xi/Assets/RayFire/Info/Documentation/RayFire Debris.rtf
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\sl276\slmult1\qc\lang9\ul\b\f0\fs52 RayFire Debris\lang1033\ulnone\b0\fs24\par
\lang9\fs22 RayFire Debris component creates debris using native Unity particle system and predefined debris reference. You can create debris on object \b Demolition\b0 , \b Activation \b0 and on gun shooting \b Impact. \b0 Debris component should be used only as addition to Rigid component. If Rigid component Object type set to Mesh Root it will copy Debris component to every child as well.\lang1033\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs48\tab Emit Debris\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs32{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/kIsH_1TTcdU"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 https://youtu.be/kIsH_1TTcdU}}}\lang1033\b0\f0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs22 On Demolition\lang1033\b0 : Demolished object fragments will emit debris.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs22 On Activation\lang1033\b0 : Activated object will emit debris.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs22 On Impact\lang1033\b0 : Object will emit debris at the psotion when it was shot by RayFire Gun component.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs48\tab Main\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs32{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/mvCf5YLed-w"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 https://youtu.be/mvCf5YLed-w}}}\lang1033\b0\f0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs22 Debris Reference\lang1033\b0 : Object which will provide it's MeshFilter's mesh and Material as debris reference. You can define as Debris Reference empty root with several gameobjects and for every Debris particle system will be picked random gameobject as debris reference.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs22 Debris Material\lang1033\b0 : By default it will apply Debris reference material but you can override this material by manually defining Debris Material using this field.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs22 Emission Material\lang1033\b0 : By default particle system will emit debris over whole object surface. You can define specific surface to emit debris using this Emission material field.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs48\tab Properties\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\lang9\fs44\tab Emission\lang1033\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs32{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/kCEP-UxM6IM"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 https://youtu.be/kCEP-UxM6IM}}}\lang1033\b0\f0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Burst\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Burst Type\b0 : Defines how total amount of burst particles for every particle system will be calculated. \fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\li720\sl276\slmult1\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 None\b0 : \lang1033 Object won't produce Burst particles, only Distance particles will be emitted.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 Total Amount\b0 : \lang1033\b Burst Amount \b0 property value will be shared among all fragments. For instance, if \b Burst Amount \b0 value set to 100 and object was demolished to 5 fragments every fragment will emit 20 particles.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 Per One Unity Size\b0 : Every fragment will emit burst particles accordingly to it's size measured by distance between Bounding Box Min and Max corners. For instance, if \b Burst Amount \b0 value set to 15 and object has size equal to 2 units it will emit 30 particle.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\b\f0\fs22 Fragment Amount\b0 : Every fragment will emit particles equal to \b Burst Amount \b0 value.\fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\sl276\slmult1\b\fs22 Burst Amount\b0 : Value which used by Burst Type to calculate final amount of particles which every object should emit\lang9\b .\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Distance\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Distance Rate\b0 : Defines amount of particles which should be emitted over one unit distance if object with particle system moves.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Duration\b0 : Defines duration of particles emitting by distance.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Lifetime\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Life Min\b0 : Defines minimum time of particle system existence. Final life time will be in range between Min and Max values.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Life Max\b0 : Defines maximum time of particle system existence. \fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Size\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Size Min\b0 : Defines minimum size of particle. Final size will be in range between Min and Max values.\par
\b\fs22 Size Max\b0 : Defines maximum size of particle. \fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\sl276\slmult1\lang9\i\fs44\tab\i0 Dynamic\lang1033\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs32{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/SHaJdsnciCo"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 https://youtu.be/SHaJdsnciCo}}}\lang1033\b0\f0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Speed\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Speed Min\b0 : Defines minimum initial speed of particle. Final speed will be in range between Min and Max values.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Speed Max\b0 : Defines maximum initial speed of particle. \fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Inherit Velocity\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\fs22 Inherited velocity allows to add velocity of emitter object to initial particle velocity. \fs24\par
\b\fs22 Velocity Min\b0 : Defines minimum velocity multiplier of particle. Final inherited velocity multiplier will be in range between Min and Max values.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Velocity Max\b0 : Defines maximum velocity multiplier of particle. \fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Gravity Modifier\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Gravity Min\b0 : Defines minimum gravity for particle system. Final gravity will be in range between Min and Max values.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Gravity Max\b0 : Defines maximum gravity for particle system.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Rotation\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Rotation Speed\b0 : Defines particle rotation speed.\fs24\par
