ditherStrength");
useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix");
alpha = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_alpha");
noiseStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_noiseStrength");
noiseScale = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_noiseScale");
distance = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_distance");
distanceFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_distanceFallOff");
maxDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_maxDistance");
maxDistanceFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_maxDistanceFallOff");
maxHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_maxHeight");
height = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_height");
heightFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_heightFallOff");
baselineHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_baselineHeight");
clipUnderBaseline = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_clipUnderBaseline");
turbulence = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_turbulence");
speed = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_speed");
windDirection = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_windDirection");
color = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_color");
color2 = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_color2");
skyHaze = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_skyHaze");
skySpeed = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_skySpeed");
skyNoiseStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_skyNoiseStrength");
skyAlpha = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_skyAlpha");
sun = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_sun");
scattering = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_scattering");
scatteringColor = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_scatteringColor");
fogOfWarEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_fogOfWarEnabled");
fogOfWarCenter = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_fogOfWarCenter");
fogOfWarSize = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_fogOfWarSize");
fogOfWarTextureSize = serializedObject.FindProperty ("_fogOfWarTextureSize");
_fog = (DynamicFog)target;
void OnDestroy () {
// Save folding sections state
for (int k = 0; k < expandSection.Length; k++) {
EditorPrefs.SetBool (SECTION_PREFS + k, expandSection [k]);
public override void OnInspectorGUI () {
serializedObject.UpdateIfRequiredOrScript ();
serializedObject.UpdateIfDirtyOrScript ();
if (sectionHeaderStyle == null) {
sectionHeaderStyle = new GUIStyle (EditorStyles.foldout);
sectionHeaderStyle.normal.textColor = titleColor;
sectionHeaderStyle.margin = new RectOffset (12, 0, 0, 0);
sectionHeaderStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
if (titleLabelStyle == null) {
titleLabelStyle = new GUIStyle (EditorStyles.label);
titleLabelStyle.normal.textColor = titleColor;
titleLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("General Settings", titleLabelStyle);
if (GUILayout.Button ("Help", GUILayout.Width (40))) {
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Dynamic Fog & Mist", "To learn more about a property in this inspector move the mouse over the label for a quick description (tooltip).\n\nPlease check README file in the root of the asset for details and contact support.\n\nIf you like Dynamic Fog & Mist, please rate it on the Asset Store. For feedback and suggestions visit our support forum on", "Close", "Visit Support Forum")) {
Application.OpenURL ("");
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
int prevPreset = preset.intValue;
bool prevFogVolumes = useFogVolumes.boolValue;
int prevDither = enableDithering.intValue;
float prevDitherStrength = ditherStrength.floatValue;
EditorGUILayout.IntPopup (effectType, FOG_TYPE_OPTIONS, FOG_TYPE_VALUES, new GUIContent ("Effect Type", "Choose a shader variant. Each variant provides different capabilities. Read documentation for explanation."));
switch (effectType.intValue) {
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("BEST IMMERSION. 5 step raymarching based fog effect which does not require geometry. Uses a more complex algorithm to simulate 3D noise in world space. Also adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Variant of Desktop Plus With Sky Haze which treats distance fog and height fog separately. This variant does not add sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Depth based fog effect that lays out fog over existing geometry. Uses two noise textures and adds haze effect at the background to complete fog composition (geometry fog + sky fog).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Depth based fog effect over existing geometry. Similar to Desktop Fog with Sky, but uses one noise texture instead of two, and also adds haze effect at the background to complete fog composition (geometry fog + sky fog).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOnlyGround:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("FASTEST, Depth based fog effect over existing geometry. Similar to Mobile Fog with Sky, but only affects geometry (no sky haze).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogSimple:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("GREAT PERFORMANCE/QUALITY. Similar to Desktop Fog Plus with Sky Haze but uses 3 steps instead of 5 and does not add sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOrthogonal:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Variant of Mobile Fog (Simplified) which treats distance fog and height fog separately. Does not use noise textures. Does not adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogBasic:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("FASTEST, Ray-marching variant. Uses only 1 step. Does not use noise textures. Does not adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (preset, new GUIContent ("Legacy Preset", "Amount of detail of the liquid effect. The 'Simple' setting does not use 3D textures which makes it compatible with mobile."));
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
_fog.profile = (DynamicFogProfile)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField (new GUIContent ("Profile", "Create or load stored presets."), _fog.profile, typeof(DynamicFogProfile), false);
if (_fog.profile != null) {
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
GUILayout.Label ("", GUILayout.Width (130));
if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Create", "Creates a new profile which is a copy of the current settings."), GUILayout.Width (60))) {
CreateProfile ();
profileChanges = false;
GUIUtility.ExitGUI ();
if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Revert", "Updates fog settings with the profile configuration."), GUILayout.Width (60))) {
profileChanges = false;
_fog.profile.Load (_fog);
if (!profileChanges)
GUI.enabled = false;
if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Apply", "Updates profile configuration with changes in this inspector."), GUILayout.Width (60))) {
profileChanges = false;
_fog.profile.Save (_fog);
GUI.enabled = true;
} else {
if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("Create", "Creates a new profile which is a copy of the current settings."), GUILayout.Width (60))) {
CreateProfile ();
GUIUtility.ExitGUI ();
