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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\sl276\slmult1\qc\lang1033\ul\b\f0\fs52 RayFire Blade\par
\lang9\fs22 RayFire Blade componenet should be used if you want to slice or demolish object with Rigid component in Runtime. Slicing supported only for \b Mesh \b0 object types while demolition initiation can be used for Connected and Nested Clusters.\lang1033\fs24\par
\lang9\fs22{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNgXlZS0mTA"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNgXlZS0mTA}}}\lang1033\f0\fs24\par
\lang9\fs22 There are several requirements for Blade component:\lang1033\fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\li720\sl276\slmult1\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\f0\fs22 Object which you want to slice should have \b RayFire Rigid \b0 component.\lang1033\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\f0\fs22 Rigid component \b Demolition type \b0 should be set to \b Runtime\b0 .\lang1033\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 Slice By Blade \b0 property In Rigid / Limitations properties should be \b Enabled\b0 .\lang1033\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs48\tab Properties\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs22 Action Type\lang1033\b0 : Using Blade you can slice object or initiate demolition by Blade's trigger collider.\fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\fi-10\li720\sl276\slmult1\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 Slice\b0 : Object will be Sliced accordingly to Slice Type plane. \fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 Demolish\b0 : Object will demolished accordingly to it's Mesh or Cluster Demolition properties.\fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\fi-10\li10\sl276\slmult1\tx10\tx720\lang9\b\fs22 On Trigger\lang1033\b0 : Defines moment when object will be sliced or demolished.\fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\fi-10\li720\sl276\slmult1\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 Enter\b0 : Object will be sliced when Blade's trigger collider enter object's collider.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 Exit\b0 : Object will be sliced when Blade's trigger collider exit object's collider.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 Enter Exit\b0 : Object will be sliced when Blade's trigger collider exit object's collider and angle for slicing plane will be average angle between enter and exit. This type should be used if object with Blade will be rotated while it is inside sliced object so slicing plane at least will have average angle.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs48\tab Slicing\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Slice Type\b0 : Defines slicing plane which will be used to slice target object.\fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\li1080\sl276\slmult1\tx1080\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 XY\b0 : Plane will lay on X and Y axes. It's normal will point over Z axis.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 XZ\b0 : Plane will lay on X and Z axes. It's normal will point over Y axis.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 YZ\b0 : Plane will lay on Y and Z axes. It's normal will point over X axis.\fs24\par
\pard\box\brdrs\brdrw0\brdrcf4 \nowidctlpar\sl276\slmult1\b\fs22 Target\b0 : Slicing also can be initiated by Slice Target button or by public\cf2\lang1049\b\f2\fs18 \cf3 SliceTarget\cf0\b0 ()\lang1033\f3 \f0\fs22 method. In this case object with Blade doesn't have to enter or exit sliced object collider, but you need to define Target Gameobject for slice.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Targets\b0 : You can define several Targets for manual slicing.\par
\lang9\b\fs48\tab Force\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\pard\box\brdrdash\brdrw0 \nowidctlpar\sl276\slmult1\lang9\b\fs22 Force\b0 : \lang1033\f4 Add to sliced fragments additional velocity impulse to separate them\f5 .\lang9\b\f0\par
Affect Inactive\b0 : \lang1033 Force will be applied to Inactive objects as well.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs48\tab Filters\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\pard\box\brdrdash\brdrw0 \nowidctlpar\sl276\slmult1\lang9\b\fs22 Cooldown\b0 : \lang1033\f4 Allows to temporary disable Blade component for defined time to prevent constant slicing.\lang9\b\f0\par
Tag\b0 : \lang1033 Blade will slice only objects with picked Tag. You can pick only one Tag.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs22 Layer\b0 : \lang1033 Blade will slice only objects with defined layer. You can define several Layers.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs48\tab Methods\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\fs22 Bomb explosion can be initiated by public method:\fs24\par
\cf1\lang1049\f6\fs19 public\cf4 \cf1 void\cf4 Explode (\cf1 float\cf4 Delay = 0)\cf0\lang1033\f0\fs24\par
\fs22 Where \cf4\lang1049\f6\fs19 Delay\lang1033\f7 \cf0\f0\fs22 is time delay in seconds.\fs24\par