\lang9\i\fs44\tab\i0 Noise\lang1033\fs24\par
\fs22 Noise allows to add some turbulent move in particle velocity.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs32{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/jlJ_NrufFGU"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 https://youtu.be/jlJ_NrufFGU}}}\lang1033\b0\f0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Main\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Enabled\b0 : Enables Noise.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Quality\b0 : Defines quality for Noise. \fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Strength\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Strength Min\b0 : Defines minimum Noise strength for particle. Final Noise strength will be in range between Min and Max values.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Strength Max\b0 : Defines maximum Noise strength for particle. \fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Other\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Frequency\b0 : Defines how frequent will be turbulence.\fs24\par
\lang9\fs44\tab Collision\lang1033\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs32{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/vWAgUohJ-zc"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 https://youtu.be/vWAgUohJ-zc}}}\lang1033\b0\f0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Common\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Collides with\b0 : Defines how total amount of burst particles for every particle system will be calculated. \fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\li720\sl276\slmult1\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 Everything\b0 : \lang1033 Object won't produce Burst particles, only Distance particles will be emitted.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 Nothing: \lang1033\b0 property value will be shared among all fragments. For instance, if \fs24\par
\b\fs22 Quality\b0 : Defines how total amount of burst particles for every particle system will be \fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\li720\sl276\slmult1\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 High\b0 : \lang1033 Object won't produce Burst particles, only Distance particles will be emitted.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 Medium: \lang1033\b0 property value will be shared among all fragments. For instance, if \fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 Low: \lang1033\b0 property value will be shared among all fragments. For instance, if \fs24\par
\b\fs22 Radius Scale\b0 : Collision sphere radius multiplier.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Dampen\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Dampen Type\b0 : Defines particle dampen. \fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\li720\sl276\slmult1\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 By Physical Material\b0 : \lang1033 Particle will get dampen by physical material friction that defined in collider of object which generated this particle system.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 By Properties: \lang1033\b0 Particle will get dampen by\b Dampen Max \b0 and \b Min \b0 properties.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Dampen Max\b0 : Defines minimum dampen value for particle. Final dampen will be in range between Min and Max values.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Dampen Max\b0 : Defines maximum dampen for particle. \fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Bounce\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Bounce Type\b0 : Defines particle bounce. \fs24\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\li720\sl276\slmult1\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 By Physical Material\b0 : \lang1033 Particle will get bounce by physical material that defined in collider of object which generated this particle system.\fs24\par
\f1\'b7\tab\lang9\b\f0\fs22 By Properties: \lang1033\b0 Particle will get bounce by \b Bounce Max \b0 and \b Min \b0 properties.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Bounce Max\b0 : Defines minimum bounce value for particle. Final bounce will be in range between Min and Max values.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Bounce Max\b0 : Defines maximum bounce value for particle. \fs24\par
\lang9\fs44\tab Limitations\lang1033\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs32{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/6QsbwvpMX4E"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 https://youtu.be/6QsbwvpMX4E}}}\lang1033\b0\f0\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Particle system\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Min Particles\b0 : Defines minimum amount of particles for particle system. If final amount of particles will be less than this value then particle system will not be created.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Max Particles\b0 : Defines maximum amount of particles for particle system. If final amount of particles will be higher than this values then particle system will be created but won't show more particles than \b Max Particles \b0 value.\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Fragments\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Percentage\b0 : Defines amount of fragments in percentage which will generate particle system.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Size Threshold\b0 : Defines minimum size in units for object to create particle system. If object size is less than this values then it won't create particle system. Using this property you can exclude very small objects from particle generation. \fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab\b0\fs44 Rendering\lang1033\fs24\par
\lang9\b\fs28\tab Shadows\lang1033\b0\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Cast Shadow\b0 : Enables shadow casting for particle debris.\fs24\par
\b\fs22 Receive Shadow\b0 : Enables shadow receiving for particle debris .\fs24\par