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (useFogVolumes, new GUIContent ("Use Fog Volumes", "Enables fog volumes. These are zones which changes the transparency of the fog automatically, either making it disappear or appear."));
if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget != BuildTarget.Android) {
useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix.boolValue = PlayerSettings.stereoRenderingPath == StereoRenderingPath.SinglePass;
useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix.boolValue = PlayerSettings.singlePassStereoRendering;
GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix, new GUIContent ("Single Pass Stereo", "Enables Single Pass Stereo Rendering when using in VR (automatically set based on player settings."));
GUI.enabled = true;
if (useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix.boolValue && EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.Android) {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Single Pass Stereo is not supported on all Android devices.", MessageType.Info);
int effect = effectType.intValue;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (enableDithering, new GUIContent ("Enable Dithering", "Reduces banding artifacts."));
if (enableDithering.boolValue) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (ditherStrength, new GUIContent (" Dither Strength", "Intensity of dither blending."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (sun, new GUIContent ("Sun", "Assign a game object (a directional light acting as Sun for example) to make the fog color sync automatically with the Sun orientation and light intensity."));
if (effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusWithSkyHaze) {
if (sun.objectReferenceValue == null) {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Light scattering requires a Sun reference.", MessageType.Info);
GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (scattering, new GUIContent ("Light Scattering", "Amount of Sun light diffusion when it crosses the fog towards viewer."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (scatteringColor, new GUIContent (" Scattering Color", "Tint color for the light scattering effect."));
GUI.enabled = true;
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
expandSection [FOG_PROPERTIES] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (expandSection [FOG_PROPERTIES], sectionNames [FOG_PROPERTIES], sectionHeaderStyle);
if (expandSection [FOG_PROPERTIES]) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (alpha, new GUIContent ("Alpha", "Global fog transparency. You can also change the transparency at color level."));
if (effect != 4 && effect != 5 && effect != 6) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (noiseStrength, new GUIContent ("Noise Strength", "Set this value to zero to use solid colors."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (noiseScale, new GUIContent ("Noise Scale", "Scale factor for sampling noise."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (distance, new GUIContent ("Distance", "The starting distance of the fog measure in linear 0-1 values (0=camera near clip, 1=camera far clip)."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (distanceFallOff, new GUIContent ("Distance Fall Off", "Makes the fog appear smoothly on the near distance."));
if (effect < 4)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (maxDistance, new GUIContent ("Max Distance", "The end distance of the fog measure in linear 0-1 values (0=camera near clip, 1=camera far clip)."));
if (effect < 3) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (maxDistanceFallOff, new GUIContent ("Distance Fall Off", "Makes the fog disappear smoothly on the far distance."));
if (effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOrthogonal || effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (maxHeight, new GUIContent ("Max Height", "Max. height of the fog in meters."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (height, new GUIContent ("Height", "Height of the fog in meters."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (heightFallOff, new GUIContent ("Height Fall Off", "Increase to make the fog change gradually its density based on height."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (baselineHeight, new GUIContent ("Baseline Height", "Vertical position of the fog in meters. Height is counted above this baseline height."));
if (effect < 3) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (clipUnderBaseline, new GUIContent ("Clip Under Baseline", "Enable this property to only render fog above baseline height."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (turbulence, new GUIContent ("Turbulence", "Amount of fog turbulence."));
if (effect < 4 || effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (speed, new GUIContent ("Speed", "Speed of fog animation if noise strength or turbulence > 0 (turbulence not available in Desktop Fog Plus mode)."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (windDirection, new GUIContent ("Wind Direction", "Direction of the wind to take into account for the fog animation."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (color);
if (effect != 4 && effect != 5)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (color2);
if (effect != 2 && effect != 4 && effect != 5 && effect != (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal) {
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
expandSection [SKY_PROPERTIES] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (expandSection [SKY_PROPERTIES], sectionNames [SKY_PROPERTIES], sectionHeaderStyle);
if (expandSection [SKY_PROPERTIES]) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (skyHaze, new GUIContent ("Haze", "Vertical range for the sky haze."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (skySpeed, new GUIContent ("Speed", "Speed of sky haze animation."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (skyNoiseStrength, new GUIContent ("Noise Strength", "Amount of noise for the sky haze effect."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (skyAlpha, new GUIContent ("Alpha", "Transparency of sky haze."));
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
expandSection [FOG_OF_WAR] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (expandSection [FOG_OF_WAR], sectionNames [FOG_OF_WAR], sectionHeaderStyle);
if (expandSection [FOG_OF_WAR]) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (fogOfWarEnabled, new GUIContent ("Enabled", "Enables fog of war feature. This requires that you assign a fog of war mask texture at runtime. Read documentation or demo scene for details."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (fogOfWarCenter, new GUIContent ("Center", "World space position of the center of the fog of war mask texture."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (fogOfWarSize, new GUIContent ("Area Size", "Size of the fog of war area in world space units."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (fogOfWarTextureSize, new GUIContent ("Texture Size", "Size of the fog of war mask texture."));
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties () || (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")) {
DynamicFog fog = (DynamicFog)target;
if (prevPreset == preset.intValue && prevFogVolumes == useFogVolumes.boolValue && prevDither == enableDithering.intValue && prevDitherStrength == ditherStrength.floatValue)
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom;
if (fog.profile != null)
profileChanges = true;
fog.UpdateMaterialProperties ();
#region Profile handling
void CreateProfile () {
DynamicFogProfile newProfile = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<DynamicFogProfile> ();
newProfile.Save (_fog);
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset (newProfile, "Assets/DynamicFogProfile.asset");
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets ();
EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow ();
Selection.activeObject = newProfile;
_fog.profile = newProfile;

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: f2a2118e75a8e4d578594bfc8307a769
timeCreated: 1474104927
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

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@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace DynamicFogAndMist
public class DynamicFogExclusiveEditor : Editor
static GUIStyle titleLabelStyle, sectionHeaderStyle;
static Color titleColor;
static bool[] expandSection = new bool[5];
const string SECTION_PREFS = "DynamicFogExpandSection";
static GUIContent[] FOG_TYPE_OPTIONS = new GUIContent[] {
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog Plus + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog Plus (Orthogonal)"),
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog Plus (Simplified)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (No Sky Haze)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (Orthogonal)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (Basic)")
static int[] FOG_TYPE_VALUES = new int[] {
static string[] sectionNames = new string[] {
"Fog Properties",
"Sky Properties",
"Fog of War"
const int FOG_PROPERTIES = 0;
const int SKY_PROPERTIES = 1;
const int FOG_OF_WAR = 2;
SerializedProperty effectType, preset, useFogVolumes, enableDithering, ditherStrength, useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix;
SerializedProperty alpha, noiseStrength, noiseScale, distance, distanceFallOff, maxDistance, maxDistanceFallOff, height, maxHeight;
SerializedProperty heightFallOff, baselineHeight, clipUnderBaseline, turbulence, speed, windDirection, color, color2;
SerializedProperty skyHaze, skySpeed, skyNoiseStrength, skyAlpha, sun, scattering, scatteringColor;
SerializedProperty fogOfWarEnabled, fogOfWarCenter, fogOfWarSize, fogOfWarTextureSize, renderScale;
bool profileChanges;
DynamicFogExclusive _fog;
void OnEnable()
titleColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.52f, 0.66f, 0.9f) : new Color(0.12f, 0.16f, 0.4f);
for (int k = 0; k < expandSection.Length; k++)
expandSection[k] = EditorPrefs.GetBool(SECTION_PREFS + k, false);
effectType = serializedObject.FindProperty("_effectType");
preset = serializedObject.FindProperty("_preset");
useFogVolumes = serializedObject.FindProperty("_useFogVolumes");
enableDithering = serializedObject.FindProperty("_enableDithering");
ditherStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty("_ditherStrength");
useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix = serializedObject.FindProperty("_useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix");
renderScale = serializedObject.FindProperty("renderScale");
alpha = serializedObject.FindProperty("_alpha");
noiseStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty("_noiseStrength");
noiseScale = serializedObject.FindProperty("_noiseScale");
distance = serializedObject.FindProperty("_distance");
distanceFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty("_distanceFallOff");
maxDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty("_maxDistance");
maxDistanceFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty("_maxDistanceFallOff");
maxHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty("_maxHeight");
height = serializedObject.FindProperty("_height");
heightFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty("_heightFallOff");
baselineHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty("_baselineHeight");
clipUnderBaseline = serializedObject.FindProperty("_clipUnderBaseline");
turbulence = serializedObject.FindProperty("_turbulence");
speed = serializedObject.FindProperty("_speed");
windDirection = serializedObject.FindProperty("_windDirection");
color = serializedObject.FindProperty("_color");
color2 = serializedObject.FindProperty("_color2");
skyHaze = serializedObject.FindProperty("_skyHaze");
skySpeed = serializedObject.FindProperty("_skySpeed");
skyNoiseStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty("_skyNoiseStrength");
skyAlpha = serializedObject.FindProperty("_skyAlpha");
sun = serializedObject.FindProperty("_sun");
scattering = serializedObject.FindProperty("_scattering");
scatteringColor = serializedObject.FindProperty("_scatteringColor");
fogOfWarEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty("_fogOfWarEnabled");
fogOfWarCenter = serializedObject.FindProperty("_fogOfWarCenter");
fogOfWarSize = serializedObject.FindProperty("_fogOfWarSize");
fogOfWarTextureSize = serializedObject.FindProperty("_fogOfWarTextureSize");
_fog = (DynamicFogExclusive)target;
void OnDestroy()
// Save folding sections state
for (int k = 0; k < expandSection.Length; k++)
EditorPrefs.SetBool(SECTION_PREFS + k, expandSection[k]);
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (sectionHeaderStyle == null)
sectionHeaderStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout);
sectionHeaderStyle.normal.textColor = titleColor;
sectionHeaderStyle.margin = new RectOffset(12, 0, 0, 0);
sectionHeaderStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
if (titleLabelStyle == null)
titleLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
titleLabelStyle.normal.textColor = titleColor;
titleLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Dynamic Fog Exclusive Mode", MessageType.Info);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("General Settings", titleLabelStyle);
if (GUILayout.Button("Help", GUILayout.Width(40)))
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Dynamic Fog & Mist", "To learn more about a property in this inspector move the mouse over the label for a quick description (tooltip).\n\nPlease check README file in the root of the asset for details and contact support.\n\nIf you like Dynamic Fog & Mist, please rate it on the Asset Store. For feedback and suggestions visit our support forum on", "Close", "Visit Support Forum"))
int prevPreset = preset.intValue;
bool prevFogVolumes = useFogVolumes.boolValue;
int prevDither = enableDithering.intValue;
float prevDitherStrength = ditherStrength.floatValue;
EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(effectType, FOG_TYPE_OPTIONS, FOG_TYPE_VALUES, new GUIContent("Effect Type", "Choose a shader variant. Each variant provides different capabilities. Read documentation for explanation."));
switch (effectType.intValue)
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("BEST IMMERSION. 5 step raymarching based fog effect which does not require geometry. Uses a more complex algorithm to simulate 3D noise in world space. Also adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Variant of Desktop Plus With Sky Haze which treats distance fog and height fog separately. This variant does not add sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Depth based fog effect that lays out fog over existing geometry. Uses two noise textures and adds haze effect at the background to complete fog composition (geometry fog + sky fog).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Depth based fog effect over existing geometry. Similar to Desktop Fog with Sky, but uses one noise texture instead of two, and also adds haze effect at the background to complete fog composition (geometry fog + sky fog).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOnlyGround:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("FASTEST, Depth based fog effect over existing geometry. Similar to Mobile Fog with Sky, but only affects geometry (no sky haze).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogSimple:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("GREAT PERFORMANCE/QUALITY. Similar to Desktop Fog Plus with Sky Haze but uses 3 steps instead of 5 and does not add sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOrthogonal:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Variant of Mobile Fog (Simplified) which treats distance fog and height fog separately. Does not use noise textures. Does not adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogBasic:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("FASTEST, Ray-marching variant. Uses only 1 step. Does not use noise textures. Does not adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(preset, new GUIContent("Legacy Preset", "Amount of detail of the liquid effect. The 'Simple' setting does not use 3D textures which makes it compatible with mobile."));
_fog.profile = (DynamicFogProfile)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(new GUIContent("Profile", "Create or load stored presets."), _fog.profile, typeof(DynamicFogProfile), false);
if (_fog.profile != null)
GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(130));
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Create", "Creates a new profile which is a copy of the current settings."), GUILayout.Width(60)))
profileChanges = false;
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Revert", "Updates fog settings with the profile configuration."), GUILayout.Width(60)))
profileChanges = false;
if (!profileChanges)
GUI.enabled = false;
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Apply", "Updates profile configuration with changes in this inspector."), GUILayout.Width(60)))
profileChanges = false;
GUI.enabled = true;
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Create", "Creates a new profile which is a copy of the current settings."), GUILayout.Width(60)))
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(useFogVolumes, new GUIContent("Use Fog Volumes", "Enables fog volumes. These are zones which changes the transparency of the fog automatically, either making it disappear or appear."));
if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget != BuildTarget.Android)
useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix.boolValue = PlayerSettings.stereoRenderingPath == StereoRenderingPath.SinglePass;
useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix.boolValue = PlayerSettings.singlePassStereoRendering;
GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix, new GUIContent("Single Pass Stereo", "Enables Single Pass Stereo Rendering when using in VR (automatically set based on player settings."));
GUI.enabled = true;
if (useSinglePassStereoRenderingMatrix.boolValue && EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.Android)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Single Pass Stereo is not supported on all Android devices.", MessageType.Info);
int effect = effectType.intValue;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(enableDithering, new GUIContent("Enable Dithering", "Reduces banding artifacts."));
if (enableDithering.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ditherStrength, new GUIContent(" Dither Strength", "Intensity of dither blending."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(sun, new GUIContent("Sun", "Assign a game object (a directional light acting as Sun for example) to make the fog color sync automatically with the Sun orientation and light intensity."));
if (effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusWithSkyHaze)
if (sun.objectReferenceValue == null)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Light scattering requires a Sun reference.", MessageType.Info);
GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(scattering, new GUIContent("Light Scattering", "Amount of Sun light diffusion when it crosses the fog towards viewer."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(scatteringColor, new GUIContent(" Scattering Color", "Tint color for the light scattering effect."));
GUI.enabled = true;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(renderScale, new GUIContent("Render Scale", "Optional render scale factor."));
expandSection[FOG_PROPERTIES] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(expandSection[FOG_PROPERTIES], sectionNames[FOG_PROPERTIES], sectionHeaderStyle);
if (expandSection[FOG_PROPERTIES])
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(alpha, new GUIContent("Alpha", "Global fog transparency. You can also change the transparency at color level."));
if (effect != 4 && effect != 5 && effect != 6)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(noiseStrength, new GUIContent("Noise Strength", "Set this value to zero to use solid colors."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(noiseScale, new GUIContent("Noise Scale", "Scale factor for sampling noise."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(distance, new GUIContent("Distance", "The starting distance of the fog measure in linear 0-1 values (0=camera near clip, 1=camera far clip)."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(distanceFallOff, new GUIContent("Distance Fall Off", "Makes the fog appear smoothly on the near distance."));
if (effect < 4)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(maxDistance, new GUIContent("Max Distance", "The end distance of the fog measure in linear 0-1 values (0=camera near clip, 1=camera far clip)."));
if (effect < 3)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(maxDistanceFallOff, new GUIContent("Distance Fall Off", "Makes the fog disappear smoothly on the far distance."));
if (effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOrthogonal || effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(maxHeight, new GUIContent("Max Height", "Max. height of the fog in meters."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(height, new GUIContent("Height", "Height of the fog in meters."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(heightFallOff, new GUIContent("Height Fall Off", "Increase to make the fog change gradually its density based on height."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(baselineHeight, new GUIContent("Baseline Height", "Vertical position of the fog in meters. Height is counted above this baseline height."));
if (effect < 3)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(clipUnderBaseline, new GUIContent("Clip Under Baseline", "Enable this property to only render fog above baseline height."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(turbulence, new GUIContent("Turbulence", "Amount of fog turbulence."));
if (effect < 4 || effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(speed, new GUIContent("Speed", "Speed of fog animation if noise strength or turbulence > 0 (turbulence not available in Desktop Fog Plus mode)."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(windDirection, new GUIContent("Wind Direction", "Direction of the wind to take into account for the fog animation."));
if (effect != 4 && effect != 5)
if (effect != 2 && effect != 4 && effect != 5 && effect != (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal)
expandSection[SKY_PROPERTIES] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(expandSection[SKY_PROPERTIES], sectionNames[SKY_PROPERTIES], sectionHeaderStyle);
if (expandSection[SKY_PROPERTIES])
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skyHaze, new GUIContent("Haze", "Vertical range for the sky haze."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skySpeed, new GUIContent("Speed", "Speed of sky haze animation."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skyNoiseStrength, new GUIContent("Noise Strength", "Amount of noise for the sky haze effect."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(skyAlpha, new GUIContent("Alpha", "Transparency of sky haze."));
expandSection[FOG_OF_WAR] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(expandSection[FOG_OF_WAR], sectionNames[FOG_OF_WAR], sectionHeaderStyle);
if (expandSection[FOG_OF_WAR])
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogOfWarEnabled, new GUIContent("Enabled", "Enables fog of war feature. This requires that you assign a fog of war mask texture at runtime. Read documentation or demo scene for details."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogOfWarCenter, new GUIContent("Center", "World space position of the center of the fog of war mask texture."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogOfWarSize, new GUIContent("Area Size", "Size of the fog of war area in world space units."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fogOfWarTextureSize, new GUIContent("Texture Size", "Size of the fog of war mask texture."));
if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties() || (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed"))
DynamicFogExclusive fog = (DynamicFogExclusive)target;
if (prevPreset == preset.intValue && prevFogVolumes == useFogVolumes.boolValue && prevDither == enableDithering.intValue && prevDitherStrength == ditherStrength.floatValue)
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom;
if (fog.profile != null)
profileChanges = true;
#region Profile handling
void CreateProfile()
DynamicFogProfile newProfile = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<DynamicFogProfile>();
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newProfile, "Assets/DynamicFogProfile.asset");
Selection.activeObject = newProfile;
_fog.profile = newProfile;

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 34641daa5fe504e50acc2fec136d1fc1
timeCreated: 1474104927
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

View File

@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using DynamicFogAndMist;
using UnityEditor;
namespace Gaia.GX.Kronnect
/// <summary>
/// Volumetric Fog & Mist extension for Gaia.
/// </summary>
public class DynamicFogGaiaExtension : MonoBehaviour
#region Generic informational methods
/// <summary>
/// Returns the publisher name if provided.
/// This will override the publisher name in the namespace ie Gaia.GX.PublisherName
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Publisher name</returns>
public static string GetPublisherName()
return "Kronnect";
/// <summary>
/// Returns the package name if provided
/// This will override the package name in the class name ie public class PackageName.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Package name</returns>
public static string GetPackageName()
return "Dynamic Fog & Mist (mobile & VR compatible)";
#region Methods exposed by Gaia as buttons must be prefixed with GX_
public static void GX_About()
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("About Dynamic Fog & Mist", "Dynamic Fog & Mist is a full-screen image effect that adds live, moving Fog, Mist and Sky Haze to your scenes making them less dull and boring.", "OK");
static DynamicFog CheckFog() {
DynamicFog fog = DynamicFog.instance;
// Checks Dynamic Fog image effect is attached
if (fog==null) {
Camera camera = Camera.main;
if (camera == null)
camera = FindObjectOfType<Camera>();
if (camera == null)
Debug.LogError("Could not find camera to add camera effects to. Please add a camera to your scene.");
return null;
fog = camera.gameObject.AddComponent<DynamicFog>();
// set nice default params
fog.height = 20;
fog.distanceFallOff = 0.4f;
// Finds a suitable Sun light and set color1 to it
Light[] lights = FindObjectsOfType<Light>();
Light sun = null;
for (int k=0;k<lights.Length;k++) {
Light light = lights[k];
if ("Sun")) {
sun = light;
if (sun==null) {
for (int k=0;k<lights.Length;k++) {
Light light = lights[k];
if (light.type == LightType.Directional) {
sun = light;
if (sun!=null) {
fog.color = sun.color;
// Set fog base-line height to water level
GaiaSceneInfo sceneInfo = GaiaSceneInfo.GetSceneInfo();
fog.baselineHeight = sceneInfo.m_seaLevel;
return fog;
public static void GX_Mist() {
DynamicFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Mist;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_WindyMist() {
DynamicFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.WindyMist;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_Fog() {
DynamicFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Fog;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_HeavyFog() {
DynamicFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.HeavyFog;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_GroundFog() {
DynamicFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.GroundFog;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
public static void GX_SandStorm() {
DynamicFog fog = CheckFog();
if (fog==null) return;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.SandStorm;
fog.preset = FOG_PRESET.Custom; // enable to make modifications and preserve them
static void PostMessage() {
Debug.Log ("Dynamic Fog & Mist added to main Camera and configured to chosen preset. Review the script attached to the Camera and customize its settings to your preferences (fog height, distance, distance fall-off, ...).");

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 37ecad7f3bef046cfb37c61e4c994f3f
timeCreated: 1461499631
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace DynamicFogAndMist {
[CustomEditor (typeof(DynamicFogManager))]
public class DynamicFogManagerEditor : Editor {
static GUIStyle titleLabelStyle, sectionHeaderStyle;
static Color titleColor;
static bool[] expandSection = new bool[5];
const string SECTION_PREFS = "DynamicFogExpandSection";
static string[] sectionNames = new string[] {
"Fog Properties",
const int FOG_PROPERTIES = 0;
SerializedProperty sun;
SerializedProperty alpha, distance, distanceFallOff, height, heightFallOff, baselineHeight, color;
void OnEnable () {
titleColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color (0.52f, 0.66f, 0.9f) : new Color (0.12f, 0.16f, 0.4f);
for (int k = 0; k < expandSection.Length; k++) {
expandSection [k] = EditorPrefs.GetBool (SECTION_PREFS + k, false);
sun = serializedObject.FindProperty ("sun");
alpha = serializedObject.FindProperty ("alpha");
distance = serializedObject.FindProperty ("distance");
distanceFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty ("distanceFallOff");
height = serializedObject.FindProperty ("height");
heightFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty ("heightFallOff");
baselineHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty ("baselineHeight");
color = serializedObject.FindProperty ("color");
sun = serializedObject.FindProperty ("sun");
void OnDestroy () {
// Save folding sections state
for (int k = 0; k < expandSection.Length; k++) {
EditorPrefs.SetBool (SECTION_PREFS + k, expandSection [k]);
public override void OnInspectorGUI () {
serializedObject.UpdateIfRequiredOrScript ();
serializedObject.UpdateIfDirtyOrScript ();
if (sectionHeaderStyle == null) {
sectionHeaderStyle = new GUIStyle (EditorStyles.foldout);
sectionHeaderStyle.normal.textColor = titleColor;
sectionHeaderStyle.margin = new RectOffset (12, 0, 0, 0);
sectionHeaderStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
if (titleLabelStyle == null) {
titleLabelStyle = new GUIStyle (EditorStyles.label);
titleLabelStyle.normal.textColor = titleColor;
titleLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("General Settings", titleLabelStyle);
if (GUILayout.Button ("Help", GUILayout.Width (40))) {
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Dynamic Fog & Mist", "To learn more about a property in this inspector move the mouse over the label for a quick description (tooltip).\n\nPlease check README file in the root of the asset for details and contact support.\n\nIf you like Dynamic Fog & Mist, please rate it on the Asset Store. For feedback and suggestions visit our support forum on", "Close", "Visit Support Forum")) {
Application.OpenURL ("");
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (sun, new GUIContent ("Sun", "Assign a game object (a directional light acting as Sun for example) to make the fog color sync automatically with the Sun orientation and light intensity."));
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
expandSection [FOG_PROPERTIES] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (expandSection [FOG_PROPERTIES], sectionNames [FOG_PROPERTIES], sectionHeaderStyle);
if (expandSection [FOG_PROPERTIES]) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (alpha, new GUIContent ("Alpha", "Global fog transparency. You can also change the transparency at color level."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (distance, new GUIContent ("Distance", "The starting distance of the fog measure in linear 0-1 values (0=camera near clip, 1=camera far clip)."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (distanceFallOff, new GUIContent ("Distance Fall Off", "Makes the fog appear smoothly on the near distance."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (height, new GUIContent ("Height", "Height of the fog in meters."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (heightFallOff, new GUIContent ("Height Fall Off", "Increase to make the fog change gradually its density based on height."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (baselineHeight, new GUIContent ("Baseline Height", "Vertical position of the fog in meters. Height is counted above this baseline height."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (color);
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties () || (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")) {
DynamicFogManager fog = (DynamicFogManager)target;
fog.UpdateMaterialProperties ();

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 52cedf0a1d54c40718a868391ba7f471
timeCreated: 1475145313
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

View File

@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace DynamicFogAndMist {
[CustomEditor (typeof(DynamicFogProfile))]
public class DynamicFogProfileEditor : Editor {
static GUIStyle titleLabelStyle;
static Color titleColor;
static GUIContent[] FOG_TYPE_OPTIONS = new GUIContent[] {
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog Plus + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog Plus (Orthogonal)"),
new GUIContent ("Desktop Fog + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog Plus (Simplified)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog + Sky Haze"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (No Sky Haze)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (Orthogonal)"),
new GUIContent ("Mobile Fog (Basic)")
static int[] FOG_TYPE_VALUES = new int[] {
const int FOG_PROPERTIES = 0;
const int SKY_PROPERTIES = 1;
SerializedProperty effectType, enableDithering, ditherStrength;
SerializedProperty alpha, noiseStrength, noiseScale, distance, distanceFallOff, maxDistance, maxDistanceFallOff, height, maxHeight;
SerializedProperty heightFallOff, baselineHeight, clipUnderBaseline, turbulence, speed, windDirection, color, color2;
SerializedProperty skyHaze, skySpeed, skyNoiseStrength, skyAlpha, scattering, scatteringColor;
void OnEnable () {
titleColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color (0.52f, 0.66f, 0.9f) : new Color (0.12f, 0.16f, 0.4f);
effectType = serializedObject.FindProperty ("effectType");
enableDithering = serializedObject.FindProperty ("enableDithering");
ditherStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty ("ditherStrength");
alpha = serializedObject.FindProperty ("alpha");
noiseStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty ("noiseStrength");
noiseScale = serializedObject.FindProperty ("noiseScale");
distance = serializedObject.FindProperty ("distance");
distanceFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty ("distanceFallOff");
maxDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty ("maxDistance");
maxDistanceFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty ("maxDistanceFallOff");
maxHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty ("maxHeight");
height = serializedObject.FindProperty ("height");
heightFallOff = serializedObject.FindProperty ("heightFallOff");
baselineHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty ("baselineHeight");
clipUnderBaseline = serializedObject.FindProperty ("clipUnderBaseline");
turbulence = serializedObject.FindProperty ("turbulence");
speed = serializedObject.FindProperty ("speed");
windDirection = serializedObject.FindProperty ("windDirection");
color = serializedObject.FindProperty ("color");
color2 = serializedObject.FindProperty ("color2");
skyHaze = serializedObject.FindProperty ("skyHaze");
skySpeed = serializedObject.FindProperty ("skySpeed");
skyNoiseStrength = serializedObject.FindProperty ("skyNoiseStrength");
skyAlpha = serializedObject.FindProperty ("skyAlpha");
scattering = serializedObject.FindProperty ("scattering");
scatteringColor = serializedObject.FindProperty ("scatteringColor");
public override void OnInspectorGUI () {
serializedObject.Update ();
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
DrawTitleLabel ("General Settings");
EditorGUILayout.IntPopup (effectType, FOG_TYPE_OPTIONS, FOG_TYPE_VALUES, new GUIContent ("Effect Type", "Choose a shader variant. Each variant provides different capabilities. Read documentation for explanation."));
switch (effectType.intValue) {
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("BEST IMMERSION. 5 step raymarching based fog effect which does not require geometry. Uses a more complex algorithm to simulate 3D noise in world space. Also adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Variant of Desktop Plus With Sky Haze which treats distance fog and height fog separately. This variant does not add sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Depth based fog effect that lays out fog over existing geometry. Uses two noise textures and adds haze effect at the background to complete fog composition (geometry fog + sky fog).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogWithSkyHaze:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Depth based fog effect over existing geometry. Similar to Desktop Fog with Sky, but uses one noise texture instead of two, and also adds haze effect at the background to complete fog composition (geometry fog + sky fog).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOnlyGround:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("FASTEST, Depth based fog effect over existing geometry. Similar to Mobile Fog with Sky, but only affects geometry (no sky haze).", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogSimple:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("GREAT PERFORMANCE/QUALITY. Similar to Desktop Fog Plus with Sky Haze but uses 3 steps instead of 5 and does not add sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOrthogonal:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Variant of Mobile Fog (Simplified) which treats distance fog and height fog separately. Does not use noise textures. Does not adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
case (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogBasic:
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("FASTEST, Ray-marching variant. Uses only 1 step. Does not use noise textures. Does not adds sky haze at the background.", MessageType.Info);
int effect = effectType.intValue;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (enableDithering, new GUIContent ("Enable Dithering", "Reduces banding artifacts."));
if (enableDithering.boolValue) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (ditherStrength, new GUIContent (" Dither Strength", "Intensity of dither blending."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (scattering, new GUIContent ("Light Scattering", "Amount of Sun light diffusion when it crosses the fog towards viewer."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (scatteringColor, new GUIContent (" Scattering Color", "Tint color for the light scattering effect."));
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
DrawTitleLabel ("Fog Settings");
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (alpha, new GUIContent ("Alpha", "Global fog transparency. You can also change the transparency at color level."));
if (effect != 4 && effect != 5 && effect != 6) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (noiseStrength, new GUIContent ("Noise Strength", "Set this value to zero to use solid colors."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (noiseScale, new GUIContent ("Noise Scale", "Scale factor for sampling noise."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (distance, new GUIContent ("Distance", "The starting distance of the fog measure in linear 0-1 values (0=camera near clip, 1=camera far clip)."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (distanceFallOff, new GUIContent ("Distance Fall Off", "Makes the fog appear smoothly on the near distance."));
if (effect < 4)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (maxDistance, new GUIContent ("Max Distance", "The end distance of the fog measure in linear 0-1 values (0=camera near clip, 1=camera far clip)."));
if (effect < 3) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (maxDistanceFallOff, new GUIContent ("Distance Fall Off", "Makes the fog disappear smoothly on the far distance."));
if (effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.MobileFogOrthogonal || effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (maxHeight, new GUIContent ("Max Height", "Max. height of the fog in meters."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (height, new GUIContent ("Height", "Height of the fog in meters."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (heightFallOff, new GUIContent ("Height Fall Off", "Increase to make the fog change gradually its density based on height."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (baselineHeight, new GUIContent ("Baseline Height", "Vertical position of the fog in meters. Height is counted above this baseline height."));
if (effect < 3) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (clipUnderBaseline, new GUIContent ("Clip Under Baseline", "Enable this property to only render fog above baseline height."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (turbulence, new GUIContent ("Turbulence", "Amount of fog turbulence."));
if (effect < 4 || effect == (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal) {
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (speed, new GUIContent ("Speed", "Speed of fog animation if noise strength or turbulence > 0 (turbulence not available in Desktop Fog Plus mode)."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (windDirection, new GUIContent ("Wind Direction", "Direction of the wind to take into account for the fog animation."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (color);
if (effect != 4 && effect != 5)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (color2);
if (effect != 2 && effect != 4 && effect != 5 && effect != (int)FOG_TYPE.DesktopFogPlusOrthogonal) {
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
DrawTitleLabel ("Sky Settings");
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (skyHaze, new GUIContent ("Haze", "Vertical range for the sky haze."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (skySpeed, new GUIContent ("Speed", "Speed of sky haze animation."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (skyNoiseStrength, new GUIContent ("Noise Strength", "Amount of noise for the sky haze effect."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (skyAlpha, new GUIContent ("Alpha", "Transparency of sky haze."));
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties () || (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")) {
// Triggers profile reload on all Volumetric Fog scripts
DynamicFog[] fogs = FindObjectsOfType<DynamicFog> ();
for (int t = 0; t < targets.Length; t++) {
DynamicFogProfile profile = (DynamicFogProfile)targets [t];
for (int k = 0; k < fogs.Length; k++) {
if (fogs [k] != null && fogs [k].profile == profile) {
profile.Load (fogs [k]);
EditorUtility.SetDirty (target);
void DrawTitleLabel (string s) {
if (titleLabelStyle == null) {
titleLabelStyle = new GUIStyle (;
titleLabelStyle.normal.textColor = titleColor;
titleLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
GUILayout.Label (s, titleLabelStyle);

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: fb837799bbfd04204ac6b1a0731619f8
timeCreated: 1509736796
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
namespace DynamicFogAndMist {
public class FogVolumeExtensions : MonoBehaviour {
[MenuItem ("GameObject/Create Other/Dynamic Fog Volume")]
static void CreateFogVolume (MenuCommand menuCommand) {
GameObject fogVolume = Resources.Load<GameObject> ("Prefabs/DynamicFogVolume");
if (fogVolume == null) {
Debug.LogError ("Could not load DynamicFogVolume from Resources/Prefabs folder!");
GameObject newFogVolume = Instantiate (fogVolume); = "Dynamic Fog Volume";
// Disconnect prefab
PrefabUtility.DisconnectPrefabInstance (newFogVolume);
// Ensure it gets reparented if this was a context click (otherwise does nothing)
GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign (newFogVolume, menuCommand.context as GameObject);
// Register root object for undo.
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (newFogVolume, "Create Dynamic Fog Volume");
Selection.activeObject = newFogVolume;
// Enables fog volumes in fog component
DynamicFog fog = Camera.main.GetComponent<DynamicFog> ();
if (fog != null)
fog.useFogVolumes = true;

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
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View File

@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
* (C) Copyright 2015-2017 Kronnect *
How to use this asset
Firstly, you should run the Demo Scenes provided to get an idea of the overall functionality.
Later, you should read the documentation and experiment with the plugin.
Hint: to quick start using the asset just add DynamicFog script to your camera. It will show up in the Game view. Customize it using the custom inspector.
Demo Scenes
There're at several demo scenes, located in "Demos" folder. Just go there from Unity, open them and run it. Remember to remove the Demos folder from your project to reduce size.
Important: since Unity 5.4, the Game View allows to scale the window. Choose "Free Aspect" to easily read the text of some of the demo scenes, otherwise due to the scaling feature demo texts could not be visible inside the window depending on the chosen resolution and your screen size.
Documentation/API reference
The PDF is located in the Documentation folder. It contains additional instructions on how to use this asset as well as a useful Frequent Asked Question section.
Please read the documentation PDF and browse/play with the demo scene and sample source code included before contacting us for support :-)
* Support:
* Website-Forum:
* Twitter: @KronnectGames
Future updates
All our assets follow an incremental development process by which a few beta releases are published on our support forum (
We encourage you to signup and engage our forum. The forum is the primary support and feature discussions medium.
Of course, all updates of Dynamic Fog & Mist will be eventually available on the Asset Store.
Version history
- New Exclusive Mode (add 'Dynamic Fog Exclusive' script' to camera instead of normal Dynamic Fog script)
- Added 3 new fog materials: Standard + Normal, Standard + Normal + Occlusion Map and Standard + Normal + Occlusion integrated
- [Fix] Fixed racing condition when preset and other values are set at runtime
- [Fix] Workaround for an error in Unity 2018.1 beta
- VR: support for Single Pass Instanced (Unity 2017.2+)
- Support for Timeline animations
- Added wind direction
- New Fog Profiles
- Fog volumes now handle full set of fog properies by setting target fog profile
- Dithering option extended to all fog variants
- Added light scattering option to Desktop Plus variant
- New fog variant: orthogonal - takes depth and height separately for computing fog
- New fog variant: desktop plus orthogonal - takes depth and height separately for computing fog
- Added noise scale parameter to some fog variants
- Fog volumes: added option to specify custom fog colors
- [Fix] Fixed issue with Post-Processing Stack
- New fog of war prefab and mode!
- Updated demo scene "Orthographic" with fog of war functionality
- New fog variant "Basic" for low end mobile devices
- [Fix] Fixed Single Pass Stereo with OpenVR SDK
- Support for orthographic camera
- Compatibility with Unity 5.5
- VR: Compatibility with Single Pass Stereo Rendering
- Additional fog materials for reflection support
- Improved scene 5 (game) with sounds
- Fixed baseline height issue with fog materials
- Added distance falloff to Desktop Fog Plus, Mobile (Simplified) and fog material shaders
- New fog materials for using on geometry (see demo scene 5)
- Updated documentation
- New Desktop Fog Plus variant which improves fog effect
- New custom inspector
- Added Sun property to assign a directional light and implement day light cycle
- Enhanced fog blending for desktop variant
- Fog is now clipped above fog height, saving GPU cycles when using low fog
- Added option “Clip under baseline height”
- Fixed “fog soup” issue when using low camera far clip values
- Added compatibility with Gaia Extension System
- Added max distance and max distance falloff parameters.
- Added support for second color to mobile shaders.
- Support for custom void areas (“Fog of War”). See demo scene 4.
- New secondary color to create artistic/gradient fog effects.
- Compatibility with RenderTexture targets
- New option to specify a baseline for the height of the fog
- Support for fog volumes
- Improved performance (even more!)
- Fixed non-advanced fog shader to take into account new sky alpha setting
- Fixed opaque sky haze issue with billboard trees
- Initial release

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More